A Giant Among Giants

By TheGiant1998

18.8K 199 119

With all of the human dorms at Titanus University full, Tim has not choice but to room with a Giant. To Tim's... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10

Ch. 2

2.2K 24 13
By TheGiant1998


No no noooo! The thunder boomed and the lightning crashed! Ahhh. I hate thunderstorms. Especially when I didn't have Dad to protect me. I'm scared. We're on the top floor. What if the lightning hits the dorm room?!

"Ben? You alright dude?" Tim asked as he sat up in his tiny bed.

Oh no! I woke up tiny Tim! Oh snap, I have to stop calling him tiny TIm... I guess he doesn't like that, but I couldn't help it. He's just so little and cute.I tried to think happy thoughts and focus on how cute Tim was but then the thunder happened again and I felt myself jump out of bed to head over to Tim's bed. Tim seemed surprised I was at this bed so fast, but I couldn't help it. I was scared.

"You don't like thunder storms?" Tim asked.

"N-n-no. Um. Sorry, I woke you up. I'm just a big scaredy cat sometimes," I admitted as I leaned closer to Tim.


Oh no! I broke his little bed! No, no, no! Dad had taught me to be gentle, but I sometimes forget how fragile everything is. I'm a big big boy, so I'm sometimes too heavy for... well, everything.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break your bed! Are you alright?!"

"Whoa. Dude. You barely even touched it and it broke. That was awesome!"

"Hehe, you really think so?"

"Yeah. And well... I guess I just have to lay the mattress on the floor then,"

"What?! No! Don't go on the floor! It's my fault. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the floor," I suggested.

"Well I'll still be on a mattress, it'll just be on the floor,"

"Yeah but since it's my fault I can sleep on the mattress on the floor and you can sleep in my bed,"

"You're waaay too big for my mattress dude,"

"Okay, fine. Can we share my bed then?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat at the question. I mean I know I'm big and take up a lot of room in the bed, but Tim was so tiny that I'm sure there'd be plenty of room for him in there.

Tim looked up at me with wide eyes after my suggestion. Oh no! Had I made him uncomfortable. Ahhhh. The lighting is back! Oh god I'm a mess!

"Umm, Okay. Yeah, I'll um, share, but I'll need some help getting up that high," Tim replied.

Oh boy!!! Yes! I carefully grabbed my little buddy and brought him into my bed where I held him in my arms. Wow, Tim felt so good in my arms. His little head resting on my big bicep. Yeah, I need to just focus on that, instead of the storm. Yeah, everything is okay with Tim here.


Ho-Ly-Shit. One second I was asleep and then next I'm literally trapped in Ben's embrace. Ben held onto me like I was a stuffed teddy bear a child snuggles with at night. At one point I was almost worried his hold would grow too tight, when lightning crashed and Ben held me closer. Luckily Ben didn't hurt me at all that night. He just held me to him where I peacefully fell asleep once again praying for more nights like this, in this big giant's arms.


I woke up still held close in Ben's arms. Everything felt perfect except for the fact that my arms were pinned in position so I couldn't reach my most definitely hard cock that needed my attention.


Goddamn. That was Ben's stomach. Sounds like the big guy needs food... a lot of food. Shit. I still couldn't get over how much he ate in the dining hall last night. And the convo he had at dinner about his growing. That's crazy. He was already fricken HUGE.


"Oh boy, I'm hungry," Ben said in a tired voice as his growling stomach finally woke him up. When his body shifted I could finally move a little now that his heavy arm wasn't pinning me down. "How'd you sleep little buddy?" Ben asked as he rolled over to lay on his back, no longer spooning. Wow... this was nice. I was laying beside him using his arm as a pillow as I too laid on my back looking up at the ceiling. From this position my feet almost made it to the bottom of Ben's gigantic stomach.

"Wanna go find some breakfast?" I finally asked after Ben's stomach let out ANOTHER massive rumble. He sounded like he was starving, which should have been impossible after eating so much last night.

"Yeah. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," Ben joked as the two of us sat up in his bed. I looked down at his round belly that filled his lap as he sat up. God, it's just so HUGE.

Ben helped me get down from the giant bed and the two of us got ready to go to the dining hall. I swear I only brushed my teeth for a minute for Ben's growing belly was making me anxious. Not to mention I was still getting used to using step stools and ladder to get around this dorm room. I mean it's cool that housing provided things to make the giant dorm accessible for me, but needing a step stool to turn the shower on is just weird.

We ate breakfast together where once again Ben ate enough to feed a family of giants while I nibbled on some scrambled eggs and toast. Afterwards, we decided to explore campus since it's welcome week. Everywhere we went whether it was near giant dorms, or co-ed areas, Ben was causing a stir just by existing. At one point we were walking down a street that had numerous frat houses and a couple of giant guys ran out when they saw Ben. They invited us to a party that night. I don't think they really wanted a shrimpy human like me to be there but I guess Ben and I were a package deal... at least Ben was acting like that for now.

When the two of us made our way to the west side of campus that featured mostly human-only dorms we got more that just amazed stares. Other humans gazed up at Ben, and either snuck their phones out to take a pic, or ran for the hills. People looked truly frightened to see this big guy lumbering around. Now I get why Ben would have had a hard time making friends. He's just so huge, it's hard for people to see anything else.

As Ben and I walked past a human dining hall, Ben paused to take in the delicious aroma. I looked up at him and saw him rubbing his big belly, licking his lips. Uh oh... the big guy's hungry AGAIN. After breakfast we had already stopped for Ben to have two snacks which were really the size of giant meals if you ask me. But now was definitely lunch time, and Ben clearly had his eyes set on the dining hall in front of us.

"Wanna grab some lunch. I'm starving," Ben said looking down at me over his hill of a belly.

"Sure, but Ben we can't go here. Um... it's a human dining hall,"

"But it smells so good. Plus they let you go to the giant dining hall last night,"

"Yeah but that's different,"

"Come on little buddy. I won't let anyone give us a hard time," Ben said as he picked me up and walked towards the human dining hall.

Humans gave Ben and I an extra wide berth when they saw his determined steps toward the dining hall. Once we got to the entrance I swiped my card which lit up green this time, no doubt recognizing me as a human student. Ben once again was oblivious to the fact he needed to swipe in to enter this hall. Instead, he focused on how to fit his massive body into the human sized entrance. The doorways were still taller than in a human home... probably like 9 foot tall doors, which meant that Ben's massive chest towered above the door frames. Ben basically crawled on hand and knees to get into the building. Once inside the dining hall had very high ceilings so Ben was able to stand to full height no problem.

We entered the dining hall and the room seemed to go silent as everyone took Ben in. It was pretty normal at a school like this for humans to already adjust to going to a co-ed school depending on what type of high school they'd gone to. People were adjusting to seeing giants everywhere... but no one was prepared to see Ben. No student even came up to his waist. Let alone the middle of his thigh. Us humans were all so tiny to a guy like Ben. Of course, Ben didn't seem focused on any of that, for his focus was on one thing, and one thing along. Getting food, and LOTS of it.

At least the giant dining halls had bigger trays and their portion sizes were a lot bigger. Here, everything was half the size of the giant servings, which meant every time Ben came up to a tray of food, he basically cleared out the entire tray, in some cases even lifting the entire tray and bringing it over to our table. Ben had moved the chairs out of the way, for there's no way they would have held his tremendous weight.

Oyy. Ben didn't notice the organization of lines and folks taking turns to get food. He simply walked up to the food he wanted and he picked it right up. No student or cafeteria employee dared say anything to the giant. They were just trying to stay out of his way, and refill the food as fast as they could, which from the looks of it, was no easy task. If Ben had visited an area of the dining hall, it was most likely empty after he left holding a table's worth of food each time.

"BUUURRP. Wow! The food in this dining hall is even better than last night!" Ben said, wiping the pasta sauce off his face with the back of his hand.

"Yeah dude. You basically cleaned the place out,"

"Really? Well it's pretty silly how small everything is. I had to take entire trays just to get a real helping,'

"Hahah, Ben, remember this is a human dining hall. Of course the foods smaller,"

"Oh. Right. Well it tastes amazing! We gotta remember this dining hall little buddy. I'd love to come back," Ben said, rubbing his swollen full belly.

LOLs. Yeah, I bet Ben would love to come back, however, I'll try and steer the big guy towards giant dining halls if I can help it. Wouldn't want the humans on campus to go hungry.

Later that night Ben and I finally made it to the frat party we'd been invited to earlier. While I saw mostly giants, I was pleasantly surprised to see some humans at the party as well. Luckly, Ben could fit into the house but he was taller than all the doorways. When Ben entered a couple for frat guys recognized him and ran over, grabbing his massive hands and dragging him over towards drinks. I tried to keep up with them, but was quickly lost in the towering crowd.

Who was I kidding? I was only invited because I was with Ben. Ben is literally a giant among giants. I was nothing but a shrimpy little gay human. I headed toward the front door, needing to get out of this cramped space when a group of giants stopped me.

"Hey human. Where you going?"

"Um, outside,"

"Not so fast human. We've been looking for a little guy your size," The giant explained as he and his friends basically dragged me to the back of the house. This is when my stomach really dropped when they explained why they need me. They were doing some hazing game where upperclassmen in the frat would kidnap and hide a human, and the underclassmen had to find the human before the other team. This game sounded stupid and really dumb, but unfortunately there really was no way for a human like me to talk myself out of this situation.


Everyone was so nice to me at this party! All the little guys kept giving me delicious drinks that were making me feel warm and happy. Not to mention there were lots of yummy snacks at the party. The only thing was I couldn't see my little buddy anywhere. Where'd tiny Tim go? He was probably one of the smallest guys here, so he really shouldn't stray from his big strong buddy like that.

Later, I still had no sign of Tim, but found myself distracted by a new game we were playing. The game was super easy. I just had to drink a bunch of clear liquid with other people. The liquid didn't taste good. For a moment I even thought it might have been alcohol, but I'm underage so I bet these nice frat guys wouldn't give freshmen like me alcohol. After I beat a bunch of guys in the game, they gave me these big containers of some type of juice. Everyone wanted to see how many silver containers of juice I could drink in a row. It was super easy. I drank container after container until I started to feel kind of dizzy. Finally one of the frat guys stopped me, cuz he didn't want the party to run out of juice. I felt myself let out a huge burp that made everyone cheer for me. It was exciting that they liked me!

I stood up, feeling big and tall as no one in the room even came past my chest. Once I stood and looked over the heads of the crowd, I saw something in the other room that made me freeze. Down the hall I could see my little buddy Tim, and he was all tied up and being lifted into the air by a bunch of meany giants. I stomped through the crowd needing to get to my little buddy as fast as possible. It was harder than I thought to make it through the crowd though, for I was feeling kind of dizzy after drinking so much juice.

"PUT HIM DOWN NOW!" I yelled at the mean guys how had my little buddy. I grabbed Tim and easily untied him. "Are you okay buddy?"

Tim shook his head yes in reply and I crushed him to my chest in a hug. Wait. Not too tight. Tim is fragile! Okay, Then I got up and knew it was time to take my little best buddy back to our dorm.


Somehow the impossible happened and Ben was drunk. How you even get someone his size drunk was a mystery to me, but it was beyond difficult to try and control the situation enough to get him across campus to our dorm.

Ben was holding me as we exited the party, but he clearly had no idea where we were going. I had the thought of getting him to put me down, but then I realized there was a great chance I'd lose him or get trampled by him as he stumbled across campus. Oyyy. I did my best to steer him but we eventually got stopped by a campus security officer.

"Young man, please put the human down," the human security officer announced as he stepped away from his car that was parked on the side of the road. Thankful Ben listened and put me down and walked closer to the officer. I watched the officer gaze waaay up at Ben, marveling in his size.

"Have you boys been drinking tonigh?" The officer asked.

Right as I said no, Ben answered "yes,"

Damnit Ben!

"And are you old enough to drink alcohol?" The officer asked looking up at a clearly intoxicated Ben. Ben was confused by the officer's question at first, and he scratched his belly while contemplating how to respond.

"Nope. but I didn't drink alcohol. Just juice," Ben replied. Great. Just great. I honestly don't think the big guy even realized that wasn't just juice.

"I need you to come over to my car so I can run your info through our-" The officer was cut off as Ben nearly barreled into him as he walked to the officers car. The officers car was of course human sized, so it wasn't that big to Ben. Somehow in Ben's drunk state his curiosity about the car distracted him as he crouched down to inspect the vehicle.

"This car is so tiny. Look Tim!" Ben announced as he looked back at me. "Hey Mr. Security guy, do you have any donuts or snacks in here? I'm kinda hungry," Ben explained as he started to tilt the car up off the ground to get a better look inside.

"N-no! Son, put the car down!"

"Oh, you don't have snacks?" Ben asked, clearly disappointed.

"No, I don't,"

"Oh well. See you later then," Ben said as he walked back over to me, picked me up and continued our course back to our dorm room.

Once inside of our room I couldn't help but crack up at the situation. Ben literally just scared the shit out of not only the officer but the people at the frat party as well.

"Ben you are too much! Did you see the officer's face?!" I asked, still laughing. My laughter seemed to excite Ben, for he was now beaming with a great big silly smile across his face. Ben scooped me up and layed down on his bed with me straddling his check.

"I feel weird right now," Ben admitted.

"You're just drunk,"

"What? I'm not drunk!"

"Yeah you are dude. What'd you think was in the 'juice'... That was alcohol,"

"WHAT?!" Ben boomed. "I didn't know. I'm sorry buddy... oh and is it okay if I call you little buddy sometimes? I know you don't like being called tiny Tim, but I love calling you my little buddy. Cuz you are my little buddy, little buddy.. Hehe,"

"Yeah, of course big guy. I like whatever you call me," I responded. It was true. I think I might have been falling in love with this giant that I felt responsible for, but also felt like he was my protector... they way he stormed into the room of the frat house and saved me. Ho-Ly- SHIT! It was so hot.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Always," I replied as Ben and I began making out. Somehow making out transformed into Ben laying on his belly, with his round ass facing the ceiling. Even though he was impossibly large, and my cock was probably too small to satisfy a man this size, Ben responded like I'd opened the gates of heaven. Believe me, when I say that I'd never cum so hard in my life.

I never wanted this to end. I was falling in love with this giant. I couldn't wait to see where the school year took us! 

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