A bridge through the realms b...

By AtinaZel

250 11 1

EPILOGUE I needed to tie up some loose ends. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 7

12 1 0
By AtinaZel

Wooyoung felt good. The practices of the Ateez and the Fellaz continued normally.

Junghoon, Jinsik, and Seeun were in charge of keeping San and Woo busy with their constant questions about choreography or asking them for help to improve their steps.

They needed San and Woo to end up very tired so they wouldn't think about having sex, because the fear was that they wouldn't listen to the doctor's recommendations.

However, on the fourth day of abstinence, in the afternoon, the Fellaz had a wardrove, makeup and photo session and the Ateez had free time.

Hongjoong, Mingi and Hwa were in the music room, Yunho was taking a shower in his room, Yeo and Jongho were playing cards and San and Woo were making out on the sofa as usual, only this time, Woo started to feel like his desires began to cloud his senses, he needed to be with San urgently.

Then he began to kiss San with more passion, trying to seduce him, he sat on him and began to move. San felt how his member began to wake up and remembering the doctor's instructions, he tried to stop Woo, which caused him to start nibbling on his neck, until he managed to make San emit an obscene noise that made Yeo and Jongho look at them scared. "San, Woo..." Jongho stammered, but it was too late. San got up from the chair with Woo clinging to him like a koala and left the room, hit the hallway wall, surprising poor Yunho who was coming out of his room, who couldn't say anything. San opened the bedroom door groping around, he entered and closed it from the inside, Yunho was very worried, it was obvious that they were going to have sex "And now what am I going to say to Nurse Park?", was what he thought.

He came to the room where the other two looked anguished and they asked him about the boys. "Too late, they're locked in the bedroom.", Was Yunho's answer.

The three that were missing entered the room, "Let's watch a movie and eat some popcorn." Hwa proposed, sitting on the floor where Yeo was. Mingi felt the air wafting into the room "What's up, guys, why those faces?" Yunho was the one who answered "San and Woo are locked in their bedroom." "And we don't think playing Nintendo." Jongho added. "But damn, nobody stopped them? Now, Woo just needs to relapse again, shit." Hongjoong was very upset. "Captain, you should have seen them, nothing and no one could stop them." Yeo said seriously.

"There's nothing we can do now, let's watch the movie and hope Woo doesn't get sick again." Hwa said as he stroked Yeo's birthmark. "They are going to hear me when they go out, they never listen." added the captain of the group.


"Junhoon, try to relax. I know you're serious, but today you're too serious." Hunter commented. "You are so handsome and with that frown you are ruin your beautiful face." Yeochan added. "You're rubbing off on Jinsik and Seeun, look how serious they are. Why are you so nervous?" Yumin continued. "I'm getting scared too." Hyunwoo jumped. Sumin tried to reassure them "It's a session like we've always done, guys." Minjae, the leader, took the floor. "Try to calm down, if you are serious and nervous, the session will go wrong, and it will take longer." "Yes, guys, please, I don't want to be here all night." Yujun said.

These last words made Junhoon reacted a little.

At last, they were able to end the session, already late at night. "Don't be like that, Junhoon, it was impossible to avoid the session." Jinsik squeezed his arm. "I have an anguish headache; I hope they didn't do anything." Junhoon replied. "They're adults, they know how to obey instructions, they'll be fine, you'll see." added Seeun.


After a round of doggystyle, another of the missionary, sitting, sideways, an insatiable Woo was riding San, who already felt extremely tired, there were several hours of passion and Woo didn't want to stop. San came again and between the waves of his orgasm he saw Woo throw his head back, raise his arms and... "Woo is glowing?" San wondered, but he put it down to the exhaustion he felt.

Woo got off San and curled up on the bed, San was sweating and his breathing was erratic, he was hungry and very thirsty, too. "Woo, let's take a shower and eat something, come on." Woo grabbed the covers and curled up on the bed. San was surprised, but he went to take a shower. When he got out, he went back to talking to Woo, who snarled at him and snuggled deeper.

San needed to drink liquid, so he headed to the kitchen, where he found the other boys, who stared at him. "Nice nap." Mingi said. San blushed and went to the fridge and took out some apple juice which he drank in one shot, "I don't know what happened to Woo today." Hwa saw how tired San was "We saved food for you, we ordered pizza." "Thank you, I'm starving." "You know you shouldn't have done what you did." said the captain seriously. "I know, I'm sorry, I was very calm, I know I have to take care of Woo a lot, but I don't know what happened to him today, seriously...". Hwa intervened again "Well, it's over, let's hope it doesn't bring consequences for Woo." They all agreed.

That night, when San returned to the room, he found Woo in a nest of pillows, curled up in the covers. San had to lie on the edge of the bed without even hugging him.


Junghoon, Jinsik and Seeun didn't take their eyes off Woo. "I see him differently, he's glowing." said a very worried Junghoo. "He is so beautiful." added Seeun. "Do you think they did something?" Jinsik, was also distraught. Junghoon shrugged and sighed "Let's hope not."

The two groups danced together, Jinsik was close to Woo. Woo made a turn and stopped and began to fade, Jinsik barely had time to catch him as he fell, Hunter noticed and helped him, between the two they left him on the ground, Woo had passed out.

San immediately ran to his side, they managed to make him come to his senses a little, but San picked him up in his arms and took him to the rooms, followed by Hwa and Yeo. The captain motioned for Minjae to continue rehearsing and left as well, with Mingi and Yunho.

Junghoon, Jinsik and Seeun just looked at each other.

When they went up to the apartment, Woo wanted to stay on the sofa, he said that he already felt fine, not to worry.

Yunho went to look for nurse Park's card, when he told her what had happened, the surprise was for everyone, since she immediately appeared in the room, but she was not alone, a very beautiful woman was by her side. The boys were shocked with fright. The nurse put a stone on Woo's forehead, who was paralyzed with shock and it turned from white to red. The beautiful lady sighed.

At last, Hongjoong was able to speak "Who are you? What's going on?" "I am Hana, princess of the elves. We have been taking care of you, but I see that we have failed in our mission." she said looking at Woo. San asked "What's wrong with Woo, tell me please?" "I will, but before..." the princess concentrated and her eyes turned into a kind of spiral "Knights, come."

In the rehearsal room, Junghoon stopped, which annoyed the rest because he interrupted the coreo, but when they saw his eyes turned into a kind of spiral, they were shocked a lot. "She's calling us." Junghoon, Jinsik, and Seeun ran off, with the other seven boys trailing behind.

When they got to the Ateez room, the three boys approached the lady and bowed " Your Highness." they said in unison. "My knights, rise up." then she smiled at Junghoon opening her arms and he went to her "Grandma." The rest of them were astonished.

Then, Hana turned to Woo "You're pregnant." "You're fucking kidding..." Woo replied, San paled considerably "No, let me tell you a story..."

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