It's sugar-coated|| The Promi...

By uraveragedumbo

3K 55 122

The Promised Neverland x Female|Reader 'C'est la vie' 'Life is unfair and cruel, but that's how it is- so yo... More

Prologue: The ugly truth
Chapter 2: Brain
Chapter Three: Doll-house
Chapter Four: Tag
Chapter Five: Traitor
Chapter Six: Risk
Chapter Seven: Menace
Chapter Eight: Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Codes
Chapter Ten: Mother
Chapter Eleven: Smarty
Chapter Thirteen: Norman

Chapter Twelve: Brother

79 4 0
By uraveragedumbo


Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?

I'm not losing him too.

Isabella glanced at the photo Ray had left on the table, she sighed, sitting on her desk.
Midnight came, the ticking of the clock echoed throughout the orphanage, Emma sighed softly, hugging her pillow, Norman sat on his bed with his arms folded

Ray was coming back t his room, he had gone to the kitchen to get some water and [Name] was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Isabella marked her calendar, a smile on her face. "Well then, I think it's about time to begin."


It was already daylight, the children played outside as usual, Ray watched them while they jumped and laughed, his new camera in his hands, he smiled as he took pictures of his siblings.

He turned to [Name's] direction, she was chatting with Alicia, the blonde little girl laughed at something she had said, [Name] got up as Alicia ran off and waved goodbye.

The girl turned to Ray, grinning and waving at the distance, the raven-nette smiled softly, taking a picture of her.

He then noticed Gilda, Don, Emma and Norman walking behind him, he met Norman's gaze, and nodded.


"Let's go over the plan"

The six oldest kids met up behind the house, Ray leaned against the wall, arms crossed, the five others listening closely.

"When we have free time after lunch, [Name] and I will distract Mom, Norman and Emma will climb the wall to inspect the vicinity, Don and Gilda, stay outside the south window on the House's second floor.

Just in case we fail to distract Mom, I'll signal you, let Emma and Norman know to cancel the inspection immediately. According to our original plan, we have six days left until the end of January, but we have the two and a half months 'till I get shipped out, So if things go wrong, cancel the inspection, immediately."

"Everything needs to be done in secret," Name] added, "We need to pretend to be controllable."

Don and Gilda nodded.


The brunette boy turned to his side, Mark called, alongside with two other little kids waving their little arms in the air. "Come play with us!"

"Gilda too!" one of them added.

Don grinned. "Sure! Ready for some tag?"

And with that, the two ran off.

"Guys," Norman called, the raven-nette frowned, Emma had the most guilty look on her face. "We need to talk."

[Nane] raised her eyebrows, and without saying a word, the four went back inside. The walk to the house was awkward, the air was heavy, and they were quiet.

"What!?" Ray yelled, they had arrived at Ray's room and told Ray what had happened. "Krone found out that we can break the tracking devices!?"

[Name] took a deep breath, shaking her head. The two nodded.

"So I want to move up the escape day. When can you break the trackers?" Norman crossed his arms.

The raven-nette huffed in annoyance, and looked through his drawer, he took out his camera, and took a picture of the two, the flash startled them,  Emma yelped back, covering her eyes while Norman watched confused.

[Name] couldn't help but laugh at the two, so did Norman.

"What even was that!?" Emma asked, Ray handed [Name] the picture, she watched closely, waiting for it to develop.

Ray showed them his camera, "With this, I have all the necessary parts."

Norman took the camera in his hands, analyzing it. "I can break them anytime now."

Emma gasped in joy.

[Name] handed Ray the picture as soon as it developed, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmm?" Emma tilted her head, walking towards the raven-nette.

"Look at your face." he giggled.

"Hey! That's mean!"

Ray laughed, ruffling her orange curls. Emma whined, walking over to [Name] hugging her and burying her head on her chest. The [h/c] girl patted Emma's head.

"There, there."

"This is quite a double-edged sword." Norman spoke up, studying the camera. "Are we going to break the tracking devices and escape first?

Or will Sister find this evidence first and turn us in before that?"

"Don't worry, I've take care of it." Ray assured, smirking.


Krone sighed  tiredly, she had been thinking for the past few minutes, on the edge of her bed. The woman rested her hand on her chin, her hand then traveled to her doll, which was resting on her chest.

"I wonder why they pretended not to know? They knew exactly where the trackers were and how to break them. But how did they find out in the first place?"

Her hands caressed the doll.

"Rather, how will they break them? Will they use a special tool? Could they have made such thing? If that's the case... it could be the evidence I need.

Is that why they were scared and lied?"


The woman jumped up excitedly.

"Well then, it's time for a search!"


Emma sat the plates on the table, [Name] helping by her side. The [h/c] tensed up, she sighed, trying her best not to look back, where a certain someone watched closely, a creepy smile on  her face.

"Now's my chance!" the woman whispered quietly and walked off. 

[Name's] eyes relaxed, she turned to her side, Ray met her gaze, then Emma's, then Norman's, the four communicated quietly, they each knew what the other was thinking.

Krone walked through the hallway, humming quietly, she smirked as she went up the stairs and into the kids bedroom, more specifically, Ray's.

The woman looked through all his belongings, through his drawer, his books, under the pillow, the sheets, under the bed.

And just as she was, little Phil walked past the room, not noticing the woman's strange behavior at first, then stopped abruptly, tilted his head and walked back.

"Hey what are you doing?"

The woman yelped in surprise, then sighed when she realized it was only him. The woman smiled awkwardly.

"I'm cleaning the floors."


The boy nodded and walked off.

Krone huffed and went back to searching, she even moved the bed, then his drawer, and under it there was a small piece of parchment, she picked up cautiously, unfolding it, there was something written on it.

Her breath hitched as she read the words, she then ran off to her room.

The quartet heard the door slam, it had worked. Ray smirked, Norman sighed, [Name] and Emma nodded and smiled.

"I found it." Krone said, reading it over again, she sat on her bed. "It's true. This really is the truth."

She laughed and waved the paper on the air. "This is so unexpected!"

She stood up, dancing and spinning around.

"Now I have Isabella's second weakness!"

She threw herself on the bed.

"So, how should I go about this!? If I show this note and appeal to Grandma, I wonder If I can oust Isabella and obtain her position?"

She giggled, kicking her feet as she talked to her doll.

"Then I can ship out the brats unconditionally, too.

But how... how does Ray know about this? Because Isabella herself shouldn't know about this in the first place."

Knock knock

Krone jumped and straightened herself, hiding the note on her suitcase.

"Isabella?" she asked as she opened the door, the raven-nette nodded, with her usual smile. Krone glanced down, a knife on the raven-nette's hand.

Isabella handed her the knife and a letter, Krone took them hesitantly, gulping down as she prepared to read the letter.

"It's from headquarters. You should open it."

And so did Krone, she read the letter eagerly, her eyes widened, breath hitched, unbelievable.

No way. Impossible.

Her hands trembled.

"It's unfortunate, but that's how it is. This is goodbye."

"Number 18684, Sister Krone." the woman reread. "We hereby appoint you to be Mom of Plant four?

I'll be a Mom?"

"Yes, that's right." Isabella nodded as she crossed her arms. "It just so happened, a position suddenly opened at Plant Four.

I've been pushing your name for a while so they chose you fill it."

"You recommended me?"

"Gradma is at the gate to pick you up. Hurry up and pack, so you return to headquarters."

"Wait? Immediately?"

She narrowed her eyes.

"Goodbye. Please do your best at the new plan, too."

Krone gulped, her hands trembled. "What's wrong, aren't you happy?" Isabella asked.

"Oh, of course, I'm honored actually." Krone staggered. "It's just a lot to take. I'll get ready."

And with that, Isabella walked off, leaving Krone alone in her room, the woman dropped to her knees, breathing heavily.

"That woman! she's getting rid of me!"

Krone groaned, getting up to gather all her things together .

"It's all or nothing." she grumbled as she packed the last of her stuff."I'll risk it."

She took a grey pen, gripping it tightly. "I refuse to let everything go her way!"

Isabella was walking back, she ran into Gil and Sherry, Phil was ringing the bell as he ran.

"Mom! Sister, foods ready!"

The woman smiled lovingly as the two approached her, "Okay, where's Sister Krone?"

"In her room?" Sherry asked.

Isabella knelt down, "Not quite, she had some business to take care of. We're fine to start eating."

Krone walked out of her room, Ray's note on her hand, Now outside she walked, with her head held high, her heart beating faster every second, her boots got a little dirty from the grass.

With each step closer to the gate, she could feel the air change, get tense and uncomfortable. Sweat dripped down her forehead. She stopped right in front on the gate, gulping down as it opened. She entered the dark place, chills running down her spine.

"Grandma." Krone breathed out at the woman standing before her. The woman smiled, and Krone walked closer, "There's something I'd like to report."


The kids all sat together at the dining hall, getting ready to eat as they chatted happily.

"Huh? Sister's not here." Jemima acknowledged.

"Where do you think she is?"

"Mom said she has work to do." Phil explained.

"Awe man!"

Ray frowned.


Grandma read the note, Krone tapped her foot.

"So, is this what you mean?" Grandma started, "In addition to the fact on this note, the other perfect scorers know about the secret and are trying to escape."

"And the two below them know as well! I don't have evidence their escape, but please believe me!

If we leave this alone, It'll be too risky, at this rate—"

"However..." she cut her off, "they're being kept under control, right?"


"If they are kept under control, then there are no issues...

Just like it was back in my day.

This is troublesome, Sister Krone, I'm afraid I can't have you getting in Isabella's way.

They're special...

Isabella and her children, are quite special... Isabella is a necessary pawn for me. You are insufficient to take her place.

You've become a problem."

Krone's breath hitched.

"May we offer the best plate at the Tifari, may the farm have maximum profits."

Krone chuckled, it turned into giggles, then the giggles into manic laughter.

"Ah, I see. They were in it together! I had no chance of winning from the beginning!"

The gate closed as loud footsteps approached, making Krone stop dead in her tracks.

"Thank you for the food." Isabella prayed.

"Thank you for the food!" the kids repeated.

Krone stepped back, colliding with the iron bars of the gate. She was terrified, she could hardly breathe, and memories of her past began to invade her mind. Krone took out the knife that Isabella had given her a while ago, she tried to scare off the monster with it, but it was useless.

There was no way to protect yourself.

And at the same time, she remembered her entire childhood, the day she thought she was going to be adopted, only to find out that the world was not what she believed.

When she decided to become a mother, to survive. When she was training, the day she got the surgery for the chip to be implanted in her heart.

And the time she found a gray pen on the floor, and how she had left it on someone's drawer a few minutes ago.

A small gift, perhaps.

The demon took her in his hand, lifting her off the ground, the so famous flower in his other hand, ready to pierce the woman's chest.

Krone let out a piercing scream as the flower punctured her heart.

Krone's almost lifeless body hit the ground, tears ran down her cheeks.

.... You brats better succeed...

You're good at playing tag, right?

So, run away, escape, survive!

And then destroy this dammed world we live in!

Her skin tensed up as she took her last breath.

- [Name] stiffened, shuddered, she felt chills down her spine, and knew she wasn't the only one who felt that, by the look of her friends faces, they felt it too.

"Thank you it was delicious!" the kids chanted as they got up.


Ray knocked on Isabella's door, [Name] standing next to him. The door creaked as the woman opened it.

"Let's start switching the chemicals."

The three walked off quietly, [Name] grabbed Ray's hand, gripping in tightly. But just as they were going up the stairs, Isabella said something that made their blood run cold.

"I got rid off her."

They stopped dead in their tracks, [Name] didn't even dare to turn around, she gripped the boy's hand, digging her nails on his skin.

Isabella smiled as she looked up at the boy,
"I eliminated Sister Krone."

The two kids didn't waste a second, Ray yelped as he almost tripped on the stairs, immediately running off to the the brunette woman's room.

Ray pushed the room's door open, revealing a dark, empty space. They walked in the room, breathing heavily.

Isabella behind them, the woman knelt down,
whispering in their ears.

"I didn't need her anymore. That's why I eliminated her."

Ray turned around, looking up at his mother, terrified.

"And you two are next."

[Name], who's back was still facing the woman, stiffened, she went pale.

"Our deal is over, right here and now." she clapped her hands together.

"You're joking! You need us! Don't you!?"

"I'm fired too?" the girl's voice was quiet, and shaky, she was mumbling to herself.

"We were helpful to you, right?"

"Don't you want to use us to control them?" [Name] asked, finally turning to face her mother.

"You were using us! So you could stay in the shadows and control them indirectly!"

"Precisely, Ray."

"We were doing a good job. To you..." [Name] looked down, feeling a knot in her throat, it burned.

"Yes, you were useful dogs. That's why I kept you by my side." The woman knelt down again, this time facing the two of them.

"Despite the fact that you're lying traitors."


"Even so, there shouldn't be a problem, right!?"

"Yes! Mom, we could still be of use to you!" [Name] added, each time more desperate.

"It's a non-issue!"

The boy gripped the front of his shirt, coughing from yelling so much.

" Yes. It's true, there's no w vfault with you. This is unfair dismissal, I know, It affects me as well, this was unforeseen.

I didn't want to let you go until the end."


"But I have no other choice. The situation has changed, From now on, I'll control them by myself."

Isabella took out her pocket watch.

"I'm sorry, Ray. Please forgive me for the things I'm about to do."

Ray gasped, he met [Name's] eyes, they exchanged a terrified knowing look. The boy launched himself into the woman, he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly, while [Name] ran out to alert her friends.

Isabella grabbed the back of Ray's collar, throwing him off, he hit the floor with a loud thud, the boy groaned loudly.

The raven-nette woman, walked out, locking him in that room.

"Mom!" he yelled as he stood up.

"Stay there for a bit, okay?"

He hit and kicked the door, "I'll let you out when I come back."

"Let's see, based off the speed of the signals..." Isabella said, analyzing the trackers, "It must be Emma and Norman.

They're running off to the fence, huh? By the way, I don't care about the chemicals, because you'll protect me.

For their sake, you won't get me killed.

Bye, Ray, thank you for everything."

[Name] panted as she ran through the house, she looked back, Isabella was already catching up to her, the girl whimpered, she couldn't stop looking back at Isabella from afar, and ended up tripping.

The woman used this chance to catch up with her, [Name] cursed herself.

The woman looked down at her, [Name] gulped and stood up, grabbing Isabella by her arms as hard as she could, so that Isabella didn't move from there and went towards the forest.

Isabella twisted and pulled roughly, trying to get free, and in the middle of the struggle Isabella ended up slapping the girl . [Name] yelped back, rubbing softly her now red cheek, the girl scoffed angrily.

"Murder me." she let out, breathing heavily.

"Go ahead. Murder me, murder me like you murdered my brother!"

She lunged herself at the woman, again grabbing her harshly by the arms. "Murder me! Murder me like you murdered my brother!

Im asking you to murder me!

Go ahead!

Murder me like you murdered my brother!"

But Isabella didn't have time for that, and she was losing patience so she ended up throwing the girl against the wall.

[Name] hissed as her head hit the wall, everything went blurry, her ears rang, and everything was spinning. Her body hit the ground, and with that, Isabella was finally able to walk off.

"I'm sorry too, [Name]."

Don and Gilda's eyes widened as they watched Isabella walk out, Ray didn't signal them, what was happening?

The woman walked past them, smiling victoriously.

"What's going on? Ray hasn't signaled us, what's Mom doing here!?" Gilda whisper-yelled. "Don, what should we do?"

The boy clenched his fists, "Stay here. I'll go check it out!"

And with that, the boy ran off.


"I'll be right back!"

Don entered the house, and searched for his two friends, and on the way to Krone's room, he found [Name] lying on the floor.

"[Name]!" he exclaimed, kneeling down, helping [Name] stand up. "Where's Ray!?"

"Krone's... room." the girl mumbled, still a little dizzy.

"Let's go! Can you walk?"

[Name] nodded.

Ray kicked the door, he yelled and pulled his hair in frustration. "This is the worst!"

He even used his whole body to try and open the door, but to no avail.

"Just open up!" he gasped.

"Ray!" Don's voice could be heard from outside.


"Stand back!"

The boy frowned, and put his ear against the door, his eyes widened when he understood, immediately walking back.

Don used all his strength to slam door, using his whole body to throw the door down.

Ray walking towards him, the brunette groaned. "Are you okay?" Ray asked.

"I'm fine!" Don stated, standing up. "But we gotta hurry!"

"Yeah!" Ray turned to where the door used to be, there [Name] was standing.


The girl looked up, coming to her senses, she nodded, the three didnt waste another second and ran off.

They met Gilda outside.

"Gilda, let's go!" Don yelled.

"Are we cancelling the inspection!?"

"No! The inspection is still on, we gotta stop Mom!

"This is our only chance!"

Meanwhile, Emma and Norman had already reached the wall, the orange-haired girl climbed up a hollow tree, they had hidden the rope there.

The girl jumped down, landing on her feet, with the rope on her hands.

Norman nodded, but Emma stiffened.
The two looked around.



Emma threw the bag with the ropes to some bushes.

Footsteps. Someone was approaching.

"Why is she?" Emma mumbled.

"Hey mom!" The girl smiled. "What'a up?"

"Ten years."

"Huh?" Emma tilted her head.

"That's how long we've been together, but this is the first time, I'm talking to you without pretending."

The two kids dropped the act.

"Nice to meet you, Emma. Nice to meet you, Norman."

The woman giggled.

"Come now, why do you look so worried, it's only me, you're free to relax, no one else is here.

You don't have to act like good little kids who don't know anything. Right now, it's just the caretaker and the children meant to be food, the cattle."

Emma and Norman gulped, taken back by the woman's comment.

"But however, I love you children. I do, I adore you, truly. As if you all were my own.

That's why, I came all the way here... I want you to give up."

"Give up?" Emma repeated.

"Give up resisting.

... I live you all, I don't want you to suffer. And I specially don't wanna be the cause of your suffering.

This life is happy, isn't it? A warm home, filled with love and delicious food, without knowing hunger, cold or the truth.

You can die feeling satisfied. So how does that not sound like paradise?"

"That's what you think this is?" Emma said through gritted teeth. "A happy life? Is the happiness you speak of similar to what Conny went through?"

"Death happens in an instant, until that moment, Conny lived a rich life full of smiles."

"I don't need fake smiles! What's the point of it if it's all an act! Even if I suffer, I will live freely! Then I'll decide happiness for myself!"

"Stop." Norman interfered, he shook his head.


"Escaping is impossible, it's dangerous outside, too. It's full of despair.

Okay? Let's all live together, happily inside our home, like none of this happened, until the end, when your time runs out.

My greatest wish is for the six of you to live a joyous life."

"Six?" Norman repeated. "Not four?"

Norman and Emma looked at each other, they gasped in realization.t

She knows...

"Fine." Norman said in defeat, smiling softly. "You win...

I'll stop being a good boy."


"Go, Norman!" Emma exclaimed, as she threw herself against the woman, restraining her while Norman ran towards the bushes, where they had hidden the rope.

It all happened in a matter of seconds, something cracked and Emma's scream echoed all around the forest.

Norman turned a around, horror-stricken, there lied Emma on the floor, Isabella on top of her, smiling as she held Emma's broken leg.

Ray, Don, [Name] and Gilda all heard it, Emma scream.

"Emma!" Ray panted.

[Name] gulped.

The four kids stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of them, a terrified Norman, Emma and Isabella on the floor, the woman hugging her, trying to soothe her, while the girl sobbed desperately.

"You bitch!" [Name] screamed.

"You poor thing." Isabella caressed her head softly. "There there, it's okay. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. Don't cry, My adorable Emma.

This is why I told you to give up. But you haven't hugged me in a while, so that made me happy...

Norman, you realized it too, that's wonderful."

The woman took out a bandage, wrapping it around Emma's leg.

"Yes. I'll control you until the end, because you're different, because you're special.

Special food, that only a special one can eat."

As soon as Isabella finished with Emma's leg, [Name] ran towards her, taking Emma in her arms, hugging her, taking her from Isabella's grasp.

"The highest quality of children I've ever raised," the woman continued, as she stood up.

"That's why I gotta protect you all. No matter the cost." the woman said softly, but fiercely.

"I was forced to do this because you weren't going to give up," the woman knelt down once again, pushing [Name] out off the way, cupping Emma's face.

The orange-haired girl cried as the woman took her in her arms, like a baby.

[Name] stood up.

"You won't be able to move for a while, which means you won't be causing trouble tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Ray repeated.

"Yes, tomorrow. Stay put and celebrate, Emma."

Isabella turned to Norman. "I got a notice from the higher-ups.

Congratulations, Norman, your shipment date has been set."



hope u like this chapter, im happy im finally writing oftenly.

Please let me know if there's any errors.

Yes, [Name] had a brother.

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