A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

153K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

Naruto versus Shino

706 20 8
By melvintrey95

   'Well it looks like my cousin is truly special indeed. To think you would have mastered both the Sharingan and Byakugan to such an extent. Truly remarkable indeed.' The mysterious figure thought to himself as he sealed away his mini telescope. 'Well that was a nice and much needed break, now it's time to get back to the reason I came back to this village. It's time to resume and finish Operation Uproot.' The figure said as he disappeared using a body flicker.

   Meanwhile down in the arena the proctor had called Naruto and Shino down to the field to begin their match. Shino and Naruto gave each other a nod in acknowledgment, as the proctor began the match. Shino started off by sending a huge swarm of his insects towards Naruto, who started the match off on defense as he tried to keep his distance from the bugs. They were persistent though, and they stayed right on his tail no matter what he tried. Naruto then decided that a good offense would be a great defense right now as he weaved the hand signs for Wind Style: Great Breakthrough. Which succeeded in dispersing the bugs, and allowing Naruto to hone in on his opponent as the two engaged in taijutsu. Naruto was using his enhanced senses to get the advantage over Shino. Using his enhanced eye sight and hearing to, for the majority of the exchange, to get the better of Shino. After a few seconds of the back and forth Naruto had to retreat as Shino's bugs had once again began to swarm him. As Naruto repeated the process to get rid of the insects, this time putting a little more chakra into his jutsu, blasting the insects farther away.

   Naruto then went back on the attack against Shino. But he was prepared this time. Naruto's enhanced senses were rendered useless against Shino as he was using his bugs to disrupt Naruto's senses. As he had a swarm of his insects flying around the two, with the constant buzzing making it difficult for Naruto to hear. As well as the constant motion of insects flying around made it difficult for Naruto to concentrate on his opponent. This allowed Shino to take control of their exchange, as he was able to start getting some hits in on Naruto, who had no choice but to stop using his senses as they were starting to work against him. But this just ment that Shino had the upper hand on Naruto even more.

    "That's Shino for you." Kurenai said as she grabbed the attention of everyone around her. "He spent the entire month strategizing and planning on how to win this fight. He spent countless hours breeding his insects. Trying to find the right genetics, to improve his insects to be able to win this fight for him. This is Shino at his best. He might not be able to analyze and plan on the spot like Shikamaru, but give him ample planning time, and there's not many that can beat him." She finished explaining with pride evident in her eyes, as everyone turned their attention back to the match.

   Naruto could feel his chakra getting drained, as the endless amount of insects flying around him were eating away at his chakra. He knew he had a massive amount of chakra even without Kurama's added to the mix. So the fact that he could already feel his chakra depleting was worrisome. Acting quick he went through the hand signs for a new jutsu he had learned. Futon: Kyōfūshōgekiha Naruto exclaimed as he created a giant shockwave of air that sent Shino and all of his bugs flying. 'To think your chakra control would come this far, hard to beleive you couldn't walk up a tree three years ago. Now here you are handling high level ninjutsu easier than you handle some pesky feline. You've grown tremendously over the last few years, and I'm glad that I got to be a part of that.'Kurama thought to himself as he watched the battle unfold from inside of Naruto.

   After he sent Shino flying he made a group of clones to go and attack Shino. But one by one as soon as they attacked him they dispersed into clouds of smoke and disappeared. Not believing what he was seeing Naruto repeated the process several more times, each time getting the same result. His clones would attack Shino then disappear. Naruto couldn't figure out why, even when he had his enhanced senses activated. Naruto once again summoned a group of clones to attack, but he lept in with then this time. Just like before all of his clones disappeared after hitting Shino once. But Naruto wasnt a clone so he was able to hit Shino a handful of times, but he felt as though he was getting weaker after each hit. Which allowed Shino to hit Naruto with a viscious uppercut, sending the Jinchuriki flying back. Not letting up for a second Shino summoned a huge group of his insects and had them attack Naruto as he called out Insect Bomb jutsu. Commanding the insects to swarm Naruto, who after a few seconds blew up. Leaving nothing but a small crater and a bunch of dead insects. Seconds Naruto could be heard exclaiming shuriken everywhere as a massive bombardment of shuriken made their way toward Shino. They didn't get very far however as Shino had his bugs shield him and deflect the shuriken. Shino would then look to find Naruto but not find him anywhere in sight, Shino would then send out a swarm of his bugs to patrol the area for him.

   Everyone else on the audience was just as shocked and confused as Shino was. "Didn't he just blow up?!" Asuma asked/exclaimed as he saw Naruto throw the barrage of shuriken. "Technically yes." Kakashi would answer before continuing. "You see it was a shadow clone of his that blew up. Naruto took advantage of all of the smoke the shadow clones left behind to his advantage. Whe. the smoke was covering the arena, he summoned several more shadow clones and had them hide at the edge of the arena's walls and out of sight. Naruto then substituted himself with a clone that he had put chakra into allowing it to sustain being hit. Shino then sent a swarm of clones at Naruto. The swarm was big enough and loud enough to drown out the noise of the clone setting off several paper bombs. The mass number of insects swarming around also made it hard to see the paper bombs burning." Kakshi finished up as Asuma stared at him in shock. "You mean that kid essentially kamikaze'd himself? Good lord what won't this kid do?" Asuma asked rhetorically as he let out a deep breath and slumped in his seat.

   Back down on the field, the answer to that question was answered. And the answer is that he won't stop surprising people. As he lept out from his hiding spot, and charged straight at Shino. That wasn't surprising, but Naruto forming a perfect Rasengan in his hand was surprising. But what was even more surprising than that was when he went to hit Shino with it, it had almost no effect as the chakra from the Rasengan seemed to disappear as soon as it made contact with Shino.

   "I've been planning for this fight the entire month." Shino said to Naruto as he grabbed his still outstretched arm. "Noone knows my weaknesses more than myself. So I had to make sure that my weaknesses were covered. But I also to prepare for anything that you might throw at me. I knew that you were better at taijutsu than me, I learned that at the academy. I also knew that being an Uzumaki ment that you would have an incredible amount of chakra. So I knew that you would look to utilize those two things against me. So I came up with a solution." As soon as Shino finished saying this, it looked as if his skin and clothes started falling off. But they really just turned out to be thousands of Shino's insects crawling around on his skin and clothes. "You see I bred these insects myself. I bred them specifically for my fight against you. I bred these particular insects to absorb chakra on contact. But I also spent several weeks breeding them to be able to camouflage themselves and blend into their surroundings. And lastly I bred them to have a harder exoskeleton than usual, so that they can avoid being squashed and crushed by even the most violent of blows." Shino continued as his bugs once again camouflaged themselves and his on his body, completely disappearing. "I created a self sustaining armor using my bugs. There camouflage ability requires a constant supply of my chakra. So I had to have be able to absorb chakra so that they can replenish themselves and avoid using all of my chakra. And thanks to all those shadow clones you sent at me, and that Rasengan. It's almost like I haven't used any chakra at all. My taijutsu might not be that great, but an armor of bugs that steals chakra on contact with increased armor more than evens the playing field for me. And it also even out the playing field in terms of our difference in chakra reserves. It doesnt matter how much chakra you have if it can get absorbed and used by your foe." Shino finished as he delivered a well placed haymaker to Naruto before kneeing him in the stomach before releasing his arm and doing a back kick to send the Jinchuriki flying.

   Naruto would hit the ground and bounce a couple of times before springing to life, fully ablaze in his nine tails cloak. 'Well then we'll just have to hit him with something his bugs cant absorb right Kurama.' Naruto said to his eternal companion. 'Careful Naruto, we still havent completely mastered this form yet, we don't want to overdue it and accidentally hurt him in the process.' Kurama responded. Naruto nodded in reply as he took off at lightning speed toward Shino.

   Up in the Kage booth Hiruzen and the Kazekage were both surprised by the show of strength from Naruto. "To think he would already master the nine tails power to this extent. It's one thing to hear about it, but it's something else entirely to see it for yourself. That power is almost terrifying, I can feel it up here." Hiruzen said aloud as he continued to watch in amazement at Nsruto's new strength. 'To think I nearly had all of that power under my control.' Orochimaru thought to himself underneath his Kazekage robes. As his right fist started to clench in silent rage. 'Oh well I can still crush this village without it.'he continued as he calmed himself down, before he also turned his attention back to the fight.

   Naruto was all over Shino constantly attacking him. But it didn't look like he was doing any damage. Naruto could see that Shino's insects were no longer absorbing his chakra when he touched them, it seemed as though he was correct in his assumption that the insects couldn't handle the bijuu chakra that they were absorbing. The first few handfuls that tried now lay unmoving on the ground. The new problem was that Shino wasn't kidding when he said that he bred his insects to have a strong exoskeleton capable of taking hits. They were capable of taking hits from his Nine Tails Cloak form, but on the positive side they were no longer cloaked against Shino's skin. Shino had decided to forego the camouflage as it was pointless right now, and had decided to use that chakra to strengthen his bugs instead.

   Naruto knew he had to strengthen his attacks, Shino's insects were starting to slowly crumble away from his body, but the process was excruciatingly slow. If it kept up like this he'd be here for another three hours. Naruto made his favorite hand sign and three shadow clones appeared also sporting their own Nine Tailed Cloaks. As the four Naruto's teamed up to attack Shino and chip away at his bug armor. As bit by bit the insects started to fall off at a more rapid rate.

   Shino could the numbers of his bug army rapidly dwindling. He knew he couldn't lose many more, or he'd be in serious trouble. Using the remaining insects in his body, Shino used them to create three spikes that he used to impale the three clones, luckily only sustaining minimal losses to his insects. Seeing this Naruto decided to disengage and leap back several feet. He then began to focus Kurama's chakra into his right fist. Seeing this Shino began to boister his defenses with the last of his bugs. If he could survive whatever this ace in the hole that Naruto was preparing to throw at him, then he had a good shot at winning this fight. 

  " Kyuubi's Wrath!!" Naruto exclaimed loudly as he charged at Shino with his fist pulled back ready for contact, at the same time Shino moved all of his bugs to the point which Naruto was going to strike giving him the most protection he could muster. When attack connected, Shino's insects held strong for a couple of seconds before the caved and gave way to the tremendous power behind the attack which ended up sending Shino flying flying backwards where he collided with the wall of the arena, and then collapsed at the bottom of it unconscious. The proctor called the match and declared Naruto the winner. Which he celebrated by whooping as loud as he could and jumping several feet in the air.

   The medical nin quickly made their way over to check on Shino, and determined that the worst of his injuries were a few broken ribs, and a bruised sternum which could be patched up on the spot. As the Medical Nin worked on Shino the pair of Kage up on their booth discussed back and forth the pros and cons that each combatant had displayed. Shino had displayed tremendous amounts of versatility with his insects, and he no doubt had the skill and intellect to be made Chunnin. The only detriment was that on a mission he wouldn't be given a month of prep time and would have to work on his on the fly strategizing. Naruto showed signs of being skilled in Taijutsu and ninjutsu. As well as some high battle intellect, as he was able to figure out a counter to am opponent that had figured out how to counter him. Naruto did have to resort to using the Kyuubi though, but it was argued that nine tailed fox was a weapon thglat was utilized quite well. The discussion ended with both names being up in the air in terms of promotion. As the two got ready for the next fight.

   Elsewhere in the village Fuu and Torune were headed toward their destination, when they were cut off by the mysterious Sharingan user. "Out of the way, we are in the middle of a super important mission and you are preventing us from completing it." Fuu said to the figure in an annoyed tone. "Oh how convenient, I'm in the middle of a mission as well, perhaps you guys can help me." The figure replied back in a cheerful tone that really irked Fuu who wasted no time in attacking the figure, who in the blink of an eye was in between the two as he delivered a knee to the sternum of Torune, and elbow to the side of Fuu's face. Sending the two flying as his cloak hit the ground along with the two root members. Torune looked up at the figure and couldn't believe his eyes. "How... what... I thought you were dead." He stammered out in shock. "Are you really.... Shisui of Teleportation?" Fuu also asked in disbelief. "The one and only Shisui confidently smirked, now tell me where is Danzo Shimura he has something of mine that I would like back." Shisui said as he retreaved his tanto from off of his back.


Futon: Kyōfūshōgekiha - Wind Style: Gale Shockwave. The user generates a gale of swirling air around their body that is sent exploding outward taking sending anything in its vicinity flying with it.

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