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By -eeclipwze

155K 3.4K 519

หšโœงโ‚Š ๐๐€๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐Ž๐…๐… ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐„๐“๐…๐‹๐ˆ๐— ๐’๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’: ๐๐‘๐„๐“๐“๐˜ ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐‹๐ˆ๐€๐‘๐’ หšโœงโ‚Š Quinn Mon... More

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1.8K 41 1
By -eeclipwze

IT took Jason around two days to finally sober up, and I had been lying my ass off to everyone. I told my parents I had been staying at Ledgers, and I told Ledger I was staying at Hanna's for a couple days to help her rehearse for the school play.

Whilst Jason was in his non-responsive state I'd showered and washed my clothes, and dried them, which surprisingly didn't take too long, his heating was so much better than ours at home; just so I didn't smell or look like shit.

When he first managed to properly open his eyes and acknowledge me, the first thing he said was:

"What the fuck? Quinn?"

I raised a brow and stood with my arms crossed, gazing down at him pathetically. "Surprise?" I said in a monotone, sarcastic voice.

Jason pushed himself upright and groaned slightly, running a hand through his hair and down his face. He looked down at himself and clutched the covers tighter around him. I had taken his jeans and jacket off on the night when I first found him, not my fondest moment, I did it all with my eyes closed and it was awful, I have a bruise on my thigh from stumbling into his chest of drawers trying to lug his ass to bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, glancing around his room and lips parting slightly as he took in how clean it was.

"I came round three nights ago to see if you were in, and I found you, passed out...face first in your garden." I pretended to flick lint off of my elbow just to give my hands something to do whilst I spoke.

Jason groaned again and rubbed his temple, "Ah! What the-?" He hissed, I smacked his wrist away from his face, quickly placing my hand under his chin and turning his face to the side. "Don't touch it, I sterilised it the morning after I found you and it's just starting to scab up." I ordered.

He must've fallen on the patio before I'd found him because a massive graze ran down the side of his forehead and to his cheekbone.

"Why the hell are you doing this Quinn?" Jason asked tiredly. I shrugged and began to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" He called after me, scrambling out of bed as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, and pulling on a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms I'd laid out on the sofa-chair beside his bed.

I turned to face him and leant my shoulder up against his bedroom door frame. Not realising the sight of him flushed in a lot of memories and almost winded me. White t-shirt clinging to his body, defining his arm muscles and abs on his stomach; grey tracksuit bottoms lightly hanging from his hips, his hair in a perfect mess that most definitely needed a wash but made him look like he'd been working for days on end. I hated him.

"Have you even been home?" Jason asked as he shuffled closer to stand directly in front of me, "No, but it's fine, it's only been a couple of days." I shrugged off the subject and turned on my heel to make my way downstairs.

"Coffee?" I called to him behind me, I could hear him following close behind.

"Quinn wait-" Jason grabbed my wrist and spun me round, the feeling of his warm palm on my skin caused another flush of memories to hit me, the tightening in my throat begun and I had to force my wrist out of his grip, but the way his eyes asked a million questions his mouth never spoke held me in place.

Finally peeling his eyes off my face he turned to look around the kitchen, his eyes widened and lips parted once more. "You...cleaned up?" He asked slowly.

"I got bored." I mumbled, moving over to the kettle and switching it on, grabbing a mug out of his cupboard, you'd think I lived here now with how well I knew where everything was kept.

"Quinn..." Jason sighed, he leant his back up against his dining table, I had my back to him because I couldn't face him right now. I felt stupid, weak, vulnerable.

"Why would you do this for me? You keep helping me, after everything?" He asked softly, I almost believed his sincerity, I wanted to.

"I just felt like it, no reason to it, it's not that deep." I stirred the milk into the coffee and handed it to him afterwards, he took it and carefully cradled the mug in both hands.

"You're not having one?" He asked, gesturing to his coffee. I shook my head and placed the spoon into the sink.

"I have to go, I can't really stay any longer." I sighed, running a hand through my hair and then placing it onto the counter behind me to give me balance.

"Okay..." Jason said in almost a whisper.

I nodded to nothing in particular, moving off the counter and heading towards the hallway, I picked up my boots and slipped them on, grabbing my jacket off his coat rack and folding it over my arm.

Jason had left his coffee in the kitchen and stood in front of me watching my every move. "How's lover boy?" He asked.

"He's good, we're good." I said shortly. The last person I needed to talk to about my love life, was him.

Jason hummed in response and crossed his arms, I unlocked the front door and stepped outside before halting in my position and turning back around.

"Take care of yourself Jason, you can't rely on me to constantly help you next time, because if I'm not there? You could end up dead." I informed him, his eyes ran over my face at a million miles per hour as he moved forward and held the door open.

"Thank you, honestly, thank you Quinn." His voice was calm, not rough like usual, and he looked so genuine I could've cried on the spot. But I held back.

"Will you be back at work soon or not?" I asked him, he shook his head in response and briefly looked to the floor before bringing his gaze back up to me.

"Lay off the drugs J, you can't keep ruining yourself like that." I didn't even notice I'd used his nickname I always called him back when we were together until I watched as his eyes slightly widened.

"You called me J..." he whispered that I almost didn't catch it, but I did.

His hand lifted up to the ends of my hair and I almost flinched, he lightly brushed it to the side over my shoulder before dropping his hand back down. It was getting late and I had to get out of there. Whatever he was doing I couldn't let him do it.

"You haven't said that since..." He didn't finish his sentence because I shook my head to signify I didn't want him to finish it.

"Goodbye Jason, I'll see you soon." I mumbled, stepping down the first step to put some distance between us, Jason looked despaired and nodded.

I spun on my heel and darted down the front drive, the echoing sound of his front door closing behind me was what allowed the first salty tear to trickle over my bottom eyelid and burn my cheek as it slowly ran down it.

Wiping it away harshly I got into my car and slammed my door shut after me. I was crying harder now, tears burning my face and dripping from my jawline and chin.

I was in such deep shit.

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