The Queen of Spades (promise...

By Kim9105

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"Everybody had different pasts, experiences, and personalities, but the anguish we all felt were the same." K... More

Very short author's note
Part 1- newcomer arc: Chapter 1-The blackout
Chapter 2-Knowledge is key
Chapter 3-Meet-up
Chapter 4-Let the games begin
Chapter 5-Ambush
Part 2- beach arc:Chapter 6-Perfect cards, perfect duo
Chapter 7-Executive meeting
Chapter 8-Trust
Chapter 9-The human heart-something I can never understand
Chapter 10-Silent communication
Chapter 11-The militants
Chapter 12-Different perspectives
Chapter 13-A key source of information
Chapter 14-Perfect timing and perfect pawns
Chapter 15-Wild animals
Chapter 16-Treatment and rest
Part 3- ten of hearts arc: Chapter 17-Take control, or be in control
Chapter 19-Mystery solved
Chapter 20-Blow your mind
Chapter 21-Unraveled secrets
Chapter 22-Stage two
Part 4- face card arc:Chapter 23-Surprise entrance
Chapter 24-Physical limit
Chapter 25-Watch your footing
Chapter 26-World domination
Chapter 27-Hunter or hunted
Chapter 28-Whole-heartedly
Chapter 29-Final stage
Chapter 30-Re-united
Chapter 31-outnumbered
Chapter 32-If they hit you, hit them back twice as hard
Chapter 33- Saviour
Extra chapter 34-a game with the King
Extra Chapter 35- teaser
Chapter 37- Me, myself and I
Part 5-Akihiko arc:Chapter 38-repeating the past
Chapter 39-Betrayal
Chapter 40-high stakes
Chapter 41-kindness, or blindness?
Chapter 42-insanity
Chapter 43-save your tears
(Survivor arc) Chapter 44-familiar faces
Chapter 45-A New Job
Chapter 48-Yes
Chapter 49-significant other
(Citizen arc) Chapter 50-reborn
Chapter 51-dealers and players
Chapter 52- a new association
Chapter 53-secrets
Chapter 54-home sweet home
Chapter 55-high tensions
Chapter 56-teamwork makes the dreamwork
Extra note
Chapter 51-moving on
Chapter 52-Mansion of Monsters
Chapter 53-Worthy
Chapter 54-Bullseye
Chapter 55-A pound of flesh
Chapter 56-A cup of tea
Chapter 57-A new Beginning
Chapter 58-An encounter
Chapter 59-First move
Chapter 60-deadly secrets
Chapter 61-Uncertainty
The Queen of Hearts

Chapter 36-fight to the death

235 4 4
By Kim9105

Your eyes slowly blinked open as you noticed that the sun had risen. You shot out of bed and dressed back into your original clothes and armed yourself with your weapons. You quickly went downstairs and ate another packet of Chishiya's biscuits for your breakfast. 

You looked around the room, to see that Akira and Chishiya were both awake. "You done with your beauty sleep? After that romantic scene with Chishiya, you both must have slept well," Akira teased you. You nudged him in his shoulder, shutting him up. You had no idea he was watching, or listening. "Couldn't he just have slept normally?" You thought to yourself.            

Pulling your shirt up, you tried to cover the hickeys on your neck given to you by the one and only.

You proceeded to roll up your sleeves on your blouse, preparing for the big day ahead of you. You checked every single one of your weapons, making sure that they were all in good shape before you could go attack the King of spades a second time. 

The first time you attacked him, you barely made it alive if it was not for your instincts. He barely missed you when you were hiding behind that building, or was it on purpose to make you come back for a real battle with him at your full potential?

"See you again, little girl," he had said to you. Perhaps he was interested in a real battle, rather than killing you like the rest of the players?

Akira had his daggers, his hand gun and a few smoke bombs, along with one grenade you had given him. "Oh, and before we leave, I have made an upgrade to these daggers. Look!" You exclaimed, catching both of their attention.

You grabbed a cup of water, before stabbing a dead corpse you had found in the inn. You then placed the dagger into the cup of water, a purple liquid oozing from the tip of the dagger. "Look! While we were separated, I worked on adding poison to my daggers! This should make it more lethal, adding on with side effects. However, it isn't fatal. It works to weaken and paralyze the opponent, for about 20 seconds." 

Akira raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, why wouldn't you want it to be fatal? Wouldn't that instantly kill the king of spades?"

"There are three main reasons why. One, because we would like to capture the target alive. Two, because we don't have that lethal poison at hand. Three, we would like to avoid accidentally stabbing one of us with it. In this case, it's all of the above." Chishiya explained for you. 

"Additionally, I have three injections here, of which are the antidotes for this poison. Even after 20 seconds, the person infected with it will have difficulty moving or thinking straight. It's a bit like being drunk, so use it only if one of us gets stabbed by it accidentally," you added on. Akira nodded, comprehending what you were planning to do. You handed them to Akira. 

"The King of spades has no rules whatsoever, except to kill him. While I'm fighting with him, I want you to throw these towards him from the side and attack him when his back is turned. This will be very dangerous but we have to take risks. Arisu and his gang of goody-two shoes are not good enough to defeat him by themselves, I just know it. Remember our training, okay?" You crouched down to his heights, explaining what you were going to do with him.

He recalled all his training sessions with you previously and how you had taught him multiple synchronized attacks with you, from numbers one through ten. The main factor that determined which one the two of you would be doing was how the attacker attacked you. After all, he was human too. 

Chishiya looked at the both of you, having his own plans in his mind: to avoid the fight and sit out while you did all the dirty work, or scut work as you described it.

You got out, finding your red Ferrari waiting for you outside. You unlocked it using your keys and got inside, ordering Akira to get inside. "Shuntaro, I'll see you after I complete the King of Spades."

He placed his hands comfortably into his pockets, walking along his own path.


Not long later, you arrived at the arena of the King of Spades game. Akira opened the door, but you placed your hand on his wrist. "Don't go out yet."

He closed the car door again, before hearing faint gun shots. "Stay low for now. Go out only when I tell you and go into hiding." You commanded him sternly, him nodding. The gunshots and screams got louder, and you saw the King of Spades fighting a few people effortlessly. For some reason, you saw something drop out of the plane and onto the ground. He placed it into his gun and continued to shoot the players.

"So the plane up there gives him ammo. We should corner him, Akira. Alley to the North-East. Go out now." You ordered him. He quickly opened the door and got out, preparing the traps around the area. You took out a bottle of oil, and quickly poured it all around the car, except for on your body. You accelerated the car in his direction. So one enough, he had noticed you.

But it was too late. You took out your match and lit the whole car on fire, crashing into him at the same time into another car. You kicked the window open with your boot, jumping outside and hiding behind your car. Unfortunately, your eyes widened when you saw him crawling out of the mess spotlessly. 

"Hey, the 'little girl' is here to fight with you!" You called out to him.

He proceeded to remove his large coat, revealing a bald man with scars all over his face, specifically one across his right eye. He began shooting all the players who were charging at him recklessly. You waited for a while, until he reached where you were hiding. You threw a smoke bomb onto the floor, running to the side. 

You took this time to pull out your two machine guns and began having a Mexican standoff with him. You stood on top of the debris, him pointing his rifle at you too.

"You know, you're the best fight I've had in a long time, little girl," he complimented you. "I must admit that I underestimated you at a first glance."

"You too. Let's both have fun 'till one of us drops dead!" You provoked him even further.

The two of you moved surreptitiously, before shooting at each other. One bullet got to you, but unluckily for him, you were wearing a bullet-proof vest which only left about a bruise at that area. 

Though it felt as uncomfortable as a chest binder, you still had to use as much of the materials with you at that moment.

You winced back, clutching your chest tightly, before you used the butt of your machine gun to hit him cleanly on the head after charging at him. He reacted by grabbing your machine and tilting it away from him, causing you to waste a few of your bullets. 

You then leaned back, wrapping your legs around his neck in an attempt to strangle him. While other players were rushing to beat him while he was stunned by your sudden move, he held them back by kicking them. 

He grabbed both of your legs with either one of his hands, throwing you onto the ground. With fast reflexes, you turned your body around before you could fall down head-first onto the concrete ground, pushing yourself up with your palms.

Then, he took out his knife and began trying to stab you. However, you shrieked, dodging his strikes swiftly before aimlessly shooting around the area. He was shot in his left leg, but that did not affect him. 

He lifted up your light body, before hurling you across the road, with you crashing against a giant truck. Standing back up, you saw that he was running towards you with his guns pointed right at you. 

Out of instinct, you threw a grenade onto the ground, evading the area after leaving a huge warning for him that something huge was coming for him. He looked around for you, before going back. 

You continued running towards the alley to the East. "Is everything set?" You asked Akira, reloading your machine gun in the process. "Yes, Sis. I'm all ready." 

Just then, something caught the corner of your eye. You turned around, sprinting back towards a wall. "My senses told me you'd be here planning something. What is it now?" You questioned the group. 

You saw a high-school girl who had amputated a leg and was an archer aiming her bow and arrow towards you. You tilted your head, before gesturing to your machine gun that could easily kill her with one pull of a trigger, surprised they found a new ally.

"Heiya, don't worry, she's on our side." Arisu calmed her tits down. "Kayami-san! You're finally here! You're just perfect for our plan with your strength! I expected to see you here. Chishiya gave us a bomb. Judging by the smell, it must be filled with kerosine."

"Ah, yes he told me about that. The department store nearby has loads of gases for you to play with, if you want to make a bigger bomb. And you probably want me to be a decoy. Sadly, no. I have my own business to take care of with him. But, I can help you with something. Along that alley, I have set up multiple traps around the store, so don't go there yet until I say so. Apparently, he has ammo dropping out of that plane for him. So, my brother and I are going to corner him. Considering your lack of weapons, you don't look like you're going to survive at all."

Processing all the information that they had just received, they all nodded. Kuina looked you up and down, noticing that your hair had been cut shorter, to your chest level and was in a different style than before, but better. Instead of being neat and straight, it was ruffled and curled at the bottom. "Yuki-Chan, you've really changed since the last time I saw you." 

"Oh, by the way, take these. You'll probably need it." You handed each of them your poisoned daggers, particularly Aguni. "This smell..." Aguni looked up to you.

"Yeah. My weapons have had a small upgrade. This poison paralyzes the target for about 20 seconds, and reduces their ability to think straight and also reduces movement. Be careful not to stab yourself with it. If you do, my brother and I have to antidote with us, but very little shots." You explained, before hearing another explosion, also known as Akira's signal to you that he had arrived. "You better be prepared, because shit is about to get real."

You ran back out into the battlefield, noticing that the King of Spades had caught sight of Akira and was shooting bullets towards him, Akira running behind cars. Soon, his leg got caught on a string. The King looked up skeptically, as he had triggered the first trap. A bunch of daggers was sent his way. He dodged them well, except for one, which he pulled out of his shoulder.

You had thrown more daggers towards him, Akira in the meantime, was rushing towards him for you first synchronized attack. He dodged all of them, grabbing Akira's elbow and throwing him onto the ground. You took this chance and brandished your dual double edged scythes. It felt frickin' awesome to be using them after so long. 

He grabbed two daggers from the concrete floor and began to use them against you instead with his quick reflexes. With his brute strength, he kicked both you and Akira away. Akira, however, did not give up. He threw another smoke bomb onto the floor, throwing a poisoned dagger in his direction. He was stabbed with it on his neck. 

He knelt down onto the floor, you charging at him at top speed. "Take this!" You slashed your scythe towards him. To your absolute disbelief, he grabbed the blade with his bare hands that were covered with black gloves. Blood dripped onto his hand, but to him it was not painful at all. Akira jumped onto him, wrapping his arms around his neck in an attempted to strangle him. 

"What? How can you still move? Don't tell me you're immune to this poison!"

"Do you really think that I've not been poisoned with this before? This is nothing!" He shouted at you, using his martial arts skills to pick you up. He lifted your arms and legs above his head, before throwing you towards the wall. As for Akira, he was kicked away. One of your scythes had flown towards the group of people, Kuina and Ann barely dodging it by a close sheath. 

With it landing right in between their heads on the wall, both ladies were scared to death by your weapons.

You felt your bones almost cracking and getting dislocated by his strength. You slowly stood up, cracking your bones to relieve the pain. You cursed, "You bastard! I'll kill you! Why don't you say we do our unfinished business? I failed to kill you that day, so this time I won't hesitate to!" You threw a smoke bomb in front of you and ran towards where your other scythe was.

"Yuki's really scary when she's at her full potential!" Kuina placed her hand on her chest, heaving out a sigh of relief that she was still alive. Her eyes were on the scythe that was stained with blood.

"Agreed." Ann removed your scythe from the wall, tossing it towards you with gentle fingers. "This scythe is pretty heavy. I'm surprised she can use it that well."

"Well, in the beach, Kayami-san is rumored to have been able to lift 120kg (265 lbs) at her best, and I believe that it is true," Arisu bit his lower lip as he watched you suffer all by yourself against the King of Spades. "Hopefully, she can hold him out for any longer. So far, she's already been a great help to us." 

"Amazing. She looks as strong as Aguni," Heiya commented. 

"Well, she did have a spar with him once and it ended up in a tie with both of them forfeiting," Usagi replied to her.

"Thanks, Ann!" You caught your scythe smoothly while running, resuming your attack. You spun your scythe in your hands, gaining momentum and preparing yourself. 

As the King had pulled out his gun yet again and tried to shoot you, you hopped onto a car and flipped off of it, hiding behind another car. 

Akira made eye contact with you, before throwing 5 smoke bombs onto the ground. The King ran around, before his left foot got caught in a bear trap you had set on the road. He winced in pain, but did not groan. He simply took it off his leg. By the time the smoke cleared, he noticed that you had finished pouring a whole liter of oil onto the ground all around him. You took out a match, playing with it before dropping it onto the ground. You then threw a grenade there, it having a bigger explosion due to the fire. 

(I've always liked to play with fire by Hyunjin from Straykids reference)

The King fell backwards, before getting up to see that he had been trapped in a ring of fire. "Thank you Shuntaro. Hope you don't mind me getting inspiration from your good idea." You muttered softly.


"This? It's a hand-made flamethrower. I just taped a cigarette lighter to this water gun, added some chemicals in it and there we go," he explained the gist of how he made a masterpiece of his. Just like his stereo box, taser and many more things, he never ceased to amaze you with his brilliant ideas and tools. As you were an inventor, you were interested in these items the most.

"I see, how smart that device is for killing people!" You squealed when you pushed the button on the water gun and out came a bunch of fire. You continued checking it out, before commenting, "I think that you should wrap polyester fabric from Ann's dissection room around the gun, so the gun itself doesn't catch on fire. And of course, this is a great tool to use in a gun fight!"

Chishiya nodded at your joke.

"Hmmm personally I would just shower my target with oil and light them up with my— wait. Is that MY cigarette lighter you're using?" You scrutinized the gun once more, patting your pockets and looking for it. Chishiya nodded yet again, before apologizing, "Sorry, can't get another lighter with a valid reason, knowing that I clearly don't smoke. You could always go to Hatter to get another one though." 

"You should've told me! I couldn't smoke in DAYS! I thought I was going crazy!" You crossed your arms, feeling very grumpy.




(Is anybody gonna die here?)

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