| Running Out Of Time | 17273...

By MayDayVoice

6.4K 107 21

Follow Hanta Sero's Timeline! A thief in the night, follow Tesoro (you) as they teeter on the tightrope betwe... More

Chasing Foxes
I'm Glad You're Here: The Restaurant
The Art of War
Here's To The Good Ones | Action
Prom Night Lights - The Reunion | Outfoxed
Feliz Navidad
Babysitting Duty (R)
Good Fences Make Good Neighbours
Curing Headaches | Surprise Visit
When You Walk in On Him | The Charm
The Crossroads
Dance on the Razor's Edge
Unwanted Attention feat. Minoru Mineta | Make Mischief
Cafunรจ | Tag, You're It
Boom Shakalaka
Night Terrors & Fever Dreams | Hunger Pains
Haunted House Escapades | Trick or Treat feat. Minoru Mineta
Casa Dolce Casa
Happy Birthday | Riddle Me This

Tumbleweeds & Olive Branches

190 6 0
By MayDayVoice

Another day, another task at hand, you droned in your head. It was becoming tedious after becoming more involved with the Pro-Heroes of Musatafu. A few perks made for a quick recovery in the aftermath of a rescue mission, but that alone left a troubled mind. You liked Heroes. Just never thought of working with them, or rather one of them for that matter. Times were getting tough being coy and mischievous, cautioning on mysterious and aloof. Now you had to fulfil your end of the bargain, one that didn't quite meet your expectations.

Traversing the tops of buildings, you kept a close eye on the streets. Moving spotlights from below decorated the venue you circled, eyeing the number of the rich and wealthy that graced the red carpet into the Heroes Association. The temptation for a quick grab was agonising, only followed by the annoyance of the task at hand. According to the Local Hero Network, the person of interest should be nearby. And for you, this person of interest was an interest to you.

You hopped around while your eyes scoured the Heroes Association complex, finding that it was larger than you had anticipated. Though the Network may have received intel of your intended target to be close to the building, you thought otherwise. Why would a villain immediately show themselves before the very thing they faced in the city? Almost as if a rabbit were to visit a foxhole. The predator would turn into prey. Your thoughts exactly while your eyes searched across the city's horizon, contemplating on the streets and visualising their pathways. A long shot for sure, but one you could easily make use of your time rather than stalking the gala below. In a beam of light, you teleported into the streets, bouncing across buildings and bending around corners. Not a single individual met the description you had burned visually in your mind until in a dark alley, a flicker of blue caught your senses.

Quickly transforming from your golden light, you skid across the concrete pavement, halting before a hooded figure masked by the large hoodie over their head. There was a reminiscent glow beneath their sleeves, similar to those photos you procured of Dabi and his–

"I don't want trouble," they quickly reassured, wary of your presence while covering their scars. You eyed their posture and listened to their tone. Something panicked them, unlike their comfortable ease in the photos you held of their escapades with Dabi. You couldn't tell if it was you that gave them a fright, sighing languidly.

"I don't either," you replied, uncaring in your tone. "Too much hassle for this kind of night. I just needed to see you in person before the deed is done."

A small panicked step caused you to smile at their hesitance. For someone who was deemed a success in the Doctor's eyes, they were becoming meeker in your presence. Something definitely was throwing them off.

"Who are you?" they asked with the threat in their voice.

And there it was, the bravado you inferred in those photos, old and older as time went by.

"Oh silly me, I'm sorry for being so rude. I've never been good at introductions, but again, not the night for it. I don't feel like it," you introduced without any want to. "Are you looking for Suneater?"

A quick flick of one of your procured items caught their eyes wide with surprise. You picked it out yourself, after discussing with the group of Pro-Heroes who were involved in this little charade of cat and mouse.

"Where'd you get that?" they questioned hastily.

"Don't matter. You have to catch me first."

A flick of your wrist brought a golden glow, a ball of light that hovered above your fingertips. You threw it, casting yourself into the light once more. You ensured you didn't speed away too quickly, if only to keep them on your tail. It was just no fun when you played by someone else's rules, and you had been for some time now, meandering around until you made your way back to the Heroes Association where the plan was to be enacted. The game was getting old.

A blast left remnants of your golden light only flecks in the dust, soaring into the sky through the spotlights and away from the crowds. You deviated, yes, but you had played your part, leaving behind the rest to those in charge of this secret capture. There wasn't much left to see of this third-year student, and not enough time to even gain information you wanted. In short, you drew the short straw in this deal, but enough negotiation had been made to ensure you received your fair share.

It all felt too planned from the start.

"Wait! Hold up!" yelled a voice from behind, a familiar tenor that only made you quicken your pace, both your speed and that organ in your ribcage.

Hanta Sero was on the chase once more, weaving through the buildings after you. A sense of regret did twinge inside knowing he alone promised the others that he would keep an eye on you. A fool's errand, but a fool he was not. He had caught on to your games, a joy and an annoyance all the same, but you smirked at the happenstance you found yourself in. Perhaps it was time to go back to a familiar neutral playground while your light trailed behind with him on your tail.


Sero landed atop the corner of an old apartment block, the dazzling lights below casting against his helmet before he flipped its shield. He recognized this busy place, the promenade filled with people enjoying the night with the smells of all cuisine hitting his senses. Dining Hall Promenade - the place he first met you, unofficially of course.

"You guys are on your own," he stated, ending his call over comms through his helmet.

"Copy that Sero. Have fun," responded Kirishima, his tone playful and jest.

Sero grimaced at the tone before he went radio silent, leaving him alone with eyes on the rooftop of one Italian restaurant in the promenade. There you were, loitering by the door that led into the restaurant, waiting without a care. Sero continued to observe, finding the owner of the restaurant greeting you with a jovial laugh. A warm hug and a large plate of the obvious spaghetti bolognese left you alone once more, prepping the makeshift tyre of a table and those same old chairs.

Were you expecting him? He wondered, removing his helmet with a breath of fresh air. The breeze hit him with a chill against the sweat on his skin, refreshing and cool while the twinkle of lights matched the stars above. Now or never, he thought, before he stepped from the rooftops and swung towards your landing.

With a light thud and a skip, he hopped across the gravel floor, a new addition to the rooftop of this Italian restaurant you favoured. At closer inspection, it was decked with more furnishings, as best as it could be, covered in a few succulents and plants that lined the edges of its frame. The smells of various herbs caught his nose. Crisp mint hit him first before the softness of basil calmed his nerves. Spices followed after with rosemary and thyme, sage and tarragon. A rooftop garden?

"Took you long enough," you chirped, eyeing the Pro-Hero with a smirk, reclining into the frayed deck chair that still stood against the test of time.

"I was invited, you know, and the food was free," informed Sero with a curious eye, noting the greenery that sprouted across the urban landscape.

"Yeah, true, but this is better!"

With a plate of spaghetti bolognese, you lifted it with a grin, the hearty scent of it wafting in the air amongst the herbs that grew alongside.

"Besides the last time I was out in public I was accosted by an overly friendly mate of yours. I'd rather not have to put him in his place... again," you reminded with a smirk, playful with your fork twirling in the air.

Sero sighed at your antics, stopping to admire the garden once more before taking his seat beside you. He had grown accustomed to your hospitality in the wildest of places, finding your reminiscence indulgent wherever you travelled. He watched your breath, noticing the slight twinge and hitch here and there. You masked it well, but he knew you were still on the mend.

"What did you say to them?" He asked, his mind still on the mission left behind.

"Something that would grab their attention," you piped with nonchalance, still tucking into your dinner, free of charge you thought with a grin. "I don't need these anymore."

Amidst your consumption of a slightly messy meal, you threw photos across the makeshift table between Sero and yourself - the same photos you entrusted in showing him months ago. Sero eyed the lot, recalling your hesitance in revealing these stolen goods to his friends. The looks on their faces were one of confusion upon finding these items were in your possession, especially due to their nature being the items stolen from a major bank. And yet, those photos illustrated a story unfurling in the darkness of the city, watching the footsteps of the Paranormal Liberation Front. All things were connected to them growing under the guise of the city's watchful eye.

"The Number One can have them back," you continued with your mouth half full, admiring the night sky.

"You still committed a crime," observed Sero while he carefully and safely tucked the photos away.

"Really? I thought the charges were dropped, or have I not been admonished?"

You gazed with slight suspicion towards Sero, though deep down you knew he would do everything in his power to keep you away from bars. At least you assumed as much. His closeness towards you as of late left you a little uncomfortable, recalling the feel of his hand in yours while in that hospital bed. A slight fluster caught you unawares, wondering if there was a little heat coming from your dinner, but the flush ran up your neck without warning. It was a silly note of all things.

"There was no name on the safe," explained Sero. "Just a signature. Midoriya hasn't deciphered it yet."

"A bank with no record. That's new," you piped, hoping to keep your mind away from the growing sensation in your ears. "Still, you've got them right where you want them."

"Hope it goes smoothly. Kirishima was concerned about the whole thing."

Of course, this hit close to home for Sero just as much as it did to you.

"Were they close to you?" you asked, nursing your plate with the dregs of sauce left on its porcelain surface.

"Not really, but I remember them trapped in our dorms," started Sero, collecting his plate that was left to cool in the night's chill. "Kirishima rushed in first, before Midoriya and Bakugou took off. Wasn't long until our teachers ordered them to get out."

You halted for a moment, processing the conversation presently held in the air between you both. Furrowed eyes on Sero left you watching him partake in his free meal of sorts, unaware of your mind ticking away at the notion that he–

"Are we on a personal name basis now?" you asked, curious, eyeing the Pro-Hero halting midway into his first bite. "Come on Bucky, you've been using your friends' names for a while now."

Sero slowly finished his bite, unable to deny the obvious. With his eyes on yours, he smirked shyly at your observation.

"I feel more comfortable being around you," he replied casually, enough to return to his meal but not before he found your awkwardness once more.

You strongly held back this giddiness about you, not wanting to show his whims and ensnare your spirited freedom. How dare he use your tricks and your words? It edged on annoyance and yet it tickled your delight. A conundrum no less, only allowing you to continue the remnants of your meal to suffice the hunger that ebbed away.

Sero smiled at your silence before his gaze trailed slowly towards your chest, eyeing the shortness of breath. That smile faded a little, now fueled by concern.

"How are your ribs?" He asked, diverting the teasing a little.

"Fine," you shortly replied, hissing at the sharp stab. "Well, they're getting there."

He expected your rash reply, shaking his head a little at your childishness at times. You sat with a pout, hoping he wouldn't reprimand you, a usual response to your antics as of late.

"Thank you for trusting me," he calmly uttered, now reclining in the rickety chair.

Why did he, you thought, of all things make the situation more awkward than it needed to be. You felt out of your element and yet you hoped to keep the ball in your court, be in favour, but it became more obvious that Sero was learning your ways too well. You found that smug look on his face, waiting on you.

"Don't make this sappy, Bucky," you retorted with a light push against his shoulders. "It's not my style."

Sero's chuckle was a warm tickle against your ears. You felt them grow warmer, attempting to rid the sensation but unable to stand still. You hopped onto your feet, satisfied with your fill and ignoring the dull strain against your chest. If he was playing games, well, you should treat him the same.

"So... what was that move back on that island?" He asked while watching you hop on your feet a little around the small garden.

"I have no idea," you bluntly replied, a grin curling on your lips with mischief. "But, I've been practising. Wanna see?"

Sero contemplated on your offer, curious and yet unsure about your condition to perform the feat once more. For him, it would be opportunistic to see how this move fared after your healing process from Fujiya Hospital. With an open hand, he gave you permission, only fueling the rascalness that bubbled inside.

You drew light from thin air, the ball sparking against your fingers and palms. It illuminated your face with the shadows playing against your devilish eyes. With a gentle throw, the light brought you in, shattering into three forms of your image, all three surrounding Sero, close to his reclining form.

"Can you handle more of me?" You asked with a mischief grin, eyes staring into eyes from above. Your nose closely grazed against his, watching his smile widen for a peck on your lips.

Light shattered before him, tendrils of it fizzing in the air. His eyes darted towards the second image, wondering if it was truly you, before the third hopped towards him with open arms. Very little time was given for him to react, arms wide open to catch you before with a simple touch and a sneaky kiss, the image shattered into light.

"Gotcha!" You yelled with a leap, crashing into Sero and ultimately onto the rooftop.

The air in Sero's lungs escaped with a slap, feeling your weight press him down. With a groan, he stared up at your form, legs cradled against him with a grin that was as bright as the moon above. You glowed from the move, as if the light returned from the others back to you. Against the backdrop of the night sky, your silhouette captured his eye.

"Have I dazzled you?" You asked with a cheeky disposition, revelling in your position until a stab caught your chest. A hiss escaped your throat, while your hand pressed against Sero's chest to keep you upright.

His large hands grabbed hold of your shoulders, holding you while you caught your breath. He didn't mind the situation he found himself in. A smile was all he came to, staring up at you within your shadow.

"Take it easy for tonight," he suggested, watching your hair hang around your face. "And yes, you've given me everything I need."

"Dinner and a show?" You perked, only causing the Pro-Hero to chuckle at your antics once more.

You felt Sero pull you into his arms, laying you still into his chest. His breath rose and fell against yours, a tender motion that calmed you, almost grounding you from your flightiness. His arms were a blanket, keeping you still and warming your sore ribs.

"More than that," he continued. "I want you to be safe, Tesoro."

You smiled while you laid against his chest, almost sinking into this feeling. You wished the night never ended and that the moment froze. Would time ever allow you the pleasure for a shred of happiness? If not this was what you lived for. Not for the chaos, or the riches, or the past.

Hanta Sero was a part of your future. You were sure of it from your very core.

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