Supernatural Academy

By Delles

999 21 2


Supernatural Academy-1

Supernatural Academy-2

235 10 2
By Delles

I hadn’t realised I had actually fallen asleep until Ethan woke me up. He had brought me up some food: Pepperoni Pizza.  He sat on the side of my bed besides me while I ate. I purposefully avoided his eyes. The eye’s which watch my every move, every inch of my body looking out for bruises or cuts. I finished the last of the pizza and slid the plate off my lap to the side of the bed “Thanks” I whispered. He sighed and pulled me into a tight embrace. I couldn’t help but let it all go and sobbed in his arms like the little girl I am. I felt safe in his arms and loved. He rocked me back and forth shushing and whispering to me that everything is going to be ok. But he and I both know it will take a miracle to think everything is going to be ok.

Day two, 6:00 AM

I crept downstairs and silently made my way to the kitchen and tried as hard as I can to not disturb my mom and her friends from her book club. I don’t know why they are here so early in the morning, don’t they have lives, work? “OH, Sammie dear!” I stopped and sighed when I heard my mother’s voice echo from the reception room. I turned round slowly and backed up two spaces “Mom. Hi.” I managed a half hearted smile and raised my hand to say hello to her ignorant, snobbish friends, except one actually. “Hasn’t she grown?!” Leslie, summers mom; She is what a mom should be like -In my opinion that is- “Hi Leslie” She grabbed me and hugged me tight. I winced from the pain in my ribs from when my dad kicked me not too long ago “What’s wrong?” she glanced down at my stomach and frowned “It’s nothing Leslie! Come sit.

Sammie is just being stupid” I felt my eyes sting and I left the room leaving Leslie standing and looking on after me with pity all over her face. I grabbed my bag off of the floor where I had left it the night before and swung it over my shoulder. I popped my head round the door. “By everyone” I closed the door behind me and started off down my long stretched out road. It was quite a long walk from my house to my school. I had to walk because I had no car and because my brother only went to school the days he had class which meant he had work today and so ...I had no ride.

“English!” shouted Mr Carpe our English teacher. “What is the pure beauty? Do you really understand it?” He gave us that all too well famous look, the look which tells us all he is pin pointing his victim “Elisha” he looked directly at the girl sitting next to me. She’s a smart girl...when she wanted to be that is.

Her long brown hair complimented her soft brown eyes and curvy model like figure. And by the look on her face he had caught her off guard. “Sir” He held her gaze and lent against the desk with his arms crossed. “What would have happened if Shakespeare never gave us Romeo and Juliet?” His voice boomed throughout the classroom “He would have given us another pair of star-cross’d lovers to talk about?” The class erupted into small giggles and coughs. “Elisha the only thing near enough Shakespearian was the term ‘star- cross’d’ I felt her sink even more into her seat. I glanced up at him and he looked at her with disappointment, I continued staring out the window “Samantha?” Damn it.

I looked up and stared at him “What is English to you?” I carried on staring at him. The class grew silent after a while that was when I spoke up “It means knowledge and peace to me” I answered looking out the window again. He was quiet before he sighed “And why Peace?” I made an annoyed sound and hesitated before carrying on “It’s something I like to – welcome-” I chose my words wisely “when I need to take my mind off of things...I guess. It brings me peace to know the things I write are unreal and made up –My imagination- to the things I actually say” I shrugged it off. Carpe was probably in his early 20s with shaggy black hair and the most unreal flammable like eyes. He was tall and most likely every girls dream guy. I had to admit he was quite good-looking.

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