Music Children


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I've seen plenty of crossover fanfics between Love Live and Ensemble Stars. Time to make one of my own, consi... More

The Official Pairings
The First Contact
Need To Know
μ's Meets Trickstar
Otonokizaka Meets Yumenosaki
Fragile Glass
Only One Bed
Heated Conflict
Ballerina & Stranger
A Queen & Her Follower
Soft Hearts
Soft Spot

Rich Folk

17 0 0

Original Version:


The rest of Thursday featured nothing but distancing, as μ's and Trickstar had to distance themselves from the Yumenosaki Student Council, having learned about Eli's confrontation with them over their observation of Honoka and Hokuto. It pained Hanayo a little, since they also had to distance themselves from Tori, whom she grown close to. Mao was the only exception, since he proved to be different from the other council members, but he was still reeling from what he had unwittingly unleashed.

Eli decided to cheer them up by telling them and the others about her original encounter with Eichi.


It was now the final weekday. The girls and Hasuka had to go back to Otonokizaka soon, but they were relieved to learn that they left an impact on Yumenosaki. Honoka and Hokuto even added that they can still visit each other if they so choose due to the 3-hour train trip.


Maki: *Exits her classroom with a sigh* Well, it's back to the old grind once the day is done.

???: At least, you'll be leaving with a bang.

Maki: *Turns to see...* Oh. You again.

Tsukasa: Don't be so gloomy, Maki. It's a 3-hour distance between our respective turfs.

Maki: I'm not gloomy. I'm just relieved that we're finally heading back.

Tsukasa: You don't like it here?

Maki: I never said that. I just...

Tsukasa: ... You haven't told them yet, have you?

Maki: ... Mm-mm.

Tsukasa: Well, you shouldn't be so stressed at hiding it from them. You have to tell them sooner or later. Just... be yourself when telling them.

Maki: ... Alright. I'll tell them.

Tsukasa: *Smiles*

Maki: But I'll do it under one condition.

Tsukasa: Hm?

Maki: You need to be involved as well.

Tsukasa: ... Oh?


Maki: *Approaches the gang* Hey, guys.

Honoka: Hey, Maki. *Notices Tsukasa* And Tsukasa.

Subaru: Why are you here?

Tsukasa: ... Tell them, Maki.

Maki: ... Right. *Clears her throat* Guys, I need to tell you something.

*The others listened*

Maki: Honoka, Eli, you two aren't the only ones to encounter a Yumenosaki student in the past.

Eli: *?* We're not?

Maki: The thing is... Tsukasa and I go way back as well.

The Others: *?!*

Maki: It's crazy, I know, but it's true. I've met Tsukasa once.

Honoka: ... *Gets in front of her* How far?

Maki: Eh...

Honoka: Spit it out! How long have you known each other?!

Anzu: Easy, Honoka.

Tsukasa: *Clears his throat* Perhaps, I can help with our backstory.

Maki: R-Right. We'll tell you everything.


{During the Season 1 Finale}

You didn't hear it from her, but Maki would rather be practicing on the school's rooftop than be here. She wouldn't be annoyed if her mother hadn't forced her fashion sense onto her own daughter, and forced her to tag along in her father's ballroom event.

But, as much as Maki wanted to spend more time with μ's, that was rather a hazy possibility right now. Honoka was still down in the dumps about fainting during their last performance. μ's was on hiatus, and their participation in Love Live was definitely forfeited.

Maki stared at the glass of fruit punch in her hand spitefully, as if it was the root of all her problems. She was never one to socialize. Her mother knew that, but made her come along in this party anyway. Maki didn't even know what was being celebrated. All she knew was that it mainly consisted of other rich folk and all the people milling about around her were most likely only putting up façades of goodwill to mask their true feelings and intentions.

If there was one thing she knew about the Japanese elite, it's that it was full of snakes.

She consumed the rest of her drink, and stood up to make her way to the snack bar in the far end of the room. Since she's going to be here for another few hours, because her parents were obviously enjoying themselves, she might as well try to make the most out of the gathering all by herself.

But that was until her mother grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the other side of the room, nearly making Maki trip on her heels in the process.

Ahead, Maki saw her father conversing with a maroon-haired man. There was also a boy that was probably about her age that had the same maroon hair. He was probably the older male's son.

The older maroon-haired man was first to notice Maki.

Man: So, this is your daughter, Nishikino?

He regarded Maki with a warm smile. And the gesture nearly made Maki raise an eyebrow, since it's the first not-plastic smile that she's seen all night.

Her father nodded, and patted Maki's head affectionately, making sure not to ruin the braids that her mother had intricately woven into her hair beforehand.

Mr. Nishikino: Maki, this is Mr. Suou. His company's employees get health benefits from our hospital.

Maki turned to look at him, and bowed her head slightly.

Maki: It's nice to meet you, sir.

He chuckled before draping an arm over the boy beside him.

Mr. Suou: Well, Maki, allow me to introduce my son, Tsukasa. You're in your first year, right? Well, he is too.

Tsukasa flashed Maki a smile that was just as welcoming as his father's, before taking Maki's hand into his and placing a chaste kiss on it. Judging by the heat on her face, she knew that she was just as red as her hair.

Tsukasa: It's an immense pleasure to make your acquaintance, Maki.

His voice sounded too suave and mature for someone their age.

Maki's father laughed, as he wrapped an arm around her mother's waist.

Mr. Nishikino: Tsukasa is ever the gentleman.

Mr. Suou: *Nods* Men of the Suou family are born gentlemen, Nishikino.

The two men exchange a few more words, until Tsukasa leans closer to Maki to whisper.

Tsukasa: You know, for someone who has bad taste in dresses, your face is pretty decent.

Maki could only scowl at him. She doesn't know if Tsukasa was joking because the tone that accompanied those words was so nonchalant, that it seemed like he didn't realize that his words were actually rude. Granted, even she, herself, didn't particularly like this dress that her mother had handpicked for her, but it didn't look that bad.

Maki: (Tsukasa Suou? A gentleman? How?)

Mr. Suou: Oh, Tsukasa. Go hang around with Maki for a while. Keep her company.

Tsukasa: Sure, Dad.

He puts out his elbow, and Maki hesitantly links her own with his, and they were off.

Maki doesn't say anything, since this Tsukasa guy was still filed under unpredictable in her book.

Tsukasa: You were headed to the snack bar earlier, am I correct?

Maki: *Flinches a little* Yeah.

Tsukasa: Well, I heard that the ice cream they serve there is absolutely divine. My treat.

Maki: *Smiles a little* (Okay. Maybe, Tsukasa isn't such a bad person. He might actually be a decent gentleman.)

Tsukasa: Since you look like you can't really afford the prices, I'll take it upon myself to aid you.

Maki: *Her smile immediately disappears* (Or not.)

Maki wanted to bury her face in her hands right now. But instead, she shoots Tsukasa an incredulous look.

Maki: Excuse me?

Tsukasa: *Raises an eyebrow* Did I say something offensive?

Maki absolutely wanted to scream now.

Maki: (Is this guy just feigning ignorance, or is he really just being a Grade A, snot-nosed, snobbish rich boy... like every other boy I've met?)

They stop in front of the snack bar, and Tsukasa grabs Maki by her shoulders and gazes intently into her eyes. It makes her the slightest bit uncomfortable, but up close, she could fully see every detail of his face — from the curl of his lips to the lavender of his eyes.

Tsukasa: Maki, I've been told by many of my schoolmates that I have personality issues. They say that I'm an absolute jerk without me realizing that I am, or something like that. So, if I said something that offends you, would you inform me that I did?

The sincerity in his voice was so genuine. Maki couldn't believe it. She placed her hands on Tsukasa's and led them off her shoulders. Now, she was holding his hands in her own.

Maki: Tsukasa, I'll be honest. I'm also known by my peers to be very intolerant. And your behavior ticked me off slightly. *Smiles* But now that the misunderstandings are cleared, you can make it up to me by treating me to some of that divine ice cream you mentioned.

Tsukasa: *Laughs* Okay then. *Turns to the bartender* Excuse me, sir. Two orders of three scoops of your best-selling flavor please.

Bartender: Cone, or cup?

Maki: I want mine on a cone.

Bartender: *Nods* How about you, sir?

Tsukasa: *Confused*

Maki: What's wrong?

Tsukasa: ... You serve ice cream on a cone here?

Bartender: Well, we do. Would you like yours in cone as well?

Tsukasa: *His eyes sparkle* Yes! Cone! *Clap* Definitely cone!

The attendant smiled before handing both of their treats, and Tsukasa looked so happy, Maki actually thought it was cute.

Maki: Have you never eaten ice cream from a cone before?

Tsukasa: *Grins* No. My father doesn't allow such common acts. So, you've got to keep this a secret from him. Alright, Maki?

Maki: ... Well... I'm not one to keep... secrets with another person.

Tsukasa: Well, I'll definitely want to hang around with you more often. So, we might as well give it a try, right?

Before Maki could even formulate a reply, Tsukasa had already done the first lick to his ice cream cone, before exclaiming only word:

Tsukasa: Marvelous!

*Flashback ends*

Maki: *Shivering from embarrassment*

Tsukasa: From there, she told me everything about your mishap, and before we knew it, you all made up. The rest, as they say, is history.

Honoka: How cute!

Maki: *Opens one of her eyes* C-Cute?

Honoka: Of course! There's nothing to be embarrassed about.

Maki: ... *Smiles* Th-Thanks, I guess.

{Later that day}

The end of the day came, and μ's went back home, and Maki now felt comfortable knowing that her friends got to know her side of the story.

Meanwhile, the Student Council now has another two more pairings to deal with. One of which involved their own leader of all people. The other involved the two richest kids from both schools.

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