By DuraWrites

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And the phrase; "She is our everything" slowly changed to "She was our everything-" ☆... More



410 30 47
By DuraWrites


The two nurses, Prisha and Hana worked hand in hand swiftly and softly to help take all the necessary samples needed for the tests and left right after leaving the three us in a nerve-wracking silence.

My brain took the quietness as a good thing as it began to form up ideas of what could or might be wrong with me. Being a medical student didn't help in giving me clarity, it couldn't help to put a stop to the turmoil building up within me, creating strings of worry that is attaching to the crevice of my mind.

I am starting to feel scared because something tells me I'm not ready for what's to come.

And this wait for the result was wrecking me wholly.

"Angel?!" Jin soft voice sounded stern and that got me to look up at him, he was still standing along with Tae. "Yes Oppa?" I say, my tone questioning.

"I've been calling you for few seconds now, please don't think too much about this hmmmn?" He says to me as he sat down and grabbed my hands immediately squeezing them softly, "Everything will be fine my darling Angel, everything will be fine." He assured, smiling at me. And it did help to slow down the whirling pace of my thoughts.

"Yes Vee, all will be fine. Don't worry and you know we're always here for you." I hear the deep voice of Tae and he leaned down to peck my cheek, the action almost made me tear up, it just felt like what I needed.

That physical touch.

The emotional blanket.

"Thank you my loves, I will believe that too." I managed to smile at them, it was a genuine one but just forced. "The result is said to be out in about forty minutes time, I want a distraction because I keep having bad thoughts and I don't want them on mind. Please distract me." I tell them what I need, what I think can help me not go crazy before the tests result comes out.

"Awww Vee, do you remember how we spent our night?" Tae grinned as he climbed the bed making me scoot a bit so there can be enough space for him to sit or kneel.

"I'll like to know too." I hear Jin say from the end of the bed but he climbed and came to sit on my other side making me sat between them. They haven't done much but they were already succeeding at distracting my mind, all I see at the moment is the beauty and power they both possess.

"I remember." I whisper.

"You remember how I ate you while you sucked Jungkook, how you shattered on my tongue when you reached your climax?" Tae's deep voice questioned me, putting me in a trance, completely succeeding at halting my stupid thoughts from whirling, he replaced it with memories, memories of our explicit night shared passion.

"I remember." I whispered.

"What happened next?" Jin asked as he leaned closer to my face and began giving me kitten licks on my ear which caused me to hum out a moan.

"Then Jungkook fucked her pussy so hard while she was sucking my dick, she was such a good girl taking us both so so well." He murmured as his right hand palmed my clothed breast while Jin trailed kisses down to my jaw.

What was I even thinking about before?

"She was?" Jin mumbled against my chin.

"Yes, she was. She later rode me while Jungkook fucked her ass hole. She took us well and we went twice again after that. The way my dick gets coated with her juice, the way she clenches around me, the way she moaned out our names, her cries of pleasure was good music to our ears, it drove us even crazier that it made us ram in a crazed manner into her. She was such a mess at the end of it. Our beautiful good girl." Tae rasped and kissed my neck, he licked it and sucked on it, locating my weak spot. I was becoming a moaning mess.

"She sure is a good girl but naughty one too, she purposely wore my favourite colour last night, to rile and tease me only to leave me hanging." Jin growled into my ear before biting on it.

"Jin~" I gasped.

"Once you're better, I'm going to teach you a fucking lesson and remind you who is in charge here, you want your punishment right?" Jin asked and I eagerly nodded, biting my lips.

"You love when I punish you right?" He sked again, biting softly on my cheek.

"Yes, yes." I breathed with eyes closed.

"Good girl, my beautiful angel," He rasped, "I'm going to wreck you into a shattering mess, just how you enjoy your punishments." He says to me while his hand palmed my breast and giving it soft squeezes just like Tae is still doing.

"Mmmmn, I can't wait. I can't wait to be at your mercy, Oppa." I rasped back, feeling so turned on.

The sweet nothings were continuing to roll into my ears from their tongues while they kissed my necks, ears, chin. It wasn't even a bigger pleasuring action but I felt it on maximum level. They make me melt for them even with the littlest action of pleasure. They distracted me just like I asked. They know me so well and knew the right buttons to push.

Once they noticed I was no longer tense, the fever wasn't burning, the nausea wasn't flaring angrily in my throat, the aches weren't intense, they stopped and just cuddled with me on the bed as we waited for the result. So we chit-chatted for the remainder of time until we had that knock.

The knock that puts an end to this wait.

The knock that will allow answers to be provided.

The knock that may put an end to this nonsensical sickness or extend it if something is really really wrong.

We quickly repositioned ourselves from our cuddling position into a sitting position with our feets flat on the floor and our ass cheeks on the edge of the bed as Doctor Sunny along with Hana walked in, holding a folder that I'm guessing contains the result of the tests. His eyes gave no indication of what might be, his usual teasing expression wasn't present, his gaze weren't hard or soft, his steps weren't slow or fast, he didn't let out a sigh as he got to us neither did he smile. All of these was only heightening my fear, making my heart thump harder against my chest and I started to feel hot, I could feel my palms getting clammy, I didn't know what to think, good news or bad news?

Fuck! I'm nervous.

I feel an arm wrapped around me, squeezing my shoulders and holding me close to their body, I look to my side and see Tae was the cause of the calming blanket so I smiled at him and he smiled in return. The gesture made my racing heart gain a stable tempo, it made the nerves trickling up my throat to calm down, easing the nausea in the process and it made me snap out of the weary thoughts I was having. Focusing is what I need to do, not overthinking or feeling extremely worried when I have no idea of what the results are.

But isn't that exactly why I'm nervous? Not knowing.

"The results are out." Those were the first words Doctor Sunny said since he entered the room, he wasn't smiling. Oh God.

"Are they okay?" Jin asked, breaking the silence again, it was very silent that I could hear every of my breaths intake, I could hear my heart pounding again.

Doctor Sunny sighed.

Oh my god, he fucking sighed. That's a bad sign. Bad sign. Bad bad sign. Bad news. Oh my god.

"Well, for a start, you are not pregnant." Doctor Sunny announced, I hear Jin let out a sigh of relief, I see the disappointed expression that took over Tae's face and me? No reaction. I thought hearing that would make me so joyous but not anymore or at least till I know the rest of the results.

"She doesn't have the flu either," Doctor Sunny informs us further, "Oh thank goodness," Jin let out, "So why is she having all these symptoms?" He then asked the question of the moment.

The most important question.

"We can't say but the result from her blood count is not looking good at all." Doctor Sunny answers but I knew this wasn't the final blow, I could feel the unknown. I could.

"Why? What's wrong? Why is it not looking good?" Tae rushed the doctor with questions I also wanted to ask.

"Her red blood cells are lower than its usual count, not so much but she will be needing an urgent transfusion. Her white blood cells however, are the most concerning, her lymphocytes specifically are too high and that is a sign that something is wrong. It could be some infections like bacteria or virus but with the result of the blood count we got, we'll need to perform another test, one that could give us the answer we need." Doctor Sunny explained to us, hand gestures in the air to elaborate his words. I understood about blood counts even if I am yet to be an official Oncologist. But I knew all about the blood cells, what it could mean when they are high in percentage or low in percentage. I understood how they worked, what each of the types of blood cells do, what their importance is for the whole body system to continue to function as it should normally do.

But here I am; completely speechless and thoughtless. Nothing was coming through my head so I did my very best to direct my focus on what Doctor has to say. He is the only one right now that could give me answers.

I feel like I am getting paranoid over something that could be nothing but my mind isn't easing, it isn't accepting that fact and the only way to cage these bad thoughts and throw them into the ocean is to finally know what the problem is.

That I knew will put an end to the brewing storm inside of me.

"I understand that when the red blood cells are low it's called anaemia but what I don't understand is the function of lymphocytes, can you elaborate for us?" Tae asked, there were times they caught me studying and he took to himself one particular day to learn a bit about haemoglobin (The Red Blood Cell).

"Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cells that are in charge of helping the immune system to fight foreign bodies and diseases such as virus infections, bacteria infections, cancer and other kinds of infection, there are are two-"

"Did you say cancer?" Jin cut Doctor Sunny abruptly mid sentence.

I know all of these, I know what he hasn't even mentioned because he's trying to go gentle about it and that's why I can't help but overthink and panic. Those answers needs to be known as soon as possible.

"Yes, they are also things our immune system fights, the white blood cells are majorly in charge of helping us fight them off so when a situation like a high lymphocytes count happens, we need to know why because something must have caused it go up. There's a particular count every adult shouldn't exceed in every microlitre of blood, the count ranges from 1000 to 4800 and your girlfriend is at 7900."

"So I'll have to do bone marrow biopsy right?" I asked, my tone sharp and harsh. I didn't mean to sound that way but I am currently not able to process thoughts, I wasn't able to filter them, they are rushing in and piling on each other, they are almost at the brim and it's going start choking me.

"Sometimes I forget you are a medical student," Doctor says and laughed airily, that would usually make me laugh along with him but it had no effect on me, "-yes, we'll be taking a bone marrow biopsy so we can determine what's wrong and treat it." He finished, now looking at me softly.

"Hey?" He called to me as my watery eyes let go of the salty liquid to roll down my cheeks, "Don't cry, it's may not be what you're thinking." He bent to my face level and spoke softly to me. Oh God, he's now talking to me like a real patient, not one he treats at home.

"Yes Angel, please no tears." Jin rasped, caressing my cheek.

But how can I not cry?

There's a fucking possibility cancer is involved.

"You just said may not be what I'm thinking, you aren't sure." I reply while wiping my tears-stained cheeks. I want to try and be strong because I know I'm strong. But everything I know is beginning to blur with the things unknown and it's driving me crazy

"You should think positive Vee, nothing like that will happen to you. You have to keep faith in yourself, don't lose to what you don't even know. You're stronger than this hmmmmn?" Tae tells me in a low and soft tone, his palm patting my shoulder.

I nodded.

That's all I could really manage to do.

"I agree with Tae, my Angel. Don't let the fear of the unknown get to you. We have to stay positive." Jin says, his voice calm and soothing, his voice was currently warming up around me, patting me in the gentlest way possible, his voice is truly gold.

"Thank you Jinnie, I will. It's just hard to not to think of the worst case scenario." I reply, letting a smile grace my lips, letting positivity settle on mind and fight off the big bad wolf called thoughts within my mind.

I am strong.

I am strong?

"Don't think that way Ione, everything will be fine."

Those were the last words of Doctor Sunny I heard after the conversation with my boyfriends and after he filled me in on how the bone marrow samples will be taken as I slowly let the general anaesthesia take control, knocking me out completely.

I had opted for it because I know the nerves will be killing me if I choose the local anaesthesia, the one that will only numb the area where the needle will be inserted to extract my bone marrow and also because it will take few hours for me to wake up, cutting short my waiting time.

The wait this time around is within 48 hours to 96 hours long. If I didn't get that headstart by being knocked into the oblivion, I would be more than a mess in one hour in into the wait. Because it's been almost twelve hours at the moment, the pant of blood I received had finished.

I am here sitting down in the same hospital room, surrounded by the lights of my life, cocooned by their overpowering love, because it took over the control the panicking has on me, all I could feel was warmth, comfort, tender calmness.

What would I do without them?

"Do you think you can keep something down now?" Jimin cuddled up to my side asked. When they knew I couldn't get discharged they all let out grumbled words of protest but came to understand that my immune system isn't very strong at the moment so it's better I'm in an health facility where I can be monitored than at home especially after receiving a pant of blood, the nurses have taken intervals to come check up on me. I was set on an IV with saline fluid to help provide energy and some nutrients that I was lacking due to the fact that I couldn't eat all day.

Nurse Hana just left but I saw the hesitation in her steps and expression, she is a fan of BTS, the first time she met them when she followed Doctor Sunny to our home, she let out a squeal before apologizing for her rudeness and not remaining professional. She and Prisha are very beautiful young ladies, each with distinctive facial features.

All the medical personnel that attends to I and my boyfriends have all signed an NDA and was kept to a minimum.

"Maybe something light, you guys being here is helping me feel so much better." I answered and felt someone's lips peck on my cheek and withdrew too fast. I turned to my other side and saw it was my sunshine, my love, his bright radiating smile as he stares down at me boosted me, making me smile in return.

They are my serotonin boost.

"I'm glad to hear that, do you have a specific food in mind to eat?" Hobi asked me and settled on my other side, cuddling up to me, and I'm now sandwiched between Hoseok and Jimin. The softest of all.

"Not really, you decide for me. I trust your taste in food unlike one person." I say cheekily, raising the tone of my voice for the said person to hear.

"Hey, I have great taste in food." Jungkook protested, walking towards the bed.

"Yeah yeah, remember that last time I was sick, you could only come up with banana milk, who gives milk to a nauseated person, huh?" I teased, smirking at him.

"You asked for something light and nutritious, I gave you the epitome of light and nutritious and here you are, still complaining, do you know the importance of banana milk in the society?" He asked, feigning angry and this was making me smiling from ear to ear. Perfect distraction. Beautiful performers.

"I'm sorry Mr Muscle Bunny, I don't know so why don't you enlighten me?" I pressed my lips together not to smile, gazing around quickly, I saw my remaining four boyfriends now moved closer to listen on our banter.

"When someone you call Muscle Bunny and others call Jeon Jungkook drinks banana milk, it makes the society crave for it, I mean take a good look at me-" He took a slow twirl, "I don't see any fat ass." I snickered, "-not the point Miss Ione, the point is, I am good and beautiful from head to toe, people want the secret to my handsomeness, they want to know what I eat and drink, so when they knew banana milk was one of them, they made it a golden drink just like the golden Maknae. So you are the one who missed out on drinking the golden banana milk." He finished with a tsk and I couldn't, I tried, I did my very best but I couldn't hold in my laughter.

It erupted.

It filled the room.

It made my eyes crinkle.

It made me tear up.

It made my stomach hurt from it.

It made my heart feel free of ache.

It made my mind empty of bad thoughts.

It made me clap, clap for myself. Clap for my boyfriend. Clap for the strength I knew was deep inside me to surface. Clap for the euphoric feeling taking over the room.

Just like his song; he is the cause of my euphoria.

"You are awesome. Thank you." I say when I finally calmed down from my fit of healing laughter.

"You are so welcome my darling Noona. I want nothing but to see the joy that dances in your eyes when you laugh to the fullest. I want nothing but to see you all good and well and so you will be. My strong Noona." He leaned down to me, laying over Jimin's body and pecked my lips.

I didn't want them kissing me due to infection or anything of sort.

They all need to be well, Idols always have to maintain their health as it could affect their image. They go through so much before they can even live life itself. They are hard workers, they are joy givers, they are soul healers, they are amazing artists and what they really didn't need is getting sick.

Especially when it's caused by me.

"Hey, I said no kisses." I protested, throwing him a glare.

"That's why I pecked. Or do you want me to teach you difference between the two?" He asked, a teasing smile on his lips.

"He would do it so don't dare him." Hobi whispered in my ear, already seeing that I will fall into his trap to kiss me.

"I won't fall for that game Guk." I poked my tongue out at him.

"You will fall next time when there's no one to whisper into your ear." He poked his tongue back at me.

"I would really love to see this beautiful scene continuing but my Angel really needs to eat and so do we all. And she needs to sleep soon, Nurse Hana said to allow her rest." Jin said, voice cutting through our fun bubble.

"Food and sleep is important for my darling Ione, so let's order some tasty delicacies and stuff her up to the brim." Yoongi said teasingly, now massaging my feet at the end of the bed earning a satisfied sigh to escape my lips.

"Yes to stuffing her up!" Tae excitedly said, raising his arm in the air.

"Me too." Namjoon agreed, shooting a wink.

My mouth was agape at this current Coup D'etat against me.

"I'll like to be the show watcher." Jimin spoke out loud and pinched my nipples making me let out an oww.

"Jimin, I'll order us popcorn since I'll be your seat partner to watch that show." Guk winked at Jimin, nodding his head with a smirky smile.

"Hobi, save me from them." I turn to look at him, batting my lashes and pouting my lips.

"I'm sorry princess, your prince charming can't handle six knights on his own. So I have to join them and take over this kingdom that belongs to your royal majesty but I am not going to betray your love as I will be an internal spy amongst them, we will conquer them at the end of it. What do you say?" He whispered all of that into my ear and I was smiling like a fool in love all throughout his spoken words.

I'm a fool in love anyway.

"I say do it my love, do it your Royal Highness." I giggled. My heart feels so light, my problems all forgotten, my worries all melted away. They have that magic.

And so we spent our night in each other's company, although I slept before them but knowing they were with me, hugging me, crooning to me, I slept like a baby, it's probably the best sleep I've had in weeks.

The morning came too quickly, and it made them all leave as each and everyone of them had schedules today that couldn't be moved or postponed. They pecked my forehead and whispered words of encouragement and sweet nothings into my ear as they said their good byes. That loving gesture put a smile on my face and I hoped I continue to have that same energy throughout the day all alone in my hospital room.

Time will definitely pass fast. And this wait will be over with no sad news.

Yes, that's the energy!


[Word Count: 3921]

A/N: What are you guys thinking?

Should she be scared of the unknown?

Or remain positive as it could be nothing huge?

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and the story so far...also don't forget to hit that vote ★ button.

See you in the next chapter where will get the final answer to Ione's dilemma.

Stay hydrated or I'll bite you in a very kinky way...and I love you beautiful person. 💜

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