
By amyd1236

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Ryan (Ry) Johansson is an 8 year old boy. He has had a crappy couple of years since his family's murder. He t... More

Chapter 1

15 0 0
By amyd1236


---I didn't proof read this. Let me know what you think in the comments please. I combined the prologue and this chapter. For those who read the prologue before I deleted it look for *** to read the rest of chapter 1---

I looked up toward the blue sky with puffy clouds that looked like cotton balls in a bag but larger.

I started to remember what had happened to my family and the reason why I'm in the foster system. I live in D.C with my foster parents.

They aren't good people.

All they do is drink, smoke pot, and fight all the time.

I'm just 8 years old, I shouldn't have to know about any of this horrible stuff that I've witnessed.

My thoughts are cut short to crashing coming from inside the house.

I run inside to see my foster dad dean throwing his glass full of bourbon across the room at my foster mom maria.

She screams "Dean!".

I'm petrified and I just stand there.

My legs are shaking due to the fear that is going through my entire body.

There are goosebumps on my arms and I can feel all the color drain from my face.

I see dean walk over and grab my arm and yank me up the stair

"Come on you little twit!" he says and pushes me into my room. I fall and land on my side and slide into the bedside table.

"You stay in here for the rest of the night." He slams my door shut and locks it.

Looks like I'm stuck in here for the rest of the night.

I can hear screaming coming from downstairs. I walk over to my bed, which is just a mattress on the floor with a thin blanket and sheets and a worn out pillow.

I take a seat on it and wrap my legs around my legs and just pray to god to get me out of here.

I hear some loud bangs like someone was being thrown into a wall because the walls shake and I think of the worst and then my door swings open and I see the most beautiful people in the world.

There are two of them.

A male and female and I can't help but feel this weird connection to them like everything's going to be ok and a feeling of comfort that I haven't felt since my family was murdered.

I realized they were Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, my teachers.

Mrs. Jacobs walks over to me.

She bends down to my level and says " Everything is gonna be ok now." I couldn't help but believe her.


I jolt awake from my dream to yelling from down stairs. 

I shake my head trying to get rid of my dream from my memory. 

Why was I dream of Mr and Mrs Jacobs. They're my teachers! 

I check the time and see I have a half an hour to get ready and to the bus stop. 

I get dressed, grab my bookbag and head down stairs. 

As I go down stairs the yelling gets louder and I hear a loud smack and scream. 

I look and see Maria on the floor and dean standing above her. 

She was holding her face. "What are you looking at!" Dean yells at me. 

" I uh I was just leaving for school" I say. 

"Go NOW!" He yells at me again. I do as I'm told and leave. 

I wonder why he always has to yell at me. I didn't do anything. Why are they even foster parents if they mistreat us and each other. 

I realize I'm at the bus stop and run up to my best friend, Jason, We've been friends since we were five years old. 

He knows about how dean and maria act towards me. 

I made him promise to never tell anyone. I'm afraid of what will happen if I tell. 

The school bus stops infront of us and we get on.

 I find a seat with no one sitting there and sit with jason next to me. 

Once we get to school we head to our classroom. 

Mrs. Jacobs is standing outside the classroom with a paper and pen, She sees us and looks down at her paper to check by our names. 

" Good morning Ry and Jason" She says. 

" Good Morning Mrs. Jacobs." We say. She smiles at us. A perfect smile. 

I couldn't help but remember my dream and wonder why I dreamt of her and Mr. Jacobs. 

It's still pretty weird to me. 

Mrs. Jacobs starts to talk about our lesson today. 

" Today we will be starting subtraction" She says as she writes on the chalk board. Mrs. Jacobs writes 13-7=? 

" Can anyone tell me the answer?" One boy raises his hand. 

The answer is 6 obviously. 

She looks around the room and her eyes land on me. 

"Ry, do you know the answer?" She ask. 

I nod. "Its 6.". I say. She smiles.

"That is correct." Mrs. Jacobs says. 

I smile to myself knowing that I got the answer right. 

Once when lunch roles around Mrs. Jacobs tells us to make a line at the font door. 

We all get up and form a line.

 Some are pushing each other to get in line first. 

I get in the back of the line, along with Jason. 

" They're animals I tell you, animals!" Jason whispers to me. 

I laugh quietly and nod my head in agreement. 

The line starts to move and we walk out of the classroom. 

Once we get to the cafeteria, I ask for a slice of cheese pizza. 

The lunch lady puts it on my tray and hands it to me.

 " Thank you" I say. 

"Your welcome" She says back to me.

 I grab my lunch card and hand it to the lunch lady once I get to the cash register. 

Jason and I walk to a table and sit down. 

Through out lunch we talk about this car game that we played when I went over to his house over the weekend. 

After lunch we have recess. 

I go straight over to the swings and get on one. 

Jason comes up to me and ask if I want to play some basketball, but I tell him no.

 He shruggs his shoulders and goes to play some basketball with the others. 

Eric comes up to me and sits on a swing and ask if I want to see who can swing the highest. 

"You're on." I smirk. 

We start to swing and we both get pretty high but i'm higher than eric. 

I laugh in glee knowing that I won. 

The next thing I know I fall off and land on my back. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Mrs. Jacobs run over and crouch down to me. 

"Don't move" She tells me. 

An ambulance arrives and the EMT's put something around my neck that keeps me from moving it. 

I look over to Mrs. Jacobs and she says "Everythings ok." 

Once I get to the hospital, doctors and nurses are surrounding me.

I don't know why though.

All i did was fall off a swing. Its not like I was bleeding.

One doctor looks at me and puts his hand on my head.

" Can you tell me your name?" The doctor asks.

" My name is Ry." I said.

" Ok. Good. Does anything hurt?" He said.

" No, I feel fine." I said.

" I want you to move your head side to side and up and down" The doctor said.

I do as I am told and nothing hurts.

" Does anything hurt when you do that?" The doctor said.

I shake my head no. He looks to the nurses and says something to them I don't understand. The next thing I know Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs arrive. They seem to care about me more than my foster parents do.

" Hey there kiddo! How are you feeling?" Mr. Jacobs said. I smile.

" I feel fine. I don't understand why I need this thing on my neck. Its bothering me. I can't move." Mrs. Jacobs frowns.

" It will be ok. They just want to make sure your alright sweetheart." She said.

" ok " I said.

I'm about to say something when dean and maria walk in pretending to be all worried about me. I know better than to believe it. I hear and soft growl and I don't know where it came from. I think my ears are playing tricks on me.

" ry, honey, are you ok?" Maria asked me as she came into view. I don't like the view.

" I'm fine." I said.

" Then why is he still here?" She asked the doctor that i just realized came into the room.

" We need to make sure he didn't fracture is spinal cord or have any internal bleeding or a concussion." The doctor said.

" My foster son said he is feeling ok, then he's ok. Take the neck brace off him. We're discharging him." Dean said.

" Now hold on-" Mr Jacobs was interrupted by dean.

" You dont get a say in this. Your not his parent or guardian. So shut up!" Dean yelled at him.

Oh no! I think he has been drinking. I don't want to go home with them. Mrs Jacobs seemed to notice my fear.

" Hey hey, what are you scared of? Are you afraid to go home?" She asked me.

I looked over at maria and dean, they were giving me looks that said to not say a word or else I would get in trouble.

I shook my head " I'm ok" I said.

She frowned, like she knew I was lying to her.

The doctor came back in with some papers.

dean signed them and maria took the neck brace off me and stood me up.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I looked back at mr and mrs jacobs with a scared look.

They looked upset.

I don't know if they were upset with me or with the situation.

Once dean, maria, and i got to the car, I was shoved in.

dean yelled at me the whole time.

The next thing I know I saw a car come out of no where and hit us.

I woke up to hearing sirens and looked at dean and maria.

There eyes were closed and they didn't seemed to be breathing.

The EMT's and firefighters and talking to me but I wasn't listening.

I wasn't feeling to good and my head hurt.

I just remember seeing stars and passing out.

I woke up to feeling a hand holding mine and hearing voices.

I recognized the voices and Mr and Mrs Jacobs.

I kept my eyes closed to listen to what they were saying.

" He's going to be alright babe" Mr Jacobs said.

" I know. I just hate that he is laying in this hospital bed." Mrs. Jacobs said

The next part shocked me.

" At least he will be with us for now on." Mr. Jacobs said.

Wait, what?!

What does that mean.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs.

They smiled at me.

" What did you mean that I will be with you for now on?" I asked.

" How do you feel about us adopting you?" Mrs. Jacobs asked.

" I would like that!" I said excitedly.

They chuckled at me.

" Wait what happened to dean and maria?" I asked.

Mr and Mrs Jacobs looked at each other.

" Honey, they didn't make it." Mrs Jacobs said to me.

I looked down. I was a bit sad because they were still people and they didn't deserve to die like that no matter how they treated me.

" What's the matter kiddo?" Mr Jacobs asked me

He and Mrs Jacobs were frowning.

" Its just.. they were people. They didn't deserve to die like that no matter how they treated me." I said as I looked down and played with my fingers.

I felt two fingers on my chin and my head was lifted up.

" We understand. No one deserves to die the way they did." She said as they both looked at me understandingly.

I smiled at them.

"What about my stuff? I need my clothes and stuff." I said

"Don't worry we will get all your things when you get out of the hospital" Mr Jacobs said to me.

"ok" I said.

I started to feel sleepy again

" Go back to sleep. We will be right here when you wake" Mrs Jacobs said.

I did as I was told. I fell asleep knowing that I was going to be safe for now on.

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