Below the surface- YeonKai

By lonely_moa

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Are you feeling nervous? Does my voice deceive you? Does my voice lead you? I only want to become something t... More

Character info and important notes
Intro- Into the terrors
Chapter 1- No time for introductions
Chapter 2- Believe ME
Chapter 3- Strangers
Chapter 4- Useless
Chapter 5- Left forgotten forever
Chapter 6- Your issue is?
Chapter 7- Who I was before
Chapter 9- My rules
Chapter 10- He means what he says
Chapter 11- Don't blink
Chapter 12- Just answer
Chapter 13- Accident?
Chapter 14- To be or not to be?
Chapter 15- WHY NOT ME?
Chapter 16- All I can see is her
Chapter 17- I am his and he is mine
Chapter 18- Every Body
Chatper 19- You don't understand

Chapter 8- A story or a lie?

113 16 1
By lonely_moa


The next morning Kai woke up feeling numb, his body cold and eyes heavy.

Since coming here he never slept well.

He remembered last night, how Yeonjun avoided so much so easily.

Perhaps Kai was overthinking it. Maybe there was nothing for Yeonjun to avoid in the first place.

Kai couldn't help but to overthink the smallest information he was given

Fell in love with acceptance

Fell in love with safety and security

Fell in love with someone to talk to

If he were to ask anyone, Soobin wouldn't be the first to go to. Asking a speculated pathological liar wouldn't get any more true information but in the same breath Yeonjun could be the liar.

Yeonjun had already left for work when Kai got up, the halls of the house silent. Kai emerged drearily from his room and down into the kitchen. He didn't wish to eat, he wished to find someone…alone.


It was early when I heard footsteps creak across the floorboards above me. It was too early for it to be Taehyun or Beomgyu. The noise came from Kai’s floorboards, the ones that had remained silent and still for so long.

The time he was spending with Yeonjun worried me. I had once been the same.

Kai’s head popped round the door, his body following when he realised it was me.

“You're up early”  remarked, trying to smile.

I want him to be comfortable. I don't want him to know. Not yet.

“I just can't seem to sleep. I just don't know why” Kai responded as he rubbed his eyes.

“New places can do that, I’m sure you'll be fine” I comforted.

“Soobin, can I ask you something?” Kai asked, sitting opposite me at the table, leaning forward as if to keep himself quiet.

I nodded silently.

Kai was a curious boy. I could see that look in his eyes, the look of wonder but also worry.

“Why did you come here?” He asked.

“To be accepted,” I responded quietly.

Kai looked at me with a chill in his gaze, an icy stare thawing before me.

“Accepted by what?” Kai asked.

“Back home, I wasn’t accepted for who I was. Yeonjun accepted me though. He did what no one else wanted to do. He made me feel accepted” I answered.

“Why didn't they accept you?” Kai questioned.

“I’m gay. My family didn't like that” I answered bluntly.

As far as I know, Kai thinks I’m a complete liar. Anything I told him was left with his choice to believe or to not.

“There's nothing wrong with that,” Kai quickly interjected.

“I was accepted here anyways” I replied, hinting at shutting down the conversation.

“But when I first came here you and the other two were trying to push me away, make me leave. Why was that?” Kai asked once again ignoring the hints I placed.

The longer we spoke the more risky it got

“Situations are easily misread around here” I retorted, smiling ever so slightly.

I knew what I was saying didn't make sense.

I know as well as he does that both me, Tahyun and Beomgyu are encouraging him away.

“‘You don't want to become one of us’, or maybe, ‘don't let him hear me’” Kai quoted, the original speaker myself.

My eyes widened as I became over aware of my surroundings.

The clocks ticking became a ringing, the drips of the tap became rivers of white noise.

“That means nothing” I quickly denied.

I watched as Kai’s face contorted.

He knew I was lying.

“Don’t lie, what does it mean?” Kai asked, persisting with his question.

“I'm paranoid,” I quickly answered.

“Paranoid?” Kai repeated, sounding more interested than before.

“My childhood wasn't the best, nor my teens. I don't want my father to hear me” I quickly lied.

I knew what I really wanted to say but I just couldn't.

He had eyes and ears everywhere

Despite being friendly with Beomgu and Taehyun they acted as his eyes and ears, the same way I do in reverse for them.

It's funny what people do to protect themselves even if it's at the cost of others.

“Soobin hyung, there's no way he would hear you here, I promise” Kai suddenly comforted.

Sell my story

Sell it…NOW

“He used to hit me. I wasn't the perfect son he wanted. I didn't want a girlfriend or to have children. When I told him I was gay he locked me in the basement as if I were an evil spirit needing to be cleansed. Everyday he would ask if I had somehow converted into this model of a perfect child. I always answered no until the day I lied. I told him I was cured, thatI was no longer gay, that I wanted to get married and have children and he let me out. I ran away and wound up here where Yeonjun accepted me” I explained in a louder voice, pretending to choke up or hold back tears as I spoke.

He needed to know that I was following his instructions

“Soobin thats- thats horrible, i'm so so sorry” Kai apologised immediately.

“It's buried in the ground now. Sometimes it just surfaces in my head. It makes me act weird, I seem frightened or alone when I’m not really” I elaborated quickly.

“It makes sense now. I'm sorry for prying, if I had known, I wouldn't have been so persistent. Thank you for telling me your story” Kai smiled, placing his hand on top of mine.

My story

Little would Kai know, everything I told him was a script., a role written for me, lines I had to speak perfectly.

Everyone has a story and everyone has an issue but the true ones only appear below the surface of what we show.

We chose to hide it? We’re told to hide it? We’re ordered to hide it? We’re forced to hide it?

I chose to lie? I'm told to lie? I’m ordered to lie? I’m forced to lie?

We break the rules and it's over. Two strikes and you're out




Yeah man I confused myself with this one. I hope it isnt too here, there and everywhere

Votes and comments are always appreciated :)

Lots of my love to you <3

~Author C

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