The Sapphire Stark (Steve Rog...

By crevans-stan

12.8K 455 16

Book 1 // Tony had always thought his sister died in the car accident with his parents. That wasn't the case... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

329 15 0
By crevans-stan

Steve's POV

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird Rhodey?" Tony and Rhodey fly in and land in front of me. "Definitely weird."

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist. He's behind all of this." I look from them and then to Natasha and T'Challa who appear from behind a truck, "Captain." "Your highness."

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony says, pulling my gaze away from T'Challa. "You're after the wrong guy." "No. You're judgement is askew Cap. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." I sigh and take a step closer, "and there are five more super soldiers just like him that this doctor can control. Taylor told me your parents died transporting that serum, I can't let the doctor find them first Tony. I can't."

Tony scoffs, "alright. I've run out of patience. Underoos!" I look up as someone in a red and blue suit leaps over my head, stealing my shield, and binding my hands with some kind of webbing. "Nice job, kid."

"Thanks. Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you." I look between Tony and the kid as they bicker, buying time for Sam, Bucky, and Taylor. "Cap...Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man." "Yea kid, we'll talk about it later just..." "Hey, everyone." He waves. "...Good job just shh."

"You've been busy, Tony."

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in my sister. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she didn't even want to leave, a SAFE place. You know Ross wants her and my sister at the raft?? I'm trying to keep...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers and my family apart." Tony's Iron Man mask lifts up and he looks me in the eyes. "Tony, I love her. You know I'd never let that happen. I didn't want Taylor involved either, but you tore us apart when you signed."

"Alright, we're done. You're going to give me back my sister so I can keep her out of this mess and turn Barnes over. Then you're going to come with us NOW." He yells. I open my mouth to say something before I hear Sam over coms.

"We found it! Their quinjet is in hangar five, north runway." Sam radios.

I lift my hands up in the air and Clint shoots the web off, "Alright Lang."

"Hey guys...something..." Scott makes himself full size, kicking spider man, and steals the shield back bringing it back over to me, "I believe this is yours Captain America." I nod at Scott and look back at Tony. "There's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?"

"Got three in the terminal...Taylor, Wilson, and Barnes."

"Barnes is mine!" T'Challa takes off running towards the terminal. I run after him and knock him down before he can get any further. "Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time." "You know I can't do that." He charges at me and I block him with my shield.

Clint and Wanda make their way out towards us and fight alongside Scott and I.

Taylor's POV

"Hangar five, north runway." Sam, Bucky, and I start running in that direction. All of a sudden someone swings through the glass window, kicking Sam backwards. Bucky goes to throw a punch but he catches it, "You have a metal arm? That's so awesome dude!"

He sounds like a kid...This looks like the suit Tony had me help him with...

I throw a blast of energy at him and he jumps out of the way. "Woah! You're Taylor Stark! Mr. Stark told me all about you." I go to throw another blast at him but he webs my hands shut, "He also told me you might do that!" He swings away after Sam. "What the fuck is this?! It's sticky. Did this come out of him???" I pull my hands apart and Bucky shrugs and picks up something to throw at him.

"Hey buddy, I think you lost this!" The piece of metal comes flying back towards Bucky and I grab it and fling it out of the terminal. "Can't you do something about this guy?" "Working on it Bucky." I try to run after him as Spider Man chases Sam. He sends some of his webbing onto Sam, sticking him to a balcony railing. Bucky runs at him, meeting the same fate as Sam.

He starts to swing towards me and my hands glow blue as I grab his leg and throw him out of the terminal building. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" Sam says. I roll my eyes and release their arms from the railing. We start running and meet up with Steve, Clint, Wanda, and Scott. "There's our ride." Clint says. As we are running a stream of energy slices across the runway and we come to a stop. We look up to see Vision hovering overhead. "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right but for the collective good you must surrender now."

Tony, Rhodey, Nat, Spiderman, and T'Challa walk up behind Vision. "What do we do, Cap?" Clint asks. I look at Steve and then to Tony, giving him a pleading look.

"We fight." Steve says. Nat smirks a little, "This is gonna end well." Both teams start running towards each other. "Taylor, go!" Steve yells at me and I look at Bucky, grabbing his hand, opening a portal and jumping through it.

We exit at the quinjet and get in, "Do you know how to fly this thing?" "Not a clue Buck..." I look out and see rubble come crashing down in front of the jet. "Wait here.." I run out of the quinjet to move the rubble and crash into Steve. I quickly wrap my arms around him and see Nat coming up behind him. "Nat...please just let us go." Steve turns around and looks at her, "Nat, You know I wouldn't do this if it wasn't serious." "I know." She turns around quickly and stuns T'Challa with her widow bites. "Go! I'll hold him off!" Steve and I get into jet and he starts it up. Nat keeps T'Challa held down until the jet rises and takes off.

"What's going to happen to everyone else?" I look at Steve and he puts the jet on autopilot for the Siberia hydra coordinates and walks over to me, pulling me into him, "I don't know, but we'll deal with it." He gives me a quick kiss on the head, "I love you."

"Tony's not going to stop." I mumble in his chest and he sighs setting his head on top of mine. "I know, we'll get through it." A few moments of comfortable silence pass as we just hold each other.

"I'm thinking a small villa on the Amalfi Coast, then maybe Santorini." I laugh and look up at him, "I think that sounds perfect." I stand on my toes and give him a kiss.

"I don't know if I'm worth all of this, Steve." Bucky mumbles. Steve opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "What you did all those years, it wasn't you. If I was worth it to Tony, you're worth it to Steve." Steve nods and walks up to Bucky, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out, till the end of the line." Bucky smiles as Steve sits back down in the pilot seat.

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