ROBLOX Phantom Forces: Encoun...

By FifthWaveMadness

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It's the year of 2057. Phantoms and Ghosts. Two different major factions, yet once with the same ideals, are... More

Information Data Log: Angelo Vitale
1. Recover Of Realization, A Cat And A Wolf

Prologue: Origins Of The Shadows And The Present

288 5 0
By FifthWaveMadness

A little side note before we start.

"Text" —> Just the thoughts.

"Text (Text)" —> Speaking in their own language (which also has to be translated).

"Text" -> Only for specific characters that can talk like that such as Auditor, ect.



POV: 3rd Person

Year: 2037, February 24
Area: Dunes
Location: American Southwest

20 years ago... and a new age of warfare has just begun...

The War of the Shadows...


The sounds of gunshots being exchanged left and right, the sounds of artillery fire being heard miles a way, and the sound of vehicles from the air and from the ground were deployed. The once was a normal motel in the south of the Americas, has now been abandoned... and now filled with blood and markings of destroyed stones, and unstable roads...

This new conflict is not what is called a world war.... but more so a conflict between two greatest factions, the Phantoms and the Ghosts, who are at war with each other. The soldiers weren't just your average soldiers. But would become as super-soldiers. They've mastered the skills no other normal soldiers have ever done... These two factions have been evenly matched since the beginning of the war.

These new technology have become more advanced. No matter what these men have been always fighting for many years now.. But since then, today was the time that the Ghosts are already losing their ground...

They weren't winning. They knew that their numbers are starting to dwindle, yet despite losing the war once, their faction hasn't been forgotten... They will return someday, and will always become the counterparts of the Phantoms and destroy them at all cost...

But now, they were being defeated by another group. Not a mercenary, but more so a great freedom fighters that ever existed... And a great ally to the world and the Phantoms.

The Wraiths...

But the real question is, how did we get here in the first place that's the question? Well, let's rewind back 6 months ago before it all began...


Year: 2036, July 9, 7 months ago
Area: Unknown Base
Location: USA

Before then, the Phantoms and Ghosts didn't exist. In fact it was a group of mercenaries who carried out the same goals as they usually do. They were in fact, the most fearsome mercenaries in the group out there; despite the small numbers they've once had, they were a greatest threat and concern worldwide. They would get paid easily missions after missions they've successfully completed. They easily become the most wanted out worldwide, rising up from what is known as small amount of numbers of the mercenaries starting out as 10, growing up into 100k members - marking them as the world largest mercenary groups ever.

That all changed however for the worse though... and it all began with one mission - a mission that would cause the split as we know of as the two groups today... And so a mission that took themselves down..

"Hello?" A man sitting on his chair while smoking a cigar while writing some documents, was talking to someone on the telephone. His right eye has a scar on it which made him very difficult to see. But the voice on the phone was mysterious man, as it sounded deep and menacing..

"Are you ready for a bigger pay?" The mysterious voice asked. "I'll pay you handsomely well..."

The man on the chair was confused as he stopped writing and leaned back.

"Who the hell are you?" His tone undoubtedly sounded very dark and much more viciously. He was annoyed now as it look like the voice is playing games with him. His test of patience is starting to worn out...

The voice laughed as he answered differently; though, the answer the man didn't expect was quite a surprise at most.

"It's not about who am I." The voice starts to get more deeper and deeper as it sent shivers to the man. "But I do like that expression of yours kid... It's the sound of fear... The sound of a real conquerer... And the sound of your own self.. And I wanted to give you out your mission."

This got the man interested to hear this offer and so he leaned forward, put the cigar away, and then took a glass of whiskey and poured it in on a glass.

"I'm listening," the man insisted while taking a sip of his whiskey. He pulled out a notebook and a pen and started to write what needs to be done..

"Good," the voice replied in unison. "Now let's straight to the point. The reason why I am here... I wanted you guys go to a military base in Egypt. I want you guys gather information about what is there..."

The man was writing all the list on what the mysterious voice told him to do; though at first he didn't seem to surprised.

"That's it?" He looked disappointed. This feels like an easy job for an average mercenary would do in this type of mission. Gather information on base, and then call it a day. He was about to decline the offer because of how easy the mission is and it feels like a trick for him to not get paid for this type of mission; although, there is one more that the mysterious voice added, which give him more interest. He drank all his whiskey from his glass, which he threw it very far away - which in turn the glass shattered as all it left was broken pieces.

"If you want.... You can kill everyone at the base and take all of the equipment they have. And with every equipment in your hands, I wanted you to overthrow the Egyptian government and take all control of Egypt... Abandon your own group and create a new one, but don't tell anyone else until the time is right... This is very optional indeed, but I'm giving you an opportunity to do this.. I will double your pay if you complete this, but we will work together for world domination..."

The man started to get his revolver, an MP412 Rex Revolver which he loaded in the bullets - and then set it aside to the table. He wanted this pay, he wanted more power... Although this could cost the price by abandoning his group, by betraying them... He reluctantly accept the offer. As he wore his outfit, and then his commander beret.

"I accept."

The mysterious voice laughed as he was pleased by the agreement of his offer.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you... Come meet with me once you're there after this... I'll wait for your arrival after this mission..."

The man on the chair put the telephone away as he out the MP412 Rex Revolver on his waist as he started to go out of his room. Although saluted by the lower ranks, he reluctantly started walking to the briefing room where he was greeted by other members of the team. Two of the mercenaries had an Italian flag insignia with them; although, the others didn't wore any of theirs. This probably meant that they have to keep their identity in secret. The man looked at the one of them. The one with the Italian flag insignia, a scouter that never killed anybody.

"Scouter Vitale... or should I say Tonio?" The man said to the scouter known as Tonio Vitale.

"Saluti, Comandante Waxer (Salutations, Commander Waxer)," Tonio saluted with his right hand. He is a well known American-Italian (mostly Italian as far I can say about Angelo's parents) mercenary without a single kill as a scouter, despite being 19 and his only gun he ever brought with him was an M1911. Not many people, but in fact the whole world don't know anything about him. Only the mercenaries do. He was just doing his job without being caught red-handed. His skills was extraordinary because of the missions he's through. From gathering information on a small camp base for upcoming sabotage assault in Turkey, to gathering informations on other opponents like snipers, supports and other high ranking officers. He has become more fond to the other members of the group, however some of the commander and other mercenaries do have suspicions on him. He does have a brother who is 2 years older than him. His name is Mateo Vitale who is right beside him, also American-Italian, but not as a scouter. He does fall into the role as a medic, instead he only hold his B23R incase everything gets into some intense heat. He too saluted him.

"Commander Weser. I didn't expect you to be here." Mateo looked at the scared-eye commander.

Weser just laughed, although it was more so a mischievous laugh which caught Mateo's attention. "Funny you could of say that." He then turned to the screen in which he switch to a screen in the red area which was Egypt. "The reason why I'm here is that someone has called us on the for a mission. He wanted us to gather information on a military base." And then he switched to the location of the base where is. "The base located right there is what they called it Desert Storm. Although we don't know much about the base, so I wanted our scouter here to check what is out there," he explained and then turned around at Tonio which he only gave out a nod. Then Weser looked at the time; 2:30 in the afternoon. "We're about to leave soon, so pack up, and I'll be waiting for you guys to the landing pad. Do I make myself clear?"

"SIR YES SIR!" Tonio, Mateo and the other mercenaries shouted as all of them started to leave this room. Mateo however looked a bit concern; most likely worried. This did brought the attention to his younger brother, Tonio to see his expression.

"Fratello maggiore (Big brother)," he questioned Mateo with a confused expression. "Is there something wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you see the way Commander Weser just laughed?" Mateo then looked at Tonio with a very worried look. "It looks like he's planning something."

"Oh?" Tonio was a bit confused until the realization hit. "Wait..... You don't say?"

Mateo nodded his head. His worry about the commander laughing mischievously wasn't something that he expected, but he knew there was something about Weser.

"Yeah... I just don't trust him.... For over a year now, I feel like he wants to plan something after we investigate the base. Do you think that if there is stuff viable there, would he try to use it in his advantage to take over and plan to conquer anything?"

"Now that you realize it, if he wanted to wage something, he might go for others. Even our people," added Tonio while he slowly nodded his head after putting the pieces together.

Both Tonio and Mateo started continuing walking down to the halls, yet they did look at some of the other members. Fortunately enough one of the members of the group came by to a stop as he waited for the two to approach.

The man was wore a headband, he has a Japanese flag insignia on his vest, and he also has an earpiece. In fact he doesn't wear any helmet, but does wield a katana.

"Do you mind boys have a word privately?"

Mateo and Tonio looked at each other. They didn't expect someone to be there asking for a conversation privately. But they reluctantly agreed with a nod as Tonio looked at him.

"Sure thing, il compagno (my companion/comrade)," replied the nodding Italian.

They went to a private location, thankfully it had to be his room, as there is much space. The Japanese quietly closed the door and as he sat down on a chair where it is on his desk. Then he turned to the two Italians.

"Do you know why I wanted you guys to talk here privately?"

Both Tonio and Mateo are confused, as their response was just shaking their head signalling no to him. Of course, they didn't know exactly why - it made the Japanese sigh; although, his expression did shift into a more serious one.

"I've been part of this mercenary group for over 2 years now. However, today I just find out my suspicions. Although you may not realize it on others.."

"Realize it on others?" Tonio questioned the man on what he meant. What did he also mean about the suspicions? But they knew the only suspicions they have is Commander Weser. "Wait a minute... We did only have our suspicions on one of them... Commander Weser."

"I knew it... That confirms that something about him that bothers me." The Japanese takes out a book. Not just any book, but a book filled with photos. Tonio and Mateo looked at him.

"What is with these photos?" Mateo asked as the man turned around and look at the two while holding a bunch of the images. He gave some to the brothers as they looked at some of the pictures of the commander. What surprised then is the fact that there were some photos of him aiming a gun to the fellows, but a few of them was him shooting at them.

"I've took many photos of him shooting our men... yet this is not all of the pictures I've took." The Japanese then gave a photo to both of Weser, with the few of the other commanders and mercenaries aiming their weapons at the civilians where they were on the ground with hands behind their head, which in fact took place in the U-Bahn where it happened 2 months ago. Unfortunately there was one casualty. A Japanese woman was killed during that time. The brothers knew about this news, yet they didn't know it was their other companions. "Some of the men are loyal to the fucking bastard, who only cares about money only, or so we thought. He only wants the group to become powerful. He will interrogate you, and most of the time will shoot you without hesitation if you don't follow his ideals. But for me and despite being in his shadows, I am loyal to the safety of the people despite we are also mercenaries."

This shocked the two Italian brothers as they both gave the photos back to the man.

"He didn't told us anything about it!" Tonio yelled in anger as he looked at his brother. His brother also had the same expression. Something was totally up with the commander. At this point there is no one to trust.

The Japanese just sighed again as he knows well with their expression. "I know you may not trust me but you gotta believe me that there is no point to trust Commander Weser's at all. He's a volatile man as far I know. You have my support. Some of my men in my command will stay there as they don't trust him as well."

Mateo looked at the man as he questioned him.

"So what are your propositions?"

The man gave Mateo a radio. He also given the brothers some grenades and of course Mateo, an earpiece. But most of all, he gave them 2 karambits.

"It would be helpful if something goes wrong. I have a helicopter waiting for you guys if anything is about to heat up. Just call me alright?"

"Thanks," Tonio responded. Like that the brothers started to leave the room, however at the last second Tonio stopped and looked at the Japanese again while Mateo stopped to look at his brother. "Go," Tonio says while he looked at his older brother. "I'll be there." Mateo then left while Tonio looks at the man again. "You didn't give us your name, pilot."

"Hmm?" The Japanese looked at Tonio. "Oh yes. Call me Hana Hikari (花ひかり. Hikari - light | Hana - blossom). But you can call me Hikari."

"Thanks Hikari, call me Tonio. My older brother is named Mateo." Just like that, Tonio started to leave and walked towards him and his brother's room as they opened their locked which then they put on their vest and helmet, and of course put their own karambit in their pocket that the man given them. They also grabbed their own gear, Tonio with binoculars, and medical bags for Mateo along with the radio he was given. After that, they started walking out to the hallways, and then go outside which they looked at each other.

"Are you sure that we should be fine?" Tonio looked at his older brother where he was concerned about the safety. "I don't know what moves he'll play in his own deck of cards."

"I can wonder the same thing, fratello minore (little brother)." Mateo replied while putting a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "But we gotta take the Japanese's words granted if something's about to happen..."

"You mean Hikari?" Tonio replied. "That's his name from what he told me."

"Well. Better hope we can contact him before shit goes to hell." Mateo looked at the helicopters once they've arrived at the landing pad. Nearby, Commander Weser and Hikari were there along with other mercenaries.

"Glad you could make it. The others left minutes ago so were the only ones left to leave." Weser motioned the others to get in the helicopter. "Boys, get in."


POV: Tonio

4 hours later
Area: Desert Storm
Location: Egypt

"Alright," told Commander Weser. "We are in Egypt now." We have arrived to a middle of the desert with some buildings, but over there that is nearby... is the base.... known as Desert Storm. This would be trivial considering the fact that were just here gathering information. But I still don't know if I can trust Commander Weser. He isn't the most trustworthy person to be precise according to Hikari. When Hikari got us down, he left us alone telling us he'll turn after he finds a neutral location for himself, which I can respect that. Me, my brother and the other mercenaries are already there to prepare just incase the plan goes to spoil.

"Tonio, I would need you to go out alone. I know it's a very risky mission to do this, but I need you get as close as possible to the base, and gather some information on it without getting caught." Tonio pointed where the base is at. The opposite side of where we are; which I nodded. But, is he seriously sending me on some sort of death mission just for information? For sure he's gone insane to risk losing one of the best scouter. Just what is he up to now? As soon I was going to start walking down slowly, my brother, Mateo poked at me, which I then turn around.

"I'll be hiding around somewhere in the building where the commander won't see me, even if it means at the cost of either our life," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and I started to go alone while going on my mission gathering some information.

"I don't like the sound of this," I muttered to myself. It felt like every move seems to be a risk. I look at right to see 2 storage tanks, and an oil extracting machine. I ran behind the 2 storage tanks as the Egyptian army was there nearby the base. I slowly crept as they looked at the other direction opposite of me, which I hoped for not getting caught. Once I've gotten to the other buildings. I used my binoculars and scouted through a small crack from the wall which I can see almost if not the entirety of the base. What seems to be there is a lot of humvees, tanks, a lot of crates, choppers, soldiers and some other buildings which might have something. "Hm, there is a lot in this base," I quietly whispered to myself. Unfortunately, I've heard voices of two Egyptian soldiers walking to the room. "Merda... (Shit...) I gotta get out of here and rendezvous back with my team."

I started running back to my team as quietly as possible to not alert any more of the Egyptian soldiers. As soon as I arrived back to my team, the others saluted me as I saluted back to Commander Weser. He looked at me with a serious face of himself. But I kept my nerve and faced towards him.

"So?" Commander Weser looked at me with a very low tone. It sounded menacing as it always was, but I knew this isn't the time for some chit chats. "What have you found?"

"There's a large Egyptian army scouting the base. Hundred's of snipers, tanks, crates, and of course a lot of humvees." I listed everything that I just said that isn't a lie. "And of course the base is much larger than what I expected."

Commander Weser looked at me with as he started laughing. The same laugh he did before in the briefing room too. I kept my suspicions on him as well as he looked at me with a very, and in fact a more serious face of a tyrant now. "Have you ever wanted to rule the entire world?" The first thing that he asked me got my attention. I knew it... He was planning something!

"What do you mean?" I tried to make it sound like I don't know anything, which I tried to make it as a lie... Something was not right now. It's now being pressured between the two of us...

"Have you not realized that, with the equipment they have, we could've started a new army, and a new force to deal with the whole world against us! Bring in new young guns and fight with us! We can be stronger than what we are!" Commander Weser explained a lot. If this means the whole world, he literally means everyone here with his own army... That means he'll try attack other countries as well. Including my hometown, Italy! And stronger than we are? Is he literally trying to taint us by being cruel rulers and take over the entirety of the world for one goal?!

"Have you gone insane?!" I yelled at him expressing my frustration over something I should never agreed upon. "Look where you've started. When we were in your command for over a year now when we've done many missions, giving you lots of information during my scouting, getting paid whenever we ever finish our mission, and then you wanted to use all those equipments to try take over the world?!" And then I pulled my M1911 out as some of the mercenaries pointed their guns at me. So did Weser. knew there were some loyal to Commander Weser and his scheme of plans. But I do see there are also others pointed at our fellow. The ones loyal to the freedom of the people. "HAVE YOU LOST ALREADY YOUR MIND?! WERE JUST MERCENARIES BEING PAID! NOT CONQUERORS OF RUTHLESS KILLERS! YOU HAVE BECOME A TRAITOR TO US! AND I DON'T THINK WE SHALL SUFFER PEOPLE MORE FOR JUST A DIME!" I was completely holding the trigger until Commander Weser shot his MP412 Rex Revolver at my stomach which caused me to fall down and and started to yell in pain. He looked at me very angrily in the face as he pointed his revolver at me in the head I knew this would become the end of me.

"You fucker will never understand that we shall be stronger than ever. You shall never disobey my order! I have no choice but to kill you now!" He held the trigger of his revolver as I closed my eyes. This will become my funeral, and I knew no one will see me... I've done everything I could, but it wasn't enough... "But why would I? I shall let you suffer instead on bleeding out very slowly and you shall be forgotten! Have fun with your last breath. Traitor. Everyone loyal to me, kill the rest who will betray us. Now."

It was then that gunfire has been heard as I kept hearing shots, and shots. Thos has caused me to pass out into a void of vision...


45 minutes later

"Fratello minore! (Little brother!) Are you okay?! Oh no, no, no! Wake up!"

I started to regain my consciousness as I opened my eyes slowly. Was I dead? My vision was blurry, but I can see Mateo, putting on something on me. Bandages.

"Grazie Dio (Thank God), you're alive. I thought I lost you... Just hang tight, you'll need to take it easy going up... Unfortunately your vest is covered up in blood... I had to take it out in order to treat your wounds. That means we have to leave it behind in the desert.."

Thankfully though, that shot from Weser wasn't as lethal even though that can take some force of the bullet, but when I started to going up, I realized I was shirtless with bandages on my stomach and when I turned to see my armor, it was damaged; although, the good news is that my stomach stopped bleeding, but I knew it isn't permanent for the moment. That shot I had to take was probably a warning shot as a reminder the next one will take a quick and painless death. The bad news however is that when I turned around...

"What the hell happened..." All I saw was bodies of our fellows. They were laying down. Some of them shot in the head; other's shot in the chest - it was a massacre.

"Fucking bastard did it..." Mateo angrily gritted and he made his right hand into a fist. "Murdered almost all of our men, They were shooting each other on each sides of them. Unfortunately... I was the only few who survived by hiding myself in a building while the others either ran away because I told them to not engage. But some of them went to the crossfire and ended up getting themselves killed..."

"Holy shit... What about the base?"

"They've took everything. Everything from the Egyptian base!"

"What?" I started to get a hand by my big brother. As he put his right arm around my shoulders. We started walking towards the base. Although it was a very slow walk, we had to take it very slowly...


20 minutes later of the walk

When we arrived at the base, it was a bloodbath... We see dead bodies of Egyptian soldiers, few hanging from the ground, but there were others laying nearby a destroyed tank. While some of them were killed inside their humvees and helicopters that were damaged, and the crates that were opened. It was horrifying. This was never part of our mission. Yet someone had to do it. Commander Weser. That explains why a lot of the choppers, humvees, and tanks that were stolen with the opened crates which looked like there were supplies. We did see however a body with a red beret. I wonder who he is?

"Who the hell is he?" I asked my big brother which he only raised his left shoulder. Only until a recognizable voice was heard..

"He was the caller for Commander Weser." We turned around and saw Hikari. He was holding a pistol which by my guess is a Deagle XIX. A high powered weapon. And by the looks of it, it has some blood on it. He shot him. "He was the one who made this call. Which is why this massacre happened here. I knew I had to take the opportunity to shoot him. They've made a deal...

"What about everyone else in the base?" I questioned him with concern.

"They're all dead. All of them. Commander Weser ordered his men to kill them all." Hikari sighed. "I'm surprised about the survival from you two, but you guys look like shit today." He pointed to the chopper where there are crates. "Over there." We followed him. Upon arriving, we saw that there was none of our men here, but as well it seems like it was destroyed. "Some of our men died during the mission that was never part of it by Weser. Worst part is that my communications is jammed and that I can't contact them. They've found out what we're trying to do... We're left here in the base. And that we may not return home. Plus my gas for the chopper has ran out, and I could not look for any more. We can't stop them..."

"No... We can." A voice replied.

We turned around to see a tall man, who is holding an AR-15. He wore a grey camo vest with a backpack behind him. He also have a visor on his helmet and a mask on his mouth. He has an insignia of a the Philippines flag. I knew he is filipino by his accent. He looked at me, and saw my stomach. He knew I was shot..

"Susmaryosep... (An expression that us Filipino use whenever we are disappointed, surprised, in fear, ect.) What the hell happened to you?" The Filipino soldier looked at me as I kept my right hand on my wound.

"He got shot. By our commander... We've been betrayed... I don't know what will happen now that they took all the stuff..." Mateo filled me in to reply to the question that the Filipino asked. The soldier looked at us.

"Shit... They got a big lead ahead of us..." The Filipino looked around at some of the destroyed buildings, bodies of the Egyptian Army. But he turned to us. "Follow me. We're going back to my home country." He then pulled out his radio from his pocket. "Oi. Mayroon akong 3 nakaligtas dito. Sunduin mo kami. Salamat. (Hey. I have 3 survivors here. Pick us up. Thanks.)" He then put away his radio. "They'll be here in an estimation of 45 minutes." He looked at us again. "Now I'm sure you guys are hungry right? You can trust me on this one.


30 minutes later

I was eating food that the Filipino brought in his bag. He called them chicharron chips which is essentially a fried pig's belly. In fact, I am sitting down nearby the crates that are opened nearby him while Hikari is writing something in Japanese and Mateo using my binoculars in order to see if our transportation arrived. I turned to see the Filipino as I chatted with him.

"Have you. Ever thought of having a family?"

The Filipino turned to look at me with a bit of a saddened face. "I do have a family, however it isn't what is meant to be a big one... after many years.."

"Do you have like a child?"

"I have a daughter. But, there are some misfortunes... A misfortune that would scar me and my daughter for many years now..."

"What do you mean?"

The Filipino looked down as he opened his visor up and then started to get a bit emotionally with small tears in his eyes. "My wife was killed 2 months ago in an incident in Germany nearby the U-Bahn station. She was unfortunately caught in the crossfire by the mercenaries when there were people on the ground with hands behind their head like hostages... If I have to say this. She was the only casualty.."

This shocked me. As soon he said it, it took my brother and Hikari to look at him.

"You mean... Our men, loyal to Weser, just shot your wife?!" Hikari looked very pissed now as he kicked a wall with his left foot, but as soon he calmed down, he looked at the Filipino with a sorrowful face. "I'm sorry that we couldn't do anything... I feel like we don't deserve ourselves to be called mercenaries..."

The Filipino looked at Hikari as he removed his helmet and his mask showing his true face.

"Even if you were mercenaries, I know you guys didn't do it... I just wanted to see my wife again, but now that is gone... I only have my daughter to protect..."

I feel saddened. Losing someone important to you would really take a toll of your mentality. But seeing him in this state really wants me to have he other option... Either continue as mercenaries for missions, or protect the people for freedom...

"I'll protect the people for their freedom. And I will protect your daughter even at the own cost of my life..." I said to him.

The Filipino turned to see me. His face changed from a saddened expression to a surprise. He smiled at me as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you," he added. "I'm, grateful that you still have good in yourself."

We then heard something whizzing... It sounded like the sound of a helicopter. And I just knew one thing... Our transport is here.

"Heh..." I chuckled a bit. "I guess we live for another day." I started to stand up as Mateo put his arms around my shoulder as the rest started walking to the chopper that was landing. After it landed, the door slide to open revealing another person. A Filipino pilot.

"Nandito kami. Pasok! (We're here. Get in!)"

We started moving to the chopper however I started to get more dizzy as my vision starts to get blurry. My head started to go down. Mateo looked at me. Now a bit worried.

"Brother? Are you okay?"

Before I started to turn my head at him, I suddenly collapse to the ground as something felt wrong... The bleeding continued again, it was a slow bleeding as my eyes fully shut. My hearing was quite muffled as I can only hear the voice of Mateo.

"Tonio?! Tonio?! Shit! Somebody help me! Wake up!"


6 hours later
Area: Fort Sea Base (A base name I came up.)
Location: Manila, Philippines

I started to wake up, my eyes are blurry, however there are lights that is blinding me. The last thing I remember was collapsing on the ground, losing my gripping on my brother's arm before we got to the chopper... I also felt my bleeding... As soon I rubbed my eyes and regained fully my vision, I realize I'm in some sort of bed... A medical bed... There were doctors treating me.

"Ugh..." I put hand on my head. "Where the hell am I?" I looked around the big room, however it is quite chilly inside. "Am I back to America?"

One of the doctors looked at me he walked nearby my bed placing a glass of water and medications on a counter. "Not in America. But you're in the Philippines in our base." He then pulls out a clipboard. "However I do advise you to stay in bed for a few hours. Maybe at best you'll recover tomorrow. The wound you have in your stomach had to be treated by removing the bullet, but otherwise it's important take your painkillers."

I leaned forward and I was hit with the realization of my pain in the stomach. Gosh the pain is stinging it felt like I was burned... I took the time to take my painkillers and drank my water. After all was done I looked at the doctor again.

"Where's my brother and Hikari?" I asked him.

"Oh them? They've already gone to sleep. It's midnight so I do think you need take a well rest as well. But don't worry, I'll inform Captain Alon Liryo (which the first name Alon (shortened form of "Alphonso") means "sea wave" in filipino, while the last name, Liryo means "lily") that you're gonna be recovered."

"Captain Liryo?"

"The one you saw during his lone mission finding what was going on the Egyptian base? Yeah that's him. You should really give him his thanks."

Except that it's not the time today giving thanks. If it wasn't for my brother, Hikari, and the captain, then I would be damn sure I could've died from the slow blood lost.

I knew this time, I've been given a second chance - a chance that'll be my last of my lifetime.

I laid back down and look to the ceiling, as my eyes drifted into the abyss of darkness...


The next day, July 10

"Hello? Are you okay?"

I hear the knock from a voice of someone. A girl. As soon I started to rise up form my sleep, I turned around seeing brand new jeans, and a black t-shirt on the counter. I was only wearing my military pants, all bloodied.

Perfect, something I could wear.

I started to walk slowly. Although the bleeding of my chest has permanently stopped, I intended to do it without moving much without hurting myself even more. As soon I got the door, I opened. What reveal is a girl, although the height of 5'1. I was looking down at her, as she was smiling.

"Hi! I was just wondering if you're okay? My father was just talking about you when you first came here."

However, I was really blushing hard. Oh really. I never seen a girl much more beautiful.

"Oh mio Dio, non mi aspettavo una bella ragazza qui. No aspetta, Tonio, concentrati! Non c'è tempo per flirtare! (Oh my God, I didn't expect a beautiful girl here. No wait, Tonio, focus yourself! No time for flirting!)"

"Um... Are you okay?"

I shook my head as soon my realization came. I looked at the girl again. "No, no. I'm fine... I-I, just didn't expect a beautiful girl here." That was until I made my mistake complimenting her, which I started to blush even harder. Big mistake to say it near her. "Okay Tonio, now you really spoiled it..."

The girl blushed at my statement, as she covered her face filled with red in her. She was totally embarrassed. "Ehe... Salamat.. (Thank you..)" She looked at my stomach, filled with bandages. Although they're not bloody. Just clean white bandages rolled around. "I was just wondering about the bandages."

"Oh. You mean those bandages?" I started to reply her. "Yeah... Long story short... I was betrayed and shot by my own commander..."

The shock completely filled her. She started to look saddened. Maybe the realization of feeling betrayed was something she didn't expect from me.

"I'm... sorry.."

"Don't be. I knew it was bound to happen. I can't forgive myself for not realizing... But here I am."

Now I started to question her.

"Is this your home?"

She shook her head. "No, my house is not that far to here. It's a 10 minute walk, I should be okay walking alone."

"Oh I see..."

"You look hungry. My father is cooking breakfast. You coming?"

I looked at the girl as I nodded my head. "Yeah sure, I'll get changed." I started going to get my clothes." I started going to the counter where my clothes are. I changed my bloody military pants as I put on the fresh jeans, and then wore my t-shirt. Once I got out of the room, I reached out my hand to her.

"Oh, uhm..." She looked at me blushing a lot.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you." I replied to her.

She took my hand. It was warm. I hadn't felt this much of a warmth in my hand own hand. We started walking towards the cafeteria as there were other people, like men and women in the base. Some of them look like foreigners, as not all in this base are Filipino. It took an eye for me to realize my brother Mateo, Hikari, and Captain Alon are there.

"Brother!" Mateo turned his head as he saw me and her walking by. He ran over to me as he hugged me. "Glad you're okay... I told Tala that you were in the medic room. She was just visiting you if you we're okay." Then he snickers. "And since you held her hand, you two would actually make a good couple."

"Wait. You mean..." I was hit with the realization until I blushed really hard. "Oh, Dio mio... (My God...)." I turned to see Tala who was covering her face in embarrassment.

"Oh come on fratello minore (little brother), I'm just joking." Mateo just laughed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Like serious right?" I replied to him with a very annoyed face.

"Of course I would be! Well, a maybe..."

Captain Liryo then came nearby us. I saluted him as I looked at him. He put a hand on my right shoulder, smiling. "Already found love with my daughter."

"P-Papa!" Tala blushed even harder, and so did I.

We started sitting down on a table as Captain Liryo brought some breakfast. It was cooked fried rice, with fried egg, and a hotdog. I often see those breakfast from my filipino friends in school, man I wonder how they're doing? We starting digging in.

"Hey guys," Hikari pointed at a big screen. What seems to be the news. "The news is on! Come look at this."

Everyone looked at the screen where it highlights the news of the situation in Egypt. Unfortunate to say that I knew that was bound to happen. The news reporter started talking about the events that happened yesterday.


"Yesterday, it's been a chaotic day during a darkest time in Egypt. It seems that the base of Desert Storm, has been under attacked, by the well known mercenaries. In fact a hundred, actually three hundred scouting the base, all were killed by this immediate attack, which then almost all of the equipment were gone. In fact we just found out some dead bodies, adjacent of where we are. The Egyptian government has ordered a full on investigation of what would be the cause of it. Some say it was friendly fire by these men adjacent to us, or they were spotted and shot by the Egyptian army. However, there were mysteries left behind, specifically a top of a military outfit that is bloody with one bullet hole, which where it is protecting the stomach. Now that tells me that someone is still alive, but the location is unknown. This is Andre reporting live, now back to you."

Everyone looked at me realizing that I was the one who got shot by Weser, but survived on all odds. Some of them with eyes wide, but some of them with mouths open. The news was still going as everyone looked at the screen again.

"Yes, speaking of the Egyptian government, there has been reports of the same mercenaries who took equipment from the base actually ended up attacking many cities in Egypt, specifically the capital city of Cairo, where thousands were murdered in sight. The Egyptian president was in presence of the city, which he was forced into exile before the situation got clearly out of hand."

Then it shows a footage of someone hiding while hiding from Weser's men. The voice of Commander Weser can be heard from.

"Today's the day, where you will accept us as our conquerors. If you refuse it, we will kill you on spot, no matter if you're hiding. We Ghosts will be hunger for power! This is a warning world leaders! We will hunt you down, and we will dominate the whole world!"

I closed the TV with a remote as I looked down. Everyone else looked at me as they knew my expression...

I was already too late to stop them...


*I heavily breathed as I looked down*

Tonio: Fuck... They already went too far now...

Alon: They've gone mad insane... That means Egypt is in their hands now.

Hikari: They've decided to call themselves as Ghosts... That would never fit me in those group full of murderers.

Tonio: Plus some of our men in the US.. They wouldn't-

Hikari: *sigh* Trust them? I can agree with that. It looks like the once group of mercenaries like us, have fallen apart.. Now we're just a mere shadow of Weser.

Mateo: What will we do now?

Tonio: I don't know... We've been blinded away from the real threat.

Alon: *stands up* We will fight.

*Everyone looks at Captain Alon*

Tala: Papa, are you sure you'll be fine?

Alon: I'll be fine sweetie. And Tonio.

Tonio: What is it?

Alon: Despite your injuries, and the fact that you know a lot of these former members of your group, why not be our second Captain for this new group?

Tonio: W-Wait you mean?

Hikari: Do it. We'll help you once you're recovered and ready to fight. For now I think you should need to take a rest.

Tonio: But, I'm not that good of a leading Captain!

Alon: Everyone here, and even I will support you, no matter what we will give the people back Egypt and give them the freedom again.

*Everyone starts cheering me on as Tala looked at me, smiling. She got closer.*

Tala: Please. No matter what will happen to you or my father, I will always be on your side...

*I smiled at her and turned to see Captain Alon.*

Tonio: I'll accept.


Year: 2036, October 13, 3 months later

So? What happened?

Many since then has changed when I've became a Captain.. There were no charges I had in the Philippines as soon they knew I was a former mercenary of Weser because I never killed anyone during a mission. I've started to get fond of becoming a leader to the group as I gave out coordinates of where the Ghosts might be. With the the new advanced technology of the UAV, we've successfully completed missions, although it did have to come some casualties. Although the weaknesses, tragedies do come in some strengths. We have taken back Egypt with my help of coordination, with many Ghosts, and by that many, all of them, surrendered to us. The total amount was 150k, the largest surrender that we've ever received. Thankfully though, we don't act like murderers, we just put them in close eye prison. They'll reflect on what they did.

We've made setbacks before, but that didn't stop me coordinating risky attacks which worked out in the end, most notably missions in Vietnam, Malaysia, Germany, and above all out, France. The news was spreading like wildfire that we've became the best freedom fighters.

That's not the most important of all however. We managed to take out most of the High Generals of the Ghosts, eliminating them at all cost. This put a heavy blow to Weser as the more I realize his plans, the more I figure out ways to stop it, the high chance ending a war.. I was awarded with the Medal of Valor by the Philippines government. The highest medal award given to a foreigner.

Our group has become much more bigger and bigger that the base had to be expanded 5x bigger when it only began with 165k, now to a grand amount of 4.5M members in the group. This almost equalize the amount of Ghosts with the amount of 5.6M members in their side in the past 3 months, whole the Phantoms were right behind us with 2.1M. Despite the numbers they had, we had the intelligence. Because of that, I started naming our group, Wraiths. Another ghost army that will always hunt down the enemies, and it started in the Philippines. As well the fact that I do have team called "Wraith Taskforce Photons", which I was given the codename: "Maelstrom".

Speaking of which, I started dating Tala. Me and her become so close, even though it had to build up slowly before we get to know our feelings. The people in the base respected our relationship as they knew who I was, but I've been given a second chance to live in here. This may be my new home after all, but Rome will always have my heart, and someday once it's over, I'll be returning to meet my people someday with her.

We are sitting on sand where the beach is. It's pretty nice feeling the calm and the sound of waves, like making dreams... Tala was laying her head on my shoulder.

"Do you wish to see your family again?" I turned to see Tala asking the question. I feel deeply saddened. I always thought of my father, caring me and my brother before he died prematurely. My mother in the other hand also cared for the both of us, but the problem is that because of her own condition from a disease, we wouldn't be able to see her again before she died as well... Despite the 3 years I've had, me and my brother are left parentless...

"I wish I could," I replied while looking down. "But, it's only me and my brother left..."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I know it's difficult to bare, but I knew at the stake of chances, without them, then I wouldn't be able to be here, as well as my brother."

"I'm glad you could still live despite tragedies after tragedies... But I'm worried about my father now, he's the only one left in my family here. My uncles are too busy in other parts..."

"Then one day... Once the war is over, we will start a new one... No matter what, I'll protect you and our future child."

We both looked at each other smiling, we got close as we kissed in the lips. I will keep her promise..

"Fratello maggiore! (Big Brother!)"

We both turned around to see Mateo running towards us, he seems heavily tired. I know that the missions did put a toll on him, but at least he was a medic, keyword "WAS", and by that mean the very best. He has made so many risk saving people lives while fighting back with his SPAS-12. He's been also awarded by the Philippines government the award of Medal of Valor, the same medal I was given to. As soon he got his breathing going, he started to talk.

"I was just running here to tell you that Hikari wants you to be on the command centre. You won't believe it, but I think it would be a surprise to show everyone. They'll be out of their minds seeing you here!"

I was confused of what he meant. What did he mean about surprises? And why all of the sudden Hikari wanted to be there. And oddly enough I've been fully healed, but being called to the command room is something I didn't expect to hear.

"What do you mean? I didn't know we had plan out a surprise for them. But is it really all necessary?"

"Well Captain Liryo was talking to them when he first accepted the discussion, but apparently they wanted to see someone else as well. And I don't think it's just him."

"And by that I mean, they wanted to see Captain Liryo?"

"Oh no not just him! They wanted to see THE other Captain in our group!"

I nodded, but for a few seconds me and Tala become shocked as our eyes widened in surprise. They REALLY wanted to see me?! So that's why he just came here to talk to us. I wasted no time as I asked him again.

"Who are they then?"

"They call themselves Phantoms, but somehow they call themselves enemies of Ghosts, and they wanted to create this name in order to mark the end of their disappointment they once had before. Although their base is in the US.."

The US and enemies of Ghosts... That sounds something from my old base, but I'm not sure if it is the one...

"Then I'll be on my way." I said as I started walking back to the base as Tala and Mateo followed me.

When we arrived to the command center, I was greeted with salutes and some other bows by other foreign people which I return the favor of the same gesture. I came by to Hikari and Captain Liryo as also greeted me with a salute as I saluted back at them.

"So I heard the Phantoms wants us to talk. Is that so?"

Hikari just smiled. "You would be surprised to see who they are. They wanted us to form an alliance."

Well then, this has become an anomaly. I didn't know they wanted us to make an alliance, but if this is for stopping the Ghosts, then so be it. It would be good choice to have another ally helping us. I turned to Alon.

"Well, bring up the big screen. I want to talk to them."

"Alright." Captain Alon looked at the screen as he talked to someone on the computer. "He's given the green light, I'll put back the big screen on now." He activated the big screen showing men who are in blue. These must be the Phantoms. But I hear the shocks and gasp of a lot of people in the screen as their eyes widened when they looked at me. Even I was surprised the amount of commanders and soldiers I recognize in their base is the US.

"T-Tonio Vitale?!"

"Commander Ollie?" I was flabbergasted to see my our men in the US. The same mercenaries, no... men! The same men who were loyal to freedom! Commander Ollie was a renowned former mercenary Commander who was part of the mission in Turkey before, but was also keeping a close eye of Weser because of him wanted to become peace and mercy to the people, unlike what Weser did... Since then he was put into retirement as a commander, but seeing him here was a shocker.

"Tonio, I... holy shite," Ollie was generally shocked to see me. "I thought you were dead along with the others as soon Weser I heard betrayed you.."

"Still standing. But I could ask a different thing," I replied. "I thought you already retired, but it seems odd to see you again in the same base we just first met?"

"When I first heard what happened with quite the situation in Egypt, the men called me back to command the group again, although we did had to change our name to Phantoms, in order to disappear the once disappointment that Weser did..."

"I reckon you guys have charges that have been dropped?"

"Yeah mate, we just has to deal with the Ghosts in some parts of the US like New York and Los Angeles. Same goes for the people up North in Canada. But there is something I wanted to talk to you about." Ollie gets a paper out.

"The alliance?" I questioned him.

Although Ollie just nodded, but there was also something he had to say.

"NATO wanted to us to visit the Headquarters building in Brussels, Belgium, to make an agreement so that all the Nations will have to unite as one force. Their world wide military wouldn't be effective against the skills of the Ghosts, they're calling us for help."

"Wait, you mean the actual NATO? What do they need us for? Other than an agreement for an alliance."

"They wanted a speaker for both of the groups. The Phantoms decided I should be the perfect candidate for it because of my excessive skills for leading the group so well, however I am not too sure if you guys have already decided who should be the speaker for your own group."

Now that got me thinking... There has been a lot of chatters going on, thinking who's going to be the speaker for the Wraiths. If the NATO wanted our help, we have no time to waste. Humanity might be fucked soon if the Ghosts still continue to plan out more invasions. Everyone else looked at me, and I look back at them all around. They knew I would be the perfect candidate because of my history with Weser and how my survival in Egypt may have planned a new war.

"Then I'll be the one who'll speak on behalf of Wraiths." I replied as I saluted to my fellow commander from the old base."

"Then it's set. The meeting between us and UN will concede in the following weeks in the 5th of November. We'll meet you there and God bless you." Ollie saluted me back with my men and his men saluting along with Hikari, Mateo, and Captain Alon. As soon the call finished, the screen disappeared.

"Everyone," I started talking everyone in the room. "We'll be leaving soon in a week. Let's prepare everything that we got! Understood?"



3 week later to November 3
Location: Brussels, Belgium

We have arrived to the NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium, with me and the others wearing our own formal wear for the meeting. Upon arriving, we also see the men of Commander Ollie's Phantoms Taskforce who are all wearing their formal wear. When we got closer to them, I immediately was hugged by one of my friends from the old base before. Hendrick Bailey, Alyssa Taylor, Antoine LaCroix, and of course Sheila Helen.

"Tonio!" All of them said.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you guys were okay..." I replied with a smile on my face.

"You almost scared us to death!" Sheila replied while having tears on her face. As well as Alyssa. "I'm just... SO happy to see you again after months of suffering of sadness..."

"Not to mention I almost committed suicide when I heard that you were in that mission before in Egypt... And when the news happened, I was not as sober as before, but with the help of these 3, I was able to recover." Antoine replied as he patted my shoulders, which then everyone let go of me.

And then upon arriving, it was Commander Ollie in his own formal wear with a commander cap, maybe not an appropriate headwear for the meeting in the headquarters, but I feel like the NATO members wouldn't as mind. I saluted to my former fellow superior as he looked at me with his widened smile.

"You young lad, are a tough man. You've already earned my respect since the beginning and the others, but now you've increased it even more."

I smiled at him. Knowing that he's a very trustworthy person, I will never betray him unlike what Weser did. I will never betray my men unlike what Weser has done.

We started walking to the headquarters where we will meet the other representatives of the Nations in the building.. Upon entering. We were greeted by the many of the representatives, but as well a lot of the representatives are the leaders of their own country. Upon one of them was the President of the US, Daren Rushmore, who greeted us with delight and the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Fernando Mendoza. We both shook each others hands to the two Presidents.

"I'm glad to see you both here. Me and the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Fernando Mendoza have been having this discussion with this conflict which you two might talk about. I suppose you two are the representatives of your factions if that's correct?"

I nodded at both of them replying. "The numbers have been growing a lot for each factions, but I'm quite worried that the Ghosts are often planning an assault in this building. With us being here as representatives, I don't know what's coming to make sure something's going on is gonna happen..."

"No worries kaibigan (friend), the Belgian military is doing it's best to make a defense around the perimeter. As soon we get this meeting done, the whole public in the world will know that we will be fighting against tyranny and oppressions." President Mendoza replied with a smile.

The 4 of us started walking towards the main Parliament room where the Parliamentary Assembly will be taking place with Captain Alon and Tala right behind us along with Mateo and Hikari. When we got to the doors, the other members were there to see us as they stood up.

"President Mendoza, President Rushmore. I see you guys finally have the 2 representatives of their faction. I think we have some explaining to do with a lot of this current situation." The 4 turns around seeing the President of Russia, Ivan Nadenzha.

They nodded as they started sitting in their own respective seats as Tonio was sitting with President Mendoza. And so began with this conversation between the threat by the Ghosts. This opening conversation is started by the German. The Head of the HQ, Jörgen Bergdorf.

"Willkómmen (Welcome) everyone to the meeting in the Parliament. Although I'm glad to see the representatives, we have seen a big problem around world with this faction known as the Ghosts... Since the news, we've agreed to discuss this further with our 2 special guest, Tonio Vitale and Jensen Ollie. But first, I want to know everyone's perspective on these actions made by the Ghosts..."

The talk was seemingly long, there were discussions how the Ghosts were able to enter Canada despite their radar could not detect them, but then it was known that the Ghosts must've used some sort of technology in their suit to make them look invisible, which we took their moves and used it against them. Another said that Australia was under of the sieges by the faction. They repelled all attacks, yet left the country, specifically some parts in the city of Sydney that is marked with broken ruins. Above all else, China had problems in Hong Kong where the Ghosts set out a whole city in a black out as a warning that they'll be coming soon. There were other discussions regarding the actions of the Ghosts, however they were minor, but dangerous. Until then President Mendoza and President Rushmore stood up and walked to the front where they will announce.

"As representatives of our respective country, we would like to ask Mr. Vitale and Mr. Ollie." President Rushmore spoke.

When we stood up, we are greeted with applause by the members in the Parliament. When the both of us stood in front of the the microphone, we take a moment of silence, and then Commander Ollie spoke away.

"Today, we gathered here as not just countries, but a unified one. The whole world has been fought to a brutal enemy, the Ghosts. This is a difficult mission, but ending a war between us and them is a possibility, but no matter what, we'll be fighting to hunt down this common enemy for many years until they stop. The only way stopping it, is by eliminating the leader, Benson Weser. The one leading this whole faction."

Everyone was listening as some of the few were writing hearing what they just heard. It was then my turn to speak.

"As a once member of his... I didn't know much about him... As soon I learned everything about his past from my friend Hikari, I immediately became aware of him. But as soon when the mission came in his hands, I started to realize, I was about to get betrayed, I was shot because of him. He left me to die just because of his ego... I was left traumatized..."

Everyone was silent as some of them had their mouth open with some covering it with their mouths.

"Unfortunately enough, those who are part of the Ghosts and and still loyal to Commander Weser's, they wanted more than their own ideals.... They wanted more power. They wanted a new world order. Instead of continuing on their own ideals, they started going extreme by overthrowing the Egyptian government that happened 3 months; although the Egyptian president went into exile, he asked his people to fight during the dark times as his people and his country was starting to fall. It was no better at the place as well as the Ghosts started to kill those who refuse to accept them as their invaders and accept as their ally. Oddly enough, they started shooting their own men who refused to continue their expedition.. But we were able to fight and give the people back their city, thanks to the help of my group, the Wraiths. As well for their expedition, they continue doing so by going on an assault in Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Saigon, Vietnam, and of course, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Without the help from us and the Phantoms, the countries would've become shadowed into tyranny."

Everyone started to nod at me with some chatting about accepting the alliance. They know I can stop this war. Even if it isn't permanent...

"Us Phantoms didn't want any of Weser's plan. Although we follow the same ideals as we once did from the Ghosts, we started to outright change it to give the people freedom instead of despair. We wanted to redeem ourselves than we once were... We wanted to be loyal to the people now... not as monsters as we once were in their own cold-minded souls. We want to taint the memories of our own past life, and create anew for the better."

Everyone completely agreed that there is good in us. We know we can make a change by just a simple thing. Redeem ourselves to save the freedom. Others in the Parliament continued writing while others still listened. I make the final statement.

"So I would propose an offer to everyone in here. An alliance. A unified alliance. We will stop these Ghosts, and end this war, despite it won't be permanent, we will always protect the people against this tyrant... We will unite as one!"

As soon I finished our statement, a lot of applauses as everyone stood up, and after that sat down. Everyone started to make a decision whether they'll accept this alliance. They've made a lot discussions as the room started to fill with chatters. As soon the voting has conceded, Jörgen Bergdorf looked at the results in the voting ballot. When he stood up, he has cleared his throat and started talking.

"By unanimous decision, this alliance will be accepted between NATO, and the factions, Phantoms and Wraiths."

With everyone in the building finished hearing the verdict, they have applauded and stood up with cheers. After that we shook hands with the members in the Parliament with this agreement. After all that is done, I saw Tala running to me and hugging me.

"You actually did it..."

I smiled at her.

"No. We did it."


Back at the base a week later, November 10

So. The alliance between NATO and the Phantoms and the Wraiths is now official. The news spread throughout the world. It is insane that all worldwide military has been united, as they can join either of our factions. But this isn't over yet. There is still one thing left... Killing Commander Weser. We have figured out his location, somewhere in the Southwest America where his group built their own base that is very close to a gas station and around an abandoned motel. Our base has become a staple of the safe haven giving people food and medical supplies as well as clothing and equipment. In fact, the Wraiths numbers ranging now a lot of members to a grand total of 15.9M, which has surpassed now the amount of Ghosts, mainly 12.4M of them. But with our allies the Phantoms at a respectful 7.6M after a week. I'm in the command center with only my brother Mateo.

"Tonio," spoke my older brother Mateo. "You gotta listen to this. Commander Weser just sent a message to us." He then played a video in the screen where it shows Weser, who is smirking. The one eyed commander is pointing at the camera screen with his revolver.

"Weser..." I gritted my teeth in frustration. Seeing the man that fuel my hatred, is now giving us message.

"Hello Tonio, old "friend". You missed me? Well it won't be the last time you'll see me. Once I put a bullet in the head, your whole team will fall. And you will never stop me... In weeks when March hits, all the missiles in our own base will strike, giving the fear for the people. I will destroy everyone..." He then finishes by shooting the camera with the revolver, only showing the statics.

Mateo looked very worried. He turns to me. "What are we going to do?"

I gritted still as I slam the table.

"He's bringing me to war now... We gotta stop him before he launches those missiles and cause chaos..." I replied.


Year: 2037, January 3, 2 months later

Everyone who is present came to listen. I've warned them about the missiles that will be launched by Weser. Today's the day that we'll finally stop Weser. Even if the war's end won't be permanent, we will be back fighting for more.

"Today's the day that we will stop Weser from launching all those explosive missiles! Today we will end this war against these Ghosts. Today is the day where the darkness will disappear!"

Cheers erupted as it is finally the time to fight back against tyranny. As soon everyone started to get on air vehicles such as jets, planes and helicopters, I turn around seeing Tala. She was worried about my safety. She definitely doesn't want me to end up the same thing Weser has once did to me. I came to her as I hugged her. She started to tear up.

"Shh... I'll be okay.. Don't cry..." I comforted her. She is afraid that I'm risking my life for this. But it is my duty to stop Weser once and for all.

"But, I don't wanna lose you!" She continued crying.

"I know it has to be done, but I'll return, and all of this will be over. We'll start out our new lives. Me and you, together."

It was then that Captain Liryo came to the both of us, putting a hand on my shoulder while he looked at me.

"Anak (Son). I wish you good luck and God's blessings.. No matter what will happen. We'll always be with you..."

We both saluted as I went inside the helicopter with Mateo inside, which Hikari is the one piloting it. The hatch door closes off as the chopper left off to the sky.

At the chopper, I sat down and got out my backpack. I opened the zipper, revealing some sort of a small case. I opened it, revealing a ring inside. It is for a proposal to Tala. Until the time is right.. The others looked at me. Surprised for me having that ring. One soldier spoke.

"It's for Tala, isn't it?"

I nodded, knowing it's hard to leave her, but I'll do my best to return. Another soldier patted softly in the shoulder. I looked around to see him.

"Even in these darkest times, you'll still be always a captain. We never go down for a fight..."

I returned the favor with a smile on my face, knowing that my life is never gonna be tortured by Weser, I still have many on my side...


Area: Dunes
Location: Southwest America

"T-Minus 3 minutes left till we land." Hikari replied. "Many of the worldwide forces, Phantoms, and even our men are charging through Weser's defences, however they are being interrupted by heavy artillery." He then looks down to the screen. "By the numbers, this battle started off, with 3.9M Ghosts in the area fighting 5.1M of ours. 2.8M on ours while the phantoms has 2.3M. This is gonna be brutal as we lost too many Phantoms with 259K in theirs and our men with 376K in a month when the Ghosts launched an offensive in Texas. Thankfully we manage to prevail, and put a big blow to the Ghosts, with theirs losing 850K."

"Well I'll be damned." As I was surprised hearing it.

As Hikari started to land the chopper, we were greeted by Commander Ollie as we saluted. A lot of our men arrived with humvees, tanks, and many weapons. We are 16km off the base, it was perfect to plan the assault.

"Thank goodness you guys arrived. Our latino brothers from the South are doing it's best to distract the Ghosts while we completely surround them. There are some key parts of the area with Ghost reinforcements. We gotta clear those first before we fully attack the base. These places have been named: Kilo, Jester, Dent, and Syphon where it is protected by those bloody bastards."

It's what I expected, reinforcements. We need to secure these areas first before we charge in an attack to the base. We would be left off fighting a surprise attack. The areas are massed with many reinforcement. But we will always find a way to pierce through.

As soon I took ahead of my whole group, I started by saying my small speech first.

"Boys, today's the day. We must fight for the freedom! Fight for the future! And most of all, fight for our home country! We will face our true nature."

I took a breather, closed my eyes, and release both of them.


Thus a roar erupted as my men started to rush through the as humvees, tanks, jets, and helicopters rolled in, going through the desert as an army of Phantoms and Ghosts following us. The future may not be certain for my journey, but I'll do my best bringing the promise back I given to Tala.

We charged through many a lot of the forces of the Ghosts. Our first intention was to make an assault on one of our objectives, Kilo. The closest one to us. There were many Ghosts, ranging to 900k, although we did suffer many casualties of an extra 350k total combined between our group and the Phantoms. The battle lasted for nearly 5 days as I commanded still for some coordinated strikes. The first week of January was vastly filled with sounds of bullets and covered of red pools of the mixed desert sand. But we managed to prevail, as 500k Ghosts surrendered. The rest of them were killed, or retreated. Kilo was ours.

With the numbers going down, the Ghosts once started with 3.9M, down to 2.55M left. Putting a devastating blow to Weser's plan.

I was given a sigh of relief, but at what cost did it take? What cost of men have to be lost? What will happen to me if I got killed? What will happen to my love? Do I feel the grieving if I die? Do I hear the weeping voices?

"Tonio." It was Mateo, looking at me with his SPAS-12 in his hand as I looked at him. "Are you okay?"

I looked around with many men carrying the dead ones, putting them in a drape of a white sheets cover. Many of them were put in the caskets, where they will be sent off to their home town, where loved ones seeing the saddest news.

"This was a costly one... But the others won't be easy to deal with. The cost of these men have been greatly lost."

"Fratello maggiore (Big Brother), I know it's been hard, but the grieving should be later. But I can feel the same as you. We've lost too many, but their sacrifices will not be forgotten."

"And the Ghosts?"

"Many were strays..." He sighed and look down in sadness. "Their parents left them at the young age, although there were many that joined our side realizing that they were once living under Weser, yet stayed loyal to freedom. Although the rest wanted to stay loyal to Weser... Justice will be served, yet who knows the regret they will take.."

"That's.... Concerning... I feel sorry for the people though. I know there weren't bad Ghosts, yet they can't do anything. What if their parents are dead?"

Then, a young man came to me, holding something, a gun. But it wasn't just a simple pistol or assault rifle. It was the M1928 Thompson, or what the Mafia's from my ancestors call it the "Tommy Gun", or "Typewriter". A WW2 submachine gun, used to this day by the Mafia Group, "Le Voci", otherwise known as "The Voices". It is an Italian group, mixed with other people from different countries, in close connection with the governments, hunting Ghosts since me and Mateo joined our own group the Wraiths, although Mateo is also part of them, being the ambassador.

"I, wanted to give you as a thank you for freeing us by that man as a gift. I just really wanted to go home. My parents must be sick worried about me. My friends are dead, we didn't want any of this..." He started to smile. A smile reminding me that he'll be home safe.

I put a hand on his shoulder, patting it, as a message that you can be home now. Without Weser's command, he's free to be himself again. He left as soon he given me the gun. Just in time for Hikari to arrive.

"Our men has planned to make a split between the next two areas, Jester and Dent. The men have figured out thanks to the drones that both of them aren't heavily defended with 150K Ghosts unlike Kilo 900k that did have to be very difficult. Although Syphon is very close to our key objective of the base where Weser is," he said.

I nodded, and thus we waited for many days until the time is right.


February 24, weeks after the battle of Kilo for nearly 5 days and repelling an attack with the capitulation of Jester and Dent for the rest of the days.

We were at another area of the our objective, known as Jester. The other members of the group was led by Hikari, trying to take over the area named Dent, which in doing so succeeded with a fewer casualties in the 100's. The area in Jester unfortunately wasn't returning any fire. All the Ghosts, or mostly many of them, some told us a few shot themselves to die, others told us that a lot of them deserted to revolt or hide from Weser, which apparently a lot failed. Because of these anomalies, everything from the numbers just went to fewer than 45k. This prepared much time for us to make a full assault at Syphon, and then the base which was surrounded by buildings which they are 1KM apart, and most of them covered with desert sand. It was a nightmare to go for it. Us taking the last 2 bases for how long, but I knew it wouldn't matter much to do more risk to take and make the plan work. Time is running out soon... 4 days left..

Although we did had some issues that we ran into.... Syphon happened..

"God damn it! TAKE YOUR FIRE! TAKE YOUR FIRE!" I was trying to suppress a lot of the enemies. Our push has been halted as a number of Ghosts in the area are firing back. There were a lot of snipers to be sure. The numbers there was exactly 1M. Weser sending half of them to either die or to surrender.

"This is getting bad, we are fired at in every direction!" Mateo responded.

Fate almost ended us. Yes. ALMOST. We keep suppressing and suppressing. Men falling one by one. The whole area is gonna be covered with blood and dust. If our bullets ran out, we don't know what will happen next! We'll be left defenseless!

It took my quick thinking to realize that a Ghost was trying to stab my brother behind. He was charging behind him while Mateo was distracted.

"MATEO! WATCH OUT!" I started shooting my Thompson as Mateo quickly evaded as the bullets went to the incoming Ghost. Being shot more than 30 times, he falls down to the ground dead. Mateo looked at the body as he looked at me again.

"Thanks," he replied. But as soon he saw something else, he warned me. "TO YOUR BACK!"

As soon I turned around, a Ghost was close to stabbing me with something... He swung a Longsword at me..

"Shit!" I manage to pull out my M1911 just in time, as I shot him in the head. He falls back as well as his Longsword losing his grip on his hand. I can't believe it. Those were my first kills.. I just had to do it. I looked at the bodies, closing their lifeless eyes with my hand. "I'm sorry I didn't have a choice, but I have to do it to the others as well..."

I realized that when I turned my head around, I see the other men, they were pushing back the Ghosts further away. We are gaining a bigger advantage now... The final assault is nearing.

"Tonio!" Hikari arrived just in time for the final assault. "Our men has pushed back the Ghosts further away from Syphon! We are going to capture it!"

"Good," I said to him. "Regroup with me and we'll take the base. The final assault is here. I'll go find Weser..."


An hour later

Our group, considering some of them are from my own group, Wraiths Taskforce Photons, has arrived at the abandoned motel where Weser is hiding. This is it... The final stand for the Ghosts defending there... It's do or die. We'll fight them off.

We started to charge a lot on the defenders, although it was met with heavy fire and a lot of the men and women are being gunned down by the defenders, which some of them are from the gas station. We managed to kill those nearby as the gas station was our only protection against the Ghosts. Thankfully, our reinforcements of more people and vehicles arrived just in time to push back the enemies. The final push is coming nearby...

I was worried that this might fail, but we will try again and again until I get my hands on Weser and kill him. He shouldn't be alive. He's too dangerous to be here.

We arrived at the base, although there is heavy fire, I managed to suppress and even kill any incoming enemies that charged on us. We took cover on some of the rooms from the abandoned motel. There were snipers nearby the area. It is too risky to get out and find them. Yet we did found something down there around the abandoned motel of the parking lot... A crater. No.. It's something more than the crater...

The base...

I looked at my brother once again. "The base is just down there! Looks like we've got some heavy fighting to do undergound!"

He nodded as he loads his SPAS-12. "Let's do this.."

I contacted Hikari. "Hikari! The base is underground! Just down there of the parking lot where a big crater is!"

"We'll be on our way!"

As soon the contact was over, our group started to go down to the parking lot as did the base was underground. The base was huge. I didn't expect an underground base this big. There were many floors to go through. As we charged in there, we cleared many hallways from Ghosts, even some raising their hands as a sign of surrender while my other men capture the ones who surrender.


Before y'all ask: Wait? The parking lot with the crater where that spot on KotH will appear, isn't that area small though?

Thing is...

Imagine the lore where the Ghosts actually built in an underground base in that area with missiles shown... This could either one, the Ghosts could send out a warning to other nations, or two, Phantoms could try intercept it and either give proof to the nations that who's the real enemy. (This is for the the game's lore, where during that time it's only Phantoms and Ghosts)."


"Go," I told my group and my brother. "Give me the knife. I'll find Weser...."

"But-." I cut him off. He really doesn't want me to get hurt or even killed by Weser. But I knew the risk I will take would be vary. He needs to die...

"Don't come near me. This is a fight between me and him.."

"I-." He sighed and nodded while giving the knife to me. "Very well. I'll take the lead of your group now. Just, be careful.."

As soon we started running towards some halls and areas of the base, Mateo and the others managed to go to clear out more rooms when I've given my brother the lead now. When it was just only me, I was in a big room. No... not just a room... The storage room where they kept all their missiles, along side a control center. Yet there is no one here.. It feels lonely... Something's not right... I thought there was someone here...

"Show yourself Weser!" I yelled. Yet to no avail, nothing was responded. I looked all around while trying to walk slowly with the missiles in place. I yelled again.

"Show yourself! Weser, I know you're in here!"

But silence overtakes it again...

It felt a bit eerie...

I took a breath, waiting...




I managed to dodge the bullet when it was right behind me. I turned around to see the person with hatred.. The one who shot me, betrayed me, and exploited others... Weser...


"Well... What do we have here?" Weser laughs. "What a fucking surprise! Tonio just being here. Thinking he can stop my plan all by himself? A shame. That's where his story ends!" He then shot another bullet with his MP412 Rex revolver. Where I managed to evade it again.

"Weser.... Your time here is done!" I yelled.

"Oh... not yet it hasn't! Boys!"

Since then, a whole horde of Weser's men arrived in numbers. I fell into a trap. Some defending the control centre... They're pointing their guns at me, either I die or to surrender. I choose neither.

"Unfortunately for you... I have reduced the deadline of the missile launch! You are too late now... with one hour and a half left in the countdown... Even if we die and this group falls, we'll still return... To terrorize even more!"

I looked at the time. He is right... There is not much time left. But there's no point in stopping now. It was me and him and his men. I aimed my M1928 Thompson at him... I've waited and waited till the time is right...

"What's the matter? Scared?" Weser chuckled. "You can't kill anyone!"

I laughed. "That's where you're wrong..."

I started to turn around and started to to sprint and shoot at the Ghosts. I managed to kill a few of them as I took cover from one of the darkness, keeping the shadows to make me invisible. Weser was now pissed. REALLY pissed I gotta say.

"Grh! Kill him!" He shoots his revolver on top of the ceiling.

The Ghosts scattered the area, trying to look for me. They were everywhere, with few nearby the missiles. Other on top of the balcony, and Weser with other men nearby the control center.

As soon there was 15 Ghosts nearby me from one of the shadows, I immediately strike and start shooting both my Tommy Gun and M1911 akimbo style. Killing the 15 in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, I was fired back after that. I hid myself again to find a way and take out Weser.

Although I did a mistake... By appearing myself from the lights. I started firing every shots on the oncoming Ghosts. Reloading until I either many died, or my bullets ran out.

Until something happens...


Oh fuck... I ran out of ammo on my Thompson 1928.

I pulled out my knife when the Ghosts got closer and closer.. I lost... I can't return the favor that I've given to Tala.. As soon Weser looked at me....

"Heh... Game over...."


The door started blasting away - along the rubble falling from the ceiling, revealing my from the Wraiths, Hikari and his men, Commander Ollie and the Phantoms, and Mateo. They started firing at the enemies as all of fall one by one. Some charged with their melees. Some of them are hammers, spears, katanas, swords, and anything at each other. They clashed. I was about to be struck down until......


It was Alyssa, Antoine, Hendrick, and Sheila... They're stabbing the Ghosts. They saved me.

"Go! Stop him!" Antoine says as he pulls out his Desert Eagle L5, shooting at the heads of the enemies.

I took ahead and charged at the enemies using my knife.. I went enemies to enemies as I killed most of them. As soon I was close to the control room, I started aiming at the enemies head guarding Weser with the M1911, shot them instantly, and then went knife to knife combat with my foe.

"You should have never been trusted in the first place!" I yelled at him.

"I'll destroy your home instead! And all your love ones!" Weser angrily threw punches.

One of the punch from him hit my stomach, losing my grip on my knife and then falling to the ground. He came close as he stabbed me on my left hand with my knife

"GAAAAH!" I screamed in pain.

He put out more punches on my face as it gets more bruised and filled with scars. He pulled out his revolver, aiming at my head, and then smiled evilly.

"Goodbye, Captain Vitale."

Fortunately he was shot in the shoulder, as Commander Ollie given him the bullet, with his Redhawk 44. Problem is that Weser manage to shoot his leg which makes him fall before he lost his grip on his weapon.

He charged at Commander Ollie as he as well started to make more punches, and then tried to stab him. I took the opportunity, to pull out the my knife on my hand. It stings... But when I manage to pull it out with my right hand, I looked at Weser, still attempting to stab Commander Ollie.

"Hey Weser!" I shouted.

This made Weser to turn around. As soon he fully turned his head, I manage to throw my knife at the traitor, as it went for head, stabbing him instantly, as he falls on the ground, lifelessly.

I came near to Commander Ollie, as I checked on him to see if he's okay. He's still on the ground with his wounded leg from Weser.

"Don't worry, I'll live." He smiled. "Get me a medic."

Surprisingly Mateo arrived, seeing him still well alongside Hikari. However was shocked to see my wounded left hand, bleeding.

"Is he?" He questioned as I gave him a nod.

"Dead. He's no more."

Mateo pulled out his bandages as he wrapped my hand around, alongside wrapping Commander Ollie's leg. He is being pulled up by Hikari.

"The war is over... We won. All the Ghosts has been neutralized, or captured." Commander Ollie says.

"No.. The mission isn't yet..."

I turned to the screen, there is 30 minutes left before it launches. It is locked to make it launch. I couldn't cancel it...

"The only way is to set up the explosives to the missiles..." I said.

Hikari nodded, as did Mateo and Commander Ollie.

"Everyone! Set up the explosives!" I yelled.

And thus, everyone prepared to place explosives down, close to the missiles. All missiles, considering some are C4's, TNT's, ect. I started walking arrived slowly, with Mateo's arm around me. Not long after, Antoine, Hendrick, Alyssa, and Sheila arrived. Helping Commander Ollie.

"Let's get out of here and blow this place up."

As soon the rest of us started running out of the base, a helicopter was waiting for us. As we got in, we went as far out of range from the base. When we got further away..

"NOW!" I yelled through the radio.

The explosives sets off, creating a chain of explosions, destroying the base immediately, alongside the abandoned motel. It's finally over... It has been done... Weser is gone... And that, may have scattered the Ghosts entirely..


What Weser said might change..

The war is over... But this is just the beginning. They'll return...

I sighed, opening my armor, revealing the bruises and scars I have on my stomach. My hand is hurt. But... Without Weser. I'm free from the back of his shadows...

For now, peace has returned once again...


POV: 3rd Person

6 hours later after the explosion of the base
Area: Nearby Fort Sea Base
Location: Manila, Philippines


"Good Afternoon everyone listening to this news tonight. This has been an historic event. Since then the base in the Southwest of the Americas, full of missiles has been destroyed. It was a predicament, although we cannot forget the sacrifices of the Phantoms and Wraiths. To stop a tyrant, Commander Weser, from launching them. With many in their deaths, their honor shall not be forgotten and will always have the respect they have."

It's all over... For now.

Tala looked at the television with her father, listening to the news. She couldn't believe it. It's all over. She hugged her father tightly in her arms. So did Alon.

But there was one she starts worrying about...


She's worried that either Tonio is alive still, or in the worst case, dead. She feels shaky. It's like something on her has gotten control... But she knows she can't prevent the shakiness of her own body. It's impeccable. It's always been a nightmare losing somebody she loved...

Then... A sound was heard...

"They've returned," said the filipino, Alon.

Tala jolted up with eyes widened. She can't wait to see them again. She started sprinting out of the room and ran outside of the base. All she sees was helicopters landing. They're back home. But she wishes she could see her love again... Tonio..

"I'm back..." A voice similar to Tonio has been heard.

Tala looked around, a silhouette of a person has been revealed, in front of the downed sun. Along with other men around him, she squinted her eyes even more, and what shock her started to give her the tears. She can't believe who it was. The man that she loved, has returned. He's back.

"T-TONIO!" She started running to him. Her tears are starting to flow even more on her cheeks. But she did not care. All she know is that Tonio is back. He has finished his mission. When she got closer, she lunged at him with a hug.

"Hey hey... Don't cry," Tonio replied while wiping away Tala's tears. "I'm back, although with almost the cost of something from me..." He reveals his left hand, bandaged, stopped bleeding, though the white cloths are covered in blood now while Tala was looking at it. "Yes... My hand... almost taken away from me. Yet I do not want to leave it behind."

He let go of her for the moment while he separated themselves for just 2 meters apart. He knelt down and looked at Tala, who suddenly was confused. Up until Tonio pulled out a small case and opened it, revealing a ring inside which made Tala have her eyes widened.

"Out of all of these times with you, I could have never found a better person than you. I've always found someone that I can trust. Even in my own time ticking, we'll always remember the memories. So please Tala. Will you marry me?"

Tala was heavily breathing, she don't know what to say... She knew she found someone that can protect her and the future they'll have. There was only one thing she has to say.


She quickly hugs Tonio, while starting to cry, which then Tonio puts the ring on her finger, and embraced her while they spun together, which then they ended with a kiss. Since then, roars of crowd started to cheer for the couples. Mateo, Hikari, and Alon came near close to the two, as Alon embraced his future son-in-law soon and his daughter, and Mateo who hugged the 2 as well.

"Now that's my brother!" Mateo patted his younger brother in the back. "Now when's my nephew or niece coming?"

Although his statement kinda flustered the couples a lot...

"W-WHAT?!" Stuttered Tala.

"Just joking, maybe..." Mateo laughed.

Tonio also chuckled at the fact he knows he might get his brother's wish come true.

"Maybe in a 9 months you could see our child." Tonio said.

And everyone started to laugh as they head back to their base.


20 years later
Year: 2057, January 28
Area: Somewhere at the house near the beaches
Location: Manila, Philippines

Somewhere along the beaches nearby Manila, a very tall person, as tall as 6'3, is standing at the sands of the beaches, seeing the waves flowing and the birds chirping. His name is Angelo Vitale, the same age as his father when he first served for the Wraiths. Although, many calls him Ange for short, or Angie. Though he doesn't mind.

Everything became much more advanced after many years. Faster transportation, and the cities would reach it's full phase of the era where everything looks futuristic-esque.

"Ah, what's a better way than standing along the sands?"

"Anak! (Son!) Lunch is ready!" His mother, Tala Vitale, the wife of his father, the well known captain of the Wraiths, Tonio Vitale, was there cooking some lunch as she called out her son's name.

"Coming!" Angelo replied.

He rushed over to the house where his parents settled in as a child, even though he does have another house nearby, which technically it is connected to the Fort Sea Base. Although,  he wishes to see Italy again when he first visited his other hometown, Philippines does have a heart in him. He went inside of his home, went to the kitchen, and sat down, looking at his favorite food, pancit. He started to chew down his food as he was talking to his mother.

"My father slept late, let me guess...?"

Tala laughed with her mouth close. "Always the man he is. And he should be awake-"


They turn to see Tonio, the man and the legend himself. He smiled looking at his son and wife, kissing the both of them.

"Had a good sleep darling?" Tala questioned him during his nap time, while also kissing him on the lips, which apparently made Angelo to turned his head in embarrassment seeing the two kissing on the lips.

"Woah woah! NOT IN FRONT OF ME WHILE I'M EATING!" Demanded the Italian-Filipino.

"Aw, is our boy ready for a date yet?" Teased from his father.

"Yeah ain't happening. Maybe. *coughs*" Says Angelo with the cough at the end, covering his mouth. "Sorry, so much for having asthma."

"Oh it's fine son, even I've once had the same condition as you."

"You did?"

"Back when he told me that he had a very long suffering of the same condition like you," replied Tala. "But yours is not severe unlike your father."

"Heh, always being teased don't you say?" Tonio gave a laugh.

"Always will." Smiled by his wife.

As soon Angelo finished his meal, he put his dishes away and cleans them before putting on his mask. And then look at his parents.

"Well looks like I gotta go now to the base. Captain Angelo, going off." He saluted to his father while he did the same.

"Take care son/Please be careful." Both Tonio and Tala waved goodbye to their son as he walked towards the base.


5 minutes later

Angelo sees the statue of the former President of the Republic of the Philippines, Fernando Mendoza. Nearby of his own base.

"Hello President Mendoza, I'll make your country proud as it was like my father did," he says with a smile on his face.

The statue that was placed there, it has been declared to have the area called the Mendoza Foundation, where the President declared that the country shall not falter in darkness. But, into greater freedom and a safe haven. Although, his death 3 years ago, right after Angelo 16th birthday may have affected him with sadness, his legacy still lives on for many years.

Upon to his left, are filled with stones with names. This was the cemetery.. All the names being carved out and their own codenames have been written. Angelo feels a sense of sorrow, though he gives them the utter most respect with just a salute. Names from the stones such as "Whisp", "Venol", "HighHowl", "Skullture", "Hylon", "Kip", "Avalon", and more anybodies. These were men, women, sons and daughters, as well brothers and sisters who have fallen from the War of Shadows. Birth date and their death date engraved. But Angelo knew their sacrifices wouldn't be forgotten.

As soon he walked away, a voice was heard from his back.

"Yo, Angelo!"

He turned around seeing three people from behind. All look different, but Angelo knows his smile can recognize them.

"Hank, Sanford, Deimos." He looked at them with his hand waving. "I didn't expect you guys be here this early."

"Well what can I say? As soon we saw you walking to the base, I figured the three of us would follow you." Hank initially respond.

Hank, Sanford, and Deimos. One of Angelo's first interaction from another world. There has been many history regarding the story. But to put into perspectives, their race is known as Nevadians from the planet Nevada. Although it may be a coincidence that there's Nevada in the US. Planet Nevada is something different. Accordingly, it was filled with the brutality and violence which sparked the rise of the AAHW, otherwise known as Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, and of course the existence of Project: Nexus. It died down until the Ghosts crossed over to their world, wanting to use their technology to dominate the Angelo's world for revenge, which of course ended up being a firefight. The concern for Angelo's world has increased drastically when the Ghosts returned in hiding after 20 years since the War of the Shadows, although not for the feint of taking over the entirety of Earth. Since then, the Nevadians had came to this planet, making an alliance with the Wraiths which unexpectedly become the most well known alliance ever made universal. Since then, Hank's group consisting of himself, Sanford and Deimos, naming themselves The Withers, along with many Agents who named their own forces, ACG, or Association Counter Ghost was formed to strike back the Ghosts

Inside the base, they were greeted none other than the Agents from the once known, AAHW. Since then, many of the Nevadians came in to do their training against any upcoming attacks from the Ghosts.

"Huh, looks like it's been busy today hasn't it?" Angelo noticed the amount of the Agents.

"Indeed it has Angelo," says the voice from the side.

Angelo turned around to see another Nevadian. Wearing sunglasses, has a beard, with a halo on top. This was none other as Dr. Christoff, otherwise known as Jebus.

"Well, a surprise as well?" Angelo sarcastically replied giving the others to laugh.

"Funny," Jebus replied. "I'm here to tell you that there is something quite intriguing, but most importantly concerning for the future."

He then starts walks away, but Angelo managed to stop him questioning about the importances.

"Wait. What do you mean 'concerning for the future'?"

Jebus turns around and looked at him again.

"Follow me."

We followed him to the control room where it will take place. The control room became a place for intel, a resting place, and of course a place for emergencies when needed. Although it's a very big room, it was filled with less people at the moment. Although, one peculiar Nevadian in red flames greets the team.

"Auditor," says the Italian-Filipino.

"Hello Angelo. Glad to see you here." The red flamed Nevadian replied. "Though the surprise seems on time as usual, the concern of your own rivals returning and planning is quite an issue."

"I was wondering the same thing," Angelo questioned him. "What's the whole scheme with 'concerning for the future' by Christoff?"

Auditor looks at Deimos.

"Show him the clip. We may have found the real answer."

"On it," replied Deimos as he took out his laptop.

He starts typing out information before connecting his laptop to the screen of the control room. It showed a video tape from a camera that Deimos must've hacked in to, reveals a portal from the big doors, a big portal. But shows a hidden figure looking at it before he went inside, while the Ghosts are guarding it.

"What the hell? Is that what I think it is?" As Angelo turns around to Jebus and Auditor who nodded.

"A portal? Yes." Jebus looked at the screen once again. "It also seems like they found themselves a new leader."

"Has there been any information from this hidden figure?"

"Sadly I cannot find any data," Deimos sighed as he paused the screen. "It was too dark to see the figure."

"Well fuck... This is a problem..." Angelo puts a hand on his chin, thinking.

"Worst part is that it must've been that portal that transported themselves to our world." Sanford added, putting Angelo into much more thinking.

"To add more salt to the wound, we don't know what else would these Ghosts bastard would go for next," Hank finishes the notes.

As soon Angelo started thinking more and more, he suddenly have his eyes widened in realization of shock. This did took the notices of the others.

"If they use the portal again, that means..." He heavily breathes into horror now.

"Angelo?" Hank shook him off.

"They might go to other worlds and try take many stuff before they return with their world domination... Our world and others are at risk..." Angelo finish stating.



"Deimos! Give the location! Now!" Auditor demanded.


45 minutes later
Area: A base from an island
Location: Not too far off near Iceland

Angelo, along with Hank, Sanford, Deimos, and Jebus, were inside a helicopter where Jebus is flying it.

"Holy hell! It's freezing outside! It's a good thing that these suits has some heating but jeez! Couldn't the damn weather be better?!" Angelo ranted at the fact that he's not having the best time of outside cold while riding a chopper with his M1928 Thompson his father given to him. "I would rather have some days where I do have a chance getting sun burnt. Not with this!"

You see, Angelo is not used to very cold snow. Though he doesn't mind much of chilly days, having a temperature that is set to below -20°C is not his type for himself.

"It's -25°C outside. That explains your hatred with going outside during these specific temperatures." Jebus replied.

As soon the chopper started landing to the area, more of them started landing as well, dropping few of the Wraiths and Agents. 100 each respectively have arrived to prevent the cost of life that the War of Shadows started. They were greeted by an Icelandic Soldier with a salute as the choppers left.

"Gaman að sjá þig herra Vitale (Good to see you Mr. Vitale), I've got the contact from you about this base hiding a portal from these Ghosts. It's confirmed. I just can't prevent it to open it off all alone considering how advanced you guys and your enemies are. Though I'm concern if there is any of these Ghosts are available after my team was killed after trying our best to push back those bastards and disable that portal while our men retreated for protection, but it was never enough.. I've seen many ships, jets, and helicopters going by a fog before that bright orange glow appeared after they fully covered themselves while I was in hiding, to prevent myself getting caught." The Icelandic soldier replied.

"I'm sorry for your lost... If you want to survive, then go to our base. It'll keep you safe for now." Angelo replied while looking at the helicopter, as one was waiting.

"I'll bring him back to the base to check on his injuries. Doc should be free for a while." Jebus replied.

"T-Thank you," the Icelandic soldier said as he and Jebus went inside the helicopter and flew while leaving the rest behind.

"So what now?" Deimos asked.

"Hank, Sanford. I would like you guys take my back. I'm taking lead on this one. Deimos, I want you to open these doors that are in the way and hack any cameras that is still in there and look anything useful. I don't want you risking your life. The rest, make sure some of you stay behind me and some stay beside Deimos. Now you guys understand?" Angelo noted the roles of each of them.

"SIR YES SIR!" The Wraiths and Agents shouted.

"Good, let's go."

5 minutes later

When Angelo and his crew started leaving the area, Deimos managed to use his laptop, hacking the doors, opening a lot to access the areas of the base, which Angelo and his team entered.

"Alright," Deimos started to speak in the comms. "You're now entering the base. How's it there?"

"God damn. It's warm inside here. But it's dark a bit dark in here." Hank replied.

"Couldn't agree more. Activating night vision." Angelo added while him and the rest activated their night goggles.

While Sanford got close to a door, he opens it, revealing the worst of it, signalling Angelo and Hank to come here.

"Looks like the poor Icelandic's had no chance. Rest in peace you great men.." Sanford look at the lifeless eyes of the fallen soldier before closing it with his hand.

"It looks like most of them made it inside the base, yet ended up getting killed..." Angelo replied.

19 minutes later

Although, the investigation has always continued for 19 minutes now as slowly they could possibly do. Searching for rooms and any enemies that could sneak up and attack them from behind. Angelo and his team split themselves into groups where the other would be Sanford and the others with Hank. The 3 groups started searching the areas, specifically Angelo in the control room, Hank at the armory room, and Sanford at the engine room.

"Any of you guys got any vision? Everything is cleared for me in that area. Though some of the control room's computer was left turned on." Angelo asked the other two through their comms.

"All is cleared for me in the armory, but most of these weapons were left behind. Especially some left over explosives." Hank added.


"Same for me. Everything is cleared from the engine room, but these engines continued without stopping. What's nearby them is some canisters... Fuel canisters..." Sanford joined in.

"... It seems something is not right..." Angelo looked very concern with this news.

"Wait a minute... It seems I have visual somewhere else," says Deimos while typing out something in the laptop. "Bingo, a secret door." He then hacks the control center, typing out the code, which then a hidden door was opening, revealing another area. "Looks like their secrets weren't so secretive at all!"

"Looks like that's our way in to find that portal." Angelo looked at the opening, then turn to see his fellows. "Go. Regroup with the others at the hallways. I'm going need to get that portal opened."

"With all due respect. Captain," says one of the Wraiths, saluting.

As soon the others left, Angelo contacted Hank and Sanford.

"My team will regroup at the hallways. I'll need to get that portal opened as soon as possible before we can counter these Ghosts with many more men."

"Understood." As Hank and Sanford replied in unison.

Angelo started walking towards to another computer, but this time, it's the computer for opening the portal, with the door covering it.

"Can you try hack this Deimos?" Angelo asked him to the comms.

"I can't however. Seems like it's been done manually, protected via hacking-free system, although the data for the passcode is available." Deimos replied. "The code is... D1M3N5104L."

As soon Angelo started typing out the passcode, the door of the portal started opening, revealing a slight orange glow, signifying the portal is being opened.

"Finally, looks like we got ac-," Angelo was cut off until the door stopped and won't continue to fully open.

"What?" He became so confused as there was a screen appearing from the computer, revealing the figure with a hoodie, but no face can be detected from the dark hues of the hood.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" The figure started talking.

The voice seemed very robotic, but as soon Angelo can hear the real voice, it was a male person.

"Who the hell are you?" Angelo questioned the figure.

"Never knows a name of a figure? How pathetic, Angelo." The figure replied by mocking him, giving Angelo the anger.

"How do you know my name you son of a bitch?!" Now Angelo become much more pissed off.

But the figure just laughs. "That's for you to find out... You are already too late..."

And then the screen has turned off, as the figure hung up.

"HEY! GET BACK ON!" Angelo yelled.

"Was that?" Deimos asked.

"Yeah... Someone was talking to me..."

"Maybe it's the Ghosts leader?"

"Should be-."

To Angelo's surprised however. All the lights were on. It even surprised both Hank and Sanford as they contacted him to the comms.

"Is it me or did the lights went on?" Hank was the first one to ask.

"Yeah it did.. But-."

Deimos started to contact him once again. "We're proceeding to group up now. I'm not sure about that timer from my screen from that computer where you are Angelo. I couldn't stop it."

Angelo was confused on the last sentence on what Deimos said, but when he looked around at the computer...






"MERDA! (SHIT!)" Angelo yelled as he started running.

"Angelo, what's going on?" Hank asked him through the comms.



"Oh shit RUN!" Sanford replied.

Everyone started running to find a way out of the base. They had to run through corridors upon corridors. Eventually, Hank, Sanford, and the rest got themselves out of the base, while being as far away as possible while taking cover of behind piles of snow. They were greeted by Deimos who also covered behind them.

"Great to see you guys alive. But, where's Angelo?" He questioned the two, realizing they widened their eyes.

"Fuck..." Hank then contact Angelo. "Angelo? Angelo come in!"

No response.

"Oh no..."

For Angelo however, he starts hearing the countdown of the timer for the self-destruction.


"No... No! No! No!"



"I gotta need to get out of here quick!"





"The exit's over there! I gotta hurry!"




"ANGELO!" Yelled Hank.



"I'm almost there!"



"Come on! Come on!"


Angelo started running as fast he could. Unfortunately....


Then, a chain reaction of explosion started ramping up, it started from the secret room, through the engine room and armory, then everything else. As soon Angelo got the exit of the base, the explosion of the hallway managed to catch up, and blasted him off very far away where it got close to Hank, Sanford, Deimos, and the rest of the group.

"ANGELO!" All of them yelled.

They checked on him, as Hank checked on his respirator mask. He removes it, revealing a lot of cracks and pieces falling off, his mask is destroyed. But Angelo couldn't move.

"Shit... His mask... It's been destroyed.. He's heavily unconscious."

He checks his vital signs. It was still functioning, but Angelo's state is much in need for help. His face showed a bit of burns, his suit got some burnt areas.

Hank picked up his gun and put it on his back to make sure it keeps it safe.

"Looks like we need to find another way to get back from our base and get him to recover at the medical center.. We gotta warn the others that it was a trap set up by the Ghosts."

Then, the sound of many helicopters arrived at the scene.

"Over here, above you!"

They looked up, revealing blue helicopters above them as it started to land down. When someone opened the hatch, it reveals a silhouette of a person with blue eyes.

"It looks like you guys need help. I'll lead you back to your base where it is." The person said.

"You know where Fort Sea Base is?" Deimos asked.

"Oh sure! I've heard a lot what happened with you guys. Plus that explosion gave it away where your location is."

"Hm. Alright then. Everyone! Get in on one of the choppers! They bring us back!" Sanford demanded.

Everyone got in to the helicopters as Hank, Sanford, and Deimos along with the help others carrying Angelo inside the helicopter.

Although for the unconscious Angelo however, he's been hearing the voice of someone else. But this time, the voice sound similar to his. And it all felt glitchy and staticky.

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Hank looked at his friend. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine.."





Meanwhile at Fort Sea Base


A portal appeared at some sort of room. This was Angelo's own room at his another house connected to the base. A girl with wolf ears appeared out of nowhere, hitting the ground hard, hurting herself.

She opened her eyes, but it was a bit blurred. The impact caused her to fuzz out her vision.

"W-Where.... am... I....?" The last 3 words she said before she got herself unconscious. Now it was left with darkness on her vision.

To be continued.....

Next Chapter: 1. Recover Of Realization, A Cat and A Wolf





Anyways, if any of you guys read this till the end. You're a legend.

Since the prologue is done.

Each Chapters would be shorter word count than it already has LOL.

But as of now. Enjoy.



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