Dare [Taehyung ff]

By BoxyTaehyung

114K 5.6K 683

Where it all started with a simple dare.... More

Chapter 1: The unlimited hate.
Chapter 2: Outing.
Chapter 3: Detention.
Chapter 4: A living hell.
Chapter 5: Gathering.
Chapter 6: "The" dare.
Chapter 7: Texting.
Chapter 8: Fighting.
Chapter 9: Back to home.
Chapter 10: Travel.
Chapter 11: The beginning of the mess.
Chapter 12: The settling.
Chapter 13: The morning.
Chapter 14: Feeling scared.
Chapter 15: Fear.
Chapter 16: Getting closer.
Chapter 17: The start...
Chapter 18: Lost.
Chapter 19: Trying to survive.
Chapter 20: Disappeared.
Chapter 21: A new meet.
Chapter 22: Explanations.
Chapter 23: Nostalgic.
Chapter 24: Message.
Chapter 26: Pain.
Chapter 27: Dying internally.
Chapter 28: The dream.
Chapter 29: Again.
Chapter 30: The solution.
Chapter 31: The end.
A request

Chapter 25: Revelations.

2.5K 141 28
By BoxyTaehyung

Jimin slowly came out of the bathroom while sliding his feet against the wooden floor. Thoughts roamed into his mind, sending him to another dimension.

"Please, tell me that this isn't you. I don't want to believe it. Those innocent souls, what have they done to you?" He wanted to cry but bottled up his feelings and emotions, just the way he always did.

Nostalgic thoughts taking over him, he suddenly flinched and looked around him when he heared some shoutings. "Y/n!! Stop!!" "Hahahahha".

Taehyung almost cried when she put a potato bag over his head and teased him with ice cubes all over his back, while he was washing the dishes. A small smile displayed on the older's lips.

They were so cute that even the coldest person ever would meld in front of them. "Y/n, stop right now!!" He shouted and she giggled before taking off the ice cube from his toned skin as well the potato bag.

He soon turned around after washing his hands and death glared her. "Do you have a death wish?" "Sorry." She smiled sheepishly and he flicked her forehead, the same habit since forever that he couldn't just get rid of.

"You shouldn't get angry on this innocent soul!" Y/n crunched her nose while leaning on the counter beside the blue haired guy who restarted to wash the dishes. As he looked at her again, his eyes suddenly saddened.

The same nose crunch....


His beloved brother's picture again flashed before his eyes and his smile fell off, as if it was a sin to not to smile and to be happy while his brother disappeared. He felt guilty to feel happy while Jungkook was maybe suffering or maybe not even alive.

Suddenly Jimin spoke, gaining the youngers' attention. "Today we have to work further on our research. Time is ticking and our work keeps pending." They turned to him and saw his light reassuring yet awaring smile, which they returned also.

"Sure, we're ready." Y/n replied and Taehyung also wiped his wet hands with a towel before turning around to face the silver haired guy. They all looked at each other and gave a 'let's go' nod before grabbing their stuff and leaving the house.

Jimin threw his keys into the air and catched them again before unlocking the door of his black jeep. He hopped in and the youngers did after him. The blue haired guy sat beside Jimin as Y/n climbed behind them, making herself comfortable.

The blue haired guy soon cleared his throat as the older turned on the engine and started to drive with his beautiful veiny hands, sending sparkles into Y/n's eyes. "Where are we heading to?" Taking a sharp turn, he replied "To the laboratory, to know what to do next."

The younger hummed and admired the nature around him. A deep jungle with no network, no sign of surviving, a place where there is no connection with the outside world and no hopes to escape from here.

How could someone like Jimin stay here? And as much as the youngers came to know about the silver haired guy, he looked quite persuaded of where he was going. Since when was he here?

Enough thinking, they arrived to the laboratory and jumped off from the vehicule before walking into the little building. The scientist sensed their arrival and approached with a welcoming smile.

"Mr. Park, so glad to meet you again." They shook their hands "Same here, Mr. John." He replied as the middle aged man greeted the youngers. "So what's new?" Jimin asked while stuffing his hands in his military cargo which was hugging his perfect tights.

"We scanned the fingerprints and found to whom they belong. There is a list of people we found, but they only represent 1/4 of the victims disappeared." Taehyung and Y/n looked at each other, maybe Jungkook was in this list.

If he was, then their hopes of finding him would surely get higher. "So here are the names : Ha-rin, Jungwoon, Ji-ho, Lisa, Ji-woo and Myung." The youngers shoulders fell as if their hope left their body and no expectations were left.

"Still not him..." Y/n whispered, controling her shivery body from collapsing out of anxiety and tension. And Taehyung could only sigh at this point, he was even wondering now if he was good enough to stay in this world anymore. He felt so useless.

"That's it?" Jimin asked to confirm and the scientist nodded. "This is all that we have. And Mr. Park, staying here is none of our use now. We can only do something by going back to the town. We searched every single corner of this jungle but nothing can be found. Maybe in the future we can do something with this place, but staying here is only a waste of time. I suggest ya'll to leave this place now for Seoul."

Jimin hummed, looking at the marbled floor before turning to the youngers. "I think you understood what we have to do now." Taehyung suddenly felt a knot in his throat"B-But, my brother...? We lost him here then how can we leave him?"

Only he and God knew how he was battling against his tears and emotions. The older pat his shoulder in a soothing manner "I can't promise you anything except that your brother will be safe and be in front of your eyes very soon."

Taehyung sighed desperately and looked up, trying to stop his upcoming tears as Y/n already left the laboratory to take some fresh air outside as it was killing her the dark atmosphere of the little box which was 3 meters large by 3 meters long by 3 meters high.

She let her tears fall when all the memories she had with Jungkook came back to surface in no time. Who could expect this to happen whereas the plan was to only clean the house which they bought years ago.

"If someone believes it or not, this house was not normal. As soon as we face Amma and Appa, we'll tell them to give back this house." She said to herself while wiping her tears, It was only the beggining and she was already loosing her internal strength.

And about Taehyung, he's also human. A pure and fragile human who loved his brother more than anything. He didn't deserve this. She took a deep breath and decided to gather her strength for herself and Taehyung.

And this was when the men came outside and stood in front of her. "Let's go back, we have to take our stuff and leave this place soon." Jimin said and they hummed before hopping into the jeep.

                                        TIME SKIP

"And here we go." The silver haired guy put the last bag onto the back of his vehicle and dusted off his hands, as a signal that his work was done. Taehyung and Y/n looked around them, the place where they saw their friend for the last time and climbed at the back of the jeep.

Then the older one checked his pockets to see if he had everything, but he frowned when he didn't find his phone. Then it hit him that he might forget it inside and spoke "Buddies, I'm coming back, alright?" They nodded and Jimin jogged inside of the wooden construction.

He looked around and spotted his phone on the dinning table, after grabbing it, he turned around to leave but something gripped his col back and pushed him against a random wall.

A painful groan left his mouth as his left shoulders smashed directly into the wooden surface. He gripped it tightly in a hope to sooth the pain and looked around only to find no one. Sweat started to form on his forehead and he gulped down his saliva.

"Iseul, is that you?" He whispered but he was loud enough for his voice to echo in the whole room. No response. He scanned his surroundings, trying to search for her. "Iseul, if it's you then please show up." He felt his eyes glistening from remembering the past sufferings.

Suddenly he felt a breath hitting his neck from behind and he became a statue. "You think that escaping from there will save everyone?" The same voice, the same scent of her body. Jimin smiled through his tears.

"Iseul, you're finally back." He cried out of joy and turned around, only to see the same woman he loved back then, his wife.

She was still the same, the same baby bump, just her figure seemed a little transparent, she was seen through. "Who am I to you? Why this joy to see me again?" She asked and Jimin let his tears fall. "Iseul, why did you leave me like that? Why did you kill yourself and didn't even think about how I'll live my life without you?".

A sudden laugh echoed the whole room, sending goosebumps all over the silver haired guy's body. "I killed myself?" She felt her eyes glistening from the past memories. "I was dead long ago when he raped me even though I was pregnant with our child, Jimin!!".

A shock invaded his body and nothing cooperated with his mind. "Rape?" He let his phone fall onto the floor and iseul cried. "Yes, he raped me, the owner of our farmhouse!" Jimin looked away and sighed in disbelieve.

"B-But, w-why didn't you tell me...?" She smiled through her tears and slowly approached Jimin before caressing his cheek. Her skin seemed so soft against Jimin's burning one. "If I wouldn't kill myself, then you wouldn't be alive today."

He let his tears fall and sobbed lightly. "But still, we could find a way to get out of this problem." "No Jimin, no. This world is only meant to kill us mercilessly. All the people here are our enemies, there will be never a kind human on this earth."

She pulled away from him and continued "They don't deserve to live, and I'll be the reason of their death." He widened his eyes and approached her. "Wait! What will you do? Don't do anything harmful to anyone, not everyone is a bad person in this world."

"I already did Jimin, it's too late. Even you, you can't do anything about it." Jimin rubbed his forehead out of tension and he breathed in and out heavily. He felt like something seemed logical in this situation.

He slowly felt all the puzzle's pieces coming to their right places, he looked up at Iseul and gulped down. "Iseul, don't tell me t-that J-Jungook and the ot-" "You'll never find them again, the day I knew that his father was the owner of our farmhouse, I killed his father."

He widened his eyes and his head started to spin from all the informations coming to his brain. "And about Jungkook, he's long gone. I killed him, he's no more. You can tell that to his friends."

"Noooooo!!!!!" Jimin fell down onto his knees and cried his heart out. "Nooo, nooo, nooo!!! Why iseul, why???" She just looked in front of her blankly, not even a pitch of pity was seen in her eyes, just pure hatrer. "I promised to Taehyung that I would bring back Jungkook...Iseul, you're doing wrong... you're doing absolutely wrong."

He whispered and beat the floor out of desperation. "No one deserves a happy life in this world." "I never thought you were that selfish, iseul..." Suddenly another thought hit his mind and he looked at her before quickly getting up.

"The numbers written with blood onto the mirror, what did that mean?" She stayed quite for a while and spoke in a calm tone "The boy, the blue haired one. His date of birth will be his date of death." Jimin widened his eyes and gripped her both arms before shaking her "Iseul, this ain't you!! Please don't do anything to these innocent souls. They're so pure, plea-"

"Hyung?" Jimin turned around to see Taehyung with a worried frown on his face, standing at the main door.




Really sorry...

Really really sorry for the late update.

Promise it won't happen again, love y'all ❤️😭✨

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