The Perfect Storm

By MelissaK26

24.7K 977 26

Book 1 in the Fated to Die series So I died. Not exactly an accident but it's not like I can remember tha... More

I'm going where now?
So this is life in TVD?
Minor Glow Up
Cabin in the Woods (Tour)
It Is Time
A Year Before The Plot Starts
A Year Passes
Pilot Baby!!
Pilot 2
Night of the Comet
Night of the Comet 2
Friday Night Bites
Friday Night Bites 2
Family Ties
You're Undead to Me
You're Undead to Me 2
Lost Girls
Haunted 2
162 Candles
162 Candles 2
You again?/Children of the Damned
Opening the Tomb
Get it Under Control
Bitch Ass Isobel
(Season 2!!) - Kitty Kat's In Town
Bad Moon Rising
Kill or Be Killed

Upgraded Cabin in the Woods - My New House

1.2K 62 2
By MelissaK26

(The new house Malena conjures)

Once I'm in a spot deep in the woods, where it'd be hard to find me I cast an illusion and barrier spell. This will make any who look in this direction, see only forest, and the barrier part acts as a misdirect, you try to find the clearing and you will be walking in a maze till you make it back out the forest. After that's done, I begin the process of conjuring a whole ass house. I sit down on the grass, close my eyes, and move my hands in a circular pattern. A green glow surrounds my hands in what looks like fairy dust mixed with green fire. There's a distinct tingle in my hands that tells me it's working. First I start with the outside.

(Just imagine the car is the Lambo from the earlier chapter)

After a few minutes, I get the outside done, then move on to the inside. "Let's start through the front door, shall we?" I ask myself because I feel like talking.

First thing I put up in front of the front door is a floating stair case with my witchy herbs planted under it. For one, convenience, and two, decoration. Then, on to the sitting room.

After I get a layout decided I conjure furniture for the room. I move on to around the corner on the left of the front door, and start on the kitchen.

I usually lack the energy to cook, and subsequently conjure up most of my food. I lean more towards meat and protein and away from starch and grains. Must be the werewolf in me. Now, moving up to the second floor, my bedroom and bathroom.

Since I'm the only that's going to be staying here, I made the whole 2nd floor my relaxing place. When, I conjured up my bed I was so excited for the floating bed because I've always wanted one. 'No more toe stubbing on the bed frame!' Behind the bed, I put my closet.

In the left corner of the room I put a desk that I'll probably never use properly, but want it for the ambiance.

To the right of my bed, if your standing at the top of the stairs, I put a doorway with no door leading to the bathroom.

The first thing that comes into sight will be my bathtub, that I will love soaking in after a long day, kinda like today. I also put some marijuana plants surrounded by lavender plants on the wall next to the tub, cause yes, ya girl like to shmoke.

Across from the tub is the sink.

To the left of the sink is the toilet.

When I'm done, I'll add a spell in which will make the contents magically disappear when flushed down the drain.

Across from the toilet is the shower. 'I will have to put a spell on the house that will produce water magically whenever the tap is turned on anywhere in the house.'

"And I'm done!!" I exclaim once I put the finishing touches like clothes, toiletries, and the last room, which I thought I must have. The movie/gaming room.

I used the same layout from the first cabin. Afterwards, I get up from the grass and dust off my ass and walk up to the house. When I put in the key I conjured up for the locks, into the door, I unlock it, and walk in feeling serene. 'This is all my creation.' I smile proud of myself for my imagination. (AN: I did not create this, all pictures come from google unless stated otherwise.) I throw the keys in a bowl sitting on a table near the door, and throw the little leather backpack I always take with me everywhere, on to the couch. The backpack doesn't exactly have anything in it, just a pocket dimension that I can pull anything I'll ever need out of, to be discreet when I'm in public. I walk up the stairs to my bedroom and flopped down on the floating bed. I sigh at the relief I feel upon my muscles relaxing.
Then, I use my telekinesis to bring some of the weed from the bathroom to my hands and conjure up a blunt wrap while sitting up and sitting criss-cross on the bed after kicking off my shoes. I roll up pretty quickly after dumping the tobacco in a near by trash can because I've got this shit down to muscle memory at this point. Then I summon a flame to the tip of my thumb with a snap and proceeded to dry the blunt. I finally light up for the first time since leaving the first cabin in the woods of Georgia. Don't want my Lambo smelling like weed, no need to go through the trouble of getting caught, with it not being legal for recreation for another decade or so.
I inhale, hold it, and release the smoke out my nose. Feeling the tingling feeling starting at my head then flowing down the rest of my body. This is the only thing besides alcohol that holds back the despair I feel at not being with my babies and love of my life. 'I know they will eventually move on and I should too with this new life and everything but it still hurts.' Saying "it hurts," is the most simplest term I can match with the feeing I have on my heart. It feels like my body is heavier than a giant's, and the weight on my chest feels like an elephant's sitting on it. 13,000 pounds of despair, depression, and defeat threatening to break me. I can't let it, otherwise I don't think I'll be able to be put myself back together again. The sadness starts trying to set in again, so I take another big breath of my coping mechanism and hold it till I can't anymore. I repeat the process till I'm left with a roach (the end of the blunt) and tap it out in the ash tray I had put on my nightstand.
"I should start planning. Only got a year here before the pilot and i have a shitty memory as it is, don't want to forget something that could foil my plans." I say to myself as I sit against the headboard. I conjure up a notebook that writes what I'm saying while I speak, and some Jack In The Box because the munchies are real.
"So what am I gonna fuck up while I'm in this world? What happened in season 1 again? Let's start at the beginning, Elena's parents are definitely gonna have to die still, I mean it's the catalyst after all. Hmm, should I or should I not make it to where Grayson dies upon impact with the river to steal Elena's chance at saying bye to him? Sounds like it could be fun...fuck it, I'm doing it. Ooh! I should pop up when Damon first meets Elena, after he compels and she leaves of course. Taunt him a little, but not enough to make me seem suspicious, just introduce myself. Make a temporary ally, cause dude knows how to party. Hmm. I'll do more planning later, I wanna go to the grill." I change my outfit with a snap of my fingers.

I make my way downstairs, grab my backpack and keys and walk out the front door to my Lambo. I wave my right hand over my right shoulder like I'm saying bye to someone but I'm locking the door to my dream house that can only be opened by my magical signature. Not even the key by itself can open the doors. It has to be me holding the key or it won't work. 'I know I put up an illusion barrier but one can never be too safe.'
I made my way to town. It wasn't that hard to find the Mystic Grill. When I'm about to get out I see my nails are looking a little busted and think of having them done but end up deciding to do it with magic before I get out the car.

(Yes, the rings too, cause why the fuck not?)

I wave my right hand over my left hand, check out the nails, decide I absolutely love them, then wave my left over my right to repeat the same process. When I'm done I exit my car through my butterfly door and notice practically everyone in the area staring at my car. I smirk, close my door and walk over to the grill. Everyone goes back to what they were doing, whispering, gawking, and pointing at my beautiful car. 'I think I'll name her Amelia.'
I open the door to the grill and walk in. Some turn to take a glance, others stare a little bit too long. I relish in the attention I didn't get in my past life, having been a chubby/big girl and not many people liking that where I lived, and walk with my head held high and eyes wandering to everyone I can recognize. I see Matt and Tyler at the pool table. 'Typical.' I see Caroline and Bonnie at a table submerged in girl talk, while Elena and Jeremy are sitting with their parents not too far from them eating a family dinner, I guess. Wow, almost the whole cast. When I finally reach my destination, the bar, I stand there waiting for the bartender to come over so I can use this time to decide if I want to actually stay and eat here. Since I am still a little high my munchies have not left me. I finally decide when I see a teenage boy walk over to me. Surprise, surprise, it's Tyler. I over heard his little conversation with Matt while I made my way to the bar.
"Dude, who's that? She's hot." Tyler asked.
"I thought you were with my sister? I don't know, maybe she's new here?" Matt responds.
"Not really, I mean we hook up sometimes but we haven't talked about commitment and shit. Do you think she's going to our school?"
"Whatever. And yeah probably. Wait where are you..." Matt trailed off watching Tyler walk over towards the new girl.
             I turned off the vamp hearing and continued to lean on the bar top with my elbows on top, arms folded over each other, and right foot resting on the toe of the shoe. I feel a tap on my shoulder and hide the smirk wanting to spring forward. I turn to my right.
                 "Hey! I'm Tyler. You new here?" Tyler Lockwolf introduced.
                 "Hehe that obvious, huh?" I chuckle trying to seem awkward, but the rest of my words came out with the confidence I usually only have when I'm being sarcastic that I managed to retain from my past life.
                 "Yeah, never seen you here before. Small town, everybody knows everybody." Tyler smirked putting his elbow on the bartop and leaning on it, mirroring my stance.
                 "My name's Malena (Mah-Lee-nuh)." After an awkward second I realized I didn't tell him my name and that's probably what he's waiting for. He sticks his hand out for a shake but I dap him up cause regular ass handshakes are boring.  He's a mixture of surprised and amused. A smirk on his pursed lips and an eyebrow raised. I just beam a smile in response while a worker finally comes over. I think he's a waiter.
                 "What can I get for you pretty lady?" He asks for my order while sounding country but assuming from Tyler's face right now, he's never heard him sound country like that before.
                 "Ew. Uhhhhmmm...Let me just get a bacon cheeseburger and fries with a large chocolate shake. No tomatoes, pickles, or onions on the burger too. Thanks dude." I say the first word really quick and low then stretch the next word to think if I want a burger or chicken tenders. I love chicken tenders, they're my favorite but I don't know if they even sell them, so I just went for the basic, a burger. He tell's me the total and says he's gonna put the order in and he'll be back with it. I tell him to just bring it to this table I pointed to near the pool table that's empty. I turn to look at Tyler who seems surprised for some reason.
                 "What?" I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did but my inner fat girl was getting defensive. I stared at him with my brow raised waiting to hear his response.
                  "Huh? Oh! Nothing, just didn't expect a little girl like you to be able to eat so much?" I stay looking at him with my brow raised, wondering if he knew calling someone a little girl when they are, in this body, almost an adult, is kinda offensive.
                 "Little girl?" I ask giving him a little hint. I see his eyes go a little wide at that.
                  "Oh! My bad! I didn't mean like little girl as in child! I meant it as in your, ya know, kinda small." When I don't say anything he continues, "that didn't sound better, did it?" I shake my head looking down at the floor and laughing. From the corner of my eye I can see Vicki and Caroline looking at me. One, glaring with a little rage slightly jealous, and the latter, just wanting to know about the gossip she's going to share with her table-mate the moment we walk away.
                   "Nahh, not really. But it's cool. I knew what you meant, just wanted to see ya sweat for a second." I say coolly, lifting my head and running a hand through my hair to shift it from the left side to the right, unintentionally flirtatious. I hear a pencil snap and shift my eyes to see before my face followed my eyes, and see that Vicki snapped her pencil that she was using to write down orders, then excuse herself to run and get a new pencil from the back. My eyes and face follow her movements. Not knowing I did this at the same time as Care-bare, looking like the fuckin twins from "The Shinning". Her face a look of surprise with her mouth hanging open, and mine the hight of awkward with both my brows raised and biting both my lips. My expression returns to normal and I look back at Tyler.
                   "That your girl or something? She seems mad you're talking to me." I ask with an upturn of the left side of my lips.
                "Vicki?! Nah, no, she's not. We hooked up a couple times and I just don't think she's the girlfriend type, ya know?" Tyler starts kind of loud then clears his throat and continues at a normal volume.
            'Even if I didn't know this dude was a dick right now, that's definitely a red flag.' I raise right brow finding that a little sus, then go on to say, "if you say so." Then I move to sit down at the table I told the waiter to take my order to, and sit down in the booth and slide to the middle. Tyler follows and sits across from me. 'Well, he's persistent.' I thought in a monotone voice inside my head.
               "So you going to Mystic Falls High in September when the new school year starts? What grade you going to?" He starts the rapid fire questions. I smirk amused and then answer them in order.
             "Yes, I am. And a sophomore." I reply waiting for more questions.
             "Where'd ya move from?"
             "What was it like there? Never really left this town."
             "I loved it. I lived pretty isolated from the world too but always dreamed of traveling." I said shrugging at first.
              He opened his mouth to ask a another question when my food showed up in the arms of the waiter from before. He sat everything down and I smiled a little at him and said, "thanks." As soon as he walked away I grabbed the huge burger and started shoveling it in, taking a very unlady like bite. While I squirm in foody delight, I see Tyler smirk looking amused at my antics.
                 "I'm gonna get back to my game," he says pointing over his shoulder at Matty blue eyes, the he says, "nice meeting you lena (lee-nuh)." He smiles and gets up to leave.
               I nod and wave bye at him, while continuing to eat my surprisingly delicious burger. I finish my burger in like 10 minutes, wipe my face with a paper napkin that I had pulled from the dispenser on the side and slide that plate to the side and pull the fries and shake towards me. I start dipping my fries into my chocolate shake and eating them. At the first bite, I moan slightly at the taste and throw my head back. The best comparison I can make is taking Burger King fries and dipping them in a ja-mocha shake from Arby's. If you have no idea what that tastes like, it's a stoners heaven. I finish my food and when the waiter dude comes to pick up my dishes, I ask for the check and he tells me that it was already paid for, I get confused. He points over at Tyler and Tyler throws a hand up as a wave and smirks. I roll my eyes and shake my head but smile all the same. I can tell Vicki is still fuming from the flirtatious nature we share, but she doesn't have anything to worry about; I don't like him like that anyway. But I can still have a bit of fun, can't I? I get up from my chair and make my way over there.
                   "Ya know, you didn't have to do that right? I'm not broke." I chuckle standing shoulder to shoulder (bicep cause I'm short) with him while Matt takes his shot in their pool game. Tyler looks at me having his arms crossed and his left brow raised. Saying "oh yeah bet you're not as rich as I am" without words.
                     I cross my arms and nod my head over to the window that my car is parked in front of. He turns to look then his eyes nearly bug out of head. "That's yours?!" He says pointing to the car then to me in disbelief and shock. I just nod my head laughing. "No freaking way?! MATT! That car we were looking at? That's hers!" He says dashing over to Matt and grabbing his shoulders then turning him to face me and pointing at me.
                 "That all black Lambo? That's yours?" He asks not really believing me. I just stick my hand up dangling the key. "Damn, all I drive is a beat up truck that keeps falling apart on me. Parents money? What do they even do for a living?" He asks curious as to how he can get that job too. I chuckle sadly and look down.
                 "Nahh, uhm, mom abandoned me right out the coochie. Don't even know who my dad is. I got that," I say nonchalantly then tilt my head to indicate the car, "by my damn self." I smile proud of myself. I start walking out ready to be done with today, when they speak again I turn around and walk backward towards the door.
                  "How???" They both ask wanting to know.
                  "Investing." I say then turn around and push my way out the door. I can sense they're still looking at me, trying to see if it's really my car. I pull the key out my pocket, unlock it, and pull open my butterfly door. I sense their jaws dropping while I sit down inside and close the door. I put the key in the cup holder again and push the start button in the middle of the center console.

         (What my interior lookin like)       
I made my way back home and fell on my bed, snapped to change in to some pj's, a big shirt, and passed out asleep.

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