Squad Chaos - 04 - Reminisce...

By SquadChaos

672 82 99

It's a journey started with only three friends, one destined to restore the world to its glory, the other tw... More

Beauty of the bond
Uncanny Encounter
Siblings Reunited
Unexpected battle
The one who turned into a darkbearer
We all have secrets
We are not the last ones alive - Another Fox Arrives
Meet me in Selenia on the Next Full Moon
"I am, Talus Agares"
I am the one who holds the power.
He is finally here!
Train me!
Her unbreakable will power!

The love of a brother - activates true power

28 7 19
By SquadChaos

The whole area was in silence. The trident Sha threw at the darkbearer Bech, broken in half by his night and flung back at Sha in an instant. Leaving everyone in shock, so shocked that they couldn't even move or scream...just paralyzed by the scene.

The trident pierced through raw flesh as blood splattered everywhere. Everyone's widened and shocked eyes locked onto this very tragic scene that was right in front of them.

Sha: *Her eyes widened as she stepped back with a push, coughing out a bit of blood as she stared right before her. Her eyes widened as she trembled, unable to feel pain due to shock* Wh..w-why?. *She continued to tremble as she could barely say a full word, stuttering her words out as tears descended from her eyes. To see her only brother who she has been wanting to meet for so long...but when they finally they meet, they did nothing but fight and hurt each other....this very brother of her's is on his knees right in front of her with his face facing her directly* W-why?.

Andi: *He was on his knees facing his sister right in front of him, shielding her with his own body. The trident pierced through his back to the front, however just at the tip of the trident was Sha. It seems she was also impaled by her abdomen, but Andi stopped it from completely piercing through by holding it tightly. Bllood dripped from the very hole the trident pierced through on his body and his hand which held onto the tip of the trident. Blood spewed from his mouth as he coughed, choking for as tried to breathe for air, letting out a deep exhale as if it was going to be his last. Slowly he pulled back the tip of the trident out of Sha's abdomen as he let out a grunt filled with nothing but pain, shutting his eyes* Gh!!. *Then a slight soft smile appeared on his bloodied face as he let our heavy short breaths*

Darkbearer bech: *With the satisfying scene before him, seeing Andi using himself as a shield to protect his sister and getting stabbed instead of her. He couldn't hold his laughter in as he lets go off Aly, leading her to fall onto the ground and he started laughing like a maniac* AHAHAHAA...Ahahahaaa. You people never fail to amaze me!. Aha hahaha!.

Everyone else was devastated to the point they were stunned with their eyes watering up and staring at the brutal scene of siblings who just met after 6 longs years of being apart. Their hearts shattered as if the whole world just turned black, they were so shocked that no words came from their mouth, but their faces said everything.

Shiroi: N-no...this can't be happening. *he mumbled to himself with a shaken voice*

Aly: *As she fell to the ground, her broken bones gave her such a deep pain that she groaned gritting her teeth but she quickly tilted her head to see Sha and Andi, bursting into tears as if she was the one who just got stabbed with the trident* S-sha.... *She mumbled as she sobbed *

Sha: *Her whole body kept trembling as her eyes never changed its gaze. Continuously staring into her brothers eyes, her lips trembling along with her body, unable to bring her brain to cope with the situation. She could only ask one thing* Wh...why?!. *Tears kept falling from her cheeks from her shocked and devastation as if she didn't want to believe what was before her very eyes. *

Andi: *he tried to smile a little wider catching his breath but coughed out blood again* Ghhh... *he grunts in pain again as he held tight onto the trident that is still pierced his body. He tries to balance himself as he directly looks at Sha with a smile on his face* Hh...I told you- ghh!. Not to act...ghh r-reckless. *he spoke softly due to his struggle of breathing. Taking a deep breath as he opened his mouth looking at his sister with pride in his eyes* H...hh. In the end it turned out...I never stopped loving you...s-sis. *It was the last thing he could say before he fell forward with his forehead resting on Sha's left shoulder, slipping away before falling to the ground. He looked at Aly during descent mumbling a few words towards her before he completely falls...laying on the ground was a lifeless corpse*

Aly: *She gasps widening her eyes as she clearly saw and knew what Andi said towards her as she began bursting into tears and screaming out loudly in agony. Even when her body couldn't move an inch* N-no.... NO...NOOOO!!!. N-NO!!. *her cries sounded as though she had lost the very brother Sha has currently lost, crying out all the pain she is felt in this very moment, breaking apart emotionally*

Sha: *She was traumatized as Andi fell against her shoulder and then onto the ground. Her gaze never changed as she wasn't able to look down at her brother right away. Her mind was completely blank as all she could think of was "Why?". Repeatedly asking that question continuously*

Ave: *She pursed her lips as she kept crying, looking at Sha and wanting to run towards her right away* Sha...Sha!. *she sobbed as she tried to pull away her hands and legs from the sticky tar*

Ky: *He fell to his knees seeing the scene, pursing his lips as he burst into tears*

Claire: *She burst into tears as well, turning her face away from the scene as she rested her head against her brother's chest*

Horus: *He lets his sister lean against his chest, as he stared at Sha. He was worried and frustrated that he couldn't do anything either*

Yoshida: S-sha. *He stared directly at Sha, his eyes were trembling as if tears were about to descend. The way he kept looking at her...it was as if he can feel her pain* Sha....

Jiao: *His anger kept rising, frustrated over the fact he can't go to her either. He started to struggle trying to break free from the sticky tar as well* TCH!!. Shaaa!!!. *He screamed, gritting his teeth as he grunted* Grrr!.

Shiroi: *He was the same sitiation as Jiao, quickly trying to get out of the trap and wanting to go to Sha. Anger and sadness was mixed in his emotions* Sha...tch!. Dang it...urrrghhh!!. *He pulled continuously in an attempt to free his arms but all efforts were pointless*

Sha: *She slowly she tilted her head, locking her sight on her brother's lifeless body lying on the ground in a puddle of blood of his own blood. Her eyes were more widened as if she was going insane, her whole body started to pulsate as though it were a ticking bomb* Why...why?!.

Darkbearer bech: *He stopped his laughter as he saw what was happening to Sha. With his eyes widening as if he finally saw something he have wanted to see all this time. He finally raised all of his arms as though they were wings, shouting out loudly* FINALLY!!. YESSS...SHOW US THE POWER OF THE AQUAMARINE GEM!!. YESSSSSS!!. SHOW IT TO US!!!!. *He said as if he was thirsty for the power*

Sha: *As she heard darkbearer Bech, her body kept pulsating even more with a much more powerful force as if the whole place was going to shake. Looking down at her brother's lifeless body, she closed her eyes hearing the rejoicing Bech Coruscant as she clenched her fist*

With her whole body pulsating and Darkbearer Bech shouting about the power of the gem being unleashed. Everyone went silent and frowned their eyebrows as they were all confused...those who were crying were still crying but got even more worried of what's about to happen.

Ave: *She sobbed as she looked at Darkbearer Bech and then at Sha shocked and confused* What?. What?!. NO SHA!!.

Ky: Veevee...what's happening?!!.

Jiao: What is this bastard saying?!!. Tch!. *They all were focused on Sha*

Aly: *She tilted her head breathing heavily and sobbing as she looked at Sha* Sha...hhhh!. *She tried to go to her, dragging her body on the ground and grunting in pain as her broken ribs gave her more pain when she moved but she kept trying slowly* hhh! S-sha.

Everyone was shocked by what was about to happen next, even Darkbearer Bech.

Sha: *Her whole body began to pulsate even more and then she just tilted her head upward with a pulse, unleashing a gust of wind leading both her eyes visible for the very first time, opening her eyes which are glowing in a bright aqua light as a whole. Gazing right at Darkbearer Bech as if she is about to commit a sin. Suddenly another pulse burst. Her whole body covered in aqua blue shine. The ground itself is breaking a part, letting out a gust of wind from Sha*

Darkbearer Bech: *He suddenly went silent with his eyes widened and trembling as if this was not what he was expecting* No...it can't be!. THIS ISN'T THE POWER OF THE GEM!!.

Ave: *She panted heavily, worried for her life as she looked at Sha and then looked at Darkbearer Bech, confused of what was happening* What?. WHAT?!!.

Darkbear Bech: IT'S...HER OWN POWER!!. *He shouted out loudly as if he is frightened*

Everyone was shocked, locking their eyes on the very Sha that has been looking like she was about to explode like a ticking bomb.

Sha: *She suddenly lifted her both arms upto her shoulder as she widely spread them. With that, a forceful pulse burst from her body as her whole body just transformed into water. Her whole body glowed with her hair extending long enough to cover her whole body. Waving around her as if she was under water, she then clenched her fist as a giant mermaid projected from her, a goddess in neon blue glowed brightly with 3 heads and 3 tridents appeared right behind her. She still kept her eyes on her target. She then slowly opens her fist and slowly waves both her arms bringing them to front. Water suddenly appeared between her hands and then she suddenly opened her arms again with her palm facing upwards. Leading the water she just summoned to swirl upwards and then splitting into eight water bubbles. Forming into a circle over Sha's head and then each water bubble slowly transformed into sharks formed of water* Aqua Sharkistia.... *She said with a low voice*

Everyone was staring at this very transformed Sha with their eyes widened, shocked and mesmerized. Not being able to believe what was in front of them until Ave broke the silence.

Ave: *Her eyes were widened staring at Sha, frightened yet amused and shocked* S-she...it's the Aqua Goddess!!. *She said loud enough for everyone to hear*

Yoshida: *He was stunned as it was unbelievable even when he was witnessing it* S-sha.... *He mumbled in shock*

Shiroi: The prophecy is real....*He whispered softly to himself as he was shocked as well*

Darkbearer Bech: *He was way too frightened to speak as his eyes were trembling* NO...I SHOULDN'T BE SCARED!!. I'M STRONGER THAN SOME WATER FREAK!!. I HAVE THE DARKNESS IN MY POWER!!!.

Aly: Hhh!. *She shifted her head towards the Darkbearer Bech* and she is the light...that will take away your darkness you son of a Bitch!!. *She smirked while her eyes still kept flowing with tears, breathing heavily because of the pain from her broken bones*

Sha: *She shifted her gaze towards the Tar darkbearer, directing sifted her left arm towards it, leading the water sharks she just created to sprint right at the squad members who are caught in the Tar darkbearer the December Void. The water sharks right away started sinking their teeth into it and began feasting on the Tar that was on squad members body and started to free them*

Darkbearer Bech: *His anger rose high as he saw what she was doing as he then lifts his 6 arms up and began summoning dark lightning from his body, ready and set the attack towards Sha* WHY YOU WEAKLING!!!.

Sha: *She suddenly changeed her gaze towards the power coming from Darkbearer Bech and she quickly points her right arm at Bech, a gust of water fused with light suddenly burst out from her hand towards Bech, hitting his core*

Darkbearer Bech: *He gasped as his 6 widened, grunting in pain as he had gotten hit by the light water stream. He would become immobilized as his whole body was being frozen, unable to move* W-what is...ghh- happening?!.

The water sharks completely freed the squad members and devoured the Tar darkbearer as a whole right afterwards. Everyone stood the same as before, staring right at sha in a whole different appearance and power.

Sha: *She directed both her arms at Darkbearer Bech as water still streamed out of her palms with speed, fused with light her feet slowly lifted up. Suddenly leading to her hovering in mid air, striking darkbearer Bech with the gushing water steam from her palms as she put more of her energy into the attack*

Darkbearer Bech: *He grunted in pain as if he is getting his life sucked out of him. He suddenly fell to his knees as his whole body trembled with no control of his own body he looks at Sha with his widened and frightened eyes* Ghhh...w-who are you?!. *before he could say anything else, he completely loses his control and suddenly leans his head back and looked up into the sky with his mouth opened widely. Then suddenly the darkbearers inside his body started to come out of his mouth as he began screaming in agony but as they left his body, they turned into dust because of the water fused with holy light*

Sha: *She raised her arms foward, making the water even stronger as she frowned her eyebrows. Completely determed to dry him of his life from inside him*

Darkbearer Bech: *His body started to shrink as he reformed back into his normal form with the darkbearers coming out of his mouth. His body slowly turned white, as if he was getting completely dried out. His muscles shrunk as it seemed like they tightly stuck to his bones, completely getting dried out and turning him into a complete lifeless body*

Sha: *She stops the water stream and stares at the Bech Coruscant whose life had just been sucked out, leaving only his boney form and shrunken muscle. She frowned her eyebrows angrily before she summons a water trident and suddenly striking at the lifeless corpse of Bech Coruscant, piercing right through him and leading to his body crumbling into dust. She would slowly hover down and land on the ground. Transforming back to her normal self as she then she slowly turns her gaze towards her friends who are staring at her in shock* mmmh.

Yoshida: *He stared right at Sha, not knowing what to do or what to say but seeing the pain in her eyes*

Ave: *She stared at sha, sniffling and sobbing*

Aly: *she slowly sat up, panting heavily as she looked at Sha with a soft smile which is painful*

Everyone else was stared at Sha with concern along with Yasu who is devasted by the death of his master his master who just died.

Shiroi: *His eyes locked onto Sha's as he was on one knee with his one hand rested on the ground. He carefully looked at her as though he was waiting for something to happen*

Sha: *She looked at each and everyones eyes with her broken and devasted eyes, slowly taking a step backwards as she stared at them. Her lips trembling as she suddenly she closed her eyes, feeling a sharp pain in her head as she shook her head looking down to the ground. Touching her head with her left hand* W-what?. What?.... *she mumbled to herself in confusion as her eyes suddenly widened. Her memories started to rush back into her. The memories Andi altered are now getting back to her since the caster of the spell is now dead* No...no. Urgh!!. *she grabbed onto her hair with both her hands as she kept shaking her head. Shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth as she felt pain* AAARRGH!!. No...no, no, no. *her whole body is in panic, mind crumbling and trauma getting to her as her memories keep rushing back into her at once. She suddenly looked up at the sky her eyes completely widened leaning her head backwards with her teeth gritting as if her whole world collapsed...twice at the same time. She then screams in pain lowering her hands to her chest, grabbing onto her top over her chest as tears fell down from her eyes like a never ending stream of water* GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!. GRRRRAAAAAAAAHH!!.*she let out a deep breath and a loud cry, having difficulty in breathing as she grunts and groans in pain. She slowly turned her head to the side and looks at Shiroi with the corner of her eyes, panting heavily*

Shiroi: *His eyes widened seeing Sha in such a state and finally realised what's happening* Holy shit!. *He said frowning his eyebrows before he gets on his feet in a hurry, dashing towards Sha*

Sha: *With a deep breath her eyes closed and her grip onto her chest loosens as she leaned the side falling*

Shiroi: *He quickly slides under, sitting on the ground quickly and wrapping his arms around sha's shoulders from behind*

Sha: *she loses consciousness as she fell onto Shiroi, resting his embrace*

Shiroi: Sha!!. *His eyes widened, traumatized and scared he grabbed onto Sha tightly calling out her name* Sha!!!. SHAAA!!. Wake up!!!. Ghh!. *his eyes were filled with misery, anger and anxiousness. He then looks at everyone who is still frozen in shock and shouted out* GHH!. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!!. WHY ARE YOU ALL STANDING LIKE THAT FOR?!!. HH!. JUST FREAKING DO SOMETHING!!. *his eyes were burning with anger and anxiousness as tears fell as he shouted*

This very shouting of Shiroi broke everyone from their shocked state.

(What will happen now?. How will Sha face everyone?. Will they still trust sha?. Stay tuned.)

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