Deviant With a Big Defect {ON...

By Jedi_Master_Rage

6.5K 155 134

Bad Batch x Reader with a little Obi-Wan x Reader. (Y/n) is Tech's twin, but was separated from him before th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
My Posting Schedule
Chapter 10
You Gotta Be Friggin Kiddin Me..
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

574 14 1
By Jedi_Master_Rage


   You were following 99 as he was headed to the mess to clean up a spill.

   "But 99 your back. You need help around here." You argued with him, but he just shook his head.

   "No (Y/n). I am exactly where I should be, and you are exactly where you should be." He said simply as he grabbed his mop bucket and a wet floor sign. You sighed as you continued to follow him into the mess. Your arm was grabbed, and you spun on whoever had a hold of you.

   "Sorry 99, I've been looking for (Y/n), and I need her to come with me." Cody told 99 who nodded.

   "Take her before she tries to stay here to help me." 99 said as he walked away to the spill. Cody pulled you behind him as he jogged through the halls. Alarms started to blare, and troops started to clutter the hallways.

   "Cody, what's going on?" You ask him.

   "We're being deployed to Geonosis." Cody says.

   "Alright, so why were you looking for me?" You ask him.

   "Because you're my Captain until Unit 99 is fully ready to deploy." Cody said.

   "To be a Captain, I would've had to of taken the Captains test. I've never taken that test, Commander." You told him, and he looked even more confused.

   "I could've sworn Mistress Nala Se said you took the test and passed with flying colors." Cody said, and you were even more confused than he was. He pushed a button on his com, and Nala Se answered.

   "Yes, Commander?" She asked.

   "(Y/n) says she's never taken the Captains test." Cody said.

   "She has. She did not know that's what the test was, though." She told him.

   "And she passed without studying for it?" Cody asked, surprised.

   "Yes. She even received the second highest grade, right behind CT-7567. Is that all Commander?" Nala Se asked.

   "Yes, ma'am." He said and disconnected the com. "So, as I was saying, until Unit 99 is ready to deploy, you're under my command." Cody said with finality.

   "As your Captain? But Hunter is a sergeant and my commanding officer." You argue back, and he shakes his head as he continues to lead you through the halls.

   "Incorrect. He is your sergeant, but you are his commanding officer." Cody corrected, and you groaned.

   "How am I going to explain this to him?" You ask Cody.

   "Well, you just say it, but for now, we have to be focused. Do you have all your gear?" Cody asked.

   "Yes, I've kept all my gear on me while I'm out and about since yesterday." You confirm to him.

   "Good, because we're here." Cody says, and the door opens. You follow Cody through the hangar to the Venator that's docked outside. "This is the cruiser Negotiator. You'll be stationed on it with me." Cody says, and you nod.

   "Yes, sir." You say. He leads you to the hangar on board the Venator where there are several troopers already waiting. Cody launches into the briefing, and you listen to what he's saying. You feel the ship jolt, and you gain a sudden wave of anxiety being away from Tech. 'At least he's safe'. You think to yourself. Once the briefing was over, you stuck close to Cody since he was showing you the important areas you needed to know... Which you already did, but you weren't going to steal his thunder. You made sure that both of your cortosis vibroblades were still in fact in their sheaths. He ended the tour on the bridge and led you to the window. You watched in awe as the stars passed by in a blur.

   "When we get to Geonosis, I want you to respond with the ground forces directly to where the Generals will be located. Assist them in any way that you can." Cody told you.

   "Yes, sir. Understood." You said, and he rolled his eyes.

   "Oh, come on. Having me as your commanding officer can't be that bad, can it?" Cody asked.

   "No, it's not. I just know it irritates you when I say that." You told him, and he sighed.

   "Alright. Go on ahead and go back to the hangar so you can be ready to go as soon as we get there." Cody said, and you took off back the way you came. You towered over the rest of the clones in the hangar, and it caught the attention of a few of them. You were just ignoring all the chattering around you. A clone finally approached you and stood staring at you until you turned to look at him.

   "Can I help you?" You ask him.

   "A-aren't you a p-part of U-unit 99?" He asked and you froze.

   "Yes, I am. Is that an issue?" You asked as you looked down at him.

   "N-n-no m-ma'am. I j-just thought they w-weren't ready f-for d-deployment y-yet." He said.

   "The rest of my batch isn't ready, but I was... Apparently. Anything else you need?" You asked him.

   "N-no. I was j-just c-curious." He says. "W-what's y-your n-name?" He asks.

   "(Y/n). What's yours?" You ask him.

   "My s-squad c-calls m-me S-stutter." He says, but he doesn't seem happy with the name.

   "Do you even like that name?" You ask and he shakes his head. "How about... James?" You ask and he thinks about it for a moment then nods.

   "Y-yeah. I l-l-like th-at." He says and you smile at him. The alarm for the hangar doors started to blare and you put your helmet on.

   "Well, James it was nice to meet you. It seems that it's time for the music to start." You say and he nods then heads off to his fighter. 'So he's a pilot.' You think to yourself as you climb into your gunship. After waiting for a few moments all the troopers were on board with you, and the doors slid shut. The ride there was tense and you could feel eyes on you, but no one said anything. You were after all their superior. The doors opened and troopers started dropping down lines onto the battlefield. The moment your boots hit the ground you were shooting droids left and right. Soon enough a familiar Jedi appeared at your side.

   "I had a feeling I would see you here today." He commented and you scoffed.

   "No, you didn't." You countered back and continued to shoot more droids.

   "You're right. I thought I was going to die." He said and you laughed. "If you see an old man with a maroon-ish cape let me know. He's important to this cause." Obi-Wan told you and you nodded.

   "Yes, sir!" You said then spotted the old man. "You mean him?" You asked over the sound of gunfire.

   "Yes, that's him! His name is Count Dooku." Obi-Wan informed you.

   "Count Dooky? I feel like someone in royalty would have a better name!" You shout back to Obi-Wan.

   "No Doo-Koo!" He sounded it out for you.

   "Oh, my bad. I'm going to pursue and tag his transport with a tracking beacon. I'll follow him for as long as his armed guard will allow me." You tell Obi-Wan.

   "No wait!" Obi-Wan shouted but it was too late as you traded one of your blasters for one of your vibroblades. You sliced and shot your way through the crowd and made it just in time to see 'Dooku' climb onto a speeder bike. His four guards took four of the others, but there was one more left.

   "Hmm, lucky." You say to yourself as you take aim at his speeder and shoot a tracking beacon on it. You race to the last speeder and climb onto it. You take off after your target and take out two of his guards. This led to a chase that you weren't going to lose, but according to them, you weren't going to win either. One of them landed a lucky shot to one of the thrusters for your speeder and it crashed. You jumped off of it and waited for them to confirm the kill. You tossed a thermal detonator onto it and waited. They came back around and got off of their speeders to check around the crash. As soon as they walked up to the site the detonator blew and both droids were out for the count. You smirked and went over to their speeders and commandeered one. You checked the tracking device and it had come to a stop about 2 klicks north. You headed in that direction but groaned when you realized it was the side of a cliff. You could see the landing platform from below so you pulled out your grapple and started your ascent. When you got onto the landing pad you heard weapons clashing together and peaked around the corner. A young Jedi was protecting Obi-Wan as he fought Dooku. He was doing great until Dooku cut off his arm and used his powers to push him back to be with Obi-Wan. The younger Jedi looked like he passed out from the pain of losing his arm, but Obi-Wan was wide awake. Dooku started to push forward toward them, and you shook your head.

   "This is so dumb of me." You muttered before you pulled out both of your vibroblades and intercepted a killing blow to the boy. Your arms were crossed in an X to use both of your blades to block the hit.


   "When out on the battlefield you might come across an adversary with one of these. It will be red, or a color that represents them." Your instructor said as he pulled out what he called a lightsaber. He activated it and the black hue the blade gave off was eery. "Don't worry though, because your vibroblades can stop a lightsaber. But that doesn't mean the fight is over there. These adversaries have powers, but your gauntlets have helpful tools to deal with those powers. Over the next few months, I will be teaching you to fight against these wizards." He said and you nodded.

   "Yes, sir." You said and got into position.

          ~Flashback Over~

   "Oh. This is a surprise. A clone I'm assuming?" Dooku asks and you nod. "Then this should be easy." You kick him back and he seems stunned for a moment then raises his hand. You respond by activating the shield on your left gauntlet. Right on time as well since he shot FRIGGIN LIGHTNING out of his fingers. "Maybe not." He says and advances. You deactivate the shield and ready yourself for the oncoming fight. The next few minutes are a flurry of movement and flashes as his lightsaber makes contact with your blades. You trap his lightsaber between the blades of your knives. He outsmarts your next move by striking first and connecting his elbow with the underside of your jaw. You stumble back and try to bring your left arm up to stop him from slicing you. That didn't work as he cuts off your left arm from the elbow down, but he didn't stop there. The tip of his saber had dug through your armor, and he continued to follow through with his swing. Cutting up your torso then through the right side of your helmet. The white-hot pain that stung through your body caused you to drop to your knees.

   "No!" You heard Obi-Wan shout, but you couldn't make any noise. You looked up at Dooku who seemed pleased with his work.

   "You were more of a challenge than two Jedi. Be proud of yourself for the little time you have left alive." Dooku brought his lightsaber up and swung down, but you raised your right hand which still held your other blade. You blocked the hit successfully and started to stand up. He looked at you surprised and you exhaled harshly. As much as it hurt you brought your foot up and it made contact with his stomach. It was once again his turn to stumble backward, and you spun and then flung your blade at his head. He barely dodged it and turned to watch it whiz by his face. The distraction was enough as you activated the lasso on your right gauntlet and whipped it around his midsection. You activated the electricity, and it electrocuted him. He yelled in pain for a moment then brought his lightsaber down on it. It snapped and he glared at you with hatred.

   "Fine." Is all he said before he raised his hand and you panicked as you realized what was about to happen. Before you could utter a word he was shooting lightning directly at you. You still didn't allow him the satisfaction of hearing you yell as you fell to the ground. You finally lay still on the ground as your energy was spent, and your body was in excruciating pain. Your eyelids became heavy and you passed out.

          ~Back on Kamino~

   Tech hadn't calmed down since they were told that you had been sent to Geonosis. He was pacing the room back and forth as he continued to worry. Hunter went up to him and stopped his pacing by slapping his hands onto his shoulders.

   "She's strong Tech. She'll make it back." Hunter said and Tech sighed.

   "This is the longest amount of time that we've been apart since she got reintegrated. I don't like being away from her for this long." Tech finally admitted.

   "Yeah. I don't like it either." Wrecker said as he hugged his pillow. Crosshair was observing his brothers and couldn't help but feel the same anxiety they were. You were the last to come in, but the first to go out. Something wasn't adding up to Crosshair, but he couldn't quite pinpoint it.

          ~Back On Geonosis~

   As soon as the transport Cody was on landed he was off of it and into the hangar. Commander Skywalker was barely conscious and General Kenobi was staring at the other side of the hangar. Cody followed his gaze and caught sight of the familiar black and red armor. He immediately ran over, but you were on your side and your back was to him. He knelt behind you and rolled you onto your back, but he wasn't ready to see what he was about to see. A gash from right below your ribs on your left side to the top of your helmet on your right was all he could see. Then your left arm flopped to the ground next to him and he nearly gagged when he realized it was only a stump. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at who it was. General Kenobi was looking at the two of you sadly.

   "She fought very well, and she was very brave." Kenobi said and Cody turned back to you. The soft sound of short footsteps and a walking cane were heard.

   "Still alive, she is. A medic, she needs." General Yoda said and Cody automatically com'd a medic to be ready for your arrival. He stands back up and pulls you into his arms. He gets back onto the transport he was previously on with Generals Yoda and Kenobi right behind him.

   "What happened?" He asked General Kenobi.

   "Count Dooku was about to kill Anakin. She just appeared out of thin air and blocked his strike. They fought and she did very well, but she lost in the end." Kenobi said then he looked to Skywalker who was passed out. Cody pulled off his helmet and rubbed his face. You took a sharp inhale of breath as you came back to consciousness. You tried to bring your hand up to remove your helmet, but you didn't have enough energy. Cody helped you remove it and set it to the side.

   "Cody?" You asked weakly and he nodded.

   "I'm here." He said as he took your good hand into his.

   "The sith was smart... He disarmed me." You joked as you weakly brought your left stub up to show him. He scoffed out a half laugh half irritated sigh. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you pass out again.

   "Her brothers are going to kill me." Cody says. "They're very protective of her." Idle chat erupts between the Jedi and some of the clones as well. The moment the doors opened and they were back in the hangar for the Negotiator a team of medics took you with them.

          2,782 Words

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