Eunoia 2 [{V.H}]

By Bestfuxingmistake

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Book 2 of Eunoia (A Vinnie Hacker Fanfic) (Mature content warning) there is no warning in the book so it's he... More



429 17 18
By Bestfuxingmistake


Vinnie and I decided that we'd do trunk or treat.

It took some slight convincing for me to get him to agree but when I told him I wanted to do a Harry Potter theme, he seemed slightly interested and a couple hours later, he agreed to sit with me while I handed out candy to the kids.

He went with me to the craft store to get the supplies for the decorations, and I just Amazon primed our costumes to a P.O. Box in town in case he wanted to dress up with me.

And he did.

When he saw me come down the stairs as Luna Lovegood with the glasses and everything, he went quiet until he asked where his stupid costume was. So now we're Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood, handing out chocolate to kids from behind a potions table with a cardboard cut out of Hogwarts set up behind us in the bed of our truck.

Vinnie leans over the table to put two pieces of candy into a kids bucket that's dressed up as a firefighter and I smile at the child. The kid looks up at me and waves so I wave back and after he walks away, Vinnie takes a step back and sits down in one of two foldable chairs that we have set up behind the table.

He looks up at me when he sees me looking over at him, and he tells me without remorse, "That was the ugliest fucking child-"

"Vinnie." I hiss a scold, and he rolls his lips into his mouth, trying not to laugh.

"I didn't think Luna could get so worked up." He quirks his head, "Or did I hit a nerve Miss Lovegood?"

At least I picked the right costume for him, and does he look good in it.

"Be nice." I reply with a sigh, not all that upset. "You're killing me."

A girl in a Hermonie costume comes walking up, her mother following closely, the child's costume pretty accurate to the books with her hair puffed out and her Hogwarts robes looking home made. I love it, her mother must've put a lot of hard work and love into it.

I smile widely and bend down to meet her level, "Hermonie!" I greet her pushing up the glasses on my face to sit them on top of my head. "How's Ron and Harry?"

Her mother quickly takes the child's shoulders and tells me, "I'm sorry but we just adopted her from Russia so she doesn't speak a lot of English."

I lower my eyes from her mother, back to the little girl and smile brightly at her. "Spokoynoy nochi dlya tryuka ili lecheniya?"

The girls face lights up, flashing a smile that's missing a front tooth, "Ty govorish' moy dom!"

I smile wide and nod, "Kakoy by ya byla Luna, yesli by ne smogla?"

I glance back at Vinnie who looks fondly at me, and I hold my hand out to him so he leans forward with the bowl of candy in his hands, extending it to me so I can grab some pieces out of it.

I turn back to the child and fake a frown, "u menya net shokoladnykh lyagushek, no eti podoydut?"

She nods her head excitedly at me and leans to the left to see around me, her hand raising to wave at Vinnie. In the sweetest voice tells him, "Thank you Mister Draco!"

I melt when he waves back at her, but as I turn back around, she catches me off guard when she wraps her arms around my neck, almost knocking me over. The glasses fall back onto my face, and I laugh softly, before her mother quite literally has to pull her off of me and they both thank me before leaving. I push the glasses onto the top of my head again and stand up off of the ground, my eyes following them walk away until I reluctantly turn around toward Vinnie whose watching me carefully.

I blink away whatever expression is across my face and walk back over to him to sit in the chair beside him. As soon as I'm seated, he sets the candy on the ground and turns his body toward me, resting his hands on my knees.

I raise  my eyes up at him and force a smile, "'Mister Draco.'"

He gives me a knowing look, making me give him a closed lip smile and nod my head once at him.

I'm okay, really.

But Vinnie pulls me forward, wrapping his arm around my head and kissing my temple. "We can go home."

"No. Fucking. Way."

We both lift our heads up to Alex and Kouvr standing in front of us, the two of them in matching pink and blue unicorn onesies, staring back at Vinnie and I with wide eyes.

Alex slowly lifts his phone and his flash goes off toward us, making Vinnie shoot up out of his seat, and I lower my head into my hands.

Of course.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Vinnie seethes with his hands balled at his sides.

I lift my head and look between them, "I thought you two were still in New York?"

Alex grabs Kouvrs hand and lifts it, showing off her engagement ring and a band under it, "We got married and wanted to come back to be with friends."

Vinnie and I both stare at the two of them, and then he slowly turns to me, looking to me to confirm that I heard the same thing that he did so he turns back to them and waves his hands in front of himself.

"Married?" Vinnie questions them, "So you guys aren't going to have a big wedding? No orgy's or-"

A family gives Vinnie dirty looks as they walk past, looking at us with frowns on their faces so he looks back at me for help again.

"We thought you guys weren't just gonna jump right in." I explain for him, "It's been seven days."

"Actually it was four." Alex shrugs his shoulders, looking over to Kouvr fondly, "We just hung out in New York for a couple days for some sex party's and came back."

So they did go to a few Orgy's.

"Alex." Vinnie calls his friends name in a frustrated tone. "You got married, shouldn't you be on a honeymoon or some shit?"

I rest my hand on Vinnies arm, and look up at our friend, "What he's trying to say, is that getting married is special, and you two want to spend it here with us?"

Alex smiles at us and pulls Kouvr around the table to pop a squat on the bed of our truck, the both of them sitting behind Vinnie and I. "There's no where we'd rather be."

Vinnie grumbles something under his breath and turns away from them, obviously pissed, so We all three stare at him for a beat, waiting for him to share what he's thinking but he just huffs out and shakes his head at them, turning away with his arms crossing over his chest. I glance at Kour sideways, but she's hiding (and failing) a massive smile as she kicks her feet.

I clear my throat, "So- why are you guys here, like in the parking lot here right now?"

Kouvr speaks up, "We saw that they were doing this and I just wanted to see the decorations. I thought it would be cute."

"Yea," Alex adds on, leaning forward to pat Vinnie on the top of the head, "I didn't think I'd be rice krispy treated to seeing Draco Malfoy."

"I'll kill you Alex."

I lean over and pick up the bowl of candy, taking over the handing out. Kouvr and Alex really don't bug us, and after about fifteen minutes of them being there, Vinnie finally lightens up and joins back into the conversation. He tells them about the little Russian girl, having a proud boyfriend moment that makes me smile.

We sit out for another hour before everyone starts tearing down, and Kouvr helps me with the card board cut out while the boys start collapsing the table, when Alex knocks over one of the glasses. It shatters, and bubbles on the ground, everyone's eyes turning to me and I give a sheepish smile. Alex laughs out at me, but we move out, cleaning up the supplies and going our separate ways... or so we thought until Kouvr and Alex arrived at our house an hour later with beer and wine in tow.

Vinnie stood by the door, still in his Malfoy outfit (minus the robes), looking out as if to make sure no one was following them, and when Alex assured him it was just them tonight, he closed the door.

The four of us sat at the end of our kitchen table, talking, laughing, and playing uno while we waited for pizza. Alex had asked me to make dinner but Vinnie got on him about it, so he ordered food as an apology.

I sit beside Vinnie with my cards in my hand and my spectrespecs over my eyes while I wiggle in my seat a tad, excited about the cards I have in my hand which makes Vinnie put his hand on my thigh to steady my movements.

"Serious question." Kouvr shifts her attention to Vinnie, her unicorn hood falling off the back of her head, "Would you be against me sleeping with Kitty?"

Vinnie shifts his body toward me, his shoulders tensing just slightly, "Kitty can do what she wants."

Yea right. The last man I slept with ended up dead.

I wince out at my own thoughts, and Vinnie snaps his head toward me in alert but Kouvr sets her card down on the table, playing her turn.

"But would you break up with her?" Kouvr raises a brow at him, "Would you consider that cheating?"

I lower my cards, frowning at her, "Of course that's cheating, he'd have every right to break up with me."

"Soo..." Kouvr purses her lips and thinks for a second. "What if-"

Alex elbows her lightly, nodding his head toward Vinnie, "He's gonna kick us out if you don't stop."

She rolls her eyes. "oh come on." Kouvr flashes a smile at Vinnie, "He knows I'm kidding."

Vinnie forces a smile and nods at her. "It's sooo funny."

She sticks her tongue out at him and he keeps that pained on his face while Alex and I look back and forth between them, so I sit back.

I go to change the subject, taking the attention off of their bantering, but Alex beats me to it as he lays his card down and shouts, "UNO MUTTERFUCKAS."

I huff and grumble, "I don't like this game."

Vinnie leans over me, looking at my cards so I tilt them away from him, giving him a dirty look.

"No cheating." Alex tells Vinnie with humor and I glance over my shoulder at our friend, and then look back at Vinnie with a bounce of my brows and a pressed look.

He's good at that.

As if he's reading my mind, Vinnie sits back, cackling. I watch him as he laughs and sits up in his chair, using his pinky finger to rotate his rings around his fingers and smile at him.

He's all mine.



I lurch up with my hand on my throat, breathing hard as I take a glance around our bedroom. Finch lays at the foot of the bed, but there's no sign of Vinnie or Hera in the room.

I frown, and stand up off the bed when thunder rumbles above me, making me slap my hands over my ears and sink back down on the mattress


It's just thunder and Vinnie is close by. When he hears it, he'll come for me.

Assuring myself doesn't help though when lightening flashes through our windows, lighting up the room and casting a silhouettes shadow across the room from the window.

Pure unrelenting terror ripples through me, and I don't even look over to see what ever the hell is there, I just run straight for the door, tripping on the throw rug as I make my exit.

"VINNIE." I screech as I run into the hallway, my socked feet sliding against the hard wood floors.

I slide with Finch at my feet, until I bend over and pick up my dog and run through the house with him in my arms.

"Kitty?!" Vinnie responds back finally from down the stairs so I don't hesitate to turn and run down until I see him.

I run right into him, holding onto Finch still as he grabs onto me to push me back to see my face but I try to hide in him, while shouting, "There's someone in the window!"

Vinnie pushes me behind him, changing me spots on the stairs, "What window?"

"In our room." I grab onto his shirt and shake my head when he takes a step forward. "Don't leave me!"

He looks back at me, an emotion I've never seen before crossing his face as I cling onto him, shaking like a wet dog and glancing around myself.

"Please." I beg and he nods his head.

He holds his hand out to me but I don't let go of his shirt so he just grabs my wrist to hold onto me. Vinnie leads me back upstairs as thunder crashes and shakes the whole house, making me shrink further and further into his back until I'm pressed up against him with our dog at my side.

"Babe, if someone is in the window I need to be able to move." He whispers to me and I shake my head at him as we reach our floor, and when we get to our bedroom, he tells me to stay put.

I sink to the floor by the door frame, holding onto Finch tightly as I watch Vinnie creep to his nightstand where he pulls it open and pulls out a hand gun. He switches off the safety and then takes a step up to the window before reaching out and pulling back the curtain.

I flinch when the silhouette moves, and Vinnie stares down at it and so do I, neither of us believing what we're seeing.

"Is that-"

"It's an owl." I lower my head onto my knees and groan outloud. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

Vinnie moves the curtain back in front of the window and turns to me, switching the safety back on the gun and putting it back in the nightstand.

"Better safe then sorry." He assures me while he comes over to me, and bends down in front of me. "Im sorry I didn't notice it storming."

I lean my head against my knee, smooching my face up against it. "It's not your fault I'm a baby."

He sits down across from me, cross legged, "You're not a baby."

I close my eyes and shrug my shoulders, sighing heavily, "I regress, it's from my ptsd but that's apart of my autism too."

When Vinnie doesn't say anything, I open my eyes and blink to adjust my vision to him. He gazes at me, so I ask, "What?"

He points out quietly, "That's the first time I've heard you openly say that you have autism."

I don't know how to respond to that, so I just press my lips into a line and look away.

"There's nothing wrong with it." He tells me, trying to reassure me, his body scooting closer.  "You're great the way you are."

"I wish I was normal." I openly admit as I wrap my arms around my legs, "Before the accident, I know I was on the spectrum, but it wasn't as obvious and now." I pull my lips to the side, "I feel like sometimes I'm just on a different planet then other people."

"You know what I think?" Vinnie tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear so I look up at him, "I think that I fell in love with a girl who wears whatever the fuck she wants, knows tons of cool shit, and loves so much more intensely than anyone I've ever encountered. So what if you're a little different than other people? If anyone has anything to say about it, well that's why you have me to beat the shit out of them."

I smile and laugh through my nose at that, making him smile back at me.

Vinnie suddenly stands up and holds his hands out to me, "Come on, I've got some noise cancelling AirPods you can wear."

I slip my hands into his and he pulls me up to my feet, Finch standing up from his laying down beside me with a yawn. The three of us crawl into bed and Vinnie hands over the head phones to me while I lay my head on his chest.

As I take the AirPods out of their case, I tell Vinnie, "At some point id like to have an open discussion."

He opens his phone next to me and clicks on Spotify, "About what?"

"About everything." I respond, and his body goes rigid under mine. "I know you know more than what you're letting on."

I turn my head slightly to look at the side of his face. He stares at his phone blankly, his fingers frozen from scrolling so I look away.

"I'll tell you why I'm scared of thunder storms if you tell me the truth."

I push the AirPods into my ears and snuggle into him, and it's a good thirty seconds before snowQueen of Texas by the Mamas and the Papas starts playing in the headphones.

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