the bad guys in: KANDYLAND

By BiancaSantana880

5.3K 53 56

From the writer that brought you security breach and the fazbear case. The bad guys are back on one more job... More

Birthday surprise
Suzy sncktime
Same fate
Tooki toucan
Mr. Smiles
The other side of kandyland
Afton's game
Attack of the animatronics
Fighting back
The answer may shock you
The final battle

battle time

301 3 6
By BiancaSantana880

"Everyone get ready" wolf says.

and as everyone gets ready, snake was going to fix things between princess and shark.

He slithers you her, "hey, about happened to know he didn't mean to hurt you, he would never hurt's just that-"

"I know, I shouldn't have been afraid, I got so scared, ugh. I must've offended him"

"Nah he's Jaír thinks you hate him"

"What! course I don't hate him, he kept me safe, I was so afraid of, snake i didn't mean to Ake him feel sad"

"Don't worry the sooner we get out of here, you can apologize to him later"

"Ok thank you snake"

She hugged him.

But Just then something jumped off the stage, they all turned to see a dinosaur human sized animatronic.

He wears a rockstar's attire and wields an electric guitar. He is bulky and very tall, easily shark's height, he has a Mohawk and black shades.

"It's party time" the dinosaur yelled as she puts his fist together and bashed a table when he was supposed to hit wolf and Diane but they moved.

"Quickly protect webs" wolf says.

Shark got on the Dinosaur's back, he tries to get shark off but then....

"Howdy partner" they hear a female voice, looking up, they see a female fox with big blonde hair.

She jumps down, "it's party time" the dinosaur says.

"He max you know what day it is" the fox asked.

"No! What is it foxanna" max asked as he spins around hoping to pull him off.

"It's time to dance" then she sees webs trying to give birth.

"Oh and it looks like we have a birthday girl in the stage"

Foxanna ran and when she jumped in the air, she flexed put her claws, opens up her mouth to show her sharp teeth.

Webs and princess begin to panicked, princess coved webs to protect her but a pizza platter sliced her head off,

Headless foxanna landed on her feet and fell on her legs.

Webs and princess looked up to see it the platter was thrown by piranha.

He jumps off the table and on foxanna, he steps on her hand being sure she was dead.

"No one attacks my wife and baby"

Then out of nowhere, teen chica cane running, she was grabbed princess, pinning her to the ground.

"Ugh let me go you brute" princess tries to pulls her arms off her but teen chica proved she was too strong for her.

"It's always been about you" teen chica says in a distorted voice.

And when princess kicked her face, it revealed half her endoskeleton face and her eyes turned red.

"All he wants is you, it's only been about you, like no one else matters, what's so special about you anyway, why no me, why can't he just love me, but all he cares you, not anymore" she raised her hand up, flexed out her claws but before she could scratch princess.

Snake glared and he wrapped himself around chica pulling her set from princess.

"No! You do not touch my daughter"

Princess gets up, terrified by teen chica but then...

Right behind her, Suzy snacktime was back for revenge.

She was about to grab princess when Diane bashed her head with the pizza platter over and over again.

Max then hit shark against a jukebox and don't stop me now plays.

Everyone got confused but falling from the air ventilation was the rat animatronic.

"Oh great you got to be kidding me" snake groaned then teen chis grabbed his neck, pulls him down, gets on top of him and bangs his head against the floor.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow" snake groaned.

Wolf grabs a chair and tries to smacked the rat but it was too fast for him.

"You know this thing" wolf asked as he tried to kick it too.

"Yeah! I found what was making noises in the ventilation"

Then billy was back for round two, he looked a mess and when piranha saw him, he got angry.

"Ugh not you again" he groaned, then he pounced on billy, he grabs Billy's fist and he punches his face till he had dents.

"AH!!" Webs screamed loud, she was in pain as she was about to give birth at a showbiz pizza parlor, which wasn't exactly the best time for a baby to be born.

Princess ran to her, she dabs her face a bit to wipe off the sweat.

"You're doing great webs just try to relax, take deep breaths"

Piranha looks back, he looks worried, he's worried that the baby could die if webs gives birth too early But if the baby arrives webs could die for giving too much pressure.

There was too many possibilities and with the animatronics attacking.

"Ok just breath like this"

As princess helps webs with breathing practice, a pair of extended arms wrapped around her.


Behind her was me. Smile kandy Suzy snacktime and tooki, they were damaged and back.

Then as shark was being pinned by Rex, he saw princess was being attached, mr. Smiles held her close to his face, about to eat her.

His blood boiled and he got angry, he bite Rex's snout, then he punched a hole in his chest and Rex died.

He pushes Rex off then he charged to kandy and his friend, he punched mr. Smiles head clean off as ge dropped princess.

Princess saw how shark was risking his life to protect despite she was afraid of him.

Then he ripped his arms off, grabs him by his legs, swings him around and throws him into kandy and the others, then he rammed them with his arm crushing them into a wall, destroying them...hopefully.

Princess was blissfully for his heroic protection to saving her.

"AH!!! The baby's coming!! THE BABY'S COMING!!!" Webs started to panicked when princess sits next to her.

She was crying and billy kicked piranha to a wall.

"Agh!" He grunts when he felt one of his ribs breaking, he grabs a hold of his left side but saw billy looking up at him.

Billy looks at webs then to piranha smiling sinisterly.

"It looks like your wife is about to give birth"

Piranha jaw dropped when billy torments him.

"It's a shame you won't make it in time to safe them both"

As billy chuckles, piranha clenched his fist...


He pounced on billy, stopping him from getting to webs as she breaths heavily.

Then piranha starts punching him till his fist was black from billy oil fluids.


He pulled his buzzsaw arm off...

"YOU DARÉ THREATENED MY WIFE ANS CHILD NOT ON MY WATCH YOU ASESINO PSICO ROTOIC, YOU...DO...NOT...TOUCH...MY WIFE OR BABY YOU Monstruo, Espero que te pudras en el infierno, maldito idiota!!"

Then shake wrapped his tail around teen chica's neck, he was choking her when wolf cornered the rat and smashed him to pieces.

"Who's behind this...why princess"

But chica laughed and smiles sinisterly, "he always said you never could figured it"

And as she laughed harder, snake got really angry.

He clutched his fist really tight and he crushed her neck, killing her.

"AH!!" At the same time piranha and webs screamed at the same time.

Piranha puts his fist together, and bashed Billy's head to piece while webs pushed real hard.

As olí splattered on piranha's face, the room was filled with the sound of a newborn crying.

This is the moment everyone was been waiting for, piranha and web baby.

The time was come, webs tears stained her face as she held their baby in her green striped hoodie, she had a black tee shirt on.

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