A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

153K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot

444 12 6
By melvintrey95

   The crowd was still buzzing after the conclusion of the last exciting fight. Many were praising the Aburame for his great strategy and planning. Where as others were talking down on Naruto saying that he only won because he had to use the Kyuubi. All of the noise would be put to rest as the proctor called for the next to participants. Ino Yamanaka and Kankuro. The audience was ready for this fight. They wanted to see how the heir of one of Konoha's most prestigious clans would fair against a foreign and almost completely unknown shinobi.

   Once the proctor  started the match. Ino immediately went through the hand signs for her clans signature jutsu. "Mind Transfer Jutsu." She exclaimed as she slumped to the ground, only to regain consciousness a few seconds later. "What?!? But how she exclaimed." As she stared in shock and horror at her opponent. "You see that's the downside of coming from a powerful and prestigious clan like the Yamanaka." Kankuro said as he started walking toward Ino. "All of your clans techniques are so well known that it's easy to prepare for." Kankuro finished as he grabbed Ino around the throat and proceeded to lift her up above his head. Ino wasn't about to let that continue on, as she pulled out a Kunai and stabbed it right into Kankuro's eye. But instead of a scream of pain or blood spewing out, there was silence, and to further Ino's horror, it seemed as though there was a bunch of paint that came falling off of Kankuro starting near his eye where the kunai was, and within a few seconds, the real face of Kankuro was shown, or rather the puppets face was shown. As it's  mouth unhinged and looked as if it was about to shoot something out of its mouth, but it didn't get the chance as Ino kicked it across the face with enough force to make it's head spin around a good three times. But that did absolutely nothing to help Ino's current situation, she still had a hand wrapped around her throat, and she was losing air fast. So she quickly grabbed her Kunai out of the puppets eye and jabbed it into the a joint in its arm, making it seperate from the puppet as Ino was able to fall back to the ground, but to her suprise the arm was still choking her despite being seperated from the body of the puppet.

   While this was happening, the bundle on the back of the puppet started to unbind itself as its contents finally revealed themselves. Once freed from the wraps, it was revealed that Kankuro was inside of the bundle, and had been controlling the puppet from inside of the bundle on the puppets back. Once he was free from the bundle, he turned his full attention toward the still immobilized Ino. Seeing that she was still being choked by his puppets arm, he decided to increase the pressure and tell Ino to give up and he'll spare her life. Ino would refuse though as she threw a kunai at kankuro which was quickly deflected by one of the puppets many hidden weapon compartments.

   Back with Shisui and his fight with Danzo's two right hand men. It wasn't as easy as Shisui had originally planned. Torune and his special insects were proving to be quite the adversary, and without his sharingan he would have been done for a long time ago. Added into the mix was Fu who was chipping in every now and then with various sword strikes and support kunai and shuriken.

   On the other side of the battle. Shisui was turning out to be everything that they had thought him to be. He was definitely a high level shinobi. And his nickname Shisui of teleportation was well earned as everytime Torune and Fu had thought they had a clean shot at Shisui he would almost instantly vanish. Torune's insects, and Fu being very well trained in the Yamanaka clans jutsu could easily finish this fight in a single blow if they could just get Shisui to stand still for a second. But Shisui knew this so he wasn't about to stand still. Shisui knew that if he could get close enough to either of the two then he could finish the fight off by putting one of them in a genjutsu, or by delivering a fatal blow with his tanto, but they also knew this so they were trying to keep their distance, and cover for each other if they made a mistake.

   Torune sent a torrent of regular insects towards Shisui who tried them all with a fireball jutsu. Fu looked to take advantage of the distraction as he took a swipe with his sword in the direction of Shisui with a victorious smirk as he sliced him, but that smirk quickly turned into a frown of disgust as he realized that all he had sliced was a pesky after image. As he barely had time to move out of the way of a Shisui slash attempt. Only to be immediately swarmed by bugs, just for that to also disappear as an after image. It was at this point that Shisui had decided to show off, as Torune and Fu were suddenly surrounded by about 6 or 7 different Shisui's. As soon as they managed to if one of them another one just took it's spot. Then the attacks started coming, several different kicks and punches coming from different spots at seemingly the same time, slowly picking apart the two Root Elites.

   Back in the Exam arena. Ino was still trying vehemently to get out of the clutches of Kankuro's puppet. But everything she did seemed to end up being a wasted effort. But she wasn't about to give up. She quickly scanned her surroundings looking for anything that could get her out of this situation. That's when she saw it, a small glimmer of what she assumed was chakra, connecting the arm to Kankuro. Ino then realized that Kankuro was a puppet master so he had used a chakra thread to control his puppet from afar. That means he was connected to the puppet. Ino instantly knew what she could do, as she went through the hand signs for one of her families jutsu. Kankuro realized what she was doing and made his puppet increase it's grip on her throat. After a half a second Ino slumped over, as Kankuro realesed the grip thinking he had just one, he either killed her or choked her unconscious. But when he went to walk away, he found out that he couldn't move, and that he wasn't in control of his body.

   "Success!" Ino screamed from inside of Kankuro's head, much to the shock and dismay of Kankuro himself. "What?! But how?" Was all Kankuro could force himself to say. "Simple you aren't as good, or as intelligent as you think you are. You said you knew everything about my famlies jutsu, yet you overlooked a crucial detail. I dont have to be looking at you to enter you mind. I can send my consciousness to another person via a direst transfer, like a piece of wire, or hair. Or something chakra related, like your chakra thread that you use to control your puppets." Ino finished explaining, much to the surprise of Kankuro. Who was absolutely helpless to stop Ino when she forced Kankuro to quit from inside of his own mind. The proctor then called the match and awarded the win to Ino, who as soon as she heard the declaration returned to her body. As soon as she got there she immediately started taking some deep breaths and held her throat where she had been strangled as she slowly ambled back up to the competitors box. Kankuro on the other hand returned to his side grumbling about how he was outsmarted, and by a girl nonetheless. His sister Temari didn't take too kindly to that. Asking Kankuro what being a girl had to do with it, to whkch Kankuro cowered in fear as he hid behind his brother Gaara, but as soon as he realized who he was cowering behind he quickly leaped out from behind Gaara and hid behind Temari, who immediately proceeded to throttle him.

   Back over with Shisui, he and Torune and Fu were slowly wearing down and getting tired. Shisui knew he would have to end this fast as he couldn't afford to waste anymore energy or chakra. He still had a mission to finish and this was just the first part of the mission. Shisui continued to send wave after wave of his after images at the two. Attempting to wear then our enough to where they started making mistakes, or hopefully overwhelm them into making one. It didn't take long as Fu made a grave mistake in assuming that the Shisui in front of him was just an after image. He found out real quick that it was not, as he felt it kick him in the back and send him flying toward Torune who out of instinct caught his best friend. Which led to Fu being infected by the purple insects. For a split second there was a look of disbelief, then regret, then remorse spread across the eyes of Torune. Then those same eyes turned lifeless as Shisui was able to skewer Torune on his tanto, stabbing him through the heart. Quickly discarding the body of Torune, Shisui quickly turned his attention toward the rapidly decaying Fu. Shisui would walk up to him and ask him where Danzo was. Fu wouldn't say anything, forever loyal and obedient toward Danzo, no matter how many times Shisui asked him. Shisui finally decided to just put him in a genjutsu and get the information that way. Once placed inside the genjutsu all of Fu's stubborn blind loyalty fell apart as Shisui was able to see everything including the conversation the two had with Danzo not even ten minutes ago. Shisui grinned as he had the answer he wanted, as he released Fu from the genjutsu and tossed his body beside Torune. Shisui debated between burning the bodies or not, but ultimately decided he didnt have time as he quickly raced toward Danzo's secret location, cutting down any root operatives that got in his way.

   Back in the arena everyone was ready to get on with the next match, as the two Kage had finished their discussion about if either Ino or Kankuro were worthy of being named a Chunnin. They both decided that they both were not ready. Back down on the field everyone was excited for the next matchup as Temari and Choji had entered the arena and were to fight as soon as the proctor gave the signal.

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