In love with a Weasley (Charl...

By SEHopeM

188K 3.3K 344

Its great being the older sister to the famous Harry Potter. Don't get me wrong I love my brother I really do... More

All about Rory Potter
POA 10
POV 11
POA 12
POA 13
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 16
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
GOF 27
GOF 28
Wedding aesthetic
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
2 years later
New book


4K 76 8
By SEHopeM

"Rory, Rory" I groan and roll over pulling the cover over my head again. "Aurora Potter get your arse out of that bed, the twins are waiting for you and I'll let them up here in a minute if you don't get out of that bed"

"Fine, I'm getting up. You suck in the morning you know that don't you Angie"

"I know but if I don't get you up you'd never get up then you moan that you missed breakfast so suck it up and thank me" I stick my tongue out at her and she returns the gesture as we both start laughing.

"What would I ever do without you"

"Well you'd never get out of bed for starters and you wouldn't have someone to talk to about things such as a certain dragon Weasley seeing as you definitely couldn't talk to the twins about that"

"See that's why I keep you around" I laugh as she throws a pillow at me.

"Right I'll see you at breakfast and I'll tell the two pranksters you're up and will be down in a minute" she walks out the door as I call behind her.

"Thanks Ang see you in a minute" I stand and quickly throw on my school uniform, my shirt untucked as always and my tie hanging around my neck undone paired with my black converse. Pulling my hair into a ponytail I walk out the door and down the stairs to find the twins and Lee waiting for me on one of the sofa's. "So how are my favourite twins on this fine morning" I say drawing their attentions away from whatever they was talking about.

"Rude what about me, I thought we were friends Rory you hurt me" Lee grabs his chest pretending to be heart broken.

"Love you really Lee"

"Thank merlin for that I couldn't deal with the twins alone all the time" He smirks at me.

"Right if you two are done can we go to breakfast now" Fred says standing up.

"Yeah we're starving seeing as we waited for someone to finally get up" George adds standing and walking towards me before throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry you know how much I like my sleep"

"Don't we just" They all say together.

"Whatever right come on then seeing as you're all so starving right now" We all head down to the great hall together and sit near the middle of the Gryffindor table. Me and Fred sit opposite Lee and George as Professor McGonagall starts handing out timetables.

"Miss Potter I do hope that uniform will be sorted out before your first lesson" She says as she hands me my timetable.

"Of course Minnie I'll make sure of it" I smile at her knowing full well I won't. She walks away without another word continuing to hand out timetables.

"Yes thank Merlin, no Snape until tomorrow" I let out a relieved sigh.

"Defence first definitely could be worse" Fred says looking over his timetable.

"Can't wait to see what this teachers like. At least its easy to be better than Quirrell and Lockhart" George adds. As we sit there looking over our timetables comparing lessons to see which ones we have together Harry walks in sitting beside me, Ron at his side.

"Morning Harry, Ron"

"Morning Ror" Harry says through yawns while Ron just sort of grunts.

"Harry any chance I could borrow Hedwig?"

"Course although you really need an owl of your own. I don't get why you haven't got one yet you keep saying about getting one"

"I guess I just forgot its not like we go to Diagon Alley that often during the summer is it. Anyway I'll meet you guys in Defence" I say as I stand and start walking to the owlery. Hedwig is sat in one of the nests near the door.

"Hey girl fancy a journey" I say as I stroke her head she hoots in reply and holds out her leg to me so I can attach the letter. Once I've attached it and given her one final stroke I walk her over to the window and she takes off out of it. On the way to the defence classroom I bump into moony. "Hey Uncle Moony" I say quietly so only he hears.

"Hello Rory. What lesson you got first?"

"Yours" I say excitedly.

"Oh well might as well walk together then and Rory remember its Professor Lupin in front of others" He smiles at me.

"I know that's why I'm gonna keep calling you Uncle Moony until we get there. Get it all out of my system" He laughs at this. "Nervous about your first lesson?"

"You always could tell when someone was feeling nervous or scared you know it always amazed me how even when you were little you could tell how someone was feeling Rory and you always cared about them"

"Could say it's a flaw of mine sometimes Uncle Moony. I care too much and that's how you end up getting hurt" I glance at the floor as we continue walking.

"Caring isn't a bad thing just so you know Little Wolf" I look at him and smile.

"Haven't heard that name in a long time" I notice Fred, George and Lee waiting by the class for me. "See you in class Uncle Moony" He smiles at me as I run over to the twins and Lee.

"Rory finally where have you been" Fred drapes his arm over my shoulder.

"I went to send a letter quickly" They all look at me then at Moony as he walks past.

"You seem to be getting on with the new Professor" Lee raises an eyebrow at me whilst the other two smirk.

"Shut up idiots. I know him and I'll tell you everything later okay so drop it for now please"

"Okay" They all say in unison as we head into the class and take our usual seats at the back of the classroom. Fred sits beside me whilst Lee and George sit in the seats just in front of us so they can lean back to talk to us.

"Welcome to your first fifth year Defence against the dark arts lesson. My name is Professor Lupin. I thought I'd start off with a slight treat for everyone" Moony says looking around the room at everyone as a large wardrobe starts to rattle behind him. "Can anyone guess what is inside the wardrobe behind me?" I whisper over to Fred as Moony looks around at the hands in the air. "Miss Potter and Mr Weasley do either of you know the answer" He smiles at us both.

"That would be a boggart Professor" I answer whilst the twins and Lee raise their eyebrows at me "What I do know things I just choose to hide it idiots"

"Correct Miss Potter. 5 points to Gryffindor" He smiles at me before continuing on with the lesson. "Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?"

"No one actually knows sir" Fred answers beside me. A lot of the class look shocked at him making me roll my eyes neither of twins are stupid they just prefer pranking and fun over lessons.

"Correct Mr Weasley. Do you know why that is"

"They're shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears most"

"Correct. Another 5 points to Gryffindor well done Mr Weasley"

"Didn't know you was so smart" I smirk as Fred who just winks back before turning his attention back to the lesson.

"That is what makes a boggart so terrifying. Luckily there is a simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Does anyone know what it is" Angelina raises her hand "Yes Miss Johnson"

"Riddikulus sir"

"Correct. Knowing the spell is the easy part. You see the incantation alone
is not enough. Now what really finishes a boggart off is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing" He glances around the room again "Who would like to go first" everyone in the front of the class raises their hand "Right everyone line up down the middle. Make sure the line starts a little away from the wardrobe so the boggart doesn't get confused by too many at once" The whole class makes its way to line up me, the twins and Lee at the back of the line.

As everyone starts taking their turn the boggart turns into the usual things people would fear like spiders, snakes and clowns. Fred and George's were horrible they both saw just themselves alone without the other half of themselves. It was now my turn so I stepped forward and waited for the boggart to change from Fred to my greatest fear. It changed into a large red flash which most found funny but I knew exactly what it meant. My greatest fear was losing control of my powers and hurting someone close to me.

"Riddikulus" I manage to say and the flash explodes into red confetti making everyone laugh again as I walk over to one of the desks and hide my head in my arms.

"Rory you okay" Fred sits next to me.

"Fine it's just everyone now thinks I'm scared of a red light" I whisper to him slightly turning my head to face him.

"We both know that's not what that meant screw what anyone else thinks okay" I nod at him.

"Excellent everyone. I'll see you all next lesson. Rory could you stay a moment please" Moony says to the class dismissing them. Fred looks at me and I nod to tell him it's fine to go. Once everyone's gone I walk over to Moony.

"What's up Moony"

"You doing okay?"

"I'm fine" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I know about your powers Rory I was there the first time you ever showed that you possessed something like it. Tell me what's on your mind"

"What if I ever lose control of them and someone gets hurt or I don't use them in time to save someone I'm so used to hiding them what if they fail me when I need them most"

"Hey calm down. You won't lose control of them. How about you come see me later after class and we can talk about it properly" I smile at him and nod as he pulls me into a quick hug.

"Thank you Uncle Moony"

The rest of the day goes by uneventfully minus the stares and laughs from a few people over my boggart which may have ended with them faceplanting the floor. One of the perks of being able to control the elements I can make people fall without even having to touch them and everyone just thinks they tripped over their own feet. I head to the defence classroom to find Moony. He's sat at his desk looking over what looks like lesson plans.

"Hey" I say from the doorway making him look up.

"Hello Rory. Should we go have a cup of tea in my office" He stands and gestures for me to follow him up the stairs to his office. After he's pointed his wand at the kettle he takes a seat in one of the arm chairs so I sit in the one opposite him. As soon as the kettles boiled he pulls out two cups and fills them handing one to me.


"You're welcome. So how have you been I've missed out on so much of your life" He smiles but I notice the sadness in his eyes.

"Well until I got my Hogwarts letter I completely forgot that magic existed. Mum's sister hates magic she thinks we're all freaks basically and her husbands worse. I wasn't even allowed to mention magic to Harry before he got his letter, he just thought I'd been sent to some random boarding school. It was awful I was so happy when he finally got his letter and could get away from them even if we have to go back every summer. I can't wait until next year when I'm of age and don't have to go back. Sorry I ramble sometimes" I smile at him taking a sip of my tea.

"Is it really that bad at your aunt and uncles house"

"It's awful. This summer my uncles sister did nothing but insult my mum and dad. Harry ended up accidently blowing her up like a balloon for it he can't really control his temper and just ignore people that's one of his problems he's a bit of a hothead sometimes"

"He's just like your dad was at his age"

"I don't really remember him and mum much anymore" I glance down at my cup.

"You was still young and forgetting about magic also meant forgetting about parts of your life from before you went to live with your aunt and uncle"

"Makes sense I just feel bad for forgetting them I guess" After an hour talking to Moony about my parents I felt a lot better and he even suggested that we have weekly meetings so I could use my powers safely which I jumped at the chance to do.

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