Heretical -Rain-

By MaidChan5

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[GOD EATER 2 Alternate Universe] Julius Visconti, a knight templar, and also one of the church's best hands... More

CHAPTER 1. The First Meeting
CHAPTER 2. The Demon King
CHAPTER 3. The Sacrificial Virgin
CHAPTER 4. The Deal with the Devil
CHAPTER 5. For the Witch is Conceited

The Holy Saint Part 7

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By MaidChan5

The next morning, Julius was nowhere to be found. Not even his belongings—as scarce as they were—remained.

With growing concern, the witch rushed downstairs. Of course, she couldn't feel any presence. After reaching the entrance, she found out that the door was locked, but the key was no longer on its designated place.

Instead, the key was on the floor right before the door.

...So, he didn't forget to lock and slid the key through the gap under the door afterwards.

Until the very end, the knight templar remained a gentleman—

—towards that, the witch didn't know whether to laugh, or to cry.

Most importantly, I have to hurry and give him a chase!


Freyja was a town with population less than 500 people. As small as it sounded, it was a buzzing town, filled with life. Majority of the town consisted of a marketplace. The street was littered with food stalls and cafes.

The town also had another name—the Flower Town. With a magical forest nearby, plantation thrived in that town. It wasn't strange to see the white wall of someone's house being adorned with greeneries. Or that there were colorful flowers as far as the eye could see.

That morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping. The marketplace began to get crowded. Amidst that, the witch was on a rush.

Finding him wasn't hard.

"Ah, there he is!"

"Oh, so by 'tall, blond, man with an attitude' that's who you mean... When it comes to Knight Captain Visconti, I'm unsure of the last part..."

Near a supermarket built with red bricks, stood two figures. One was a limping old woman, while the other was the witch.

As for whom they were talking about—

—at the central town square, where a small blue fountain was splashing, stood a pair of man and woman. The man was none other than Julius, while the woman seemed to be his acquaintance of sorts. In contrast to Julius, who was in his full knightly attire, the woman was wearing a plain, white blouse, coupled with a red shirt. Her brown hair was tied up on the side of her face.

Both were carrying something. Julius, a bag of cherry tomatoes along with a bucket bag, the woman, a bag of baguettes. At a first glance, it seemed like a guard helping a civilian carry her shopping home.

However, both were wearing a silver cross. Julius wore it as an earring on his right ear, while the woman wore it as a hair accessory.

It wasn't just any kind of silver cross, though. The center of the cross was studded with a magical gem. Said gem would only glow a peculiar red when worn by a certain person.

Such was the insignia of the church. Because it was a mean of identification, it was mandatory to be worn at a place where it'd be visible.

As Julius walked alongside that woman, he could be seen flashing a smile every once in a while. A smile so gentle, it looked like the first ray of the sun.

The kind of smile he had never shown the witch.

"...That woman."

"Huh? You don't know her? She is Ms. Reina Sue, Knight Captain Visconti's second-in-command."

Ah. So, that woman was from the same party he tried to protect with his life. No wonder he looked so delighted when he was with her. It wouldn't be strange to assume that the two were exchanging jokes along the way.

"They are often seen together. Mostly during patrols. Ms. Reina Sue is a kind, helpful, young girl—just like you, Ame."


Such was the witch's alias when she visited the town. She had also dressed herself up in a way that wouldn't stand out.

The old lady before her went on.

"While Knight Captain Visconti—ah, I don't think I need to go on about how dreamy he is! He is noble, treat an old woman like me like a princess, strong... There are rumors that the two are going out, but if they aren't, I'd like him to meet my granddaughter!" That was the third time Ame had heard similar things.

Well, that certainly didn't sound like the man who attempted to kill her a few times yesterday.

So... Not only was he a lofty person, it seemed that Julius was also well-liked amongst the grandmas. All of them were eager to introduce him to their granddaughters for some reason.

Ame muttered briefly.

"Well, his demeanor certainly changes when a witch is mentioned."

"Huh, Ame, you didn't know?"

Before the old woman could continue her sentences, a cold autumn wind, carrying the hint of winter, blew.

"More importantly, Diana! We have to get you home, soon. What did I say about unnecessary stroll, not to mention, hnggh...—!!"

"Ohoho, it isn't unnecessary. My granddaughter had just sent me some allowance. To respect her, I decided to spent it~ Anyway, thank you for your help. Back in the days, I'd be able to carry these just fine."

"What, do you even need, twenty cartons of milk, for!?"

"We never know when my granddaughter would return. When she got home, she'd surely crave some homemade custard pie. This old lady needs her exercise."

"Okay, just make sure, to not strain yourself, I am ready to help...!"

...Again, finding him wasn't hard. What was hard was staying on track.

The witch wobbled behind the old woman while carrying a huge and heavy box containing cartons of milk.

"Don't worry, you will be compensated. My lovely hens will see to it."

"Thank you, Diana..."

Along the way, people with similar situation as Diana would appear. Every time, the witch would make sure they received proper help. Only when she was already halfway would she realize—

—oh, crap, I forgot about Julius!

However, luck seemed to be on her side that day. The knight templar would always happen to be in the corner of her eyes, chatting while walking with his female companion. As long as it was that woman, it should be fine, the witch thought.

After all, she was the holy saint.


Vice-captain Reina Sue was on a roll—

—or to be precise, captain.

As the newly-appointed captain, it was her duty to deliver weekly report to the church. As such, Reina had to leave her party, whom were in an expedition, and returned to Freyja. That morning, after she had fulfilled her weekly obligations, she chanced upon Julius. They encountered each other in the marketplace.

At the sight of her former captain, her heart made a somersault.

He was as honorable-looking and discipline as ever. It was hard to believe that captain of her left for some selfish-sounding reasons.

Julius took kindly to her.

As if he hadn't just left the party he had co-founded six years ago, the two were involved in a pleasant conversation.

It felt like two old friends, whom hadn't met for a long time, resuming their conversation as if they had never parted.

Reina was secretly grateful for that.

After a full year of working together, Reina was once again reminded of the fact that the man named Julius Visconti was unreadable as hell. When asked how he was doing, he only smiled. "I'm doing well."

That was just the kind of man he was. He'd always wear an expression akin to that of a tranquil lake, and before she knew it—

"—Reina, I'm entrusting our party to you."

The flashback of that time still gave her chill. She remembered feeling as if her heart was going to stop.

But that's all in the past.

She had to move forward—or more like, that was the only option she had.


As of the present, Julius was escorting her back to the inn. At night, she'd have to return to the expedition camp, again. Such was the life of a captain. It was a wonder how, throughout the year, Julius looked as unperturbed as ever, even though the schedule was a chaotic mess.

"Now everyone's going to know that I'm one of the church's member. Even though I've made sure to not be inconspicuous." Reina casually joked.

Her former captain's silver eyes, which were staring at the road, returned to her.

He said with a smile

"What are you talking about? As the guard of the town, I'm making sure a civilian gets home safely."

Afterwards, his gaze left her again—then, loneliness settled in.

It felt like a long time ago, but they used to go on a patrol together. Just the two of them. He was supposed to do it alone, but out of her own initiative, she asked to join him.

She wanted to get to know him better.

During the entirety of their walk, as she followed his wide back, she'd scramble her head for a topic to discuss. It wouldn't be strange for her head to start blowing out smoke at any given time. Regardless, it was to no avail.

During the pivotal moment, she'd always fail to muster any courage to speak to him. As such, the entire patrol was spent in silence.

...Who would've thought, the moment she was able to casually express joke to him, they were already two unrelated people.

Although his thoughtfulness made her happy, his statement had inadvertently caused her to be sad.

The 'guard' and the 'civilian'—two people that would never go on a patrol together.

"Then you better guard me well!"

Despite so, she still mustered her courage to speak up.

After all, she never knew when they'd meet again.

As such, Reina was determined to savor every moment.

She hoped that moment would last...

...To be honest, it actually felt that their walk home was prolonged.

Haven't we passed the town square before...?

That was certainly it.

After all, the first time they passed here, she had remarked about the clear fountain.

Realizing that, Reina's heart skipped a beat as she stared at Julius' profile.

...Could it be... he feels the same?

Was he walking in circles on purpose?

Filled with such thought, Reina hugged the bag of baguettes tightly. As she grew weak in the knees, the solid breads were her only support.

At the same time, the realization also added to her confidence.

Let's talk a bit more!

"Y'know, the reason I bought all these is none other than Romeo. He wants cherry tomato in everything he ate!"


Usually, Julius would be all-ears when the topic was about his party members—former.

However, as of the present, the man showed no sign of responding.

His gaze was focused on the road ahead. Reina followed his gaze, but only saw a supermarket.

"Cap—" Reina quickly corrected her words. "Julius?"

As she thought, it felt... unusual to address him by name. Nevertheless, she'd like to believe that they were close enough to be on first-name basis.

No reply.

A second, and a third call later—



The blond-haired man snapped back into reality.

Julius always had that distant look to him. However, Reina couldn't help but feel that today, he was more so than usual.

The moment his gaze landed on her, it was as if he had only recalled her existence.

Then, with a remorseful expression, the man proceeded to apologize.

"...Forgive me. Reina, your inn shouldn't be too far from here, can you return by yourself? I have an urgent matter to attend to."

"Ah, yes, sure..."

Her inn was, in fact, close by.

Despite so, she couldn't stop staring at her former captain's back, which grow farther and farther away.


After helping Diana carry her milk, Cecilia water her plants, Russel feeds his horses, Tony arranges his warehouse, the witch found out that her baggage...

...hadn't decreased at all!

In fact, they had only increased!

Let's see, Diana gave me some eggs, Cecilia some molasses, Russel some apples, Tony some milk...

...In short, she had enough to cover for this week's desserts.

"What should I make tonight?"

Ame passed a store with glass window, and saw her own reflection.

In all honesty, rather than being concerned about the menus of that week, or that night, she should be thinking about the matter at hand...

Or hands, as both of her hands were full with bag containing fruits and other things. In fact, she had also balanced some of them on her shoulders, and the top of her head.

To her, the weight meant nothing at all. After all, it was the kindness of those people given form.

"Should I make a flan again? Or, a tart? Ah, right, I should ask for Julius' input. I wonder what kind of dessert he likes..."

"...I don't particularly like sweets."

"I see. Then, cookies with a lot of cocoa powder? Or, better yet, walnut cookies?"

"I don't know, I have never tasted both."


Ame realized she had been getting feedback for her monologue, and turned around, only to find the towering figure of the knight templar.

The sight of him gave her quite a fright, and before she realized it, she was losing her balance.

The eggs on top of her head was the first to go.

As the bag containing eggs fell, it was as if time had slowed down.


Diana's hens—Cutie, Georgy, Pretty, Cuddly, Patty, and Elizabeth—painstakingly produced them!!!

However, as she saw a flash of white, the side of her face landed on something firm, but warm. At the same time, she also felt something encircling her waist.

"Worry about yourself."

Her benefactor said.

"N-nice assist, Julius, I want to properly thank you, but as you can see..."

She was currently perched on one knee, while her face was firmly planted on his chest.

Julius didn't say anything further.

At the same time, Ame felt the burden she was carrying being lifted one by one.

When there were only two bags left, which were slung to her arms, Julius helped steady her with one arm.

Finally, she was able to face him properly.

Devoid of his Monalisa-like smile from yesterday, Julius stood while holding all her baggage. Although he was silent, his stare was full of scrutiny.

In contrast, Ame showed a full smile.

"Julius, there you are! I haven't seen you since this morning, you seem well!"

"We've only not seen each other since this morning." Julius' stoic expression cracked into a smile. "Ms. Witch seems so delighted to see me."

Maybe it was because of the backlight. But for some reason, his smile looked a tad bit genuine. His gaze also carried a tinge of amusement—which turned into a slight guilt when Ame dropped the next question.

"Since when have you been following me?"

"...Not too long. I spotted you passing by."

"I see. Well, I'm fine now. So, you can hand those over."

Without further ado, Ame extended both of her hands towards the baggage he was carrying.

Julius looked visibly reluctant. "Ms. Witch's hands are already full."

It was the truth.

"No problem! I'm used to it! Besides, it's only this much!"

Regardless, both of her hands remained empty. She felt the caress of wind as he walked pass her.

"I only have to bring them home, right?"

Before she knew it, Julius was already walking away.

In the end, Ame decided to follow him.


In an empty alleyway.

Even though Julius walked first, Ame ended up leading the way. After all, her baggage was lighter. The knight templar followed along, carrying the heavy bags containing fruits and milk as if they were nothing.

"At such hour, this alley is almost deserted." Julius suddenly remarked from behind.

Ame focused on the road ahead. "Indeed, everyone's busy with work, after all."

Then, a brief silence.

Only the noise created as they stepped on the cobblestone could be heard.

"No one would be here to witness a thing." Said the knight templar once again.

"Oh, wait, isn't that a bit dangerous?" The witch answered as she kept walking.

To be honest, Ame knew what he was implying.

Julius let out an exasperated sigh.

Then, in a quiet tone. "Why didn't you use magic?"

'Didn't'—as in, past tense.

The witch was correct in assuming that their meeting wasn't a coincidence.

He must had spotted her since long ago. For how long, she was unsure.

Well, besides, she came here to find him, not hide from him.

Finally, Ame turned around.

As she answered firmly, she stared straight into Julius' eye.

"Nothing good ever came from being overly-dependent of magic."

Ame increased her speed. It didn't matter whether or not he believed her.

However, she suddenly took an abrupt halt.

"Ah, that's right. Before heading home, there's somewhere else we need to go."

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