La Niñera

By BiancaGradaille

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What if a strange woman from the outside world accidentally found her way to the Encantó along with her daugh... More

Episode 1 part 1
Episode 1 Part 2
Episode 1 part 3
Episode 1 Part 4
Epi: 1 Part 5
Sofía the Madrigal
Chapter 2: New normal
Part 2: Wedding Crashers
Episode 4: The nuchslep
Fran's first fast
Birthdays and Guests
Costume party

Chapter 3: The husband, the wife and her madre

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By BiancaGradaille

It's morning Fran and Félix are in the kitchen searching for a mouse. Felix is wearing a pair of gloves. Fran is carrying a whisk broom and towel.

"Come here, mouse," Felix called softly, "Come here, little mouse."

"Here, little mousey-wousey," Fran called, "Nothing to be afraid of. We just want to put you outside," Fran said.

"And then... we're going to kill you!" added Felix. Fran nudged him for that comment.

"Felix, why are you being so macho? It's unattractive. Yet, somehow, a turn-on," she gives him the broomstick to wash her hands.

"Fran, need I point out that the council is coming Monday to observe your work and decide whether to accept you as a member of the community?" he reminds her.

"Oh? I thought you were joking. It sounded so absurd. You know, 'cause I assumed Alma was the head honcho?" she said getting the kids' lunch prepared.

"Never hurts to make a strong impression. When the town was formed my family was looking for salvation and stumbled here. Thanks to the magic and the council we became part of the town like the other founding families," he tells her as he sat down.

"Until mí papa, who was working at a council member's house, accidentally knocked over a vase..."

Fran was intrigued and confused, "And for that, they ostracized him?"

"He was wrestling naked with the eldest daughter at the time," Felix said in quite shame for his father actions.

"Well, to each his own, unless she was underage and/or married!" Fran asked hoping there was more to the story.

"Was well into her twenties, both single and currently my step-mother," he replied.

"Oh, so one of the council members is your... Grandparent?" she said.

"Not by blood but in a way, yes. Aye, Growing up with a blended family was complicated, no matter what you do nothing was good enough," he said.

"If they are anything like your mother-in-law I'm not surprised. Though they've been on board with the improvements so far and I've managed to keep the town a secret so there's no need to worry," she added, "what's the worst that can happen?" A plate fell from a shelf and broke.

"I'll ask Bruno if he can get his rats to help," at her words Félix starts panicking. "And I'll ask him to get them to scram till the inspections are done."

The tiles move in joy, "Casitas is already on board."


In the living room, Franchesca is lounging on the couch. Going over her reports. Félix, Julieta, Pepa, and Agustín are taking the kids to the museum. Fran is staying behind for the council, and to help Bruno tidy up.

"All right, everyone, time to go!" Agustín announced as he came down wearing rain boots.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not going to the museum in those boots, are you?" Fran asked not a fan of the combo.

"My boots? Sí, There's a chance of rain," he said.

"There's a chance I'll fall off the chair, but you don't see me wearing a seatbelt."

"Your point?" he inquired.

"What happened? You're normally so GQ. Now, suddenly, the Gordon's Fisherman?"

"Fran, aren't you working on something with your... typewriter," he guessed still not familiar with the tech. "I'm pretty sure worrying over my wardrobe is not part of it."

"Well, it's my break time. I fashion consult on the side," She said finding his regular shoes, "Your daughter was just elected class president. Don't embarrassment her on her first day."

"Have you met me?" Agustín said trying to remind Fran of his bee stings and clumsiness.

All the children come down the stairs followed by the rest of the parents and Alma. Isabela came down gracefully with Dolores trailing behind her.

"Ah, here she is. Hail to the chief." He said hugging his eldest daughter.

"Thank you, thank you. I am not a crook," She holds up both Her arms in the classic Nixion victory pose. "Fran taught me this."

"I still can't believe she got elected," said Fran's only daughter Sofia a.k.a Sofie.

"Why?" asked Isa a bit insulted from hearing her inquiry.

"Well, this was the schoolhouse's first election, and the students never even heard of student government," she explained, making the Chlorokinetic Madrigal relax.

"Now, Sofie, you should be proud of your prima," She takes note of Dolores, "Both of them. They worked very hard on their campaign," said Fran smiling proudly at her nieces.

"Ma, you wrote their speeches, came up with their campaign platform, organized their school bus tour, and picked out her accessories," Sofia pointed out.

"I only helped with the basics," Fran correct. "I did the same with the other candidates to keep it fair," she added.

"Yeah, it was Abuela that organized her speech and bus tour," said Dolores referring to her grandmother's involvement with Isa's campaign. Just Isa not Dolores.

"Well, it paid off. Aren't you glad you decided to run?" Alma said smiling proudly at Isa.

"Mm-hmm," she nodded.

"Now you're a leader like me. Did I tell you I was like a president when the town first started?" Oh boy, ever since Fran's crash course on world history, politics, and leaders, Alma has been nonstop with the president's spiel.

"Yes!" everyone said in a deadpan manner.

"Well, I was. But this is your victory, and we're all very proud of you. President Madrigal, She's a woman of vision and a leader amongst mankind."

"Thank you," the long haired girl said.

"Now, rub your eye boogers out," Alma said as Isa fixed herself.

"So, now we're off to celebrate Isa and Dolores' achievement by taking in the art exhibit on the events that's happened over the past fifty years," Agustín said.

"There's a fine line between reward and punishment in this house," commented Camilo.

"I love Edvard Munch's painting, The Scream," said Mirabel as she mimicked the painting then Camilo did it with his powers causing her to smile cause it was like the actual painting but in real LIFE.

"Impressive, but Cam sweetie doesn't that put a strain on your little body?" Fran asked cringing in concern.

"I'm okay," he said shifting back but looking a little tired.

"Huh-huh. Well here I packed leftovers of Tía Julieta's food just in case," she gave him the bag as he went to his mother's side.

"So, Francesca, what are you doing on your day off?" asked Pepa as Fran gave all the kids their lunches.

"Well, I'll tell you what I'm not doing. I am not having lunch with my Uncle Jack and Cousin Marsha, who is visiting from Boca. Believe me, an afternoon with Jack and Marsha... Well, don't ask.

Alma putting on her shawl, "I don't think we did..."

"Jack was always trying to one-up my mother. We bought a Skylark. He bought an El Dorado. We moved to San Fransoyko. He moved to Florida. I'm telling you, she could never win... Oh, yeah, once. She grew a mustache before him."

Luisa: "Fran...?"

FRAN: "Yes, sweetheart?"

Luisa: "I'm sweating."

"Here's some tissues." (Notices the time) "So what are you hanging around here for? Go, go. Have a good time," with that said everyone headed out the doorway

"All right everybody. Vámonos," said Alma.

"I'll see you later," said Fran

"Goodbye Fran!"

Bruno enters carrying a small gift basket and notices it's just him and Fran. "Oh, has the family left?"

"Yeah, they just left, and, boy, could they talk your ear off."

"That's too bad. Edna just sent over something called... caviar," he had no idea what that is.

"Oh, caviar. It's a real fancy treat like ceviche," she said trying to get it but Bruno moved it away.

"Uh, it's for the whole family," he said.

"Oh, yeah, of course," she said but then they look at each other. "You make the toast. I'll write the thank-you," They head to the kitchen.


A short while later Fran is on the couch, trying to get the last bit of caviar out of the jar with a spoon. "Come here, little fish egg. Come to mama," Fran heard a knock, she went to answer and was surprised to see her mother Connie. "Oh. Hi, Ma."

"Hi, darling." Consuela enters, giving Fran a peck on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?"

"I had to tell you about my lunch with Jack and Marsha," she said as she sat down on the couch.

"And I was having such a nice day," Fran commented as she sat back down.

"So we're sitting, we're eating and as usual, Jack is going on and on about Marsha," she groans as she listed her brothers bragging. "Marsha and her doctor husband. Marsha, and her four-carat solitaire. Marsha and her beachfront property right next to Van Johnson."

"Who the hell is Van Johnson?"

"How the hell should I know? Anyway, I was just about to scream when they asked me about you..."

Fran/Connie adopts an infuriatingly sympathetic tone, "And how is Fran doing?"

"Oh, I hate that tone of voice," Fran said remembering the dark thoughts she got when she heard it.

"So I told them that you eloped with a rich screenplay writer, and you're living in a palace in a gated community."

Fran looks at her mother with hurt "Ma, what's the matter with you?"


"You left out Casita," she points to the roof.


"The house ma, the same house that you sitting in, and can move your chair," she says.

"Oh, yes, Lo Siento Casita. I could have added it's a futuristic house!"

"Meanwhile, how'd they take the good news? Crushed?" Fran asked.


"Better," Fran said as she went to get drinks.

"You should have seen the look on their face."

"I would have liked to," Fran said from the Kitchen.

"You will," Consuela added which caused Fran to rush back drinks in hand. "Oh, no. No way, Ma. Where are they?"

"Looking for a place to park," she said taking a sip. Fran places her hands on her hips "What do you mean a place to park ma?"

"Well there at our place and your father is going to teleport them here..."

"Ma! I gave you that for emergencies and family gatherings!"

"Darling I think getting my brother to finally shut his trap counts as a family emergency."

Someone knocks on the door. "Oh, good. They are here!" said Connie.

"Oh, forget it, Ma. I'm not doing this."

"Fine. That's your choice. It's good to have choices. Not that I had a choice when I was in labor with you for 10 hours... With that big head."

"Sorry. It won't happen again" Fran said still not humoring her mother's insane plan.

"Darling, do it for me. It'll shut Jack up once and for all."

"Oh, Ma, is it so important to you that I have to pretend to be something I'm not?"

"Would you?"

"No!" Fran said. "Well, why not! You do with his side of the family, and I raised you," Connie argues. "That's different and you know it. Besides, I didn't pretend with you and I'm not going to do it with them. I'm a strong independent working mother, and proud of it," Fran opens the door to Uncle Jack and cousin Marsha. They're both WELL-TANNED.

Marsha wears pink frosted lipstick and a green dress suit. Jack wears a suit aswell but it's a warm color. They've both Recovered From the shock of Consuela's news and have their Game Faces Back On. "Look at you, ya' caught a husband! Mazel tov!" Marsh said as they exchanged hugs and kisses.

"Thank God you're not an old maid anymore," Jack said as he hugged his niece.

"Welcome to my home!" Fran said as she gestures grandly as they enter.

"Huh, Jack, huh?" Connie indicated about THE ROOM, "Is this a palace? She's living the dream."

Jack and Marsha are impressed but do their best to hide it. "Not bad. How many square feet?" he asked.

"Oh, we don't get into all that. As long as we're comfortable, that's all that matters."

"Your place is what, darling?"

"3,800," answered Marsha.

"Ours is 20,000. The upstairs is enormous. Plenty of room for the kids. I'd put out a spread, but, um, the cook is off today."

Connie pokes her brother, "The cook, Jack."

"Yeah, I heard, Con."

"Well, this has just been fabulous, but, you know, if you guys missed your flight, I'd just never forgive myself."

"Fran, you don't think we'd go home before we met the lucky man?"

"You mean you want to meet Bruno?"

Marsha raised a brow at the name "Bruno? I thought you married Sofie's dad?"

"She did," Connie said. "I thought his name was Hernando," said Jack.

"Oh, that's right I forgot to mention he gave her a fake name. yeah" said Consuela telling the real truth.

"Bruno has these little characters he likes to act out sometimes when he's nervous, and when we meet he was Hernando at the time," She explained as she puffs out her chest to exaggerate Hernando.

"Oh, So he's a little... eccentric," said Marsha.

"Yes dear, so he fits right in with our side. Besides nothing wrong with a little acting in a marriage, why I-" said Connie.

"Ma, stay out of my private life." Her cousin nodded in agreement. Fran continued, "Glossing over..."
"We had wigs-"
"No glossing! Unfortunately, Bruno is at a rehearsal."

"He's putting on the town's first performance of Carmen. So he won't be home till Monday."

"Ma, is there oxygen on your planet?"

"Tía Connie, you are such a kidder. We'll wait."

"You mean, you're just gonna stay here until he comes home?"

"We got full-fare tickets, no restrictions," Jack said. Marsha added, "We can stay forever," they both sit down.

Bruno walks in from the kitchen wearing his hood up. "I'm just going to run down to the market."

"Honey, you're home!" Fran exclaimed as she goes to hug him.

"Yes..." confused by her greeting and by the people in the living room and her mother.

"The rehearsal went quick, huh? These are my relatives from Boca," then she whispers to him. "We are a rich family, You're a screenwriter, I'm your wife, and we're deliriously happy."

"Ahem. This is a big favor you're asking," he said nervously. Thinking about all that could go wrong.

"So was keeping my mouth shut about the crack in the wall and giving birth to our child..."

"Bruno Madrigal, playwright!" he greets with his hand out.

"Jack Garcia, realtor," he said as he shakes his hand with a tight grip.

"How do you do? I'm Marsha. So nice to meet you," she cut in knowing her father was about to say something embarrassing that she was not on board with for once.

"Likewise," then extends his hand to Connie "and Frans mother...?" He knows her he just forgot her name.

"Consuela," she said as she pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh, right! Ha, ha, ha! Of course! I was drunk at the wedding. How are you, Consuela?"

"I'm good. Aside from the unwanted pests," she looks to Jack.

"So, Bruno... I take it business is good?"

"Oh, yes, too good. Yes, I curse every moment I'm away from my beautiful bride," he hugs Fran. Not used to this but his acting skill is covering it up.

"Oh, Bruno..." Fran said at his fake but still sweet words.

"Of course, I hobnob with very influential people, but the only time I'm truly happy is when I'm with her. She's my center, my compass, the light of my life. Sorry. Sometimes I just get swept up in the magic that is Francesca."

"Aww," Fran hugs him and turns to, "So Marsha, how are things with you and Dan?"

"Stan," she corrected. "And they couldn't be better. That man would throw himself in front of a truck for me."

"That's how she lost her first husband," Marsha gives Fran a look. "I'm kidding!"

"That sounds like something I can use for my novella," Bruno said making Marsha smile.

Marsha proudly states, "Stan is a doctor"
Fran dismissively added, "Podiatrist."

"What do they do?" He asked.

"He treats disorders in the foot and ankles," Fran said.

"And related structures in the leg!" Jack added. "He's very good. I had this Bunin on my foot and..."

Marsha cuts off her father, "So! Where are your kids? We haven't seen Sofie and Manny in ages!"

"Unfortunately, the children went to the museum. They're very cultured."

"They're off by themselves? In this strange town?" Marsha asked accusingly.

"Marsha, please. What kind of a mother do you think I am? They're with, Pepa."

"My sister, along with her husband Félix, and their two kids," Bruno explained.

"There also with Julieta, Bruno's older sister, her husband Agustín, and their three kids."

"and mamá," added Bruno.

"Who's mamá?"

"My mother-in-law," Fran said.

"Oh, where does she live?" Marsha asked but Fran tried to change the subject quickly but Bruno... "She lives here with us," Fran looks at him with wide eyes.

"Anyway Manny is upstairs in the nursery playing I'll go get him," Bruno said heading up to fetch Manny to escape this crazy plan.

"Well, Fran you seem to have married into a full house," said Marsha.

"Yes well luckily it's big enough for a family of fourteen who likes to host so it helps."

They heard a knock at the door "I'll get it." Connie opens the front door to a group of Elders. "Oh... Who are you?" said Connie.

"Sorry to disturb you, Señora. We're from the council. We're here to observe one Señora Francesca Madrigal. May we come in?"

"In here? Now? Oy," they walk in. "I thought you guys were supposed to be here on Monday," said Fran.

"It's our policy to show up early to catch newcomers unaware," Bruno came down with Manny as he sees the council. "Hello Bruno. Welcome back," they greeted him neutrally.

"Hi..." Coming out of his shock while still holding Manny, "Everyone isn't here, there at an art event. Any chance you can come back later?" He asked.

"Doña Madrigal informed us that the family will arrive soon, besides we are here to observe your new... wife."

"Oh, well that would be me. We'll tell you everything you need to know," said Fran. "Excuse me," she pulls her mother aside.

"These guys are from the town council, and they want to talk to me and him, but the family isn't here and I'm unprepared," Fran says, getting worked up. "Ma, you got a Rolaids?" She asked as her mother gave her some.

"Are these more relatives?" asked Jack.

"No. They build the town with my mother and ran it all these years," replied Bruno.

"Although one of the Madrigals is my daughter's husband's son," said one of the Council members.

"Oh, your Félix's..." (realizes the situation) "Dolores got elected into student government."

The front door opens and Alma barges in, upset, followed by the kids and adult Madrigals.

"You're not going to believe this! They closed the exhibit due to all the donkeys getting out!" said Pepa.

"No one was hurt but they had to reschedule," Said Agustín covered in bee stings.

"Huh, What kind of a world are we living in?" Fran said.

"Here," Alma said as Félix took her shawl to the laundry.

"And this is...?" Asked Marsha.

"That would be the rest of the Madrigals. Welcome home," Fran said. "Family, I'd like you to meet..."

"Uncle Jack, Tía Marsha!" Sofie shouted as she ran to hug her relatives.

"Oh, Sofie you've gotten so big! your growing so fast," Marsha gushed seeing Sofia.

"Yeah, kiddo let's get a look at that smile" Sofie smiles, "Aw beautiful you got that from our mother," Jack stated.

"She sure did," Connie said agreeing with Jack.

"Yeah thank god it didn't skip her," Jack said to Connie who looked ready to kill him for that remark.

"Moving on. This is my Uncle Jack and Cousin Marsha," Fran guides them to shake hands with her relatives.

"Oh so you're the mother of the punk that knocked up my Niece," he said to Alma which caused everyone to jaw drop. The parents tried to cover their kids' ears. The kids' jaws were dropped but in amusement. Camilo was just smiling at the adults' expressions.

"EXCUSE YOU?!" Yelled Alma as Fran directed her to a chair courtesy of Casita.

"Daddy!" Marsha said still covering Sofia's ears. Mortified by her father's words.

Connie: "Jack! Watch your freakin mouth, there are children present!"

"Uncle Jack she had nothing to do with my relationship with Bruno. She's not omnipotent, she didn't know," Fran told him.

"I would have if Dolores had her powers then," Everyone gave her a bewildered look.

"You might want to re-examine that thought," Fran pointed out as Alma finally realized what she accidentally implied. "Oh Dios! You know what I meant!"

"Have you ever heard the phrase spying leads to crying?"

"Jack you apologize right now! Fran is a grown married woman."

"Your one to talk crying about how she was ruined and you were gonna castrate him!"

"That was years ago. The man stepped up and married her. Move on!"

"It's alright Consuela, I understand where he's coming from. I am sorry for not being in Sofia's life believe me I wish I was," Bruno said.

"Besides Daddy, it's not like Franny tried to contact him when she found out," Fran looks at Marsha annoyed.

"Well between, school, making a living, and child-rearing, I was tied up," defended Fran. "Anyway he's here now and he's been great with the kids."

"Doña Madrigal, What is going on here?" asked a council member.

"I'd like to know that myself."

"Oh, I can explain I'm afraid you caught us at a bad time my relatives came for a surprise visit."

"That would be on me. Hi Consuela Garcia-Shapiro, I'm Fran's mother," she introduces herself to the council, "I thought it would be fine to introduce my son-in-law to my brother."

"I see. Can you all excuse us for a moment por favor," Alma said. Everyone headed to Dolores' room which is the only room that had proven to be completely soundproof.

"I leave this house for half an hour, and I come back to find half the town in my living room!"

"Well to put it simply..."

"My family is here. Bruno is a successful playwright..."

"No clue about the magic..."

"Or that Bruno left for a year. Blame my mother!"

"The council just got here before you..."

"Fran!" Alma scolds annoyed at the short response. "Okay here's the full story..."

After Fran and Bruno explain.

"Please, Mama, I would be the last to coerce you..." Bruno says.

"Coerce? coerce!" Still not liking this situation at all.

"If Fran's relations see through our little charade, they'll never let her forget it, or her poor mother."

"And if you don't do this our kids won't get a fair chance and your family name will be mud forever," said Fran appealing to the woman's ego.

"By the way, Gus, and Félix, what are your family names?" She asked her fellow in laws.

"Mama, I think we should go along with it," said Julieta.

"Fran has done so much for the kids. It's the least we can do for her."

"Oh, how sweet," Fran says touched at their kind words.

"And I get to be spoiled by new relatives," said Camilo.

"It's absurd. I'm not doing it, and that's final!"

"Speaking as an elected official, what we have here is domestic gridlock. A failure of the Executive Branch and the House to work together," said, Isa.

"I still can't believe someone voted for you."

"No, no. Isa's thinking is good, her point being is that what we need here is a compromise."

"Meaning I do what you want, and compromise this families integrity," Alma says still not convinced.

"That's democracy in action."

"All in favor?"


"Look, if you can pull off this charade, fine, but I'll have no part in it, and neither will the children."

"So you're saying we have no rights? None whatsoever. Just checking." Mirabel asks her grandma then complies at the woman's gaze.

"All right, I get it but no one is lying, Pepa does predict the weather in a way. Julieta is an amazing cook, and Félix can dance. and Agustín was a tailor..."

"And my son?" Asked Alma.

"Well I do write plays but instead of people I have rats as actors," this didn't sit well with the others.

"I can't believe I'm considering this! There are already enough outsiders. Can your family be trusted?"

"Depends... (see her eyes glare) "Relax well just keep the magic limited."

"But my cloud," Pepa pointed out.

"I'll tell them that you're testing a new device from my job."

"Is there such a thing?"

"If you work with Edna yes."

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong..." Alma points to Fran.

"Relax just do what you normally do with the council. I'll handle my relatives."


Back in the living room. Alma is talking with the council. Jack and Marsha are introduced to the Madrigals. Manny is playing on the floor with blocks.

"I am so parched. You got something to drink?" asked Jack.

"There are drinks in the kitchen. Help yourself," Fran said as she notices one of the council members writing something down. "On second thought, I'll get them myself, everyone just makes yourselves comfortable," Fran walks.

"I'll help Fran," said Julieta. Both women head into the kitchen to plan.

In the kitchen.

"Okay, so my uncle and cousin are the competitive ones I told you about so mention how creative and brilliant Bruno is and how good he is to Sofie and Manny. The husband part I got covered," Fran explained as she got the drinks.

"Fran..." trying to get a word in.

"Oh, right The council what can I do to assure them I'm not a threat or that what these—"

"Fran! Listen the council's main problem isn't that you're an outsider or your innovations."

"Oh, well then what?" She asks Julieta, who was about to answer when Marsha comes in holding a giggling Manny. "Hey just checking on the drinks. Oh, this kitchen is gorgeous. who's your decorator?"

"Uh... her parents love. I mean you'll have to ask her mother, love."

"okay oh, and Manny needs a diaper change," Marsha says giving him to Fran both women cooing at him. "Oh, Come here, baby," Fran said.

"Here you go sweetheart, back to mommy," then they looked at each other stopped and Marsha left.

"That was weird."

"Yeah that's Marsha she's quiet now but just you wait..."

"I mean you two seemed close."

"Of course we are, she is family, and I want her to shut up."

"But- Nevermind, let's just get these snacks and drinks out," Julieta says.

They bring the drinks and start serving everyone. Julieta is holding Manny while Fran balanced all the cups and jug in her hands. "We're back! here you go!" she serves the council members first and then the children and the adults.

"Thanks, mommy," said Sofia.

"Hey Franny is this coffee?" asked Uncle Jack curious about the drink.

"It's Chocolate en Leche de Coco it..." he drank it after she said chocolate and enjoyed it.

"Good," he said. "you see Marsha she still offers chocolate."

"Pa, we have sweets we just watch how much we have."

"Yeah- Yeah. Ain't she a dear for worrying."

"oh yeah," Connie nodded as she tells Fran. "Franny if you get that worried just shoot me."

"Daddy can we have some cookies," asked Camilo.

"I don't think Julieta made any today," said Félix.

"Oh, you bake instead of buy?" asked Marsha.

"Yeah, here store-bought cookies come in the form of ingredients. So you kids are going to have to wait till after dinner," Fran said.

"Don't worry darling I brought a nice bag of Oreos for the kids," said Connie.

"YAY!" Cheered the kids.


"Oh, come on now they've never had Oreos let them explore."

"I love you, nana Connie," said Camilio hugging Connie who smiled.

"Aw. Are these darling children or what?"


"We're very proud of these two," Fran said side hugging Dolores and Isa.

"Isa was just elected president of her class. and Dolores was appointed Secretary."

"Aw, shucks tía. There you go again."

"How impressive. Sofie, did you run for office?"

"My grade doesn't do elections yet."

"But she is doing very well in school high marks."

"That's great Sofie. You should see your cousin Libby," shows a picture. "Here she is at the equestrian center."

"Oh, beautiful smile," said Fran.

"That's Lightning. That's Libby." Marsha corrected her.

"Oh, look. She's got your nose. The old one," Marsha laughs weakly. "Don't worry I know some good contouring you can do till she's eligible."

Knock on the door. Luisa opens it to reveal a classmate of Isa's.

"Hey, Isa. Dolores."

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

"I came here to invite you to the inaugural party."

"Great! Thanks! Bye!"

"Hear that, Marsha? They're throwing a party for the president."

"Yeah, Isa, I wanted you to be there, even though I beat you."

"What? Isa, what's going on here?"

"Forget it. It's nothing," she said closing the door.

"No, no, no. I want to know what this is all about?"

"I lost the election, okay? Dolores was the only one who won what she was running for."

"You lost?"


"I knew no one would vote for her," Camilo whispers to Jack and Marsha.

"Isa, I just don't understand. Why would you say you won if you lost?" Said, Alma.

"It seemed important to you..."

"Maybe it was all that talk about you being president of the Encanto," said Fran.

"I just mentioned it in passing... Wait a minute this is not about me!" She said.

"I just wanted you to think I was a leader, like you," Isa said to Abuela.

"Angel, you can't win at everything and you don't have to. Look at your father the man gets more bee stings than Winnie the pooh. Your tía Pepa is a bundle of nerves but who can blame her one mistake and we could end up with a hurricane, Bruno well he's had a whole list of mistakes, some just for being different. But if not for him I wouldn't have my wonderful kids. You get what I'm saying, honey?"

"That it's okay to lose and we all have flaws," she says trying to understand her aunts words.

"Well more or less sweetie. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder, and in my eyes, all you kids are perfect just for being yourself. Except for my cousin Ira, but that's another story..."

"You're a wonderful girl. Isa. Whatever happens, you can always tell us the truth," Agustín said with Julieta hugging her.


"Well, of course. I mean, what kind of parent would want their child to be something she's not?" Fran said as she realized, "My mother. Excuse me."

"Oh, sure. They got their Jet. They flew me to Pennsylvania for a Hershey," Connie said.

"Well, I'm lucky if she drives me to the dog track."

"Okay, Ma, enough with the charade."

"Eighty-six it. I got them eating out of my hand."

"Give it up, Ma. It's over."

"God, you were just like this with Perot."

"From now on, we're telling the truth."

"Bruno is not a rich playwright. This is not our house, it's his mother's house, we just live here. Bruno left this town a year ago and I met him by accident. When I came here I introduced myself as a nanny then our secret got out."

"Did you hear this, Daddy? She's just a nanny!"

"No! I didn't lie about my job the teleporter is proof of that."

"And who asked you anyway, you big green cow?"



"It's turquoise."

"If I may speak, I was here before Fran's arrival, and I can tell you, she has made this house more... chaotic, more contentious... louder. Now, she and Alma may not always see eye-to-eye, but at the risk of overstepping, I don't think I've seen Bruno or the children this happy for a very long time," said Félix.

"Oh, thank you, Félix."

"That was a very moving speech. And inappropriate."

"I'll decide what's inappropriate in my home," Alma says to them. "I can tolerate a bit of drama now and again. don't ever let it happen again," Alma says to Fran.

"Did you hear that Daddy? Their living with his mother,"

"Yeah. That must hurt, Con," he said annoying his sister.

"Oh, shut up, Jack! At least she's got a job. And all her original parts. I wouldn't trade my Fran for all the Marshas in Miami."

"Now, go in the kitchen. I'll take you home."

"It's not turquoise. It's emerald." Marsha said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Well... This has been a most unusual visit. But, despite the charade being played, you managed to maintain your dignity. Señora Fran, when we first heard that Bruno was married and had a child we were hesitant..."


"Whenever he made a prediction, bad things happen..."

"Well he wouldn't be much of a psychic if they didn't."

"Fran, they mean that my visions weren't helping the town..." he tried to explain.

"Well, at least you gave them a warning of what was to come. It's on them if they didn't do anything to change it or prepare for it."


"Look I may be new here but if there is one thing I understand is that you can't control what happens in the world. All you can do is control your actions and make what you want out of life," she pointed out and continues, "Heck, if Bruno gave me a prediction that I'd get fat, I'd start exercising, I'll diet, and if that doesn't work I find clothes that look flattering. I'm not going to curse him for telling me something out of his control, I'd curse my family we have a lot of plump figures..."

"But what about my wedding?"

"Pepa!" Julieta scolded her sister that now is not the time.

"...oh, that was a joke..."

"A joke you mean you didn't predict..."

"No! I saw you were stressed so I joked 'looks like rain' and it backfired."

"Besides honey, you are not the only bride to have rain on their wedding. Many say it's a sign of fertility," said Fran and Pepa and Félix smile at their kids.

"What do they say about hurricanes?" Asked Dolores.

"I think that better explains my parents' marriage," Fran joked before continuing her speech, "Anyway, I think that it's safe to say that all this superstition is unprecedented. Bruno couldn't even hurt a fly."

The council members looked at the fortune teller and thought about what she meant.

"I, on the other hand, don't appreciate people disrespecting my family. No offense to you, I respect that you have to think of the town's well being so you're okay in my book." She said to the council, "But if the other town members have a problem with my family for something out of their control they'll have to deal with me. Thank you and good night." Casita opens the door.


"I believe Fran has made her point. Goodnight," Alma said as they all headed out.

"Oh, I feel cleansed. Everything is out in the open. No more secrets," Fran said relieved till she notices Alma.

"Oh, right. Look I'm sorry if I stepped out of line but I was raised to treat others the way I want to be treated..."

"What about Jack and Marsha?"

"I love them but they need to be humbled now and then their only human," she answered. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to them or their family and I know they care about me and the kids."

"It seems despite your appearance you do have some good values."

"Thank you, I think."

"However, you do realize that you may have lost any hopes of being trusted"

"I'm aware but if I didn't say anything Casita would have thrown them out," Fran said but Alma gave her a what? Look.

"The tiles and shutters were rumbling. Was I the only one that noticed," No one said anything till a stomach rumble broke the silence.

"I'm hungry," said Camilo then Fran's mother came by from the kitchen, "Get washed for dinner. I made croquettes!"

"Ma, I thought you left?"

"I did then I came back. Your father's working late.  So I figured I'd make up for putting you through all this. I'm so sorry darling."

"That's okay ma" (they hug) "so Alma this alright with you?"

"Seeing as it's late I guess we don't have a choice," Alma relented.

"Gracias. And don't worry my mother is a great cook!"

With that everyone went to wash for dinner. Julieta remained behind to talk to Alma, "Today's been quite eventful. huh?"

"I'm beginning to question the decision in allowing Fran into our home..."

"Mama, Fran is Bruno's wife and the mother of his child. Tu nieta..."

"She is still an outsider mija and I don't think she's as close with Bruno as she claims."

"Mama casita already proved Sofia is a Madrigal and Fran defended Bruno..."

"I have no doubts about Sofía, it's Fran I don't trust. She could be acting? Women that dress like her do that," Alma stated.

"Oh mamá she was covered this time."

"She was still wearing too much makeup and did you see how tight those pants wear?"

"I admit Fran's choice of clothing is...different but she's been nothing but polite to us and the kids seem to like her," She said hoping this would end the conversation, "now let's go eat. This is something you discuss with Bruno and Fran."

"You have a point I'll talk to Bruno."

"And Fran," Julieta reminded her mother who just waved it off.

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