Whispers of Regret

By mysterious_maissa

205K 4.8K 337

Delving into the narrative of an Omega's anguish and the downfall of a Trueblood. Alice once embraced the not... More

Chapitre 1
Chapitre 2
Chapitre 3
Chapitre 4
Chapitre 5
Chapitre 6
Chapitre 7
Chapitre 8
Chapitre 9
Chapitre 10
Chapitre 11
Chapitre 12
Chapitre 13
Chapitre 14
Chapitre 15
Chapitre 16
Chapitre 17
Chapitre 18
Chapitre 19
Chapitre 20
Chapitre 21
Chapitre 22
Chapitre 23
Chapitre 24
Chapitre 25
Chapitre 26
Chapitre 27
Chapitre 28
Chapitre 31
Chapitre 32
Chapitre 33
Chapitre 34
Chapitre 35
Chapitre 36
Chapitre 37
Chapitre 38
Chapitre 39
Chapitre 40
Chapitre 41
Chapitre 42
Chapitre 43
Chapitre 44
Chapitre 45
Chapitre 46
Chapitre 47
Chapitre 48
Chapitre 49
Chapitre 50
Chapitre 51
Chapitre 52
Chapitre 53
chapitre 54
Chapitre 55
Chapitre 56
Chapitre 57
Chapitre 58
chapitre 59

Chapitre 29

3.2K 73 7
By mysterious_maissa

Ignore the mistakes plz :)


"Why mom?" Ithan voice was calm and collected totally opposite to his inner turmoil that's screaming at him to harm the threat. "I asked WHY mom?!" Ithan voice boomed in the living room.

"Because she's a bitch!" Mrs. Smith shouted angrily. Ithan growled warningly. "Don't call her that ever again" Ithan took a step closer, it's getting harder to control his anger with every passing second. "Ithan now you'll talk to your mother like that for some mere weak omega?" Ithan's grandma says frowning, eyes accusing and fill with disgust towards the certain omega.

"SHE'S NOT A MERE OMEGA! She's my omega and i swear to god if...." ithan roared his eyes glowed golden entirely showing that his wolf successfully took a full control on his human self. Trueblood stood right infront of his mother, eyes forcing her wolf to submit and she lose looking down in submission.

"If anyone tried to harm my mate, my omega even you-I'll tore your hands out of your bones and it's not just a mere threat." Ithan growled. "And if you even think about hurting her again-remember that she's a mate of a trueblood and I'm your superior, disrespecting my omega means disrespecting me and I'll not tolerate it, understand!" Ithan deep almost growling voice echoed in the house making both she-wolf's let out a submissive whimper.


"Y-Yes alpha" both females let out. Trueblood wolf took a step back looking at them satisfied with their position right now he smirk and give human self the control back. Ithan turned don't want to see the person he respected the most hitting his omega behind his back for a long time.

And what hurt the most is that he didn't even know about that until a little while before.

"Get out"

"J-Ithan list-"

"I said Get out!" Ithan shouted, turning around his face shows how hurt and dissappointed he is from her behaviour. "And don't come again until you realize your mistakes."

"I didn't do anything! She's the one who disrespect me!" She still stubbornly says. "You did a coward move mom! you tried to hurt the person who's weak from you and that's what you did! You're a fucking coward wolf that is too weak to hurt the ones who can defend themselves. You did wrong mom and you have to accept it until then...." Ithan point towards the door. "Get the hell out of here before i do something i shouldn't do" ithan coldly says looking dead in his mother's eyes who was now fuming with anger from her son's words.

Ithan sat on the couch when both of the devils leave the house. He rubbed his face and grab his hair in frustration. The position he saw his omega scared him deeply, those vulnerable eyes those marks on her skin haunting him. His mind can't seem to get that horrible picture out of him and just showing it again and again.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" He shouted in frustration.

After calming himself down he stood and walk towards the room where his both worlds are. He knock the door being as cautious as possible as to not scared the already fearfill wolfs. He open the door when no one answered to look the heartbreaking side. His both babies were cuddled into a ball holding onto each other while sleeping on the bed.

He went closer to them and sat on the edge of the bed looking at both of them. He feels his eyes stings when his vision landed on alice's cheek where a big red mark is decorating now with dried tears. He reached his hand and caressed the delicate cheek leaning down to kiss the red spot softly. Ithan stroked alice's hair nosing her cheek softly mumbling sorry's.

"I should've come earlier if i did, this wouldn't been happened to you" ithan said softly, still nuzzling against the cheek. "Just when i thought that I'm so close to earn your trust something happened-like always." He said silently.

"I'm so sorry Moon. Looks like it's the only think I'm saying to you recently. I can't even asked for forgiveness now for how many times you've been in pain because of me." Ithan kissed her neck hands still stroking the soft hair massaging it in hope to soothy some of her pain.

He hold her blooded hand carefully looking through all the nails scratches and also the deep ones where's the blood is flooding. She still didn't starts healing yet because omega's healing process is slower than any other wolf.

She might be in so much pain.

Ithan lean down kissing all the marks on her wrist then starts licking it holding softly onto her hand. Mate's saliva helps the omega healed quickly. When ithan pulls away, there's was no marks left and clean her hand kissing it after and placing it on it's respected place.

But it's just a physical pain, he can heal it with his nature but what he'll do with the internal pain? How will he soothy those years of pain that alice had gone through? How will he heal her broken heart? He don't know but he know one thing....

He's tired now.

Tired of hoping for something he don't even deserved. Tired of trying to console his beating heart that alice will accept it one day. Tired of apologizing for his wrong deeds then hurting her again after intentionally or unintentionally but it doesn't count. Why should alice forgive him? He was stupid to think he have a chance but now even his stupidity is not giving him any hope-not after what happened today.

There's no hope now.

He kissed both of the sleeping figures forehead, covering them with a warm blanket and stood up going towards the balcony. He closed the door after him and walked forwards, leaning against the railing. He closed his eyes and breath shakily when his mind shows him the past....

"Ithan! Stop doing that! It hurts" she whined pushing the naughty alpha away from her.

"Not my fault you've chubby cheeks, can't resist myself to bite it. Why are you soo cute love" he nuzzle against her soft neck kissing it after softlty.

"Hahaha...when did you not find me cute you big baby." She turned around and pulled his cheeks softly, both giggling in happiness.

"Because you're cute and I love you so much" he smile lovingly kissing her forehead.

"I love you more babybun" she smiled back sweetly resting her forehead against his, smiling widely.

Ithan open his eyes when his breaths got heavy, dropping on the cold railing and slipping onto the floor after.

He look up at the sky seeing as the moon shine brighter than every other day taunting his dark life where there's no brightness left. Everything break that day. The day where he lose his everything. Where he lost himself. Where he lost his heart.

Where he lost his most treasured gem who he think was his.

"Please don't I beg you. Stay with me I can't live without you, baby" he begged badly holding onto her hands for a dear life

" I'm sorry...."

He dreads that day the most. That was when he lost his personality, his happiness, his love. Ithan look up, his tears fall repeatedly in a broken pieces just like his heart that is torn brutally into thousand of pieces. "I hate you..."

"...you ruined me"

And he cried holding onto the railing trying to calm himself but he's had enough now. He can't control it...he-he can't hold it in anymore.

He's beyond tired.

While calming himself down, one thing that was running in his mind or more like one sentense-a voice of his omega he wish he never heard. He wish to forget, he wish to never came out of his omega's lips, which he was desperately trying to store deep in his mind so it won't come out but today his all self control lose and he heard it again...

"Remove that mark from my neck and release me from this cage. Can you do that?"

And he made a decision.


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