The Sapphire Stark (Steve Rog...

By crevans-stan

12.8K 455 16

Book 1 // Tony had always thought his sister died in the car accident with his parents. That wasn't the case... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

455 20 0
By crevans-stan

Natasha's POV

"Uh Sam..." Sam and I got into position quickly and I looked back for Taylor. "What?" I quickly turn off Sam and I's earpiece. "Taylor's gone." He looks around frantically, "Shit!" "Sam listen...we can't tell Steve." His eyes practically bug out of his head, "I can't lie to him?!" "Sam! If he finds out she's missing he will freak out and blow this mission, he needs to remain level headed." Sam took a deep breath in and  nodded. We each turned our earpiece back on, just in time to hear Steve, "Wanda and I are moving in now. Do you have sight on the building?"

"We got it, you're clear to move in." We see Steve and Wanda enter the building that Rumlow is supposedly hiding out at. "I'm going to check the perimeter. Standby." Sam flies off to check the perimeter of the building and I pull out my phone to send Taylor a text.

Taylor I swear to god if you do not get back here right now.

On a mission for Fury...

Shit. I'll cover for you as long as I can.

"All clear." Sam lands next to me as Wanda and Steve enter the building.

"Building's empty. Rumlow must have known we were coming and cleared out." Steve says, exiting the building. "He must have someone still on the inside working for Fury..." I hear Steve yell and throw something, "We'll get him next time Steve." Sam says, trying to sound optimistic. "Meet at the jet."

Sam looks at me like a deer in headlights. "How are we supposed to get back to the jet and keep him from realizing Taylor is missing?" I stare at Sam with wide eyes, who just realized Steve can hear him over coms.

"What do you mean Taylor is missing?!" Steve screams into our coms. We stay silent for a second, "SAM! NATASHA! Where. Is. Taylor?!" "We don't know." I say and look at Sam. "You don't know!!!" "Talk at the jet." I turn off my earpiece and pull it out of my ear to avoid the mouthful I know we are about to get. Sam and I make our way back to the jet and I can faintly hear Steve yelling through Sam's earpiece. We arrive before Steve and Wanda and see them walking up to us. Wanda looks terrified for us and looks between Sam and I. I look at Steve's expression and he looks oddly calm, "Natasha, where is my girlfriend?" "I don't know." "You don't don't know?!" His hands rest on his hips, his whole body radiating anger.

"Look, we're just as confused as you are. One minute she's there, next minute she's not and I doubt she was taken because she would have put up more of a fight and we would have noticed. She teleported somewhere." He punches the side of the quinjet, denting it, "SHIT!"

"Look Steve we need to get -" "I'm not leaving until she's back on this jet." He glares at me and sets his shield down. "Have you tried texting or calling her?" Sam asks, getting a glare from Steve. "Wow, thanks Sam, what a great and insightful idea. I wish I would have thought of that." He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes, and sits down on the bench in the back. He looks to Wanda, "can you find her?" I give Wanda a look that only she would understand...mainly because Steve and Sam are oblivious..."Um, I can promises though."

Wanda closes her eyes and "attempts" to find her, even though I know she can. I walk to the front of the jet and pull out my phone.

Steve won't leave without you...He has Wanda "looking" for you, not sure how
long she can hold him off.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

I sigh and put my phone away and look back at the boys and Wanda. "Sorry Cap, I've got nothing."

Taylor's POV

"Give me the name of your supplier." "I told you...I don't know." "Then I'm not sorry about this..." His eyes widen as my hands glow blue. "Okay! Okay!" I stop immediately and he takes several deep breaths. "I only know him by the name of Zemo. He's been around the past couple of months, collecting and selling stuff underground. I sell the weapons for him."

"Where can I find him?" "I don't know, I meet him every other month at a location he texts me the day of." I nod and walk around the man. "Where's the rest of your supply?" "I'll write it down." I nod and release his hands, letting him write down an address. I smile at him before retying him to the chair, "Thanks. Someone will be by to collect you within a few days." "WAIT! You can't leave me here!!" I ignore him and walk out of the warehouse and put the address into my maps.

I'm lead down a road and to a rundown apartment building. "Apartment 4." I mumble to myself and find the room. I kick the door in and find all of the weapons just sitting there. "Jackpot." I pull out my phone and call Nick Fury.


"I'm sending you coordinates to where he keeps his stash of weapons & coordinates to where he's currently tied to a chair. Says his supplier is someone named Zemo. Apparently calls him every week on a burner phone, which is also in the apartment."

"I knew I could count on you Stark."

I hung up the phone and opened a portal, teleporting myself back to the jet.

Here we go...

I stepped out and saw Steve, Sam, Nat, and Wanda sitting or standing inside the jet. Steve's eyes went wide when he saw me and he rushed up to me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Steve...can't...breathe...." He releases me from his hug, quickly looking over my body for any injuries, and I can tell he's angry. "What the HELL were you thinking?! Leaving Nat and Sam??" "I had to see someone." Steve scoffed and put his hands on his hips, "who?" "Someone for Fury." He glared at me and turned around, walking back into the jet. I followed slowly and sat next to Wanda and Nat.

The entire jet ride back was completely silent, and awkward. Steve landed the jet and stormed out, not saying a word to anyone. "I'm glad you're okay but never do that shit again." Sam gave me a pat on the shoulder and followed Steve out. "He's going to Tony for backup. I read his mind." I shut my eyes and groaned, "how mad was he?" She looked at me apologetically, "never mind, I don't want to know." I walked off the jet and saw Fury waiting for me.

He was about to open his mouth but Tony stormed into the hanger, cutting him off, "Taylor Maria Stark!!!!" "Great." I mumble and see the anger in his eyes. "Fury what the HELL were you thinking sending my little sister out on a solo mission." "I had no choice, Tony." "Fine, be privy with details." He glares at Nick and grabs my arm pulling me back inside the compound.

"Tony I know Steve -" "Steve? I haven't seen Steve? I've been hacked into Fury's computer since the first attack on New York. I happened to be snooping around earlier today and heard the entire conversation."

Of course he did.

"I should lock you in the compound." I rolled my eyes at him as he pulled me through the offices. As he was dragging me through the building, I look to my left and see Steve in an office, alone, with Sharon.

Oh hell no.

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