Dance Central University

By xNekorux

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Summary: After defeating Dr. Tan and the spread of the news about what happened to the famous... More

Chapter 1 - Jaryn & Kerith's Reaction
Chapter 2 - Scholarship
Chapter 3 - Airport
Chapter 5 - Who's Brody?
Chapter 6 - A Little Research
Chapter 7 - Friendship in the Making
Chapter 8 - In Da Club
Chapter 9 - I'm Here For You

Chapter 4 - Arrival at DCU

264 6 2
By xNekorux

Chapter IV

               "You may now remove your seatbelts." The twins immediately unbuckled their seatbelts and got up before sanpping their fingers in unison.

"Butler, make sure our luggage is delivered at our personal establishment in campus." Kerith said while Jaryn was already exiting the jet.

"Yes, Master Kerith." Their butler replied with a bow.

Kerith flicked some of his white hair out of his face before walking after his older twn sister.

"Finally!" Aubrey snapped as she unbuckled her own seatbelt and getting off her seat to reach for her luggage.

"Chill out, Miss Aubrey." Dare said. "We're not in a hurry."

"Whatever, pinky." The auburn-haired princess rolled her eyes at the british pinkette as she pulled her luggage out of the top cabinet.

Dare took a few steps back and ended up between Taye and Emilia, who already has their own luggage, along with Dare's.

"She's a pretty bratty girl, ain't she?"

"You just figured that out, girl? She's been bratty ever since she uttered her first word." Taye said with a knowing look.

"Leave it to Aubrey to get under Dare's skin." Emilia said, laughing.

"Aubrey can't got under my skin. Dare has no skin!" Dare retorted.

"Umm, what?"

Dare realized what she said and immediately tried rephrasing it.

"I meant that in a good way!"

"Sure, you did..." Emilia said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Oh, never mind! Let's just get out of here!"


               The dancers were confused when they got out of the jet. The Glitterati crew were nowhere to be found. Even their butler.

Of course Aubrey didn't give a damn about them. Instead she just called her daddy to send her a limo. Being her daddy's little princess, the limo arrived at the airport in no time at all.

Also, Emilia, Dare and Taye slipped inside before Aubrey could do so, which made her yell at them for a few minutes before she begrudgingly went in and ignored them.

While the three dancers enjoyed the different kinds of low-fat drinks stocked inside the limo's mini-fridge, Aubrey made sure her make-up was perfect.

"Miss Aubrey." The chaperone that came with the limo amd driver called out from the front.


"Your Father has paid for one sorority house for you."

"Oh, that's good." Aubrey said with a satisfied smile. "Daddy always knows what I want."

"But unfortunately..."

"Unfortunately?" Aubrey asked in a not so caring tone.

"You would have to share your sorority house with your friends."


"Oh yeah!" Emilia cheered abruptly. "We're going to be like roomamtes, Aubs!"

"There must be some sort of misunderstanding." Aubrey said, hoping that she's right.

"The DCU won't let you have your own sorority house unless you share it with three people, so your father has decided that you and your friends will share it."

"They're not my friends!"

"I apologize, Miss Aubrey." The chaperone apologized before he raised the window between the front and back.

"Looks like you're stuck with us, Miss Aubrey." Taye interjected, grinning.

"We're going to party! Woo!" Dare cheered.

"Heck yeah!" Emilia agreed, pumping a fist up in the air.

"Kill me now." Aubrey groaned out, digging her face in her palms.


               Angel, Bodie, Mo, MacCoy, Glitch and Lil'T danced on the helipad of Aubrey's yacht with the song I Know You Want Me by Pitbull while Oblio was drinking a bottle of Cider.

The crowd applauded as soon as the six dancers finished their routine.

"Hey, Lil' T! Let's go to the arcade downstairs!" Glitch called, ushering Lil' T to follow him.

"Alright!" Lil' T and Glitch sped through the crowd like ghosts while the four grown dancers approached Oblio at the bar.

"One mango shake, please." Bodie ordered with an energetic smile.

"Banana shake for me!" MacCoy added.

"I want an apple shake!" Mo followed.

Before the bartender left to get their drinks, he turned to Angel to get his order.

"Just a coconut shake." The bartender nodded before leaving them to make their ordered shakes.

Oblio took a sip from his bottle of Cider before turning to the others.

"No more routines?"

"Nah, just takin' a break, dude." Bodie answered, dusting his yellow plaid button-up shirt.

"I'm surprised Miss Aubrey let you borrow her yacht." Mo said as he leaned one of his elbows on the bar table.

"She trusts me enough to leave it in my care." Angel replied confidently.

"You have to let me DJ later!" MacCoy requested. "The DJ Booth is close to being the state of the art DJ Booth in Central City."

"Yeah, su...-!" When Angel faced MacCoy, he jumped away when he found MacCoy hanging upside down on the boat's railing, his bright hair almost touching the polished wooden floor.

"Umm... Sure..." The Latino trailed off as he watched MacCoy easily relax in his uncomfortable looking position.

"Oh, hey, Oblio!" MacCoy called.


"Dare has been eyeing a pair of white and red striped knee socks at the nearby store at the docks when she came to one of Miss Aubrey's yacht parties."

"I see..." Oblio drank from his Cider and just watched the partying scene before them.

"I never thought the one and only emo Oblio Tan fell for the eccentric Dare Batheson." Angel said with a smirk.

"Yeah," Mo agreed. "When have you been guys been an item?"

"The relationship between Dare and I are my business and hers only." The blue-haired biker slash dancer replied flatly.

"Oh, come on, Oblio! We're all friends here." Bodie encouraged, an energetic and encouraging grin on his face.

Oblio became silent for a moment before answering, "We've been together ever since she danced Lady Gaga's Just Dance at the Tan Estate."

"What!?" The three dancers blurted out in shock, except for MacCoy who merely nodded.

"That was a year ago!" Angel and Bodie pointed out impulsively.

"Wait a minute," Mo raised his hands to stop Angel and Bodie from saying anything. "Were you and Dare the pair making out at the bar that night?"

"How did you know?" Oblio asked, keeping his voice flat.

"Oh my freaking god! You're the couple I saw that was literally going down and dirty!" Mo said with an amused laugh. "Your hands were like, all over her, man!"

"Like you care." Oblio murmured.

"You two must have been close in doing the horizontal tango, no?" Angel teased with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Oblio replied lowly.

"You seem to have found where your stamina can be of use, other than dancing of course." Bodie added with a wink and a thumbs up.

"You're the one to talk." Oblio muttered.

And just like that, everyone's attention turned to the blond surfer.

"Oh, yeah..." Angel remembered. "You scored with that Emilia chick, right?"

"Guys!" Bodie said with a blush, shooting Oblio a 'please help me' look.

Oblio smirked before he shook his head, leaving the blond dancer to fend for himself.


               "Miss Aubrey, we are here." The chaperone said as he opened the limo door for the auburn-haired princess.

Before Aubrey could step out, Emilia rushed past her, along with the she-surfer is the british pinkette and the forward girl. Aubrey let out an irritated 'Grr' before finally stepping out of her own limo.

"Whoa! Your dad sure knows how to pick a house!" Emilia comolimented while she, Dare and Taye looked at the wide grand three floor sorority house.

"Of course, my dad is like, the best dad ever." Aubrey replied, sarcasm in her tone.

Emilia popped open the trunk of the limo before the chaperone could do so and instantly snatched their luggages out.

She tossed the luggages to their rightful owners. When it came to her luggage, she just placed them beside her. Finally, she held Aubrey's white luggage.

"Hey, Aubrey! Catch!"

Aubrey closed her compact and turned to Emilia, only to have the white luggage hit her on her torso. With a small thud, she fell back then down.

"Goal!" Emilia cheered happily, pumping one of her fist.

"Emilia!" Aubrey screeched angrily as the driver of the limo got her luggage off of her before helping her up.

"Let's go inside!" Dare said, unfazed at their little argument.

After Emilia and Aubrey's little banter, the four of them went inside the sorority house, which can only be unlocked by the key cards the chaperone gave them.

The four were each given one key card before the driver and chaperone left, taking the limo with them.

"Okay," Aubrey started as she unfolded the piece of paper given to her by the chaperone earlier. "The bedrooms are at the third floor. The with the white door is mine, the one with the dark red door is Emilia's, Dare's room is the one with the pink door and Taye's bedroom is the one with a light brown door."

"Is there a gym here or something?" Emilia asked, looking over Aubrey's shoulder.

"Fortunately for you, you fitness freak, there's a mini exercise room at the second floor."

"Nice!" Emilia cheered.

"There's also a hot tub at the rooftop and a swimming pool."

"We know where we're going to be!" Dare and Taye said in unison.

"What about toilets and showers?" Emilia asked.

"We have our own personal bathroom connected to our bedrooms." Aubrey replied with an eyeroll.

"Alright then, we should arrange all the things we need to do before we dillydally." Dare said with a wink.

"Give me some time to take a shower first before we do so." Aubrey said before she got in a...

"There's an elevator!?" Taye blurted out in surprise.

"Coming with me or what?" Aubrey snapped rudely at the three, holding the elevator door open with one of the buttons.

"Heck yeah!"


               Aubrey flicked some of her auburn hair out of the way before she got up and looked at herself in the full-body mirror.

Right now, the princess of the Lu$h crew is currently wearing a pair of black leather shorts, a navy blue tanktop, a fitted cropped leather jacket and black stylish flat surface boots.

"Beautiful as ever." She said to herself before walking away from the mirror and leaving her bedroom.

She met Dare at the hallway since Dare's bedroom is just across hers. Somehow, Aubrey found Dare's outfit... daring.

Dare wore a small white tube top that covered only her chest, black jean shorts, dark grey combat-like boots and a black jean jacket. The black strap of Dare's underwear could be seen above her shorts' waistband.

"You're seriously going out like that?" Aubrey asked, surprise hinting her tone.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Umm, nothing. Forget that I asked."


"What's in that bag?" The auburn princess asked, eyeing the long black bag's strap across Dare's torso before auditing the long pole-like bag behind the pinkette.

"My transportation, what else?"

Before Aubrey could ask any more questions, Dare turned away and headed down the hall. She stared for a moment before following the british dancer.

When they got to the elevator, they found Emilia and Taye waiting for them. Like always, Aubrey audited their choice of clothing.

Emilia wore blue ripped shorts, black and white sneakers, a black tanktop and a blue sleeveless jean vest.

Taye wore a pair of dark blue fitted jeans with her 'Taye' gold belt, black roller skates, a white tanktop and a fitted dark blue jean jacket. There's also a dark blue cap perched on top of her head.

The four filed in the elevator and rode it down with small talk filling the silver lift.

"Emilia, what's that on your back?" Aubrey asked, looking over her shoulder to make eye contact with Emilia.

"Oh, this?" Emilia grabbed the black duffel bag lookalike on her back and unzipped it, pulling out a custom-made skateboard.

The skateboard's design on top is black and has the Riptide logo at the center. There's a red outline on the frame and the wheels are red.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Emilia flipped it over and showed the three the design under it. The design shows a perfectly created graffiti of the word Riptide.

"Bodie gave it to me as a christmas present." The she-surfer explained. "The necklace he always wears was actually given by me."

The elevator door slid open and the four walked out one by one. They exited the sorority house and Aubrey made sure she locked it before they went down the walkway.

"What about you, Aubrey? Where's your ride?" Taye asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Emilia has a skateboard, I have roller skates and Dare has..." Before Taye could finish, Dare slipped the bag off of her and pulled out a titanium foldable scooter.

"A foldable scooter!" Dare finished with a proud grin as she whipped her arm forward, making the scooter unfold.

"I'll stick by walking." Aubrey said before walking onto the sidewalk. The three looked at each other before trailing behind Aubrey.

Emilia got on her skateboard and slowly sped just beside the auburn princess while Dare placed one foot on the scooter and just gave small pushes with her other foot to be at the same speed of Aubrey's pace. Taye on the other hand constantly gave small pushes with one of her feet since the roller skates did most of the job on moving.

"Sooner or later, you're going to get in an accident with your little contraption." Aubrey said to Emilia, looking at her Riptide skateboard while she gracefully slung her navy blue bag on her right shoulder.

"That's impossible." Emilia scoffed as she arranged the black strap of her red and black backpack, which has the Riptide logo on it. "I've been skateboarding ever since my dad gave me a skateboard, and I was six that time!"

"You sound so proud of it."

"I am!"

"Why? It's just a mediocre skateboard."

"Nothing's mediocre when it's given to you by somebody!" Taye interjected.

"Yeah! It's the thought that counts!" Dare added proudly.

"Watch this!" Emilia said before pushing herself forward.

She crouched and grabbed one of the sides of the skateboard before she spun around.

"Emilia! Look out!"


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