Lead the Way // TFATWS

By TheQuietHufflepuff

4.5K 65 0

Half a year after all those dusted return, some still feel life was better during the difficult five years. ... More

April 2024


156 3 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Bucky headed north and entered an abandoned building. He walked around and Redwing came up behind him.

Bucky swatted at Redwing, jumping in the air to try to get him, who moved out of the way and Falcon said, "Oh-ho-ho. Don't hurt him."

When he found Sam and Nessa, they were looking at footage Redwing had captured.

Without looking up, Sam said, "You're doing the staring thing again." Bucky shot him a dirty look and Sam jerked his head to the right. "They're in there."

"Where's the guy?" Bucky asked, glancing at the footage.

Nessa shook her head. "We don't know. Sam and I think they're smuggling weapons, though."

"Well, I think you could be right." He took a quick moment to think before studying the footage and their surroundings. "Hmm. But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it."

"We're not assassins," Sam reminded him.

Bucky looked at Sam. "I'll see you inside or not. Ness?"

Nessa shrugged lightly. "Stay out of trouble, Sam."

Bucky and Nessa walked away.

Sam, still looking at the device on his wrist, said, "Hey, come on, man. I'm just messing with you. Come back. Look at you two. All stealthy. I can see why you're so in love." He chuckled.

"Shh," Nessa replied.

"A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."

"It's actually White Wolf," Bucky and Nessa corrected.


Bucky and Nessa took one way around while Sam took another way, found by Redwing.

"All right, Ness and I are inside. Therefore, way ahead of you."

"It's not great, but very doable," Nessa added, seeing Sam. "Huh?"

"Hello," Bucky greeted sarcastically as he looked around in slight surprise. "How are you?"

"Good. What did I miss? Nothing," Sam shot back.

Nessa frowned. "Enough, gentlemen. Let's go."

Sam stopped them and said, "No, wait."

"I got a Vibranium arm," Bucky argued. "Nessa's tough. She and I can take them."

"And I can fly. Who gives a shit? Wait. I want to see where they're going."

Nessa squinted as she looked across the way and said, "There's two people. James?"

Bucky nodded. "Yeah, I see two."

"You two only see two?" Sam shook his head.

"That's what Nessa and I saw."

"Let me see what Redwing sees. Let me see."

"All right," Bucky and Nessa said as the former rolled his eyes.

"Let's see what Redwing... Oh, look at that. How many people you two see now? One, two... Oh, here it comes again." Bucky and Nessa sighed. "Four. Five."

"Yeah, five," Bucky stated. "Yeah. So they're strong. Whatever. All right, let's go." The couple tried to move again.

"No, no, wait," Sam protested, hitting something which caused a loud clatter. "Shit."

The people looked around before a woman said, "All right, let's move. Let's move. Yeah."

The doors closed and the engine started.

Keys tapped as Sam looked at what Redwing saw, then said, "There's an eighth person. I think they have a hostage."

Hostage was the only thing Bucky and Nessa needed to hear. The two ran off, followed by Sam who flew into the air.

The two ran after the truck, quickly catching up, and leapt onto the doors. Nessa moved to the side Bucky was on as she held on to the door.

Bucky opened the door and it swung open. He swiftly entered and pulled Nessa inside.

Bucky and Nessa looked around and he said, "They're stealing medicine. Vaccines."

The hostage poked her head out before moving her head back and the Super Soldiers said, "Hi."

She stepped out of her hiding spot.

"Bucky, Nessa, talk to me," Falcon told them. "What's goin' on?"

"Found the hostage," Bucky and Nessa replied.

They turned to the hostage and asked, "You okay?"

The hostage smiled and knocked Bucky back into a windshield. He managed to hang on and the girl put on her mask.

"Shit!" Bucky said.

Nessa muttered a silent curse as she managed to get out of the moving truck and said, "I really don't need this. Not today."

Bucky was pulled up by two men on top of the truck with a grunt. Nessa leapt from the door to the windshield and grabbed the bar Bucky had been on moments before. She raised one hand and grabbed the top of the truck before climbing up and landed on the top, joining the three men.

The girl, who they'd thought was a hostage, leapt from the small truck to the other truck, then to the truck bed and joined the fight.

Bucky tried hitting them and his arms were grabbed. Nessa went to throw a punch and her arms were grabbed as well.

Redwing swooped in and began shooting. The girl jumped up with a grunt and grabbed Redwing, smashing it with her knee.

"I always wanted to do that," Bucky said before he was punched. He glanced at his wife. "Are you okay?"

Nessa nodded. "Yes. But trying to stay out of trouble, isn't working well."

Sam flew in and kicked the girl down. The two exchanged kicks and punches.

"Good of you to join the fight, Sam!" Bucky yelled.

Bucky and Nessa were punched again. Sam continued fighting with the girl. Nessa punched one of the masked men and her hair was grabbed, causing her to let out an angry scream before she thrusted a kick back into the man's groin.

The girl grunted as Sam was thrown to the other truck, caught by another man, and pinned down.

A man readied to punch him and a clang sounded as the shield was thrown.

Another man, in uniform, jumped from a helicopter and landed on the truck. He punched the girl and knocked her down.

A third man swung from a rope and kicked the girl, causing her to hang on between the trucks.

John threw the shield again, hitting the masked people and the shield came back to him. He and his buddy bumped their arms.

Sam stood and John saluted before saying, "Sam. John Walker, Captain America."

"Lemar Hoskins," his friend added. "Looks like you guys could use some help."

The girl attacked John again and he threw the shield. Bucky caught it and Nessa smiled. Her smile immediately fell as John took the shield back.

Sam attacked one of the masked individuals and was grabbed, causing him to grunt.

Bucky and Nessa punched the masked men who had held them hostage and the masked man Bucky was fighting punched him back. The two landed on the side of the other truck and Bucky and Nessa yelled as they slid down, the former holding a bar under the truck for support. Nessa hung onto Bucky, praying she wouldn't fall.

As Bucky maneuvered himself, he asked, "You okay, doll?"

Nessa nodded. "Oh sure. I'm just hanging on for dear life. Are you all right?"


The masked man on the truck with Bucky kicked their arms, trying to knock them off.

Nessa kicked one of the masked men, sending him flying and he managed to catch the side of the truck.

Sam noticed a road sign and deployed his wings. He jumped and shot up. The masked woman he was fighting went through the sign, but didn't seem injured. She ran towards him and pushed him off the truck. He grunted and flew in a sharp semicircle to avoid getting hurt.

Bucky's Vibranium arm and Nessa were still being kicked at.

One of the truck drivers, seeing Falcon, swerved, and Falcon flew up to avoid being hit by the truck. He shot up and car horns blared.

As Falcon flew alongside one of the trucks, he said, "That little girl kicked your asses."

Bucky and Nessa yelled and the former grunted as he held on with his good arm, letting his Vibranium arm drag along the road, causing sparks.

On the truck, Lemar was in a headlock. He grunted and asked, "John, where you at, man?"

John hit the man with the shield and shot the man holding his friend in the headlock with a single shot. The girl kicked John back.

Sam dove under the truck he was flying next to, grabbed Nessa, then Bucky, and the three landed in a field, Bucky on top of Sam and Nessa a short distance away. Sam let out a groan.

Bucky said, "Could have used that shield."

Sam, in a strained voice, retorted, "Get off of me."

Bucky rolled off of Sam, landing next to Nessa.

Falcon grunted and Bucky panted.

"Those were all Super Soldiers, Sam, Ness," Bucky said.

"I know," Sam and Nessa replied.

"You're both welcome, by the way," Sam added. "Nessa, you good?"

Nessa nodded. "Yeah. And I think Baby is okay."

On the truck, the fight was still going on.

John saved his friend from being choked and threw the shield just before Lemar hit the pavement and Lemar rode in it like a sled.

The masked people checked on their comrade who said, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

Lemar and John exchanged a thumbs up and John hoisted himself up and said to the girl, "That was a bad idea."

The two exchanged punches and John was knocked into a car's windshield, causing the car to screech to a halt. John grunted and groaned as he fell to the ground, panting. He pulled off his helmet strap in a frustrated manner.


As Bucky, Nessa and Sam walked along the road, Bucky and Nessa said, "Sorry about Redwing."

"No, you're not," Falcon retorted. "What's going on in that big cyborg brain of yours? How about that brain of yours, Nessa?"

"It's computing," Bucky and Nessa replied.

Falcon chuckled. "You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning and the theories coming. Oh, they're malfunctioning, shutting down and everything is too much to handle. Yep, they're on fire and spinning around."

"We gotta figure out where the serum's coming from," Bucky said.

"Yeah. And how in the hell after 80 years there are eight Super Soldiers runnin' loose?"

A Jeep came up behind them and the horn honked before the Jeep pulled ahead of them.

John, as he opened the back door, said, "So that didn't go as planned, huh?"

The three Avengers kept walking.

"Okay," John commented, closing the door with a grunt. "Let's keep going." The Jeep drove alongside the Avengers, passing them again. "Look, at least we know what we're up against now, huh? And we're pretty sure it's one of the Big Three, so..."

"Aliens, androids, or wizards?" Falcon asked.

"Pretty sure."

"There's no such thing as wizards," Bucky and Nessa retorted.

"All right, then it's aliens, or androids..."

"Or Super Soldiers," Sam finished.

"Shit," Lemar said. "Super Soldiers, for real?"


"Wow," John commented, raising his eyebrows. "All right, well, then we gotta work together."

"That's not happening," Bucky and Nessa told him.

"Look, I think we stand a much better chance if we all just..."

Nessa looked up at him with a frown.

Bucky said, "Just 'cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America."

John let out a sigh. "Look, I've done all the work, okay?"

"You ever jump on top of a grenade?"

"Yeah, actually I have. Four times. It's a thing I do with my helmet. It's a reinforced helmet. It's a long story, but anyway..."

Nessa frowned at John a second time.

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