Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

146K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
5 - "Someone I Know"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
13 - "Lifeline"
14 - "Slip of The Tongue"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
17 - "Mental Breakdown"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
27 - "Catatonia"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

12 - "Tick-Tock"

3.6K 267 748
By UrbanQueen

Cilia opened the door and was surprised when she saw her brother standing there with his two-year-old son in one hand and a baby bag in the crevice of his arm. In his other hand was his cellphone to his ear as he conversed with someone.

Lotus was on the phone with Noelle. The young woman who was in his office the other day when Bonnie showed up to talk to him about Lisa cutting him off. Noelle was the assistant lawyer to his general business lawyer, June Phillips. Noelle called to tell him a few details about going over his contract for the finishing touches of his mall.

Even though it was a business relationship, there always seemed to be slight flirtation and banter between the two. Lotus wouldn't lie, she was a gorgeous young lady and he thought her accent was cute. She was from Gambia. Lotus finished up his call and pocketed his phone, giving his little sister his undivided attention.

Lotus knew he was out of line showing up unannounced. But he was desperate and he didn't have anywhere else to put Gene right now.

"Can you watch him for a few hours for me, please? I know this is weird and out of line, but I really have to do something today and I don't have anyone to give him too. Ember is at a doctor's appointment."

Cilia nodded and moved to the side. Lotus came in and all the boys came running to the door when they heard the bell to be nosey. Casi was right behind them with a toy brush in her hand. She liked to brush her brothers' hair when it was out.

They all looked on in silence, staring at Gene.

"Um..." Lotus said, looking around. He put the baby bag down by his foot and lifted Gene higher on his hip. "I should be five hours. Is that too long? I'll pay you. He has over six pampers and a change of clothes just in case of anything. He has a iPod in there, he likes to listen to music. Sam Cooke especially. Oh, and a pack of gummy worms, those are his favorite. I packed extra for your kids too, so...yeah."

"It's okay Lo, I don't need any money. I got it, it's alright. Does he have any allergies or anything? Anything you don't want him eating? And what does he eat so I can cook it or buy it?"

"He likes macaroni and cheese. Pizza as well. Broccoli and salmon. But don't go out your way, just give him what you have. Thank you again, I know this is crazy but I really had no where else to go. Call me if anything."

Cilia stepped forward and Lotus kissed Gene, handing him over. Cilia expected the boy to start crying, but he only held onto her tightly and put his head on her shoulder. Cilia's heart melted, he was so small and sweet. She started rubbing his back.

Lotus bent down and kissed her cheek. They haven't done that in years, but Cilia wasn't complaining. She gave him a warm smile and watched him rush out the door.

"Mommy, dat baby?" Casi asked, pointing at Gene.

"Yes, your baby cousin."

"I one see baby." Casi requested.

"You wanna say hi to your cousin Gene?" Cilia asked softly. She was running her fingers through his hair. He was so quiet, just staring off into space.

He nodded his head but she figured he was probably just scared and wouldn't say no.

Cilia bent down and Casi walked over, they were almost the same size. Casi was only one year older than him. She ran up, peeking all in his face.

"Hi baby!" She said in her tiny voice. "Hello."

Gene didn't say anything, he was just trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. Casi took his hand and shook it, but he still didn't move. Cilia didn't want to overwhelm him so she stood back up so he would have some space.

"He's probably nervous honey, give him some time."

"Okay mommy."

"Ma, who's that?" Jaxon asked with a frown.

"Your cousin, his name is Gene. His dad is your uncle, the guy that just dropped him off. You won't remember him but you saw him a few times before. He's mommy's brother."

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, you know that. I have two. Remember Dalton? The one who can't see?"

"Oh yeah."

"Just like uncle Dalton, the baby can't see either."

"He can't see?" Alix asked, appearing next to his brother. "But he's only a baby, how can't he see anything?"

"He has a medical condition. He was born where one day he will lose his sight."

"So why isn't he crying? Isn't he scared he can't see anything?" Phenix inquired.

"Well no, he's use to it. Maybe he cries sometimes, but it's normal for him." Cilia went to the living room and sat and in seconds all the kids were crowded around the two, still curious about Gene.

Cilia was going to put him to sit next to her, but he was very clingy. He wouldn't budge from her chest when she tried to pull him off, so she left him there. Cilia was lovestruck already and it's only been five minutes.

Phenix was watching the two of them. The baby just staring, blinking every few seconds. Cilia rubbed his back soothingly. Soon the kids went to play except Casi. She stayed, rubbing his back like Cilia.

"Mommy, baby sad?"

"Maybe." Cilia said. She had to keep peeking in his face to make sure he was alright. He was just holding onto her with his head on her shoulder.

Soon Casi got bored and left as well. Cilia and Gene just sat on the couch while Cilia watched television. That was how they were for hours. Cilia just watching tv while she peeked in his face to make sure he was okay.

She offered him food, snacks and even his gummy worms but he didn't want anything. The kids came down a few times as well just to see if the boy was still in the house. They were running around, playing and having the time of their lives.

Cilia eventually changed Gene's pamper, then found his iPod in the bag. He had headphones already connected to it and like Lotus said, the device was filled with only old school music. Old soul, old rhythm and blues, old R&B, jazz, and gospel music.

"Music?" Cilia asked him.

He hesitated but then nodded his head. He still hadn't spoken but it was progress. Cilia plugged the earphones in his ears and put on a Sam Cooke song for him. He was really listening and she thought it was so odd but adorable he liked this stuff.

Cilia couldn't believe this was Lotus's son. He was so sweet and cute, quiet and shy while her brother was assertive, confident and intimidating. She knew this little boy had to steal Lotus's heart the moment he was born.

Soon, when it was lunchtime, Gene still wouldn't allow her to put him down. She had to cook holding him. Cilia knew she could've put him down, but honestly her nephew stole her heart and she couldn't resist not making him comfortable every second.

Cilia made baked macaroni and cheese like Lotus suggested with garlic mashed potato and broccoli on the side. Cilia called the kids down when the food was done.

Everyone sat around the table, the only person missing was Allele. But Cilia didn't care. He was at the gym today.

Gene refused to eat, he just held onto Cilia.

Cilia looked at the clock and figured Lotus should've been arriving soon. So she chose to give him a call and see where he was.

Lotus answered on the second ring. "Hey Cilia, everything okay?"

"Yeah, just calling to see if you were close. I feel so bad, your son hasn't said anything or eaten for the entire day."

"Is he just clutching on to you?"

"Yes." Cilia said, surprise he already knew. It must've been Gene's thing.

"Yeah, I'm on my way. Five minutes. You can tell him I'm coming. And don't worry about how quiet he is. That's just how he is when it's not me or his mother."

"Okay." Cilia frowned, going to gather his things. "See you soon." Cilia hung up and looked down at Gene. "Your daddy is coming."

His eyebrows went up to his forehead and he finally picked his head up off her shoulder. "...Daddy?"

Cilia's heart exploded.


Mark typed the last of the customer's information into the system before he logged off for lunch.

He worked at a company that sold nutritional supplements and pills. They had hundreds of clientele and people who joined each day. His job was to rectify issues and enter and update the data of customers depending on their subscription with the company.

Mark stood from his cubicle and went to tell his supervisor he was going on lunch. He walked down the hall and found Diane in her office. He knocked and then stepped in.

"Hey Diane, I just finished the last of my data entries and I'm going to lunch now. As usual I'll be back at one."

"Okay Mark no problem." The heavyset Spanish woman said, as she typed on her computer without looking at him.

Passing back by his desk he grabbed his jacket and put it on. Mark took the elevator downstairs and went outside. He was in the mood to dine in and eat some Korean bbq. There was a spot four blocks away.

Mark took two steps outside but stopped dead in his tracks when he made eye contact with Locus's older brother, Lotus. He stood with his back against a black Bentley car. Two others lined up perfectly behind that car. He wore a suit and like the last two times Mark saw him, he wore a face of displeasure.

The blood in Mark's body ran cold. He knew he was here for him obviously. Is he here to warn me to stay away from his sister? But that couldn't be, they didn't even speak. So Lotus wouldn't care. But then again as soon as he got back with Locus, here Lotus was. The cartel boss had never made an appearance in the three years total he had been disconnected from their family. It had to be about White Locus.

Mark wanted to walk off but he was too scared too. He approached slowly, flapping his jacket out of nervousness. His glasses were on so he could see Lotus clearly. Unlike his sister he was alone, no fancy security. But he was assuming they were in the two identical cars parked behind him.

"L-Lotus, right?"

"Get in the car." Lotus opened the back door and stepped to the side.

Mark looked back at the building then at Lotus. He was scared shitless. Was he here to kill him? If he was it would be crazy, they were in a busy area with dozens of cctv footage everywhere. But these were cartel people. They damn near could make anything happen.

"Um...I have work. I'm on lunch right now and only have an hour to—"

"In. The. Car."

Mark swallowed hard and got inside. The car smelled of Versace Eros cologne while Frank Sinatra played low on the speakers.

Lotus got inside next to him and closed the door, then the driver pulled off. Mark didn't have to look behind him to know the other two cars were following. Lotus kept his head straight, never looking at him. Mark kept his eyes out his side of the window, trying to memorize the route they were going. He wished he had some emergency button to call Locus. Finally at a time where he would appreciate her popping up, he was on his own.

"I use to feel bad for you..."

Mark looked at Lotus when he started talking and swore he heard his own neck pop with how fast he turned it.

"Thinking you were just an innocent square that got pulled in by the wrong person. And I felt that way up until a few weeks ago. Imagine my surprise when I found out you were back to fucking the woman that murdered your grandmother."

Mark clenched his fists so hard he felt his nails puncturing the insides of his palms. His throat started closing and it felt like the hands of a heavyweight boxer was around his neck.

"The funny thing is people always have contempt for the rapists, murderers, pedophiles, the criminals, drug dealers. You know, people like me," He said putting his hand on his chest. "But it's really people like you who disgust me. Because you moralize on other people like me and act like a saint, but do the most fucked up shit of all. You've been at her house for weeks now with the daughter you two share, playing house. Knowing she put your granny in the ground. Enemies in my world don't even work with people who are disloyal to their own family, because it shows a lack of character. But you can fuck a woman who killed yours. Now that is some low shit if I've ever seen it."

Mark felt so despicable. He wanted to explain himself but he couldn't because that's exactly what he's been doing. He knew it was wrong but he loved Locus. Maybe she didn't kill Mabel. He convinced himself because he loved her and there was no evidence, that she was innocent.

Mark let his head hang like a puppy. "S-she said she didn't do it."

"She told you a lot of things you yourself know isn't true. Don't play coy with me. You're sick, all of this over that cesspool vagina when there are literally millions of women in the world. Your granny must be turning in her grave right now. Or maybe you don't love her and she's just your 'lonely old neighbor' as my sister had referred to her in the past several times."

"I loved Mabel!" Mark's voice cracked. "She was the closest thing I had to family."

He was scared of Lotus, but he had no right to judge him. He didn't know him or anything he been through.

"Well banging the woman who put her in her grave is a hell of a way to show it."

Mark swallowed and when the car passed over a speed bump, it made him feel like he wanted to throw up. He was so embarrassed and disgusted with himself. He knew he was a piece of shit, but he couldn't help it. He felt stuck to Locus.

"She had your daughter at a drug meeting a while back. Playing with a cub. A black tiger cub." Lotus informed.

Mark blinked, looking at Lotus out the corner of his eye.

"She's very unstable. You nor your daughter is safe around her. You need to act like you know that. The business we're in is not for the faint of heart. That should tell you who she is with you is not who she is in her line of work."

Mark's devotion to his sister reminded him of those weird girls who wrote fan letters and were fans of serial killers. They were idiots who didn't have the slightest clue as to who the hell they were lusting over. The type that wouldn't be singing the same tune if they were suddenly a victim of the same person they deemed their soulmate.

"...She told me I make her different. That she loves me and Rosie." Mark whispered.

Lotus looked at him for a long time. To the point Mark turned away, not knowing what to say. Lotus thought about Lisa and tried to compare Mark's relationship to his sister with his relationship to Lisa. Just to see if he was coming off too harsh.

With Lisa, she had been with him when they were teens. Before she was introduced to his cartel life. So she didn't get with him knowing what he did. Once she learned who he was she was already invested at that point. Which was the same for Mark; he also hadn't known who Locus was until he fell in love. The difference was Lisa didn't kill someone he loved. She didn't run around cheating on him for sport and she damn sure didn't ruin his life.

Lotus said nothing as the car drove in silence for the rest of the ride. When they arrived Mark noticed it was an industrial looking area. A place with a lot of warehouses. He saw warehouses for Amazon, Rainbow clothing store, Target and a lot of other brands. Lotus's Bentleys pulled into a warehouse that had no name.

The cars pulled inside one by one and it was so dark Mark was afraid to move in his seat. Suddenly motion lights came on and showed how big and isolated the place was. It was a cold empty room.

Lotus had his phone to his ear and Mark hadn't even noticed.

"What's your last name?"


Lotus faced forward. "Yes, Eddie, hi how are you it's Lotus Hunter. I'm here with Mark Statin..."

It made Mark realize he was late for work. It was 1:06pm. He was six minutes past his hour lunch. Wait, is he talking to Eddie at my company? He thought, Diane's assistant was named Eddie.

"Yes tell your friend Diane that I had to take him for a bit. So don't penalize him for it. Yes, alright."

Goosebumps crawled on Mark's skin. These cartel people seemed to have connections everywhere. Eddie was powerful enough to cover for him. So if Eddie had his back then Diane wouldn't be mad.

Lotus got out and Mark followed without waiting for instruction. There was one door all the way in the corner, towards the south end of the warehouse.

Lotus simply turned the knob and entered.

The room was made of concrete and was a little cold. It was about 300 square feet tops. No windows, only one lightbulb hanging in the middle of the ceiling. A long string hanging down to turn the bulb on or off.

Nothing was in the room but something bulking underneath a large white sheet that had something hidden beneath it.

Lotus's goons filed in the room with them. Strategically placing themselves throughout the room. Mark didn't know if that was for him; to keep him from running or something but he wasn't planning on it.

"The other day, during the same meeting Locus took your daughter too, is how we found our new drug connect. The reason we needed one in the first place was because your tramp killed the current one we had. Because she didn't take the time to verify information before assuming the man was a snitch."

Lotus motioned to one of the men in the room and he stepped forward, pulling the large white sheet off the items underneath it.

Mark felt he legs buckle and he backed up, nearly falling on his ass. There were two dead bodies, clearly decaying. One looked like an Asian man from what he could tell from the face. He seemed older like in his fifties or sixties. He had a hole in forehead, his eyes closed. His skin was grey, not white like in movies. His face was also a little sunken in. His body was laid flat like he was sleeping, his hands at his sides and his legs extended outward.

Next to him was a woman whose body was positioned in a way like she was sitting on a chair. Her arms were bent like they were on arm rests and legs were bent like she was still in a seat. Mark realized that was what made the odd bulky shape. She must've died in that position.

"Go closer." Lotus said.

Mark didn't move then felt a firm push in his back. He was closer to the corpses but still not anywhere near them. He glanced at the old man one more time, but the woman's corpse seemed more gruesome.

The dead woman possessed the same grey skin, and her eyes were open looking a darker grey color than her skin. Her neck had a gash so deep the head nearly looked decapitated.

It made Mark realize there was no smell to the bodies. They were dead and obviously had been for a while. He was assuming Lotus had people that kept them clean and preserved. Probably so the smell didn't bring attention to the neighboring businesses.

"That man Jay, the one your Cinderella has around your daughter all the time, shot the man in the back of his head. The bullet came out the front of his forehead. Locus? She killed this wife, slit her throat with a boning knife. Cut so far pass bone, muscle and tendon she damn near took her head off."

Even though the bodies had no smell, Mark's imagination was making a smell. Therefore causing Mark's stomach turn. He had to look away, he felt that feeling of needing to vomit when he was in the car coming back stronger.

"Just wanted to show you the love of your life in action. This is the woman you said fuck Mabel for."

He felt the coffee he had in the morning bubbling in his throat. He could taste some of it. Lotus noticed him gagging but trying to keep quiet by having a hand over his mouth. Lotus sucked his teeth and snapped at one of his guards in the room with them. The man simply dug into his coat pocket and pulled out a white plastic bag with the word 'Thank You' on it. Lotus knew he would more than likely throw up.

He knew Locus was dangerous, but he had no clue to this ability. He always thought she just gave orders. He'd never seen her in action, so in his mind she probably was just as tough as her mouth.

He couldn't believe this was just the woman he was making love to as early as three weeks ago. The preacher had thrown his insides up so much, he had dropped to one knee as snot hung from his nostrils.

Mark nodded his head profusely. The plastic bag of vomit was taken from him. It had his dna in it so it would have to be taken care of.

"Stand up." Lotus demanded.

Mark couldn't, his head was spinning, he felt his stomach bubbling and he was still processing everything. He wanted to believe this wasn't Locus's doing, but sadly he knew he couldn't put it past her.

"I-I'll break up with her again—"

Mark was picked up and slammed against a wall. He was hemmed up by his shirt collar by the same man that removed the sheet from the bodies. Lotus walked over calmly, leaving three feet of space between them.

"No you will not, else I'll start you off like how Jay did him," Lotus said making a head motion to Peng-Su's body. "And finish you off how Locus did her." He said doing another head motion to the second corpse. "You wanted her, now you've got her. You're to be with her as long as she pleases, because you will aid me in her death."

He was going to kill her? His own sister? Why did Mark have to help? He didn't want to, he was terrified of her now, but he still loved her. He couldn't kill anybody.

"You will be nothing more than the bridge I cross over to get to her. You are not in any immediate plans. It's just that now she knows better than to put her guard down around me. So when I want to get to her I will use you. Whether it be needing to know her location at the time, needing to know when or if she's leaving the state or country if I ask, or anything I need from you. You have no major role other than knowing one day she will die."

Mark didn't know why Lotus had to tell him that. He didn't want to live with that information on his heart.

"I don't think I need to do this, but I'll still give you the warning. I advise you not to try and save your lover and inform her of what I told you. I know her and her behavior and will be able to tell if she was informed or not. It's your choice."

Lotus turned and started to walk to the door and Mark was escorted behind him by the guards. On the way back, it was silent between them. Lotus's cellphone broke the silence when it started to ring. He saw Scarface come up on his screen and let the phone ring out. He didn't feel like hearing her voice.

Right after, a quick bell sound went off signaling a text message. Lotus glanced at the screen knowing it was most likely her again.

SF: Pls pick up the phone Lotus, it's Gia. ☹️

Lotus instantly called back. On the first ring he heard sniffling.

"Gia?" Lotus's voice was soft.

"Hi." She said, trying to keep it together.

"What's the matter beautiful, why are you crying?"

"I keep hearing my grandma and Ty say we're gonna get kicked out of the shelter soon. That's where we are right now and they're gonna put us out because they don't have enough space for all three of us. Why'd you kick us out? I thought you liked us. I miss Gene and I miss you." She cried. "I wanna come back."

Lotus felt like the biggest asshole in the world. He was never planning on leaving them high and dry in the first place. He knew sooner or later Gene would start bitching and crying for them. He was extremely attached to the family that had stayed with him in the house in Dallas. And Lotus would do anything for his son. So if he wanted them, eventually he would've went and got them. But now that Gia was in distress Lotus couldn't wait it out.

"I do like you," He said singling her out, slyly. "I didn't kick you guys out. I would never do that. Ty and I got into an argument and she packed up and chose to leave."

"So can we come back?"

"Of course. Don't cry pretty girl. I'm sorry I made you cry. You'll never be homeless as long as you have me, I promise. Go tell Scar—everyone to pack their bags. I'll have a driver come get you guys."

"But I don't want to get in trouble. Ty will whoop me if she knew I called you."

"Then don't tell her you did. I'll just tell her I requested my driver to come get you guys. Okay?"


"Alright pretty, stop crying. Delete the call and text you just sent me when you get off the phone so she doesn't see then. I can't wait to see you."

"Me too," Gia said rubbing her eyes. "Bye Lotus."

Lotus hung up and Mark quickly looked away. He never heard him sound so gentle before. He figured it must've been his daughter on the line. He obviously really cared for the person he was talking to.

Minutes later Lotus's phone rang again. This time it was Cilia. He answered and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Cilia, everything okay?"

"Yeah, just calling to see if you were close. I feel so bad, your son hasn't said anything or eaten for the entire day."

Lotus rubbed his temples. "Is he just clutching on to you?"

"Yes." Cilia said. Lotus could hear the awe in her voice that he already knew.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." Lotus pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time. "Five minutes. You can tell him I'm coming. And don't worry about it, that's just how he is when it's not me or his mother."

"Okay." Cilia said.

Cilia hung up and Lotus followed. The vehicle came to a stop in front of Mark's job, but Lotus didn't unlock the car. "You're to finish the rest of your shift today. You have five hours left to gather yourself here before you go home."

The car doors unlocked and Mark nearly fell out with how fast he jumped out. The Bentleys pulled off and he went into a nearby CVS and got a toothbrush and small pocket sized toothpaste.

Mark went into the men's bathroom and brushed his teeth. He checked back in with his boss who had no problem he was over thirty minutes late and went to his desk.

He couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day now knowing Locus's life was literally on a clock.

And the office clock against the wall had never sounded so loud ticking in his ears. Every. Fucking. Second.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.


White Locus swayed in a long cashmere robe. A wine glass in her hand as Brian McKnight "Find Myself In You" caressed the living room. The sound was so crisp it was like the singer was performing in the room with her.

The pool in the middle of the living room gave the atmosphere an exotic feel. Mark could smell Locus's intoxication from the door. He took his shoes off and was attempting to sneak past her to go upstairs, but she spotted him.

"Mark baby, come." She smiled, outstretching her arms. She was loopy.

Mark went over to her and she stumbled into him, tiptoeing to put an arm around his neck. She smelled really good, something like citrus.

White Locus was attempting to sing the words to the song but she was too drunk too. Mark took the wine glass from her but there was no where close enough to put it so he just held it in his hand.

"Locus you can barely stand. Why'd you drink so much?"

She had her forehead to his chest and was just groaning. He didn't drink at all, alcohol tasted like rubbing alcohol to him, so he didn't know how most people drank until they blacked out. It had always been odd to him. He was surprised she didn't fall into her pool and drown. She had to be drunk for a while to get to this stage.

"Because I happy. I celebrate you c-coming back to me. Y-you make me soooo happy Mark."

Mark's heart was hurting, she couldn't even talk right now. She was so vulnerable. He put one of her arms over his shoulder and slow walked her to the kitchen. He threw the wine out and set the glass on the sink top. Then he went into the fridge in search of water.

"How was your day?" Locus asked.

"G-good. You?"

"Good, I went out s-shopping and then I come home. Roselyn," She huffed. "She whines a lot...I don't like that. It's very annoying." Locus said, dragging the word 'very.'

Mark looked over his shoulder at her.

"I told her to stop whining but she wouldn't. But I told her Mark."

Mark came out the refrigerator and turned to focus on her.

"You know I don't like people who cry or whine. I told her to stop. I told her..." Locus sniffled, but only because the house was a little chilly and so was her wine. So it was causing a runny nose.

"Locus, where's Rosie?"

"What?" She mumbled, with a screwed up face. "Come, let's dance. I like this song."

Mark walked the three feet over to her. "White Locus, where is Roselyn?"

Locus was confused, they were just telling each other about their day. How'd he randomly get onto another topic? "Mark I-I don't wanna talk about Roselyn. Dance with me." She put her hand out.

Mark walked off in a fast pace, now in a panic. "Roselyn!"

Locus watched him running all over the living room, hollering for Roselyn. She was so confused. "Mark, come d-dance with me."

Mark went running up the stairs. "Rosie!" This was a huge house and he wouldn't be able to cover it for a while. "Rosie answer me baby."

Locus slid off the table nearly busting her ass from dizziness and went staggering behind him. Mark ran down the hall and burst into Roselyn's room. But she wasn't in there. He ran back down the hall to Locus's room and opened the door and saw her laying on the bed.

He dived over and grabbed her because her eyes were closed. Her body was still warm and he saw her chest moving up and down. He immediately began checking her for any signs of harm. She didn't have a scratch on her.

Roselyn cracked her eyes open and started whining. She was napping and had been interrupted.

Locus stood in the doorway, watching the two. Mark felt a presence behind him so he looked over his shoulder and saw White Locus.

"She was w-whining and I told her to stop. She wouldn't l-l-listen so I hugged her until she went to s-sleep."

Locus came into the room but walked past them and headed to her balcony. She slid open the door with force and allowed a blast of cold air in the room before she stepped outside and slammed the glass back so hard Roselyn's eyes popped open and she jumped in her father's hold.

"Sshh. Go back to sleep baby. It's okay." Mark said gently laying her down.

Roselyn did as he said, her eyes closing back immediately. Mark sighed softly and made his way over to the balcony. He opened it gently and closed it back, walking toward Locus.

It was freezing out here and she was only in a thin silk night dress and robe. Her back was to him, her elbows on the cold black rail as she looked down at her backyard.

Mark slid behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Get off me." Her voice was stern.


"Get off me."

He only pulled back a little to turn her around in the small space he had her trapped. He could see the anger in her eyes. She seemed to have sobered up a little. Maybe his reaction killed her buzz.

"You don't trust me."

"I do."

"No you don't. W-what was that? You were pa-panicking and running all over the place. I wouldn't hurt her, you k-know that."

"I know, I know." Mark whispered.

She glared at him hard. "What was the point of coming back to me if...if you're not gonna trust me?"

"I do Locus I'm sorry." Mark pleaded.

Locus loss her train of thought when Mark started kissing on her face.

"S-stop..." She said dragging the word. "I'm angry at you."

"I don't want too." He whispered. His hand travelled upward to her hair and he smoothly gathered as much as he could in his hand.


"Sshh, stop talking back." Mark whispered in a raspy tone. He gently tilted her head back to expose her neck to him. Then started placing open mouth kisses along her throat.

White Locus moaned, feeling her juices soaking her panties. She closed her eyes and let him mark her. Her insides got warm at the feel of his lips on her skin.

Locus didn't even realize when her legs were wrapped around his waist. All of a sudden she heard the patio door open and close as they were back inside the room.

Mark was now kissing her lips as he walked to the bedroom door.

"Mark stop." Locus's voice was so weak.

He went into a guest room down the hall and placed her on the bed. He spread her legs and let his tongue go to work.


Allele blew the last set of o's from his joint in the air, before he tossed the blunt over his shoulder and walked the length of his driveway to his front door.

He wanted to smoke to take the edge off before he went inside. It was eleven o' clock at night, way past bedtime for the kids so he knew they were sleeping. It was pushing four weeks and he couldn't do the fighting with Cilia anymore.

Entering the house, he saw it was pitch black downstairs. That was until he saw a faint light coming from the lounge room and figured one of the kids accidentally left it on.

Allele stepped into the room but stopped by the entryway when he saw Cilia. She was sleeping on the shearling toffee brown Perry sofa. She wore a satin cami cadet blue nightdress, both her hands under her head like a pillow.

He couldn't help but admire how wholesome she looked. That was why he hated when they fought. He loved her and just wanted her back. Her feet weren't stretched across the whole sofa; in fact they were tucked underneath her, so there was still space. She obviously fell asleep down her.

Allele took a seat on the same chair, just staring. He had a lot of time to think about what he did and every time he thought about it, he hated himself more and more.

He knew what he was doing that night, but at the same time he didn't realize the extent of his actions until after he thought about it. He literally turned his back on the one person he promised to protect no matter what. Although he didn't agree with her dress that night, that was part of the 'no matter what' and he failed to protect her.

It had been eating him alive the whole time they stopped speaking. That and him putting his hand around her neck and calling her a bitch. No matter how rough their arguments got, he never resorted to being physically aggressive or calling her derogatory names. That night he lost his cool because of the things she was saying.

Allele was wondering how he should approach the situation. He thought about being playful and tickling the bottom of her feet. Then he thought about being serious and just calling her name or shaking her awake. But after final contemplation, he wanted to be genuine.

He slid off the couch and crouched down so he was leveled with her face. He smirked, watching her pouty lips and closed eyes. Part of him just wanted to swoop her in his arms and take her upstairs and put her in bed. But he really needed to speak to her.

Allele leaned in without closing his eyes and placed his soft lips against her's. Cilia moaned and slightly puckered her lips. Allele smiled, kissing her again. Cilia moaned again in response and Allele kissed her one last time, long and hard before pulling away.

Cilia's eyes finally cracked open and she looked at him. She stared for a long time. Allele couldn't tell if she was confused on where she was and what was happening or if she was wide awake and just annoyed to see him.

"I need to talk to you. It's not an emergency but it is important." He whispered, keeping the atmosphere quiet and calm.

Cilia sat up but didn't say anything. Just rubbed her arm up and down. She was staring at the soft plush sage green rug.

"Can you look at me?" He asked.

Cilia did, her face neutral. They were sitting with at least a foot of space between them.

"...First off, I'm really sorry for grabbing you the way I did and calling you out your name. It's been bothering me since our fight. I regret how I reacted, but the comment you made about wishing you were with Breeze...it really pushed me over the edge."

Cilia stopped rubbing her arm and just focused on him. Allele couldn't tell what was on her mind.

"Secondly, my actions that night of giving you to a man when I saw you didn't want to go was the worst and probably the dumbest thing I ever did. I felt really disrespected and didn't know how to handle it, so I guess that was my way. I literally turned my back on you when you needed me and I will never be able to take that back. So for that I'm so sorry. I just want you to forgive me. I made a stupid mistake and it will never happen again."

Even though she was mad at him, when Cilia reflected on his upbringing over the last few days of them not speaking, saying the things she said to him was really hurtful. It's how her heart felt in the moment—but it should've never been said.

Cilia's voice was soft, "I want to apologize for everything I said to you. For mocking the fact your mother used you in fights as a possession to gain her money, for calling you an animal and for taunting you that your parents gave you away and saying I agreed with them."

The house was so tense. It was just silence except when one of them started talking.

"I didn't mean any of that and I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for saying those things. And..." She sniffled, making sure she was making direct eye contact. "I'm sorry for saying to you I wish I was still with Dion. I only said it to upset and hurt you."

Cilia noticed some tenseness in his jaw, like the comment still had some affect on him.

"I promise you I don't want Dion. I was just so angry at you. So I can forgive you for the hand around my neck and the bitch remark and for all the other things you said. But I don't know if I can do that for handing me off at that event. I definitely can't forgive you for that tonight."

Cilia told herself she wouldn't cry when one of them finally confronted each other, but she could feel her eyes burning.

"You're my husband and no matter the issues we go through, for you to do something like that to me was painful. You saw the fear on my face and in my eyes and you still pushed me in that man's arms. Your brother had to come rescue me. That man could've grabbed my butt, touched my breasts, tried to kiss me—and you were so angry you didn't think of any of that. You were too busy trying to teach me a lesson. I never felt so degraded and humiliated in my life and it was by you."

Cilia took a deep breath and released it, holding her tears off for now.

"Yes I admit you left me home and I came out in the same outfit you felt disrespected by. But you could've dealt with it a different way, not use me as an example to get your point across. And knowing what you did this whole time, but you still didn't have the courage to come and apologize makes it even worse. If you really did feel that bad you would've tried to make it right with me as soon as possible."

"I didn't know what to say to you." He revealed.

"You didn't know what to say after you left me with a strange man? I can think of plenty things to say."

Allele was speechless, he was embarrassed of himself. She was absolutely right and the emotions he usually controlled got the best of him that night.

Allele had to turn his head and focus on the rug. He didn't have anything to say at the moment. Cilia stared at the side of his face. She wouldn't tell him who Tom was. If she did, there was no doubt Allele would go after him himself and that was not what Cilia wanted. He was her kill, she was his victim and no one else deserved that revenge but her. Even if she tried to explain that to Allele, he would still kill Tom. He wouldn't hear anything except he was a man who hurt her. So she didn't say anything to ensure Tom was her target and only her's.

"...So for that, yes, my trust in you has dwindled significantly. And I want some space."

Allele finally looked at her. "Space? Cilia I know I messed up but we already stopped talking for almost a month now. We have kids you can't keep running off every time we get into something."

"This ordeal was a little more than something."

"Cilia I forgave you for what you said. Can you please just do the same? I'm sorry," he took her hand and she allowed him. He brought it up to his mouth and kissed softly. "Please? I promise I'll protect you no matter what we're going through. I will never do something like that again, please."

Allele kissed the corner of her mouth and it made her whole body shiver. His lips were so warm and smooth.

Cilia knew he would never really sit there and intently put her in danger. He might've did what he did to make her feel some type of way. But he would never go out his way to do that if he thought the man himself was a threat to her. Still, he did it and she wasn't quiet over it. And because her "space" was her excuse of going to Virginia to get Tom.

"I'm not running from our issues or our kids. I just need two weeks."

She actually only needed one, but one was too short and would seem a little silly since she said she needed some time from him. The extra week was just to make it believable. "Just to be by myself. I'm not leaving right now at this very minute, in the next few days."

"Another vacation to clear your head?"

"Yes. When I come back I'll know if I forgive you or want a separation." She already knew she didn't.

She should've, but she knew he didn't really have malicious intent in mind and that was what saved his ass. He was just angry and did something dumb. But she was using this situation to handle Tom.

Allele's jaws clenched but he had no other option but to accept her proposal. He just hoped when she came back it wasn't to tell him she was done.

He nodded. "Okay...can I sleep next to you tonight?"

Cilia shook her head from side to side. She wasn't ready for that either. "Maybe when I come back, I'll see how I feel."

"Can I kiss you?"

Cilia leaned forward and put her thumb on one side of his chin and her index finger on the other. She closed her eyes and kissed him, pulling away shortly after.

She stood and Allele watched her go, both having the same idea on their mind. To kill Tom.

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