[Helluva Boss] The Shattered...

By TheBorgerMan

95.4K 1.5K 2.2K

You die and go to hell, and there you find yourself working at I.M.P Along the way you manage to become frien... More

Meeting the crew
A Place To Somewhat Call Home
Getting Along
Loona's Got Some News
When She Needs You Most
Having A Talk
We Did Again Boys
A "Quick" Mission
Some Much Needed R&R
Spending The Day With Loona
Back To The Office
A Talk With Dad
A Tribute To Our Fallen Book
Loona's Confession
The New Couple Of I.M.P
Another Talk With Dad
Moving In
Self Worth
I.M.P vs New York City
Reversing Roles
The Grand Finale
Stay Tuned

City Of The Damned

9.4K 121 38
By TheBorgerMan

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SUICIDE. This chapter was suggested by the user tanerindream-2.

3rd person POV.

You woke up alone in your small shitty cold apartment, it was cold really cold, maybe even more so the usual, and just like every night. Not to mention, your bed was small as shit, and no matter what you did, you could never get comfortable. You looked over at your clock and realized it was only 2 in the morning, and yet your neighbors are screaming at each other over nothing, no, I'm being serious there, screaming at each other for the hell of it.

Y/N: Ugh fuck me, guess I'm not getting sleep tonight...

You could hear the couple slowly making out and then having angry sex for some reason, which led to them kicking your walls and knocking over any pictures you had hung up. A knock was heard at your door followed by an envelope sliding under your door.

Y/N: An eviction notice, you know what fuck this, I can't fucking take another second of this godforsaken place.

Hours go by as you manage to slowly set up your suicide, not to mention you had to convene yourself that this time you were really going to do it. But this was something you've been thinking about for a while now, and you always tell yourself things will get better but they never did. So this time you were going to do it for real, you don't have anything left here for anyone, you don't talk with friends anymore, your girlfriend left you not that long ago and now you have nothing left. Everything went to shit after you graduated, it seemed rather pathetic, but I suppose this is better than being depressed and homeless right? Your family won't miss you either since they're dead, while yes your mom was the best anyone could ever ask for, but sadly her life was cut short after a drunk driver ran her over, and as for your dad he was shot when you were little, and you've never met your aunt or uncle nor did you know if you had any sibling cousins or any family member out there. You were by yourself your whole life. You sat there setting up your own demise, trying to figure where it all went wrong, and the fact you made it past high school and managed to pay for this shit hole living from paycheck to paycheck job to job for that long amazed you, only for it to go to shit after that. You never got that miracle you wanted, you've been suffering for a long time and this was it.

Y/N: So this is it then, I'm really doing this for real this time.

As you prepared to hang yourself you looked around the room and saw all the memories. You hoped to at least have one good memory before you killed yourself. You looked around the room and while yes some memories came back none of which were good, the only good memories you had in here were playing on your gaming console over in the corner but other than that there was nothing else. This is it, you're finally going to do it, you kicked the chair you were standing on while gravity did its thing, letting the rope wrap around your throat and killing yourself shortly after. It was dark, very dark, you could hear your own thoughts, it was so quiet, not to mention it was cold wherever you were, the silence was short-lived however as a couple of voices could be hard.

???: Sir if you don't mind me asking how come we came so far out to hide the bodies? it's hell we could have just thrown them out on the streets.

???: As much as I'd hate to admit it, he's got a point: there really was no point in coming all the way out here.

???: Oh come on you guys it's not that far out.

???: Uh Sir you are aware we drove over 3 hours out here to hide one body correct?

???: Well no one going to find it out here?

???: Well I guess he has a point there honey.

???: Can we just get out of her, please? I'm barely getting any reception out here.

???: Why are you always on your phone? I am in the middle of a job here.

???: How about you mind your own fucking business, you fat fuck.

???: He is not fat you BITCH.

???: Do not talk to my little girl like that she's sensitive.

???: YES I AM!

???: Can we get back to the office, please?

???: Whatever.

???: Alright alright back in the van gang.

You could hear a van driving away as you lay there without any of them noticing you there. One of their voices got your attention, whatever one of them said they were sensitive, they sounded like a complete bitch, as for the rest one had a country accent, one seems to like to complain and whine, while the other seems kind of goofy. Man, this place kind of smells like shit, does it not. You finally managed to open your eyes no longer recognizing your surroundings, from the looks of things it was a city of some sort, a city that was dimmed red for whatever reason, you asked around and eventually you figured out that you where dammed for killing yourself, and giving your life, you thought that was complete bullshit. After looking around for a little bit you came across a sign.


I found a flyer that read assassin wanted, I may not have that much experience but I'm going to need to make a living somehow might as well try to find them.

3rd person POV.

You've been walking around for what felt like hours and thankfully you eventually found the building where I.M.P. was located, and you went inside hoping they would be willing to give you a job. You walked into the building and noticed there was no one here. They were closed.

???: Hey, what the fuck are you doing here?

You turned around and noticed a female werewolf walking towards you.

Y/N: I was hoping to get a job here.

???: Well where closed for knowing you fucking moron, here take this.

She handed you a piece of paper with a number on it.

???: Call this number tomorrow morning and I'll get you an interview.

Y/N: Thanks.

???: Whatever now, get the fuck out of the way.

She pushed you out of the way and walked towards the elevator pushing the down button then proceeded to flip you off on her way down.

Y/N: Jeez, what a bitch.

For everyone reading this, I do not support suicide. If you are feeling suicidal, please, go seek help, if you don't, you're just going to end up hurting a loved one. It's never too late to get help.

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