Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of Her

By Keelyirwin22

21.1K 214 311

Kion is a teenage male lion living in the Pridelands. One night, he had a dream. He drempt of a lioness. Thou... More

Chapter 1: The Dream
Chapter 2: Clouded Mind
Chapter 3: Some Teasing
Chapter 4: Constellation
Chapter 5: Can't Explain It
Chapter 6: Worried
Chapter 7: A Gush Of Wind
Chapter 8: Kion's Journey
Chapter 10: A Lot To Take In
Chapter 11: Let You Down
Chapter 12: Apology
Chapter 13: Witty Kion
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Ah Ha!
Chapter 16: Play Fight
Chapter 17: No...
Chapter 18: You Broke Me First
Chapter 19: Explanation
Chapter 20: GoodBye
Chapter 21: Pregnant
Chapter 22: King And Queen

Chapter 9: The Search For Love

891 9 1
By Keelyirwin22

Kion, Kiara, and Kovu left the Pridelands. Kion was angry at his parents still, but then he remembered, he was finding the lioness he had dreamed about.

"I hope mom and dad don't kill us for running away," Kiara said. "I could care less," Kion growled. "Kion, you can't be mad at them forever," Kiara said. "Watch me."

The wind blew gently, with whispers. Kion listened. Mufasa was speaking, "Head North...." Kion listened to his grandfather.

"How far do you think this place is?" Kovu asked. "Not sure," Kion replied.

"Do you know where to go?" Kiara asked. "Grandfather said to head North," Kion replied.

"Which way is that?" Kiara asked. Kion slightly frowned at his sister, "Seriously." "Hey I don't know the directions ok?" Kiara growled playfully.

"You should know them," Kion replied. Kiara tackled Kion, in a playful way.

The tussled around for a bit, but in the end, Kion pinned Kiara. Kovu chuckled.

"I win sis," Kion showed his teeth in a smile. "Only this time," Kiara replied. "We'll see about that," Kion smirked. He hopped off her, and continued walking.

Kiara and Kovu walked side by side. "You guys really get along," Kovu chuckled. "Yeah, he's a great little brother," Kiara smiled.

"C'mon guys walk faster!" Kion urged them on. "Someones excited," Kiara chuckled. "He just wants to meet the lioness he's been dreaming about," Kovu replied. Kiara nodded. They walked faster up to Kion.

After a while, they decided to sleep. Kiara cuddled up next to Kovu.

Kion layed down a distance from them. He looked up at the stars, and smiled when he saw Rani.

"I can't wait to meet you," Kion rested his head on his paws, but still looked up at the sky.

Kion wanted to meet Rani as soon as possible, so at the crack of dawn, he woke up Kiara and Kovu.

"C'mon wake up!" Kion shouted. Kiara lifted her head up. "What?" She looked around. "Guys get up! We need to get moving so I can meet Rani!" Kion jumped up and down.

"Alright lover boy, we're up," Kiara chuckled. Kovu laughed at the nickname Kiara gave Kion.

"What?" Kion turned around and faced them. "Lover boy, because you dream about a lioness," Kiara teased. Kion sighed. He should have known that bringing Kiara would cause for a lot of teasing.

"Let's just get moving," Kion said. They continued North. "Huh, for once he didn't respond with a witty remark," Kovu said. "Yeah, he must he to excited to meet Rani that he doesn't care," Kiara chuckled.

Kion ran ahead. He didn't want to walk. He felt like he had enough energy to run the the Great Kings and back.

"Kion, don't run!" Kiara shouted. "You can keep up," Kion chuckled. Kiara rolled her eyes, and Kovu chuckled.

Kiara and Kovu raced after Kion.

"I can't wait to meet Rani," Kion smiled. He ran around. "How do we even know Rani will just let us into her territory?" Kiara asked. Kion froze.

"What are you talking about?" Kion asked. "Well, she probably doesn't even know who you are. You can't just run up to her and say, 'hey I've had dreams about you for the past couple days, be my mate'," Kiara said.

"She's got a point Kion," Kovu replied. Kion sighed. "Let's just go there, and introduce ourselves. Maybe she'll let us stay," Kiara said. Kion nodded.

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