Tensura: One-shots and Storie...

By The_Inferior

39.6K 1K 699

Based on the title, this is a fanfic where it will only be filled with short stories from my imagination. For... More

(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon
(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon(part2)
(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon(part3)
(Crossover #1): Rimuru X Chainsaw man
(Crossover #1): Rimuru X Chainsaw man (part2)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part2)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part3)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part4)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part5)
(Story#3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part2)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part3)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part4)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part5)
(One-shot#1): Temporal Freedom
(Special story#1): My Delinquent (part1)
(Special story#2): Messiah's Love(part1 revised)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part6)

(Story #2): Dragon Prince

2.8K 77 55
By The_Inferior

--/Well, I'm sorry for not uploading new chapters. The reason is because my school suddenly entered the second test so I didn't have time. But now I'm free! WRYYYYYY!/--


Once upon a time, there was a Star Dragon named Veldanava. He is the Creator of all things including the world. One day, he fell in love with a mortal being, a human.

The human that he loved was a woman and a princess of one of the human kingdoms, the woman was named Lucia Nasca.

Veldanava loves Lucia so much that he is willing to incarnate himself as a human named Velda Nava, to be with her. He initially befriended her after training her brother Rudra Nasca, the Prince of her homeland's kingdom.

And as time passed, they finally got married and had two children, a boy and a girl. Their son inherited his father's appearance only slightly different with a hair color almost identical to his own beautiful dark blue galactic hair color, while his son's hair was beautiful silvery blue like the clear sky. Also has a pair of golden yellow eyes and a very gorgeous face that makes people misunderstand him as a girl, who is similar to his father who is also beautiful, and yet handsome.

He was given the name Rimuru Nava by his mother, he was the first born.

--/Asnah(me):I think a beautiful and handsome man might be called Bishonen? Maybe?/--

While his younger sister has a similar appearance as her mother's side Lucia or maybe now can be known as Lucia Nava. Having the same hair as their mother which is pale pink, also has a pair of blue colored eyes and a cute face.

She was given the name Milim Nava by her father, she is Rimuru's younger sister.

Sometimes, their father siblings or their aunts Velzard and Velgrynd will come to visit them once in a while, even that is just to go see them, especially Rimuru. However, their aunt was always busy with other work so they had to finish that work first before going to visit them.

However, Rimuru only saw that it was only her two aunts who visited them while their uncle whom they had heard from their father did not come even once. It made them both wonder why..

Then, their father built a magnificent and luxurious palace using the remaining power he had before it disappeared. This is so because his power has been drained and bequeathed to Rimuru and Milim, especially Milim because the most of all the power went to her.

There, they lived happily in the castle where it was located on top of a beautiful mountain with a great river flowing downstream, the castle was actually a fake replica that was recreated based on the original castle that was far above all dimensions. Which is the Heavenly Star Palace.

It was their happy story.

Until a heartbreaking event occurred...


One day, Rimuru and Milim are in a room while their parents are outside.

The two of them were sitting together with a small earth dragon. Milim was trying to tie up and style her brother Rimuru's long hair while Rimuru just let his little sister do as she pleased, with a bit of discomfort.

--/Asnah(me): Not mine also credit to the artist/--

"Wahahaha! Rimuru-nii-chan! Your hair is very soft and funny-noda Look look! Braided hair like I have! Now we are twins-noda!"

Milim shouted cheerfully as she continued to braid her brother's hair.

"Milim, stop it please. My hair is not a string toy that you can tie as you please....."

Said his brother in a slightly annoyed tone while sweatdropped.

But unfortunately, Milim did not listen to her brother's words and instead ignored him while continued to braid her brother's hair with various types of hair braids.

Rimuru can only give up and let out a sigh because if he continues his refusal speech, Milim will surely cry and whine like a child....well, she is indeed still a child.

As Milim was playing with his hair, a small earth dragon came up to him and licked his cheek.

"Hahaha...okay fine, I'm not mad anymore. You could stop licking me, Gaia."

Rimuru said with a chuckle as he petted the earth dragon, who was named Gaia.

Gaia, is a baby dragon who is in the process of growing up with attributes of the earth element. She was created after Milim was born, then became a companion and pet for both of them.

Being caressed, Gaia let out a soft purring sound as a reaction to her master's caress.

Then suddenly, their door was forced open and it appeared that the one who opened the door was their mother Lucia, who was injured with one arm bleeding and dripping.


They both said with surprise and concern.

"Rimuru, Milim. Come with me, hurry!"

Said their mother as she held his bloody arm.

They followed their mother with the intention of asking why? However, they restrained that intention.

On the way while following their mother until they reached a windowed hallway, they saw a lot of damage outside their palace. There were hundreds of fire arrows stuck to the walls, fire everywhere and so many iron-armored humans lying on the ground.

It was as if they were now under attack.

"M-mom, what is happening?"

Rimuru asked with a slight sense of uneasiness suddenly enveloping him.

"Could it be that this is a game-noda! I'm starting to like it-noda!"

Said Milim innocently and completely not understanding the situation.

Lucia didn't answer their question instead she went behind them and hugged.

"There's nothing to worry about and yes we're playing a game right now...So don't worry, okay Sweetheart?"

Answered their mother gently and with a smile, but a little less energetic.

"Really? Yatta! Have we won-noda?"

Milik replied with joy.

"Is that true...?"

Rimuru responded with some doubt after seeing her mother's forced smile.


His mother answered.

They then began to walk again and continued walking until they reached a room.

Lucia led them to sit in the center of the room and locked the door.

She then approached her children and knelt down with both legs until her body level was almost at the same level as Rimuru and Milim.

"Listen and remember this well, okay? darling? I want you both to know that mommy and daddy love you both so much, okay?"

She said in a sad tone and wanted to cry.

She then turned her attention to Rimuru and stroked his cheek gently.

"Rimuru...I know you are a smart boy, so please take good care of your sister, okay? Can you promise me?"

A request made by his own mother. Rimuru really didn't understand or know what was going on, however, he could only feel the sadness and pain in his heart that suddenly covered him.

"All right, mom....I promise."

Even so, he can only accept even if he doesn't really understand what his mother is saying.

Lucia then turned to her daughter and said.

"Milim, don't be naughty and follow whatever your brother says, okay...?"

Milim who heard that just tilted her head, confused.

"Where do you want to go, mom?"

She asked while pulling the hem of her mother's shirt.

Lucia simply smiled.

"Don't worry I ain't going anywhere. After all, if you feel lonely then remember that Gaia and your brother will be with you."

She said gently as she stroked Milim's hair.

Milim just nodded even though she didn't really understand.

Lucia then hugged them again before slowly standing up again and backing away a little.

Lucia raised both her hands, including the wounded one, facing the three of them.

Then, a glowing blue circle appeared under their feet. That's the magic circle of teleportation.

"Mother? W-what is this? What's going on?"

Rimuru asked with anxiety that was becoming more and more obvious.

Meanwhile, Milim was just hugging Gaia, with a slightly worried and yet confused expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, dear. But mom and dad probably won't follow you three...."

Their mother's last sentence before they were teleported to another place, a place a little closer to their palace. That is at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as they were teleported, Rimuru quickly turned to the castle they called home. And he widened his eyes at what he witnessed, he saw many or rather thousands of iron armored humans with weapons lined up to storm and destroy their palace.

Rimuru felt something inside of him, a rage and sadness.

He wanted to vent his anger on them but, a voice that made him aware and calm again was heard.

"Rimuru-nii-chan, me and Gaia are hungry..."

It was the voice of his sister Milim, saying with her face looking to the opposite side of him. Likewise with Gaia who is currently in Milim's arms.

It seems that she is not aware that their house has been destroyed by humans who are greedy for the splendor and wealth of their palace.

Rimuru suddenly remembered the orders, advice and vows he had promised his mother.

He then approached the two of them and when Milim wanted to turn her face towards him, Rimuru immediately and purposely covered her eyes so that she wouldn't see something that would break her heart.

"Well, let's find food in an elf kingdom that we visited with mom and dad back then."

He said as he put on a poker face and smiled sweetly to make his little sister happy.

"Oh! Let's go-noda! I can't wait to see the kingdom again-noda!"

Milim shouted enthusiastically as she lifted Gaia into the air.

Rimuru just forced a sweet smile to see her sister happy. For him now, only Milim and Gaia are his family.

Meanwhile after they are teleported....

"Raphael, as your last work, please look after and accompany my children. Rimuru is smart and knows how to hide his feelings, please be his teacher so that he knows that life is actually bright..."

Lucia's last words as she walked towards her husband Velda's body who resigned to give his life to greedy humans, who was leaning against a tree in the middle of the garden that was on fire.

She then leaned in his lap. And sleep forever... forever together with her beloved husband.

【Understood, bequeathing the ultimate skill [Wisdom King Raphael] to the mistress descendant, namely Rimuru Nava, through the [Soul Corridor]..... Successful!.....Farewell, Lucia-sama and Velda-sama...】

That is the story of a dragon prince and princess who are now orphans and must continue their lives even though it is bitter and painful.

They just kept walking and walking without looking back.

What will be their story later after arriving in the kingdom of elves?

--/Continued to the next chapter, because my fingers are tired of typing, so see ya soon! I want to watch jojo:Stone Ocean./--

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