Soldiers (Completed) •Soldier...

By janejane_jane

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When Bucky had saved Steve from the river, he was determined to find out about his past. He was lost and conf... More

Soldiers Cast List
Chapter 1: The Captain In Tights
Chapter 2: Betrayed and Used
Chapter 3: Illustration
Chapter 4: Beyond The Limit
Chapter 5: Meeting Natasha Romanoff
Chapter 6: Dinner
Chapter 7: Getting To Know Them
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Get Out!
Chapter 10: History
Chapter 11: Strangers No More
Chapter 12: Fresh Start
Chapter 13: Typical Monday Morning
Chapter 14: Exposed
Chapter 16: Good Night
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Training
Chapter 19: Torn
Chapter 20: New Assignment
Chapter 21: Smile Bucky
Chapter 22: Stick With The Plan
Chapter 23: Steve?
Chapter 24: Best friend And Best...Girl?
Chapter 25: Few Hours Ago
Chapter 26: The Voice
Chapter 27:Serum
Chapter 28: For Their Good
Chapter 29: Matron
Chapter 30: Lies And Confessions
Chapter 31: New Threat Revealed
Chapter 32: My Lottie
Chapter 33: Goodbyes And Kisses
Author's Note
Chapter 34: Night Falls Guards Down
Chapter 35: And It Begins
Chapter 36: New War And New Age
Chapter 37: Big Girls Cry
Great News!!

Chapter 15: Family, eh?

12.3K 437 108
By janejane_jane

I was restless. Tapping my boot on the floor, I had my back against the wall as Bruce waited with me. He hadn't spoken to me for the past ten minutes, which suggested that he was as nervous as I was.

I stared hard at the plain steel door ahead, which Bucky had disappeared behind with Directory Fury half an hour ago. God, there was not even the tiniest pin drop sounded from within. But maybe the room was extremely sound proof.

Boy, there wasn't even a single window.

I sighed in frustration and kicked at the floor. Bruce glanced at me and breathed out quietly, too.

All the Avengers were alerted as a result of the invasion in my flat. A group of Hydra assassins pretending to be Shield agents, attempting to kill me and my newly-made friend, Bucky. Of course the Avengers and Fury were going to be fussing over this. There was no way I could avoid this the moment I promised to help Bucky.

Raising voices could be heard from the end of the long corridor. My chest taut as I recognized Tony's voice. "I'm going to be honest with you, Steve. I don't trust him."

"He's my best friend."

The men came in sight. Steve wasn't in his uniform, which comforted me slightly because I would feel like the worst person alive if he had pulled out of a mission completely for me. Tony's eyes grew quiet and dim when they fell on me. A vein was pulsing in his neck. Gulping, I realized I might have pissed off two of the scariest persons on earth.

"Hi there," Bruce greeted reluctantly, as if he had read my expression and was trying to help me lighten the atmosphere too. I appreciated it.

Steve took a few steps towards us in silence. His jaw was set and his face was hard. I bit the inside of my cheek as he turned on his heels and watched the door, waiting for Bucky as well.

A dark sulk masked Tony's face as he approached us. My frame shrunken when I met his death glare. "What the hell were you thinking, Charlotte?" I noticed how he wasn't addressing me by my nickname anymore. My skin tingled with guilt and shame. "You could have been killed!"

I couldn't believe I had put my team through this. I knew they genuinely cared about me, which was why I was feeling like the dirty penny in the world.

"Hey," Captain America threw a grim glance at us. Tony ignored it openly and continued to scowl at me. "He's my friend. Watch it."

Closing his eyes briefly, Tony whipped around and threw his hands up in exasperation. "You know what, soldier? I don't give a damn if he's your friend! He's brain washed, he's changed. And guess what? He's a freaking assassin who tried to kill you just last month!"

I had never seen Steve's face drop like this. If the wall would allow me, I'd like to sink back and blend into the solid. I could hear Bruce muttering to himself next to me. I shook my head at Tony's ridiculous outburst and pushed myself off the wall.

"Tony," I began, "I am really sorry about being irresponsible and everything, but Bucky isn't really the type of person that you think he is." Tony glared at me and I braved myself to meet gaze with him. "He told me everything, okay? He's only trying to get help."

"And he almost got you killed."

Annoyance somehow managed to grow in my stomach pit. It nagged at me and I set my jaw straight. "I know you're worried about me, Tony. But honestly, I can take care of myself-"

Tony sulked and gestured with his hands, "You almost got killed! How is that taking care of yourself?"

Annoyance turned into anger within me. I inhaled shakily to steady myself. "Damn it, Tony. Why can't you just understand?" Steve grew quiet, so did Bruce. I snapped, "I'm not anyone important to you, Tony. Hell, I've just met you a few days ago. So you can quit worrying about me."

Tony's face fell, yet I could not feel sympathy for him in the very instant. The door behind us swung open, and all my attention was refocused back onto Director Fury.

He stepped into the corridor, and Bucky followed with his gaze tentative. "We're on the same page," Fury declared and I met Bucky's eyes. He looked fine but he was back to his serious self.


Everybody turned to look at Steve. It wasn't difficult to see how the soldier was trying to contain his emotions with a blank expression. He swallowed and tried for a smile. "Do you still remember me?"

Bucky's head tilted and I waited with anticipation. I had imagined this scene for so many times in my head, but now that I was here, I discovered I never really knew what I was expecting.

Wincing wanly, Bucky remarked, "It takes time. I'm getting there."

Disappointment was an understatement in Steve's eyes. Bruce cleared his throat and returned to his helpful self. "We can always try out electric pulses to trigger memories," Bruce peered at Bucky, who was now studying the tired man with glasses, "if Mr. Barnes would agree to it."

"Bucky, please," the assassin replied, "And yes, if that would help with the team."

"The team?" Tony repeated in disbelief. He proceed to face Fury, who returned the stare with patient eyes. "You told him about the Avengers."

"Bucky can be useful. He will complete the team. We all bare the same aim: To protect the Earth. We're on the same page."

I realized he was repeating the message. Glancing at Bucky, I caught him peering at him too. I nodded encouragingly, trying to reassure him. He glanced away.

"Now, Bucky would need extra protection, since he is wanted on Hydra's list. Natasha and Clint are on a mission so we can't really use their help for the being. We need volunteers to stay with Bucky. I can get Agent Hill but-"

"I can do it," I said without any hesitation. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Tony glaring at me again. And on Bucky's face, the faintest hint of a smile played at his lips. "I know Bucky. It's cool."

Steve looked surprised while Bruce was desperately trying to ignore the frustrated growls that Tony was making. Silently, Bucky headed to my side and stayed close with me. I tried to compress a smile and the two of us waited for a respond from Director Fury. He frowned slightly. It took him a good old minute to nod.

"Maybe I should stay with them, too," Steve chimed in hastily, "I mean, I would come in handy if Hydra involved again."

I glanced up at Bucky, who was studying Steve quietly. "What do you think, Bucky?" I asked, "It's your choice."

"I hate choices," He grunted.

"I know you do," I hid a smirk. He was absorbed in thoughts and Director Fury coughed to clear the awkward silence.

"Captain, it takes time," Fury commented neutrally.

"Um," Bruce started, "Bucky, if you could come to the level two laboratory in Shield's base at some point. I'm sure we can figure something out to trigger your memory."

Bucky nodded gravely, "Sure."

Tony shook his head in dismay and gestured for us to stop. I could see the growing annoyance and dislike in Bucky's side profile. "Hell, you know what. No offence, Frosty," Tony remarked. My eyes grew wide at his words and hoped that Bucky wouldn't explode. "But I don't trust you yet, and if you're staying with Charlotte, you two are staying at Stark Tower."

I made a face and expected Director Fury to object. Bucky yet managed to agree with Tony, "It's understandable that you don't trust me yet. I will prove it in my time." Tony leveled gaze with him and Fury sighed.

"You can have a whole floor to yourself if you'd like. Name it or whatever, the security in my place will definitely be better than whatever employees' residential buildings that Shield provides anyway." Tony paused and directed a glance at Fury as well, "No offense to Shield."

"It's true," Fury grumbled, "However much I'd hate to admit it. But yes, Charlotte, I do think it's a good idea for you and Bucky to stay at Stark's place. It would be a safer option."

Shrugging, I knew it was the best plan that I could argue for.

After that, Fury left with his beeper buzzing in his waist belt. Bruce turned and headed back to his lab while murmuring something that suspiciously sounded like 'Winter Soldier' and 'the ghost'. Bucky and Steve were busy examining each other so I took the opportunity and grab Tony for some privacy.

"Hey, sorry about just now," I muttered, flashing a smile apologetically at him. He rolled his eyes and I grinned. "I'm worried and I'm not going to lie about it. But I also think what you've just said is right." Tony sighed, "I'm not your family. I don't have the right to stick my nose in your business."

I punched his arm playfully and he looked away to hide a delinquent smirk. "I was only a bit caught up in the moment, the aftershock and everything," I tried to reason, earning a snort from him. "Anyway, I take it back."

"Take what back?" Tony questioned with an arched eyebrow playfully. I laughed and was glad that we were back on good terms. I preferred Tony with good humor.

"You guys are important to me. You're family."

He smiled and I returned it warmly, my heart filling with honey and coziness. Then I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Bucky by my side. Glancing behind him, I caught Steve watching us gingerly.

"Are you ready?" Bucky asked while gazing down at me. His dark hair fell into the frame of his face. I nodded.


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