The Professor

By 0Sibby0

9.4K 208 283

Teacher's pet takes on a whole new meaning when Professor Hiddleston is your teacher. Ann Hendricks finds thi... More

The Surprise
College Roommate
The Vanity
The Date
The End

Teacher's Pet

3.5K 49 57
By 0Sibby0

I run from the book store as fast as I can across campus. Thank god I ran track in high school I think as I literally hurdle over a trash can. The lecture has already started when I burst through the doors. *shit every seat is taken except in the front row. Now I have to walk past the entire lecture hall to get to a seat.

I put my head down and quickly scurry down the steps to the front row. Every eye is on me and it's dead silent. "Sorry!" I wave to everyone with an embarrassed chuckle before taking a seat. "Well...thank you for deciding to join us Ms.?"

The professor says as I set my stuff down and dig out my book.
"Ann...the name's Ann, Professor. I'm sorry for the disruption." I say just as I look up.

*Um...Wow...okay I'm no longer complaining about getting a front row seat to this hunk show! Hellloooo Professor Daddy!* I think as my heart starts to race. "It's fine but please try to make it to class on time from here on out. Tony over there even made it, and he was crawling home from the pub at 3:00am, weren't you Tony?" The professor chuckles.

Everyone laughs and Tony smirks "that's right! I was celebrating our victory over Trinity!" He quips boisterously. I roll my eyes, meatbeads like Tony are what makes college almost unbearable. "Wait, how'd you know that professor?" Tony asks. The professor smirks, "you weren't the only one out celebrating" he says laughing. Everyone starts oowing and aweing impressed that the professor has a life outside of work.

He then starts his lecture and I do my best to keep up taking notes without getting distracted by his ass in those tight dark jeans that I'm eye level with. It's really hard to listen to anything this man says when my mind keeps wandering off as I stare at him. He's got luscious auburn curls, and those legs and fingers are so freaking long. I can't help but to think naughty thoughts as my eyes look him up and down. I wonder if he's just long everywhere? What I wouldn't give for the chance to find out. I bet he's got great eyes as well behind those glasses. Oh and don't get me started on that accent *swoon!*

"Alright! I guess that's all the time we have for today" he says. Everyone quickly stands up and starts packing up their things. "See you Thursday" he adds. Just as I start to walk up the steps to leave he says "oh Ms. Ann!"  I stop and turn around on the first step. *is he talking to me?* I think as I anxiously chew my lip while slowly turning around. I'm suddenly eye to eye with Professor hottie pants.

"Yes?" I reply looking over the top of my reading glasses. He nervously pauses. " syllabus. I gave them out to everyone before you joined us." He says handing me a booklet of stapled papers. I look down at it scanning it over. "Thank you!" I reply then pause. "I don't see office hours on here anywhere though." I say looking at him confused.

"My cell phone number is right here at the top. I find it easier to text my students personally than hold office hours. I'm available anytime. I know that college students have a lot going on and hold non traditional hours themselves, so I like to be available anytime" he says smiling.

"Oh...that's smart" I reply surprised. "So if you ever need anything or have a question, feel free to text me" he tells me with a polite smile. "Thank you Professor um..." I say searching the syllabus. " mean Hiddleston. It's Professor Hiddleston." He says with an anxious smirk.

"Well, okay then, Professor Hiddleston, I'm Ann. Nice to meet you." I reply. "Do you have a last name Ann?" He asks curiously.

"I do, do you have a class roster?" I sarcastically reply with a flirty grin. His whole demeanor quickly changes. A stern look washes over his face and his hands slide into his pockets. One eyebrow arches up as he tips his chin down. I suddenly feel like I'm in trouble. "Well...ahem *clears his throat* I'll um...just have to dig it out then" he says with a bothered sigh. "Good day Ann" he replies before abruptly walking away.

That night I have a shift at "All Balls" which is the popular sports bar just off campus. There's a football game being televised locally between two of our rival schools. Whichever wins, we face next week in the playoffs, so the crowd is extra rowdy tonight. "Hello...welcome to All Balls can I start you off with our draft special tonight? It's a tall Cider Boys for $1.00." I say looking down at my paper as I approach my final table of the night. I then let out a tired sigh before looking up.

"Um...hello, I'd actually like a scotch on the rocks please...Ann, is it?" The customer says. "Oh...hi! Professor Hiddleston. Sorry it's been a crazy night." I reply completely caught off guard. "I'm sure it has, campus is quite chaotic this evening." He says taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes as if the noise is bothering his head. He then looks back up at me and I notice how astonishingly blue his eyes are, they sparkle brightly against light from all of the TV sets.

"Yes, it's nuts in here tonight." I then mutter after getting lost in thought staring at his mesmerizing eyes. He then puts his glasses back on and I ask "do you need a minute to decide?" He suddenly realizes that there's a menu laying in front of him and chuckles embarrassed. "Yes, I believe I do, sorry" he says. "No worries, take your time, I'll get your drink" I tell him then I turn and walk over to the bar.

On my way back to the Professor's table, one of my other tables nearby stops me. "Ann...Ann...pretty little Annie!" Tony from Professor Hiddleston's class, who's very drunk by the way, says grabbing my arm as I walk by. "Oh hey Tony, do you need something?" I ask. He pulls me down onto his lap almost causing me to spill the drink that I'm carrying. "Yeah, I need something babe" he playfully says trying to bury his mouth between my breasts. Then he starts to rub the inside of my thighs "alrighty then, I've got work to do!" I reply quickly jumping up off his lap. "Wait...where are you going sweet tits?" He loudly shouts.

I scoff then walk away but before I'm out of reach he firmly slaps my ass and laughs with his buddies. I whip around and get right up in his face "touch me again you fuck nut and you'll be eating your own dick for dessert!" I sneer before storming off. "Ooowwww..." his friends say laughing.

When I approach the professor's table I'm completely flustered from that interaction. "Breath" he says to me as soon as I set his drink down. "I saw what he did. What a prick!" he says shaking his head. I start to laugh not expecting a professor to call a student a prick.

"Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say with a sigh. "Would you like me to give him an "F" on his exam Thursday?" He says with a devilish grin. "You wouldn't?" I reply smirking, "oh yes I would, and if I'm being honest, he'll probably flunk it anyway. He hasn't passed one yet, this is his third time taking my course" he says chuckling.

"Thanks for the laugh" I say giggling. "Have you read the first assigned chapter yet?" he asks me as he sits back in the booth putting his arm up across the back of it. "No, not yet, I was planning to tonight when I get home after my shift" I reply. "Well, aren't you the good little student." He says smirking. "I try" I reply blushing. "You most certainly are Ms. Ann Hendricks" he then says as he looks at me over the top of takes his scotch glass while taking a sip. "Ah, you figured out my last name!" I quip.

He lightly chuckles, "that I did, it wasn't easy either. I've got four Ann's on my roster" he replies.

"Well, Professor, are you ready to order?" I politely ask. "I'll have the Cobb salad please" he says closing the menu and handing it to me. I slightly laugh "this is probably the only salad that we've sold all night" I tell him. "Ah yes, it's wing night. But I have to watch my girly figure." He jokes with a wink. *Fuck...did my professor really just wink at me?* I think walking away blushing.

The game is finally over and the restaurant is starting to clear out. I stand by the servers station yawning fighting to keep my eyes open. The Professor just finished eating so I ask him if I can get him anything else. "Just the check please." He replies.

I hand him the check then he says "wait, this is for you" as he hands me a paper placemat with writing all over it. "What's this?" I ask as I start to read it. "Consider it cliff notes on the first chapter. I couldn't help but notice you yawning over there by the kitchen." He says with a polite smile. "Isn't this cheating?" I ask in disbelief.

"I won't tell if you don't" he says smirking. "Besides, I pulled up your transcripts and they're quite impressive. You've definitely earned a bit of a break after seeing what you've had to put up with here tonight." He says nodding at Tony who's still lingering in his booth.

I sigh and roll my eyes after looking back in that direction. "Yeah...that guy's a real peach" I reply. "Thank you for's very sweet of you." I say holding up the notes. "Does this make me teacher's pet?" I ask with a coy grin. He then sits forward in the booth and takes his glasses off bashfully looking down. His hand covers his eyes across his forehead as he rubs them contemplating his response. I then realize that he's trying not to look at me. *Shit, I overstepped and embarrassed him!*

After a minute he looks up and his hand comes away from his face, he slowly sits back again giving me a smug look. He's sucking his bottom lip through his teeth and his eyes are piercing right through me. *HOLY CRAP, HE LOOKS SO INTIMIDATING RIGHT NOW!*

"So, you want to be my pet?" He asks in a sultry tone as those blue eyes stare into my soul. The way he says it, my heart immediately skips a beat and I'm too stunned to say anything back. I'm usually really good with witty comebacks, but this man has just left me speechless.

He slowly stands up taking a step closer to me, we're now shoulder to shoulder as he stands next to me. He slides the bill and his cash into my hand then leans in next to my ear and says "the position's yours if you want it, pet."

*OH MY GOD! Did that just really happen?* I ask myself still stunned. He then smirks and walks away. I look down at the bill in my hand and it takes me a minute to regroup. Then I notice that he gave me a $100.00 bill for a $17.00 check. *I guess being teacher's pet pays pretty well!*

"HEY! got plans tonight?" Tony says as he finally starts to get up and leave. He got the hint that it was closing time once my boss turned up all of the lights. "I'm studying." I reply clearing a table. "Studying? Nah...come on, you should come celebrate the big win with us!" He says putting his arm around my shoulder. I politely try to remove it but he's too drunk and persistent. "You know you want to!" He says in a sing songy tone.

Just then my manager comes out and sees the dilemma that I'm in. "Hey kid, time to go! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!" He says to Tony. "We'll be a Club Toxic, if you want to come!" He tells me as he leans in and plants a slobbery kiss on my cheek like a puppy. *BLAH! Gross! I'd rather go home and masturbate with a cactus!*

I leave the restaurant about 45 minutes later and scurry across campus to my apartment. As I pass the lecture hall that I have Professor Hiddleston's class in, it reminds me of his comment. *My god, he's so fucking hot! I still wonder if he was joking, or if he was seriously flirting with me.*

Then I hear a voice from the alleyway between the buildings "oh Annie Fanny...where ya headed?" Tony says stepping out from the shadows. "Home" I say putting my head down as I continue walking. "Want an esssscort?" He drunkenly slurs as he almost trips over a bench. "I'm good thanks!" I say with a wave.

Just then he grabs my hand that's up in the air and forces it behind my back. He then slams my body face first into a building. "Ahhh...OUCH! Tony...what the fuck?!" I angrily yell. "We're just gonna have a little fun, okay sweetheart? Close those pretty little eyes of yours, and I'll be quick" he moans into my ear still pinning my arm tightly.

He then starts trying to yank my leggings down. I'm finally able to snap out of the daze from hitting my head enough to realize what he's doing. I try and fight him off of me but he's a lineman on the football team and he's pretty strong. "ARGH! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU PERVERT!" I scream. "SHHH! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE CUNT!" He growls.

"HEY! GET OFF OF HER!" A voice shouts then I hear quickening footsteps approaching as a door slams off in the distance. "What are you gonna do if I don't PUNK?!" Tony quips back laughing. I hear the footsteps come closer then suddenly stop right next to me and Tony says "oh shit! Professor...I'm sorry Ann!"

"You're damn right you are!" Professor Hiddleston sneers angrily. "You can expect a call from Dean Winthrop tomorrow Mr. O'Connol!" The Professor tells him.

I suddenly decide that it's a good idea to whip my head backwards and headbutt Tony in the face. He quickly lets go of my arm and grabs his nose "arrrhh! You BITCH!" He cries out then drunkenly stumbles away. I start to laugh then everything goes black.

"Ouch, god! My head!" I moan as I open my eyes and look around. "Not so fast, take it easy. I think you have a concussion" Professor Hiddleston says.
"Where the am I?" I ask looking around. "You're in my office. I was leaving here when I heard you struggling with Mr. O'Connel in the alleyway." He says.
"Oh yeah, that asshole" I groan laying back down. "I can drive you to a hospital if you'd like" he says.

"No, I don't have any insurance, but thanks. I'll just keep ice on it all night and take a few ibuprofen when I get home" I tell him. "How many jobs are you working?" He asks. "3, why?" I reply. "And you have no health insurance? I really will never understand this country" he sighs.

I smirk "America the great! Wonderful isn't it?" I say dripping in sarcasm. "I'll be fine Professor. I'll just go to the campus clinic in the morning when it opens." I tell him. He scoffs and shakes his head. "That place is only good for hangovers and STDs" he says laughing. I start to laugh, "you're not wrong about that." I reply.

"Listen, why don't you just sleep here tonight and I'll keep an eye on you." He suggests. "Wow, do all of the teacher's pets get this kind of special treatment?" I flirtatiously ask. He then lets out a frustrated moan and reaches into his desk pulling out a bottle of whisky and a glass. He pours one out then takes a swig as he ponders how to answer as he stares at me.

"That, are you my pet or not?" He deviously smirks. "The perks seem pretty good so far" I jokingly say but he doesn't laugh, he just stares at me like I'm a juicy steak. *FUCK, he's actually serious! Can't he get in trouble for this? Hitting on his students. Not that I'm complaining, but still!*

"How old are you professor?" I suddenly ask. "What does it matter? Age is just a number. Plus, I'm well aware that you're a non traditional student Ms. Hendricks. I have access to your records, remember?" He says smugly smirking then taking another sip. "Put it this way, we're a lot closer in age than probably any other professor and student on this campus" he adds.

"That's good to know" I say raising my eyebrow flirtatiously at him. "Why are you in college at such a late age anyway? Not that I'm judging." He asks. "I'm um...starting over. I married young right out of high school and he ended up being another Tony, it was a complete disaster. So this is me getting my life together and starting fresh." I tell him.

"Let me ask you something you always flirt with your students?"  He chuckles embarrassed and looks down at his drink as he swirls it around. "No, I don't, just the special ones" he says with a mischievous grin. "Oh, so I'm special then?" I ask laughing as I sit up because this is getting interesting. He then stands up and walks over next to the couch that I'm laying on and looks down at me.

His hand reaches out and he slides his fingers gently under my chin tipping it up to look at him. Mind you, my head is eye level with his crotch as I sit and he stands. He stares down at me with a dominating look on his face then says "oh you're very special my pet, absolutely extraordinary in fact!" He then maneuvers his hand up to my mouth. *Fuck...what is he doing?!* I think as my heart races.

He lays his thumb against my bottom lip then slowly starts gliding it across as his eyes follow. They suddenly darken as his pupils dilate. "I want to taste your lip." He says in a deep sultry tone. And I most definitely want him to! But my nerves override my brain and my sarcastic ass says "why don't you at least buy a girl dinner first?"  He blinks then quickly snaps out of his intense stare. He the cocks his head to the side and there's an awkward silence. *Damn it, did I piss him off?* I wonder.

"Heh...Heh...Heh!" He starts chuckling boisterously. "Of course, how rude of me. I'm sorry it just looked so tantalizing." He says blushing as he quickly pulls his hand away.  "It's fine. Hey, do you mind if I close my eyes for a few minutes. I just need a quick nap before I walk home." I say to him. "Of course, stay as long as you need. It's been a crazy night. I'll keep an eye on you" he says smiling. Then he turns and walks back over to the chair behind his desk.

He leans back and props his feet up on the desk as he tips his last swig of whiskey up to his lips. I lay down then roll onto my side curling up into a ball and closing my eyes. As I start to drift off, I hear his chair squeak then roll backwards as light footsteps start to come closer. A warm blanket then slowly drapes overtop of my body. I shift snuggling down into it then settle back down. A few moments later I feel the gentle glide of a finger across my temple hooking a piece of hair moving  it off of my face.

Then the footsteps retreat and the chair squeak again. It's quiet for a moment then a heavy sigh fills the air with the sound of whiskey pouring into a glass.

The next morning

My head is still aching as I crack my eyes. They're being blinded by the intense brightness from a sunbeam that's shining through a crack in the shutters on window. I get my bearings then sit up and look around the office. Professor Hiddleston is gone but there's a note on top of my purse that's next to me on the floor.

"Early lecture this morning. I hope you're feeling better. If you're not up to the test tomorrow, I understand, you can make it up.
Get some rest,
Professor H."

I gather my things then make my way back to my apartment. After a quick shower I go to get checked out at the campus clinic. I'm treated for a concussion, which really isn't a treatment when they just say take some Tylenol and rest. Back my apartment, I take it easy the rest of the day until my evening shift at the bookstore.

That evening

"Hey Ann!" Shelby says as I walk into the bookstore. She's a sweet girl and a freshman. She's also much, younger than me but we get along like there's no age difference. I ask if it's been busy but she says that it's mainly just been book returns from student that dropped classes, other than that it's been pretty quiet.

A few hours go by and we mostly just chat about stuff we've seen on Tik Tok and our classes this semester between a  few stray students coming in.
"Ow...look alive we've got an incoming Zaddy!" She says to me. I turn around to see who she's checking out and notice Professor Hiddleston wandering through the door. He walks over towards the office supplies. "That man! He's SO FINE! My god I should have flunked his class just so I can sit through another semester staring at him again" Shelby jokes.

"I have him now, he's really nice and he came into the restaurant last night. I waited on him" I tell her, conveniently leaving out the spicier details of my night. "He's um...definitely something else" I say biting my lip as as I stare at him replaying last nights events. Just then he looks up and catches me staring. My sensuous lip bite switches to a nervous one then my eyes get big with embarrassment and I quickly turn my back to him. "Oh shit he just busted me staring" I tell Shelby. "Annnd...he's now coming this way!" She whispers.

I slowly turn back around still gnawing a hole into my bottom lip. "Hello" he politely says. "Hi" I respond with a courteous smile. "Is this all for you?" I ask picking up the box of staples and a pack of red pens. "Yes, that's everything, thank you" he replies as he smiles politely at Shelby as well. I reach for the staples and my hand is obviously shaking as he watches it.

"You um...are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just skipped dinner." I say back. "Oh I don't mean your hand, you've got some me help." He says grabbing a tissue from next to the register and wiping my chin. "Oh my god" I panic grabbing my lip. I've apparently chewed an anxious hole in it. "Thank you" I say as he hands me a second tissue.

"Ann, I can ring him out, you should go clean up" Shelby says to me. "Thanks" I reply then hurry off to the restroom. I finally get my lip to quit bleeding after a few minutes and compose myself. Thank god it's 15 minutes until closing and no one else comes in for the rest of my shift.

"Girl...he's hot and all but damn, he really got under your skin. Are you sure you're ok?" Shelby asks me when I walk back out. "Yeah, I just had an incident with a guy from his class last night walking home and I'm still a little shook up about it." I tell her. "Well if you need to talk, stop by my dorm later." She says. I thank her then we lock up the store. She leaves before I do but I make my way out of the building about 10 minutes later.

"Ann!" I hear as soon as the door shuts behind me. "Professor! You're still here?" I reply. "I was worried...about... you actually" he says with slight hesitation. "I'm okay, no need to worry" I tell him putting my head down as I start to walk away embarrassed. "Wait!" He says as his hand grasps my forearm. "You're obviously not fine, let me see that lip" he says. I slowly turn back towards him and look up. "Did I cause this?" He asks. "I just chew my lip sometimes when I'm anxious" I say brushing it off.

"Stop...don't ruin these, they're too..." he starts to say then catches himself as he stares at my mouth. "Too what?" I ask. "Nothing, you said you haven't eaten, let me get you something" he says. "I'm fine really!" I insist. "You may be fine...but you still need to eat." He replies with a smirk. Then he takes a step closer to me. He's now up in my personal space and he says in a very sexy voice "let me feed my pet."

My teeth start to sink back into my lip and he quickly grabs it with his index finger and thumb "I said...stop it!" he quips sternly. "I um...I could eat" I mutter in awe as I stare up at this amazingly handsome man making me feel all kinds of ways. "Good, Starky's has ready made pizzas. We'll grab one and I can walk you back to your place. You do like pizza don't you?" He asks. "Yes, of course" I say with a chuckle then we start walking towards the restaurant.

"You probably should get a good nights sleep you do have an exam tomorrow. Are you sure that you're up to taking it? Because I can give you a pass if necessary" he offers. "I'll be alright. You can expect me bright and early, your cliff notes were very helpful. I studied them earlier today." I tell him. "That's a good girl" he says with a flirty smile. "How's your head feeling?" He asks. "It's a lot better. By the way thank you for helping with the whole Tony thing last night." I say to him.

"Don't mention it. He won't be bothering you again, the Dean expelled him" he informs me. "And he asked me to encourage you to press charges. That kind of behavior won't be tolerated on this campus. He wants to make an example of him" he says.

"I uh...I'm not sure that's necessary. I'm not quite comfortable yet with the thought of everyone knowing I was attacked." I say. "Well should you decide, I'll accompany you to the police station if you'd like." He tells me as he opens the door to the Starkeys.

We get a pizza and continue talking the rest of the walk to my place. "Well, this is me." I say as we walk up. "Good night then Ann" he says stepping back to walk away. "You don't want to come in and eat?" I ask surprised. He walks back up towards me then lets out a naughty chuckle,  "Oh believe me, I'd love to, but I'd better not. There are many prying eyes in this area and someone may see me following you into your home. That's how rumors get started." he says.

"I totally understand. Well professor, thank you for the pizza and the tissue for my lip." I chuckle. "You're most welcome." He says before leaning in closer "anything for my pet" he adds in a sultry whisper. Then he gives me a sexy smirk. "If you're trying to seduce me with pizza sir, it's definitely working." I jokingly quip. "Good, that's the plan. Take care of that lip for me" he replies as he walks away. See you tomorrow Ann" he says.

I stand there watching him walk away in disbelief that this seriously hot ass, sexy, smart man is flirting with me. He says we're closer in age than I'd think, so I don't see what the big deal is if we're seen together going into my place. But, I'm respecting his wishes. Plus, it is kind of fun being sneaky, it makes things more exciting.

I wake up bright and early the next morning actually excited to go to class for once. I decide to find something extra cute to wear to impress Professor Hiddleston.

I filter into the lecture hall with all of the other students and we take our seats. He's got his back to the class leaning over his computer. *fucking hell, look at that long, lean, body!*
He then turns around and greets the class, his eyes immediately dart to me as he starts to speak. I decided to wear a pencil skirt and a fitted button down blouse, that's conveniently missing a top button, with my hair up in a messy bun. I'm going for a sexy librarian look.

"So this exam is 150 points. I hope that you all have studied hard" he mutters as his eyes keep darting back to my outfit. He's subtly trying to check me out without losing his train of thought. He then passes out the exams and makes his way back up to his desk. Everyone starts the test and I look up at him noticing that he's gawking at my legs now that everyone else is looking down distracted by their tests.

His eyes slowly rove up my body and he adjusts himself in his seat then adjusts his glasses as well. Clearly I've made an impression and flustered him.

I slowly uncross my legs then pull out the pencil from my hair that's holding it up. My hair falls tousled about my shoulders and I see his eyebrow turn up intrigued. I then start my test but find myself erasing part of my first answer. As I erase, my pencil slips from my hand and drops onto the floor. So I reach down to pick it up.

Just as I look up at him while I'm bent forward, I see his jaw suddenly clench and he has that stern look on his face as he stares at me. Once again, I can't tell if he's mad about something or this look means something completely different. I sit back up and start chewing my lip as I try to concentrate.

"Class, TA, will proctor the rest of this exam. I have to tend to something" he abruptly says to the class standing up. "Ms. Hendricks, can see you in my office?" he then says glaring at me in and authoritative tone. I look at him confused but grab my stuff then follow him out of the lecture hall. "Why are we going to your office?" I ask walking behind him as I struggle to keep up with his long hurried strides. He turns his head and give me a stern look, but he doesn't answer.

He just marches straight into his office.

He holds open the office door for me then shuts it and locks it as soon as I'm inside. Before I can even set my stuff down, he grabs it from my hands and tosses it aggressively onto his desk. Then he turns to me and pushes my body up against the door. He has his forearm pressed against it next to my head as he leans over me looking down sternly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He growls.

"What?! I was just taking my test!" I innocently reply. "THIS OUTFIT! For gods sake woman, I'm trying to work! I can't concentrate worth a shit with you sitting there looking like THIS!" He says frustratedly. I then smirk, "so you like me outfit then?" I ask flirtatiously.

He quickly grabs my wrists and pushes them against the door next to my head. Then he leans his mouth in close to my face and whispers "I want to tear it off of you with my teeth" as a heavy pant escapes his lips. "You're such a good teacher's pet but so fucking bad at the same time, it's driving me absolutely mad!" He says as he drags his lips lightly across my cheek then down my jaw line towards my lips.

He pauses when he reaches my lips and says "I want to ravage these lips but they're way too delicate in this state. I beg of you please stop biting at them darling" he says as his eyes flutter over them. His thumb then lightly traces the skin just below my bottom lip. "I don't know how I'm going to get through this semester with you in my class." He says leaning in and softly kissing the skin next to my lip where's it's mauled.

"What is this between us professor?" I ask. "It's Tom, call me Tom when we're alone" he replies. "I don't know what this is, I've never had a student that's age wise almost my equal before. I'm not sure how to treat you or how to act around you. If we'd met outside of campus, I'd treat this like any other relationship, but my job complicates things." He says. "So you'd want to date me then?" I ask. "Yes, I would" he says gently kissing me again in the same spot. There must be an erogenous zone there because every time his lips lightly graze it, my insides completely tingle. 

"Then date me after the semester ends." I tell him. His hands slide up along both of my hips as he slowly soaks in my curves. "I can't wait that long. I'm not a patient man Ann." He says with a hint of desperation in his voice.

His hands stop wandering on my ribs just below my breasts and he looks down at them then back up at me like he's asking for permission for them to wander higher. I reach up and brush the curl back out of his eye that's fallen in his face.

"Tom, I want this too, but I don't want you to lose your job over it." I say. Just then his phone buzzes in his pocket. "Damn it!" He says looking at it. "It's Roger. Class has ended, I need to get back and prepare for my next lecture." He says. "Come back here, to my office, tonight." He tells me. "Alright, but what about my exam?" I ask. He leans in and his lips graze my jaw then slide up to my ear "automatic A for being such a good teacher's pet" he purrs in a seductive whisper. "Now, keep that outfit on for when you came back later" he adds. "Yes sir" I playfully joke.

"Oh fuck..." he moans pushing his head against the door. "Don't say that" he frustratedly continues. "Why not?" I ask curiously. His hand slides up to my cheek and his fingers slowly wrap around my face. He gently squeezes it and groans pressing his extremely hard cock into my leg "you sound so fucking submissive calling me sir" he whispers sternly. I can tell that submissiveness has completely turns him on. So I reply, "sorry sir" and I look down at the ground.

His hands immediately dart down to the backs of my thighs and he abruptly lifts me up against the door. I gasp then my arms wrap tightly around his neck.  "I should fuck you right here, right now!" He impatiently groans. Then his lips sink into my neck and his heavy breathing vibrates against my skin.

"You're damn lucky that I have a class to get to" he mutters in a muffled tone. Then he sets me down and reaches for the door handle. With a pause, he tips my chin up to look at him "gather your things and I'll see you tonight my pet" he tells me before waltzing out of his office.

I stand there for a few minutes trying to catch my breath after our intense interaction then I adjust my skirt. There's suddenly a knock on the partially open door. "Hi, is professor H. around?" A girl that looks to be a few years younger than me asks. "Um no, he has a class" I reply gathering my books. "Are you a new TA or secretary or something?" She asks me.

I pick up on a faint hint of jealousy in her voice. "No, I'm just a student. We were just discussing my exam but he had to go." I reply gathering my stuff. She looks me over in a very judgmental way "oh" she then replies in a bitchy tone. "I'll come back by later" she says then she turns and walks away.

That evening

"Ann, please come in" Tom says opening the door to his office. He looks around to see if anyone else is watching before shutting the door behind me and locking it. "Hi!" I say as I awkwardly smile standing in the middles of the room. "You came back, I'm surprised" he says picking up his glass of whiskey from the desk and taking a sip.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask. "I just thought that maybe my forward actions earlier might have scared you off" he says grabbing another glass from his desk and pouring a second drink. He then hands it to me and I reply "no, you can't scare me off" with a flirty smile. He then takes his glasses off and sets them on his desk. It's in that moment that I get a really good look at his eyes which are locked on me. My knees suddenly weaken and my breath hitches. It feels as if someone's sitting right in the middle of my chest. They're absolutely breathtaking.

"Good, because that would be a tragedy" he says as he sits down on the sofa. I take a big gulp from my glass of whiskey trying to calm my nerves. He sits back into the couch as his eyes look me over up and down. Then he slowly leans forward and sets his drink on the table next to him. "Would you do me a favor darling? He asks.

"Sure, anything" I reply. A mischievous smirk creeps across his lips. "Take your panties off" he says. *not quite what I'd expected him to say, but okay!* I think.

"Slowly" he then adds sitting back again. So I reach up underneath my skirt and slowly start to slide my black lace panties down. Once they're just below my skirt, I glance up at him with just my eyes and his intense gaze instantly makes me wet. He's watching every single move, anticipating, and studying me.

I then step out of them and hold them up. "Bring those here" he says holding out his hand. So I slowly walk over to him and place them into his palm. "I love when you do exactly as I ask without question" he says looking up at me and smirking. He balls his hand around my panties then slides them into his pocket. I turn to walk back over to where I was standing to pick up my purse. "Where do you think you're going? I didn't dismiss you" he says wrapping his hand around the inside of my thigh as I start to walk away.

I giggle playfully then turn back towards him. He pulls me in closer so that I'm standing between his legs and he looks up at me.

His fingers gently glide against the outside of my thighs moving higher as he watches my face. He then reaches the hem of my skirt.  He eases himself forward and starts kissing my pubic bone over top of my skirt. He then stops and looks up again awaiting my reaction. "Shall I stop?" He asks. "No, don't stop" I reply with a ragged breath. I reach my hand up and glide my fingers through his soft curls.

He then looks back down at his hands and slowly starts to slide the edge of my skirt up. Once it reaches the bottom of my ass he looks back up at me. His eyes are filled with lust and he seems pleased by the look of anticipation on my face. He gives me a devilish grin then pushes it up over my hips exposing my entire lower half.

"Perfection" he says admiring the naked lower half of my body. He then starts to kiss the inside of my thigh. A pleasurable moan rolls out of my mouth. It's been a long time since I'd been touched anywhere near that area so every nerve is heightened.

His lips part slightly and his tongue teases my skin as he moves higher kissing again and again. Goosebumps shoot down the same side of my body that he's kissing and he chuckles, "I like the effect that my lips are having on you" he says looking up at me with a boyish grin.

He parts his lips and eases his tongue out of his mouth while his eyes once again watch my face. He teases the sweet spot where my leg meets my groin by lightly dragging his tongue along it. "Oh fuck" I mutter. He's so close to my pussy with that tongue, I just want to shove his face right into me.

He does it again on the other side then hovers his mouth in the middle right in front of my cunt. I slip my hand into the front of his hair just as I feel his warm breath dance across my folds. The anticipation is killing me and I look down at him with a look of desperation.

"You're so beautiful when you're eager for my touch" he whispers. Every word that rolls off of his tongue forces his warm breath against me and my body flinches as he speaks. "Don't stop" I mutter in a pleading tone.

I then feel both of his hands glide across my ass cheeks and he pulls me forward onto his mouth. His tongue slowly eases between my folds skimming directly across my clit. Then he starts sliding it back and forth and I hear him groan, "Mmmm..." as his fingers dig tightly into the skin of my backside. My heart flip flops in my chest and my insides swell with desire as his tongue thrashes around working me over. "Ahhh...oh god..." I moan as my fingers intertwine with his hair.

He then abruptly stops, pulling his mouth away from me."What' did you..." I start to say confused. "Why did I stop?" He asks as he stands up. "Yeah" I reply with a disappointed sigh. "I need you wanting wait, I want you to beg me for more" he says with a cocky smirk as he looks down at me.

Suddenly, there's a knock at his door. Tom puts his finger up to his lips and pushes me back against the wall behind the door so that I'm out of sight. I pull my skirt back down to cover myself then try to stand very still. He cracks the door open to see who it is. "Hey" I hear a woman's voice sweetly say. Then he maneuvers his way out the door, closing it behind him. I curiously press my ear to the crack between the door and the frame trying to hear what they're saying.

"I came by earlier and there was some WOMAN in your office alone. Who was she TOM?" She asks angrily. "She's none of your concern, what are you doing here Brie?!" He whispers angrily. "I wanted to surprise you now that I'm back on campus. We haven't seen each other all summer break, I just thought that..." she starts to say.

"You thought nothing! I've told you over and over that this was never a thing, you and I!" Now please leave, I have work to do" he sternly replies trying to get rid of her. "Please don't do this to me, I miss you Tom" she pleads. "Goodbye Brie!" He says coming back into the office and  abruptly slamming the door.

I quickly lean back against the wall when I hear him coming back in. He's clearly frustrated by his unexpected guest. "Everything ok?" I ask. "Yes, that was just a disgruntled student" he grumbles. "Maybe I should go" I say to him as I start towards the door. He was definitely bothered by their interaction. It's evident that they'd been intimate, I wonder if this is just a thing that he does? Picks out a new student every semester to fuck then moves onto the next.

"NO! Stay..." he says stepping towards me blocking my exit. "Tom, I heard everything. Is this a thing that you do? Find an unsuspecting new woman every semester to entertain yourself with?" I ask coldly. "Because if it is, then I'd like to leave and I'll plan on changing my schedule first thing tomorrow morning." I inform him. "My god no! Please let me explain." He pleads.

"It's your business, you don't have to explain. I just don't want any part of it if that's what you're doing" I tell him as I try to walk around him. "ANN, STOP IT!" He commands in a firm deep voice as he grabs my shoulders. I look at his hands then back up at him with a dirty look. He knows that I'm not happy with him grabbing me and he slowly pulls his hands away.

"Please sit" he says motioning to the couch. So I walk over to it still glaring at him then sit down. "Brie is a former student, but it's not what you think. This isn't something that I repeatedly do." He tells me as he sits down next to me. "Last year she was in my winter semester lecture. My mother had just passed away and I was an absolute mess. I took the day off for mum's funeral then came back to my office to do some work. It was too difficult to be at the house that day where I'd been taking care of her." He says in a somber tone.

So once I get got here, I started drinking and got completely snookered. Brie then stopped by my office with some questions about the test that was given in my absence. I tried my best to compose myself in a professional manner, but then she started coming onto me very strong. I pushed her off a few times but between the grief and alcohol, I was in a completely weakened state. Her hand kept reaching into my pants then she  dropped to her knees. Then the next thing I know my know...I was in her mouth." He says hanging his head completely ashamed. But nothing more happened between us ever again. It was a completely isolated incident. I kept our relationship strictly professional from that point on but I think she romanticized it and built something up in her head that wasn't there." He says. "So you didn't even sleep with her she just gave you a blow job?" I ask curiously.

"I swear to you Ann, that's all it was. She pursued me, unlike what you and I are doing." He informs me. "'re pursuing me then?" I ask with a smirk. He smiles embarrassed "I'll admit it, I am. I didn't go to All Balls just for that terrible Cobb salad. I can get a better one in the campus cafeteria." He chuckles. "When I was looking in your records, I saw where you're employed and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it was definitely somewhat stalkerish of me." He says turning red and looking away unable to make eye contact.

"So yes, to answer your question, I have been pursuing you." He says grinning sheepishly. "Wow, I'm not sure how to feel about that confession" I say with a smirk. "Say you're okay with it" he replies grinning flirtatiously.

"Listen Ann, I would like to date you, but nothing serious can happen until this semester is over. At least nothing that anyone can know about publicly." He tells me. "What if I switch my schedule so that I'm no longer your student?" I ask.

"No...don't do that. You shouldn't have to adjust your schedule because of my selfishness. Maybe you and I should just keep it casual until the semester is over" he suggests. "Alright, I guess that means I'll have to give up my teacher's pet title" I say teasingly. He slowly walks over closer to me "no way, I need you as my pet" he says in a growly tone. "Need is a strong word" I reply.

He steps even closer and his lips graze mine but he doesn't kiss me. "Alright then how about the word crave?" He whispers against my mouth. "This isn't really keeping things casual Professor." I reply. "After this...we'll keep it casual, but you need to promise me no more skirts in class. I still have a job to do" he says sliding my skirt back up my thighs.

"I can't promise that" I reply. "That's not being a very good pet darling" he says as his hand slides up between my thighs. "Don't you want to make your professor happy?" He asks in a sultry tone. "Of course I do" I mutter back as his long slender fingers slowly slip between my folds. "That's what I like to hear. Now, be a good pet and tell me how badly you want to cum" he moans as his lips softly kiss the non wounded side of my lips.

He starts sliding his fingers back and forth from my entrance to my clit spreading my wetness all over. The slickness of his fingers gliding across me forces a moan from my lips as he kisses me. "Please make me cum professor" I plead putting both of my hands on top of his as I force his fingers onto my sweet spot. "Ahhh...aren't you eager love?" He says. "Has it been a while?" He asks. "Yes...too long" I moan as his fingers push down on my clit and he starts rubbing it. He then licks his lips and says "now tell me, how bad do you want me?"

"I want you so bad, please make me cum" I beg wrapping my hand around the back of his head forcefully pulling his lips fully against mine. I don't care how bad my lip hurts I plunge my tongue desperately into his mouth as my breathing gets faster. "Beg me" he groans under our open mouths as I grasp tighter onto the back of his head.

"Please sir, I want you inside of me...please" I plead looking into his eyes as our foreheads are pressed together. "Mmm...your begging is music to my ears" he replies with a sinister chuckle. He then moves his fingers to my entrance and slowly penetrates me with not one, but two fingers. "Thank you" I moan satisfied.

"Fuck, your such a good pet for being so grateful and appreciating me...I'll give you what your desire for being so good sweetheart."

His mouth then starts ravaging my neck with kisses as his fingers plunge deeper into my cavern. I gasp with pleasure then he starts thrusting his hand in and out of me vigorously.

"Touch yourself for me" he groans between kisses. "Yes sir" I reply. Then I hear a devious chuckle, it's obvious that he loves when I call him sir. He then grabs my thigh and lifts my foot up into the couch spreading my legs wider. I immediately plunge my fingers onto my clit and start rubbing myself. "That's it...good girl" he moans into my neck. His breathing is getting heavier then he grabs my free hand with his free hand and pushes it against his raging hard cock that's struggling to break free from behind his pants.

I squeeze it and start sliding my hand back and forth over it. *JESUS CHRIST he's huge* I think to myself. "Well...this is quite the compliment" he says chuckling as he feels my wetness increase immensely at the feel of his cock. My hips start to buck against his hand as his fingers pump faster inside of me. He can feel me getting closer to release so he purrs "I want you to cum now darling."

Enough said, just his words send my climax skyrocketing towards release. "Oh god...uh...uhhh...UHHH!" I loudly moan as my insides erupt around his fingers. My hand grips his cock tightly as the climactic pulses rush through my body. He lightly chuckles then says "this is going to be a long and hard semester trying to stay away from you." His dripping fingers slide out of me slowly as my knees quiver. He then brings his fingers slathered in my juices up to my mouth and pauses to see what I'll do. I grab his wrist then guide them to my mouth. I slowly part my lips, slide them in, and start sucking. His mouth slacks open and he pierces his eyes at me as he watches. I feel his cock flinch beneath my other hand that's still gripping it firmly. I then slide my mouth off of his fingers but tease the tips with my tongue before letting him go. "You're an angel" he groans staring at me. He then reaches his hands down to my legs tracing his fingers lightly over them.

"Sit darling" he says feeling that they're quivering from my orgasm. So I sit down on the couch but my hand is still massaging his cock as he stands in front of me. "That feels nice" he moans tipping his head back. I look up at him and start slowly unhooking his pants. "I want to taste you...sir" I say tipping my head up giving him a sexy look. "Oh my pet...that would please me so very much" he groans sliding his hands into his waistband and pushing his pants down. His enormous cock then springs free and I reach up to take it in my hands. "Wait...allow me" he says with a guttural moan grabbing it himself.

"Look up at me" he purrs tipping my chin upwards. "Tell me how bad you want to taste me" he says as his hand starts stroking himself. "I can't wait to savor you in my mouth." I say raising my eyebrow at him. Then I reach down between my legs and slide my fingers over my wetness. I bring them back up to my mouth and wrap my lips around them sucking myself off as I stare at him. "Oh fuck..." he groans watching me.

"Move those fingers back down love" he mutters. He then leans his pelvis closer and glides the head of his cock around over my lips. His slit oozes out pre-cum so I slip my tongue out to taste it. "Mmm...I want more sir" I say looking back up at him.

"Part your lips darling" he moans. So I do as he says and try to lean my mouth in to take him into it. "Not yet" he says putting his hand on my forehead to stop me. "I'm not done teasing you. I want you to crave me the way that I crave you. Open wide" he tells me.

He then takes his long veiny cock and glides it over my tongue "don't suck, just keep your mouth open" he says. I slide my tongue out and he slowly rubs the underside of his cock over it. Then he maneuvers it in a circle around inside of my mouth gliding it over the inside of my cheeks and over top of my teeth. As my teeth lightly scrape it, he gets a pained look on his face but I can tell that he's enjoying this pain the way his cock flinches. I can taste his anticipation and I want more of it.

He then drags the head of it across my lips but stops at my wound. He tips his cock towards his stomach then let's it slap against my sore lip. I flinch then wince as it starts to bleed. "This is a lesson for you to stop chewing that lip my pet." He says reaching up and stroking my cheek with his thumb to compensate for hurting me. I then try to close my lips around him again and he says "not yet, let go!" In a stern voice. So I do as he says. "Sorry sir, I just I need to taste you" I apologize. He squints his eyes then that dark sinister grin washes over his face quickly turning into a cocky smirk. He starts stroking his cock with his hand as the tip of it rests against my bottom lip.

He stares at my seeping lip and the more it bleeds the faster he jerks himself. A small trail of blood dribbles down my chin and he licks his lips staring at it. "Start sucking pet" he groans as his orgasm starts to build.

I bring my hand up to grab his cock but he pushes it away.

It's obvious that he wants full control and just wants to use me as an aid in his mission. So I wrap my bloody lips around him and look up to watch his face. His hands then grab the sides of my head and he begins to thrust his hips plowing his cock into the back of my throat. "Oohhh yes...suck harder darling" he groans tipping his head backwards closing his eyes.

"GAHHH" he groans as I feel him start to twitch between my lips. He quickly pulls himself from my mouth then says "open!" So I open my mouth and he jerks himself the rest of the way off shooting his cum straight into my mouth. I stick out my tongue and start to lap him up as his cock flinches with release. 

Then I do something unexpected and slide my tongue up under his cock all the way up his shaft while he cums. "ARRHH" he groans loudly then he grabs the back of my head and forces himself back into my mouth and he finishes cumming right down the back of my thought. "Ohhhh...that was so bad fucking girl!" He snarls releasing an evil chuckle afterwards. I giggle still with a mouth full of him as I watch his face look down at me. There's a fire in his eyes, I can tell that this man definitely has a dark side that I want to see more of. Something about the way he gets off on me being submissive completely turns me on.

As he limply slides from my mouth his salty cum burns my lip as it mixes with the copper taste of my blood. His thumb then glides over it spreading the mess around "I hope that you've learned your lesson with this lip" he says in a demeaning voice as he presses his thumb into my sore. "Yes sir" I mutter.

"Good because if I see you biting that lip again, I'll slap your bare ass until it's raw. Do you understand me pet?" He asks. I smirk then reply "promise?" As I suck my lip into my mouth to clean the blood and cum from it. He smirks back then says "maybe I'll just use a ruler instead" giving me a playful wink.

❤️I hope you've enjoyed Part 1 of The Professor! More to come soon! ❤️

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