[Helluva Boss] The Shattered...

By TheBorgerMan

87.8K 1.4K 1.9K

You die and go to hell, and there you find yourself working at I.M.P Along the way you manage to become frien... More

City Of The Damned
Meeting the crew
A Place To Somewhat Call Home
Getting Along
Loona's Got Some News
When She Needs You Most
Having A Talk
We Did Again Boys
A "Quick" Mission
Some Much Needed R&R
Back To The Office
A Talk With Dad
A Tribute To Our Fallen Book
Loona's Confession
The New Couple Of I.M.P
Another Talk With Dad
Moving In
Self Worth
I.M.P vs New York City
Reversing Roles
The Grand Finale
Stay Tuned

Spending The Day With Loona

3.3K 54 78
By TheBorgerMan

Hurry another long chapter that, after just writing a long chapter, I'm starting to have another burnout.


Loona's pov

I was at a fancy-looking restaurant with Mike, and everything seemed to be going well until I noticed Mike wasn't saying anything anymore and also wasn't making eye contact with me anymore.

Loona: Is there something bothering you, Mike?


Loona: You can tell me if something's bothering you, Mike.

Mike: . . .

He sat there in silence and refused to speak. I don't understand what could be bothering him. I mean, it has been going pretty well, I thought.

Mike: Fine, you want to know that bad?

I took ahold of his paws and looked him right in the eyes.

Loona: Of course, Mike, whatever it is, I'll listen.

Mike: Alright, I'll tell you, you are the worst hound I know; you constantly treat your employer and adoptive father like shite. The guy who rescued you from living on the streets gave you a job and a place to live, and this is how you repay him. To add insult to injury, you treat your co-workers just as bad, if not worse, and you are such a damn sponge that for some reason making you do your job is such a fucking chore for them because you're too "busy," either being an edge lord or looking up random shit on your fucking cell phone of yours. But what bothers me is the fact that you think you're entitled to talk down to others and everyone else around you. I don't understand why you think you're so superior to others around you when you've never had to work for a damn thing in your fucking life, and don't think I didn't know you're only dating for my body. Do you even know anything about me other than the fact that I have big muscles? No, I didn't think so. Hell, I'm willing to bet you are completely blinded by my body and don't give a shit about anything else, not to mention that everyone tells you that you're allowed to get away with anything you want, and you want to know why that is. Well, it's pretty fucking simple. It's because everyone around you thinks you are some misunderstood tortured soul, or maybe they're just blinded by your body like you are by mine, or maybe both! But what pisses me off is how freaking easy you've had it this far. Unlike you, everyone else you work with has to work to pay for shit, while you just get shit handed to you. And I know what you're thinking. Oh, I can't be a shallow bimbo; I'm goth; I'm not like the other girls, and you know what? You're right; almost every other hellhound I've meant is chill and only fights when they need to, while you are angry all the time for no reason, or maybe it's your way of greeting people who do things for you. But you know what? None of it matters because, at the end of the day, all you are is a spoiled brat and nothing more. (Yes, I copied and pasted this from Heartache; it's a flashback, and I'm starting to feel burned out.)

Once Mike said all of that, everything around me faded away, Mike included. It was almost as if I were forever alone and destined to die alone. It wasn't until this point that I felt someone shaking me awake. All I heard during this time was "Hey Loona, wake up".

Y/N's pov

I was having an early morning beer just wanting to get shitfaced when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Loona sleeping on the couch, still asleep. I took another drink and looked back at Loona and noticed she was shaking in her sleep. I walked over and noticed she also looked rather cold and seemed to be in tears. I shook her awake as she slowly opened her eyes. Y/N? she asked with a sleepy groan while rubbing her teary eyes.

Y/N: Loona Finally, you're awake. what happened?

She had tears forming in her eyes when I asked this.

Y/N: Loona, what happened?

She almost cried all over again when I asked her this. Of course, noticing this, I opened my arms, offering a hug, which she took right away.

Loona: *Crying*

Y/N: It's alright, Loona; everything is going to be okay.

I continued to hug and rub her back, trying my best to calm her down, and after some comforting, she finally calmed down.

Y/N: Do you feel better?

Loona: Yeah, a little anyway.

Y/N: You want to tell me what happened?

Loona: I had a nightmare about Mike.

Y/N: Was it about your date?

Loona: "Yeah, it was.

Y/N: What happened?

Loona: Same thing as last time.

Y/N: Why not tell me what he said to you?

Loona: Because it's rather long.

Y/N: Realy?

Loona: Y-yeah.

Y/N: How about I make you some breakfast?

Loona: I'd like that.

Y/N: What do you feel like?

Loona: Can I have some strawberry pancakes, please?

I was not expecting her to want pancakes of all things; I've known Loona for over a year and never once pictured her as a pancake person.

Loona: Um, are you good?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine; I just never thought you would want pancakes of all things.

Loona: I love pancakes.

Y/N: Really?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: Wow, I was not expecting you to like pancakes.

Loona: Can you make them fluffy?

Loona was the last person in hell I thought I'd hear that from.

Y/N: You know, for someone with a goth appearance, you're awfully soft.

Loona: "Shut up.

Y/N: Aww, is Loony embarrassed that I know her secret?

Loona: Shut the fuck-up asshole.

She must have realised what she said since she started apologising right after she said that.

Loona: Sorry, I didn't mean that I'm just really hungry, and when I'm hungry, I can't think straight.

Y/N: It's alright, Loona; just lay there and relax while I make you your fluffy pancakes.

Loona: I like fluffy pancakes, so sue me.

Y/N: I'm just poking some fun at you, Loona. Just relax.

Loona: Fine.

I walked into the kitchen to go make Loona's pancakes. But Blitz wanted us back at the office today, and we were already late thanks to Loona sleeping in. Since Loona just woke up from a nightmare about Mike, I should stay with her today. So I called Blitz and asked him if we could have another day; after all, after a little bit of ringing, he picked up the phone.

Blitzø: Hello.

Y/N: Hey Blitz, it's Y/N.

Blitzø: Oh, hey, Y/N, are you guys going to be coming in soon?

Y/N: About that, Loona had a nightmare about Mike.

Blitzø: So you might need another day," is what you're saying.

Y/N: Yeah.

Blitzø: Fine, but I want you both back at the office tomorrow.

Y/N: Yeah, we'll be in tomorrow.

Blitzø: Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then.

Y/N: See you tomorrow, Blitz.

I hung up and started to make Loona her pancakes.

Loona's pov

I looked around the room, trying to get Mike out of my mind, and while looking around, I noticed a few beer bottles on the table in the kitchen. I checked my phone, thinking it was maybe noon, but it was around 9:30 am. Not even I drink that early. Is Y or N still having problems with depression?

Loona: Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: Your pancakes will be ready in like 3 minutes.

Loona: Not about the pancakes.

Y/N: Then about what?

Loona: Those beer bottles on the table over there

Y/N: What about them?

Loona: It's 9:30 right now. That's early to be drinking, even for me.

Y/N: I just felt like getting a little shitfaced.

Loona: That doesn't seem like you. What time did you start drinking?

Y/N: Around 9:00.

I sat there confused for a while. He's the one who's had struggles with depression, and yet he's helping me. I've got to find a way to repay him. He came over with my pancakes and set them down in front of me.

Y/N: Here you go.

Loona: Thanks.

Y/N: Not much of a chief, so they may not be perfect.

I took a bite and felt my taste buds go apeshit. These had to be the greatest pancakes I've ever tasted. Even his self-esteem is still struggling. I don't get it; he's got to be the greatest person in hell, and yet he thinks he's worthless. Millie and I have even gotten him to talk down to himself a couple of times. As for Blitz and Moxxie, they seem to not pay all that much attention to how he's feeling.

Loona: These pancakes are amazing!

Y/N: They are?

Loona: Yeah! You're just letting your poor self-esteem talk for you again.

I don't have poor self-esteem.

Loona: Yes, you do.

Y/N: Do I

Loona: You talk down on yourself way too much.

But I was joking.

Loona: Oh, don't bullshit me.

Y/N: I'm not "bullshitting" you.

Loona: Once I'm feeling better, me and Millie are going to talk to you about your self-esteem and self-worth.

Y/N: No.

Loona: Yes.

Y/N: Just eat your pancakes.

I took a bite from my pancakes while giving him a smug look, knowing he was going to give in.

*Time skip* Still Loona's pov

It was around noon now, and I was feeling hungry again, as was Y/N.

Y/N: You're hungry too, I'm guessing?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: Well, I can whip us up something; what did you have in mind?

I thought we could go out for lunch instead of cooking something for once.

Loona: How about we head over to Sinners Burgers instead? I heard they give hellhounds the same deals we do out of pure fear. Despite your being the first sinner to be a hellhound,

Y/N: I get it; I'm not a normal hellhound.

I forgot Y/N doesn't like to talk about the accident that turned him from imp to hellhound. You see, a good while ago, Blitz and the others were trying to open a portal to the living world. Blitz wanted to try to do it for once but ended up reading the wrong spell. What he instead did was hit Y/N with some sort of magical particle, which ended up turning him from an imp to a hellhound. He even gained all the abilities that hellhounds have, including his human disguise. We all thought it was pretty cool since we had no idea the grimoire could even do that. Y/N, on the other hand, saw it as some sort of freak accident, probably because it caused him so much pain for his body to just change out of nowhere like that.

Y/N: So you want to head over to the Hellish Pit now?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: Alright, let's go.

I then thought I should check his wound.

Loona: Hey, before we go, can I get a look at your wound?

Y/N: Oh, sure.

I lifted his shirt and unwrapped his bandages, only to see that his wound was already almost healed. I could barely see it at this point.

Loona: It's already almost healed.

Y/N: It is.

Loona: Yeah, they only did this to you four days ago.

Y/N: Yeah.

Loona: Hellhounds heal fast, but we don't heal wounds that big that fast. That should have taken at least two weeks.

Y/N: I don't get it either, Loona.

Loona: I'm going to look into this; it's rather odd for a sinner to heal that fast.

Y/N: I know it's going to take some time, but I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Loona: Let's hope.

Moxxie's pov

I entered Blitz's office to talk to him about Y/N and Loona.

Moxxie: Hey, sir, can I talk to you for a second?

Blitzø: Sure, Mox, come on in.

I sat down and began to ask him about the whereabouts of Y/N and Loona.

Moxxie: I thought Loona and Y/N were supposed to come in today.

Blitzø: Oh, for fuck sake, Mox.

Moxxie: What?

Blitzø: Look, Mox, you got me at a bad time, okay? Loona had a rough night on Friday, and Y/N is currently taking care of her.

Moxxie: But Loona is an adult, and she can take care of herself, right? Or does Y/N have to baby her so she doesn't get cranky?

Blitzø: You know what Mox

Moxxie: What?


Moxxie: Name the one time I've done that.

Blitzø: Gladly. You remember that target we had to take out in Los Angeles, right?

Moxxie: Yes, I do remember that.

Blitzø: Loona gave us the correct information, while YOU fucked up the shot, forcing Millie to have to go in for the kill. We got back to the office, and you blamed Loona for it.

Moxxie: Oh, right.

Blitzø: I'm not done, Mox.

Moxxie: Your not?

Blitzø: You remember that kid we had to kill?

Moxxie: Yeah, we did kill him.

Blitzø: That's not the point, Mox; the point is that even though Loona did her fucking job, you still blamed it on her, and then there was the time in Los Vegas where we had to kill that waitress for poisoning our client's drink; they literally picked you up from the horns and simply tossed you to the side. So then I had to come up from behind and stab them in the back. We got back to the office, and you lost your sh*t on Loona, and you want to know something else, Mox?

Moxxie: What, sir?

Blitzø: Loona bullies you more, so you know how annoying it is when you do it to her.

Moxxie: She does.

Blitzø: Yeah, she bullies you because you don't stop trying to boss her around. So next time you fuck up, don't blame it on my little loony, you understand?

Moxxie: "Yeah, sir.

I left without saying anything else. Millie, who must have heard everything, came from the break room and saw me coming out of Blitz's office.

Millie: What happened in there, Mox?

Moxxie: I don't want to talk about it right now, honey.

Millie: Did you find out what happened to Loona?

Moxxie: All Blitz told me was "she had a rough night on Friday".

Millie: Why don't you just call her?

Moxxie: Good idea.

Millie spoke up before I could pull out my phone.

Millie: Maybe I should do it, Mox.

Moxxie: Good idea, honey.

Millie pulled out her phone. went to her contacts and called Loona's cell.

Loona's pov

Y/N and I were on our way to the hellish pit when I heard my phone start to ring, so after a long sigh, I picked up the phone.

Loona: What do you want?

Millie: I just wanted to check up on you, that's all.

Loona: I'm fine, so talk to you later.

Before I could hang up, I heard Millie speak again.

Millie:Wait, don't hang up on me just yet.

Loona: Why?

Millie: Moxxie and I wanted to know why you haven't been to work recently.

Loona: Why do you care?

Millie: We're just curious, that's all.

I heard Moxxie over the phone.

Moxxie:Aww, it's someone's job to hear for them.

Millie: Moxxie, stop it.

Loona: You're lucky your wife is there for you, your little shit.

Millie: Sorry about him, Loona; you can go ahead and tell us.

Loona: Well, Mike My now ex-boyfriend only dated me for the sake of a dare; he's been with me for weeks before that point in time; he's helped with social anxiety, cuddled me, made time for me, and even went out of his way to make sure I was feeling okay. He played with my emotions and shattered my heart while I was eating dinner with him at the roundhouse.

Both Millie and Moxxie were completely silent after I said this; they remained silent for a few more seconds before they broke the silence.

Millie: I'm so sorry, Loona; no one should have to deal with that kind of thing.

Moxxie: You and I may not get along, but no one deserves that, not even you.

Loona: Thanks, I think.

Millie: Enjoy your day off, Loona; I'll see you tomorrow.

Loona: I'll see you guys tomorrow, I guess.

I hung up and caught up with Y/N, who seemed to be staring into the distance.

Loona: What are you staring at?

He just stood there, seemingly lost in space.

Loona: Hey hell to Y/N.

Y/N: Huh? Oh hey, Loona, are you done talking on the phone?

Loona: Yeah, it was just M&M.

Y/N: Oh, cool.

Loona: So what were you staring at?

Y/N: Is that Mike over in the distance over there?

I could feel my heart skip a few beats. The very person who started all of this pain and suffering was right in front of me.

Loona: "Yeah, that's him.

Y/N: Want to see something cool?

Loona: S-sure.

Y/N pulled out his 9mm revolver, aimed, pulled the trigger, and hit him square in the brain. Blood flew all over the sidewalk and whoever he was standing next to.

Loona: Nice shot.

Y/N: Thanks.

I can't describe how good I felt knowing that Mike was dead and that little shitstain is going to rot in double hell all thanks to my best friend. But then it hit me: I've started to develop feelings for him for a good while now. I know he prefers to fly solo, but maybe so. I guess I'm going to have to respect that. Y/N opened the door to the restaurant, with me going in first and him following close behind. We sat down at a table and looked at the menu.

Loona: So what should we order?

Y/N: I'm thinking I'll go for the more triple sinner's stake.

Mayo, bacon, three beef patties, lettuce, and cheese

Loona: I'll go for the Hellhound Delight.

2 beef patties, BBQ sauce, cheese, and lettuce

Our food arrived shortly after, and it was pretty good.

*Time skip 7 hours* 

Y/N and I were getting ready for bed, and I was feeling much better than I had the past few days, but I didn't sleep all that well last night. So I walked up to him while playing with my fingers in a nervous manner.

Loona: Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: Sure, go for it.

Loona: So since I didn't sleep all that well last night, could we maybe cuddle a little bit?

I don't see why not.

He got under the covers while I got behind him and wrapped my arms around his upper torso.

Y/N: Comfy?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: Well, we've got work tomorrow, so let's get some sleep.

Loona: I like the sound of that.

Y/N slowly drifted to sleep with me not far behind him; we both fell asleep shortly after, with me feeling better all thanks to the greatest friend in all of hell.

I'm burned out and tired, and I'm sure that'll show near the end of the chapter, so enjoy it because I didn't enjoy writing this chapter for you.

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