Reign Soma

By seren_dipityyy

22.8K 472 11

Reign: The fox spirit, known to be sly, cunning, and short-tempered. The one who baited the god into having t... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22

Ch. 6

1.1K 23 1
By seren_dipityyy

"Do you want tea or any-" Hatori asked Reign as she entered.

She shook her head and went into his bedroom and laid on the bed. It obviously felt different from her own but in a good way. His scent filled the room and she enjoyed it; it was relaxing to her. Reign looked at the stand beside his bed and saw some books that she'd seen him reading in the previous months. She was already interested in one of them so didn't hesitate to pick it up and start reading it. Reign sat up in the bed and propped a pillow up so her back wouldn't hurt.

Hatori peeked inside and saw her making his bed into her own and let out a soft chuckle before shutting the door as he walked in. He had his hands in his pocket as he walked towards Reign. The display in front  of him was something he never imagined he'd see. Hatori never thought he'd see Reign in his bed. It made him want to laugh. He got onto the bed and sat across from Reign, watching her as she read, unbothered by his presence.

"You're not going to pick one up yourself?" Reign asked, peeking up from the book.

He sighed. "I've read all of those that's on that stand. I don't think I have any other ones to read."

Reign grabbed a book from the stand. "Reread one. You've had to miss some information on the first read."

He smiled and took it from her. "Perhaps you're right."

She looked up from her book as he settled into reading his and noticed something. Though they both did say they would try to make this relationship work, they weren't making any progress. There never came a time when one of them would lay on the other, one would hug them from behind or even just wrap their arms around the other. Physical touch wasn't used much in their relationship, it was more so words but Reign didn't want that. Actions mattered just as much as words did to her, if not more.

"Don't you want to lay on me?" Reign asked curiously.

Hatori looked up from the book and gave a small grin. "I was waiting for you to say something."

She pouted. "If you wanted to you could've just done it or asked."

He moved to the side of her and laid his head on her legs, making himself comfortable but not so comfortable that Reign would end up needing to move her legs to adjust.

"I was waiting for a reaction like this." he countered.

She clicked her tongue. "How old are we to be wanting a reaction?"

"Let's read the books." he chuckled, making Reign relax and smile.

They read the books for a while in silence but it was a comfortable silence. It wasn't like the usual silence that went on in the office as they worked, it was a intimate silence. A silence that brought the two closer in terms of a romantic relationship.

Reign tried to continue reading but her eyes felt heavy. Maybe the exhaustion from crying so much had finally got to her. She tried to fight it but it was no use. Reign closed the book and laid it back where she had found it before going to sleep. Hatori didn't notice she was sleep until he suddenly didn't hear a book page flipping anymore coming from Reign.

He got up and grabbed one of the blankets that he kept in his closet and put it over her, just enough to cover half of her torso. Hatori didn't continue reading the book, instead he grabbed himself a beer out of his refrigerator and began to drink it. It was rare for him to do so, drinking by himself. The more he drank the more intrusive thoughts came to his mind; about his past with Kana and how that would suddenly turn the same way with his relationship with Reign.

The relationship he has with Reign doesn't compare to the one he had with Kana. Having a romantic relationship with Kana was like finding the lottery ticket. He didn't expect it and surely didn't know how to react to it. Hatori was genuinely happy with Kana, a happiness that will differ from his happiness with Reign.

Though he always did feel some sort of attraction from Reign he never once thought of pursuing it. Why? They were childhood friends who grew up knowing just about everything about the other. He knew Reign liked him and wanted to explore it, as did he but it felt like forbidden territory so he avoided it at all costs. That's part of what led him to get with Kana.

Reign knew him and Kana were a thing before they ever announced it. She picks up on those types of things faster than anyone else but she never showed judgement or ill intentions towards Kana. Instead, she welcomed her like a sister which hurt Hatori. He didn't get with Kana out of spite, he did it to protect himself and Reign. The two of them together wasn't the best thing to do considering the fact that Akito was always so hostile and violent. Reign knew that as well but didn't care so Hatori but a boundary between the two; his relationship with Kana.

Hatori drank the rest of the beer quickly and threw the bottle in the trash and headed back into the bedroom. Reign was still sleeping and he got onto the bed and faced the opposite way of her, trying to ease his mind with a quick nap. Hatori felt sudden movement on the bed and thought it was just Reign turning over but her hands wrapped around his waist, pulling her into him. He was going to say something but she silenced him with her words.

"Stop running away from me." Reign grumbled with a slight rasp in her voice. "Stop holding yourself back. I want everything you have to offer me. Stop treading so lightly with me."

He tried to turn around to face her but Reign held him firmly. Hatori could still move in her grip but Reign didn't want him to do so.

"I don't know how to do this a second time." was all he said.

Reign nuzzled her face into his back, making him stiffen momentarily. "You don't have to. I'm not asking for much. Just give me all of you and I'll do the same in return."

She felt him twitch under her grip as he contemplated what he wanted to say next. "Will you handle it well if I give you all of me? You won't run away?"

Reign scoffed. "I've seen just about every side there is to you. What could possibly make me run away?"

Hatori let out a soft laugh which made him feel a bit better. "Yeah I guess you have."

Silence filled the room. Hatori didn't have anything else to say and Reign's head was full of thoughts as to why Hatori suddenly left her. She didn't want to ask since he must've had his reasons. There was a reason for everything regardless if you had a reason.

"Face me." she said suddenly, breaking the silence.

Hatori turned and was facing her. Reign moved closer to him and hugged his body tightly as she put her head close to his chest. Hatori instinctively put his hands around her body as well but held her loosely.

"You got in the bed to sleep right?" she asked, looking up at him to see his response. "Let's sleep. It may be early but a nap can suffice."

He kissed the top of her head lightly and smiled. Hatori drew his body closer to Reign's. He didn't need to say a word since his body relaxing was enough for Reign to know his response. Simple things like this can mean a lot whether one believe it or not. Reign liked these small yet simple actions. They mean a lot more to her than big and flashy actions do and the small action that Hatori complied with to comfort her at this moment in time meant a lot. Reign fell asleep quickly in his arms and he followed soon after.


Over the next few days, Reign stayed at Hatori's as much as she could. It finally felt like the two of them were progressing. They didn't go past kissing and hugging since it still felt too early in their newfound relationship to do anything further. The two enjoyed quality time together, without counting work, and it felt different. It was more relaxed in a way, more comforting, and a bit immature at times.

Though the two already knew everything it was to know about the other, they did slowly learn new things that they wouldn't have ever learned otherwise. Reign found it incredible that she missed so many small details about Hatori that she thought she already knew. It felt as if the two were getting to know each other in a different light.

The last peaceful day they spent together was interrupted by a phone call from Hatsuharu. He called to get Hatori to get Ayame from Shigure's so he'd stop bothering Yuki. Reign was opted to go but was stopped a calling from Akito. She bid Hatori goodbye and watched him leave before heading to Akito.

Reign was glad that she dressed in her usual manner when at the Soma estate; a white and pale pink kimono that dragged along the wooden covering around the Soma estate. It was a bit big around her shoulders due to the multiple layers of it but it fitted her figure nicely. Her hair was brought into a high ponytail, leaving her bangs to frame her face.

She got to Akito's residence and greeted the servants before walking to Akito's room. Akito had Kureno inside and had a tea set inside with three cups. Akito sat on one side of the floor table and Kureno sat across from Akito. When she shut the door their eyes went to her.

"How nice of you to join us Reign!" Akito smiled unsightly. "Please join us. You can sit beside me."

Reign nodded and looked at Kureno who wouldn't make eye contact with her. Reign sat beside Akito and the moment she did Akito laid on her lap.

"It would've been so boring with just the two of us. Don't you agree Kureno?"

He grunted in agreement. Kureno poured tea in each of the cups and offered them with his hands. Reign took hers and took a light sip of it before setting the cup back down, ready to ask Akito why she was called here.

"Why was I summoned?" she asked, looking down at Akito.

Akito got up from her lap and sat back down on the cushion. "Do I need a reason to summon any of you?"

Reign sighed. "If you don't need anything I'll be taking my leave."

Reign was about to get up but Akito stopped her with a mere question.

"How's your father? I hear he isn't doing so well." Akito taunted smugly. "Maybe that's what he gets for knocking up a foreigner."

Reign glared at Akito. "Is that necessary?" was all she got out.

Akito chuckled. "I'm just saying what I've heard. He may die any day now but yet, here you are in Japan while he's in Korea. Unfortunate isn't it?"

So many thoughts ran through Reign's head. How did Akito know? Why is Kureno here? What was was the true reason she was summoned? But asking Akito these questions would be like talking to a brick wall so she kept her composure and responded accordingly.

"It is unfortunate but my mother has told me not to worry. I'll listen to her over anyone else." Reign tossed back, reaching for her cup.

"Is that so?" Akito asked condescendingly. "Well can I ask you a quick question?"

Reign eyed Akito. "Shoot."

Akito got closer to Reign and tried to intimidate her but Reign was too used to it. "What's this talk I hear of you leaving and going to Korea?"

Reign smiled and feigned ignorance. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me." Akito hissed.

Reign drank half of her cup of tea and sat it down before turning her body to face Akito. There was a look on Akito's face that gave Reign pure satisfaction. Reign was aware of who it was that told Akito and she'd take care of it later but she needed to get through the current situation to do so.

"Ok, I did talk of wanting to leave Japan." she admitted coolly. "Is that wrong? Should I not have?"

"What makes you think I'd ever let you leave? What makes you think I'd ever let you live far away from me?" Akito screamed.

Reign stared at Akito blankly as Akito acted out. It was like watching a toddler throw a tantrum. Akito continued to yell at Reign and even started to hit her arm. Kureno tried to intervene but he was cut off by Reign who just gave him a look. In that look she told him that she'd handle it but he'd deal with the repercussions after.

"Grow up." Reign said coldly, standing as she did so. "I'm an adult, not your tool. I'm older than you so show some respect. Interrogate me like this once more and I'll show you what I mean by leaving."

Akito began to cry. "You're not leaving me! I won't let you!"

"I will if I want to. Please understand that." Reign responded, turning and walking away from the two.

"Reign! Reign!" Akito called.

"Calm down." Kureno said softly. "Once you two have calmed down you can talk again but now isn't the time."

Reign walked down the hall of the estate and saw the many stares of the servants staring at her. She gave a fake smile and bowed slightly before putting her shoes on and leaving immediately. Reign didn't want to be there for another second. It was a waste of time to be there. Her mind was clouded with the image of the only person who could've and would've told Akito her plans.

Reign rushed home and grabbed her car keys before driving somewhere. It wasn't a long drive so she got there quickly. Reign shut and locked the car door before climbing up the stairs to get to the house. On the way up she saw Hatori and Ayame but paid the two of them no mind and continued despite the constant calling. Reign slammed the door open and saw Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, and Shigure sitting together on the floor as if they were having a conversation.

They tried to greet Reign but she stopped it once she locked eyes with Shigure, walked towards him, and slapped him hard across the face.

"You idiot!" she yelled. "Why do you run your mouth? Why do you do what you do?"

"Oh my god!" Tohru screamed.

"Reign!" Yuki gasped.

Shigure didn't say anything. He simply held his cheek and had a slight smirk on his face that enraged Reign further. She went to slap him again but Hatori grabbed her. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but it was no use.

"Let go of me!" she demanded, her voice low and calm.

"No. If I do that you'll hit him again. Think about the place Reign." he lectured.

She grew angry and shoved him off of her. He stumbled a bit but he had a firm yet soft grip on her arm. Reign let it be since she had no intention of hitting Shigure again.

Reign glared at Shigure. "Next time you go run your mouth I'll cut out your tongue. It's my business if I want to leave Japan or not! Not yours!"

"Someone had to tell the family head." he said lowly. "Who else would I be if not the loyal dog?"

"You're right." she agreed. "You're a dog. A damn foul one." Reign spat.

Hatori tightened his grip on her arm. "Reign calm down." he said, his tone implying he wasn't just trying to soothe her but warn her.

Reign turned her head to look at him and glared.

"Why don't we send the three of them out for groceries while we talk about this situation?" Ayame offered, walking into Reign's view.

"That's a great idea." Yuki agreed with quickly. "Let's go Miss Honda."

"Ah, yes! I'll start dinner once I get back!" Tohru informed as she got up from the table.

"Come on stupid Cat." Yuki called.

Kyo growled and stood up, following the two. "Don't rush me Rat boy!"

Once the three of them were well out of view and earshot, Hatori had Reign sit down and he sat beside her with Ayame across from the two. It wasn't like Reign to suddenly just go off like this so something must've set it off. He already had in mind what it was but he wanted to be sure before assuming.

"What's this talk of leaving Japan?" Ayame questioned.

Reign rubbed her temple. "I only told Shigure and Hatori since you weren't around at the time. I was only thinking about it but if I had to be honest, I was sixty percent sure I wanted to leave and go to Korea."

"Which is what I initially had a problem with." Shigure added on. "I told her how I felt about it and she walked away in a whirlwind of emotions."

"Then," she continued, adding emphasis on then. "My mother called and told me my father collapsed in Korea and that she didn't know if he was going to wake up or not. After a few days she finally told me he was doing better and now he has awaken which is good and that's why I wanted to meet with you but you called Hatori instead. I didn't want to meet with him since we had a big blowout."

Ayame shrunk a bit. "I'm sorry. I thought it'd be better if Tori went in my place."

Reign grabbed his hand. "It's fine. The two of us have made up since then. Today though suddenly I was summoned by the family head and was interrogated about things that I never told anyone except you three and I already knew who told."

Reign glared at Shigure who didn't look back at her. "Why did you tell Akito?"

"It isn't time for us to leave yet. None of us. The curse has to break before or we'll all be damned and stuck the way we are now."

She laughed. "You've been saying this for how long and the curse hasn't broken? I'm tired of being complacent. I'm tired of being around Akito. I'm sick of it all!"

He sighed deeply. "I'm serious. The curse is slowly breaking. We all have to be here for the curse to break. Believe me, I'm no fan of the bonds we have myself but I'm at least trying to make an effort to get rid of it."

Hatori finally spoke. "The right way wasn't to go and tell Akito everything that Reign told us. You need to apologize for that part."

Shigure shrugged. "I'm sorry but yet again I'm not. I'm selfish remember? I look out for myself."

"I'm glad you know that you do." Reign sighed, agreeing with him. "I won't apologize for slapping you but I do apologize for doing so in front of the kids. It was wrong."

"Who taught you such a violent thing?" Ayame asked dramatically. "If I upset you will you hit me?"

Reign smiled. This is why Ayame was needed. He could ease the tension between the three of them in a heartbeat.

"No I won't hit you." she replied laughing.

"Are we done fighting like children?" Hatori asked, crossing his arms.

"Yes sir." the three of them said in unison, each hiding a smile.

He glared at them. "To hell with you three."

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