My bio #2 (Discord rp server)

By Spider_Inferno

240 25 1

So guys nothing has changed. I will update as much as possible in the book so stay tuned in that. You are wel... More

Family and friends
Transformations part 1

About me

115 7 1
By Spider_Inferno

First name: Mai

Last name: Chikara

Full name: Mai Chikara//Chikara Mai

Full name in kanji: マイ チカラ // チカラ マイ

Initials: M.C// C.M


Little Mai

• Mai-chan

• Mai-san

• Chikara-sama

• Imōto

• Saiyan-san

• Demon-san

• Ghoul-san

Age: 23 on Earth

Actual age: 200+

Height: 5'3ft (160 cm)

Weight: 48kg (106 lbs)

D.O.B: 12 June

Zodiac sign: Gemini


Prodigy of the Saiyan Race

• Prodigy of the Demon Race

• Prodigy of the Ghoul Race

• Host of Raven

• Host of Bertha

• Host of Lila

• Frost manipulator

• Black Reaper


33, 3333% Saiyan

• 33, 3333% Demon

• 33, 3333% Ghoul

Personality: Happy, Fun, Kind hearted, Nice, Crazy when comfortable, Weird, Quiet, Funny, Sarcastic, Reckless, Curious, Lazy and Dorky

Extra details: Has a Saiyan tail hidden from the public and lets it loose to trusted people. Has a left eyebrow and nose piercing. Has tattoos.

Casual clothes:

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Martial status: Taken

Hair colour: White with crimson streaks (changes with transformation)

Eye colour: Grey/ Turquoise (changes with transformation)

Voice claim: Fuyami Todoroki - Kate Oxley

Biggest fears:

• Friends and family hurt

• Drowning in big body of water

• Being a disappointment

Favourite colours: Red and Black

Favourite person: Her older brother Takeo

Favourite shows: American Dad


The Big Bang Theory:


Favourite movies: Harry Potter

Pirates of the Caribbean: .

Lord of the Rings:


Favourite songs: Sounds of Someday by Jensen Ackles

Coast by Hailee Steinfeld ft Anderson Paak:

Eye of the tiger by Survivor:


Ki colour: Pink

Aura colour: Yellow


Training and sparring with her family and friends

• Playing video games

• Reading comic books and mangas

• Cooking and baking

• Singing and dancing

• Making weapons

• Music

• Pranks

• Having adventures with friends and family

• Coffee

• Tea but with enough flavour

• Spending time with Takeo

• Animals of any kind

• Being lazy and eating

• Watching Big bang theory with Takeo

• Riding her motorcycle and skateboard


• Seeing family and friends hurt in any kind of way

• Having privacy invaded that aren't friends and family

• Animals hurt or abused

• Bullies and evil people

• Doing house chores

• Sexiest comments

• Losing loved ones

• Anything girly


• Gaming

• Writing songs in her notebook

• Playing guitar, drums and piano

• Designing weapons

• Training and sparring

• Reading manga and comic books

• Singing and dancing

• Skateboarding

• Building and fixing stuff

Quotes and catchphrases:

"Such a poser"

"That was disgusting"

"The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details "

"Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death."

"Being a hero isn't just saving people or have super powers. It's about doing the right thing no matter what."

"No matter how nice you are, there is people that hate you"

"That's boooooring. It needs more action!"

"Did someone say adventure?!"

"Man. I can't even eat pancakes!"


• Waitress

• Chef

• Bartender

• Musician

• Part time gamer

• Song writer

• Protector of Earth

Battle/Training outfit:

Ghoul appearance:

Info: She still has her crimson streaks on her hair and hair changes black.

Physical Abilities:

• Superhuman Speed

• Superhuman Strength

• Superhuman Reflexes

• Superhuman Durability

• Superhuman Dexterity

• Superhuman Senses

• Superhuman Agility

• Limitless Stamina

• Energy manipulation and Projection

• Master Acrobat

• Indomitable Will


• Amazing singing voice

• Multilingualism

• Instruments mastery

• Dancing skills

• Rapping skills

• Master hand to hand combat

• Weapon mastery

• Cooking skills

• Creativity

• Mechanical engineering

• Gaming knowledge

• Song writing

• DJing and producing music

• Extremely calm and patient

• Investigation

• Skateboarding

• Motorcycle riding

Quirk: Frost

Info: Gives the user the capability of manipulating and producing ice around their body. Allows to form beautiful ice crystals from her body.

Frost techniques:

Frosty trail: Mai freezes her path with frost, causing people to slip on who ever runs on it.

Frosty meadow: Mai puts her hands in any body of water and activates her quirk forming frost flowers on the surface and turning the water very cold.

Cold coffin: Mai covers her opponents in frost, making their bodies in the cold instantly.

Frozen wonderland: By completely covering her opponent in frost, surfaces become slippery and the air much colder. Creating the perfect environment with difficulties in close range fighting for her opponents.

Demon Physiology: Unlike humans, Demons have more than one heart. The number of hearts varies, although upper-level demons like Mai have seven hearts. The removal or destruction of a single heart does not incur death, although it is painful. Destroying all their hearts, regardless of their strength, will kill them. Demons are also capable of living for thousands of years.

Ghoul Physiology: A Ghoul can only feed on Humans and other Ghouls. If Ghouls attempt to eat normal food, they will be struck by a powerful urge to vomit. When forced or forcing themselves to digest such food, their physical condition will deteriorate. While Ghouls cannot eat normal food, they are, however, able to drink coffee [{and eat the beans}], as well as regular drinking water. Ghouls do not need to eat regularly like humans do. They can survive for one or two months on just one body, however, some Ghouls eat merely for pleasure. When a Ghoul enters an extreme state of hunger, they will suffer very painful headaches and their mental ability will be impaired, causing them to become driven by instinct alone.

They will feed on any available source of Human meat to end this state, even that of close friends. This state of near-starvation is described as: "hell for any ghoul." Ghouls have a high physical capability and are four to seven times stronger than the average Human. They are also capable of jumping to heights not achievable by a regular Human. Their agility and balance are similarly great. Their bodies are extremely resistant to minor injury, however higher kinetic forces, such as a fall from a great height, can and will harm them.. Ghoul senses are much keener than those of Humans. They can smell people or meat from afar and tell Humans and Ghouls apart by their scent. They also have a heightened sense of hearing that even allows some Ghouls to discern individual footsteps far away. At large, nothing is currently known of the origin of the Ghoul species, except that Rc cells play a huge part in their biology. Ghouls have an Rc factor ten times higher than that of a Human. If the average healthy Human has about 200-500 Rc level, then the Ghoul have about 1000-8000 Rc level. They possess an organ known as the Kakuhou, from which Rc cells harden and break through the skin to form the Kagune. The Kagune are a hard, muscle-like protrusion described as their claws. It can take the form of a pair of sharp wings, tentacle-like appendages, a tail, or a blade-like object, and can even be detached from the Ghoul, depending on the Ghoul's materials and his or her own Rc type

It is possible for a Ghoul to develop another, typically armor-like Kagune as part of the mutation caused by excessive cannibalism. Ghouls also have an identifying feature known as a Kakugan, an affliction manifesting in the eyes as red irises surrounded by a black sclera. A Ghoul's Kakugan can appear either by their own will, due to hunger, or when using their Kagune. Ghouls have a strong regenerative ability, small wounds and fractures healing in a matter of seconds. Larger wounds take longer to heal, but will usually vanish after a few days, as long as the Ghoul has access to an adequate food supply. Ghouls have been shown to regain their strength and heal wounds almost immediately after consuming a small amount of flesh, suggesting that they can quickly metabolize their food to boost their regeneration. This regenerative ability varies among individuals, with some Ghouls exhibiting the ability to reattach severed body parts or regrow detached limbs. In extreme cases of regenerative ability, some powerful Ghouls can even heal severe brain injuries, reattach their severed head or upper body, and regrow large sections of their bodies. Ghouls prefer to consume human flesh, but it is not uncommon for them to cannibalize one another. Ghoul tissue is considered coarse and disgusting, but it has the merits of providing an alternative food source. Furthermore, cannibalism increases a ghoul's Rc levels to the point of mutation, increasing their Kagune's overall power. Occasionally, cannibalistic ghouls gain through this mutation an armor-like Kagune alongside the predatory Kagune that Ghouls commonly possess, turning them into Kakujas. In extremely rare cases, a Ghoul whose parents possess different Rc types will inherit both from their parents.

This results in a Ghoul that possesses a Kakuhou in more than one location and is able to use two different types of Kagune, a Chimera Kagune. Though powerful and durable predators, Ghouls are still far from immortal. Despite their superior physical status, Ghouls age at the same rate as Humans. All Ghouls, though resistant to damage from man-made objects, are vulnerable to damage or modifications made to their mucous membranes, such as nostrils, eyes, ears, and lips. Generally, a Ghoul will die if it suffers massive trauma that proves fatal before it's innate healing ability can stabilize it's condition. The most damage that can be inflicted to a Ghoul usually comes from other Ghouls, as they have the physical strength and the use of their Kagune that can deal heavy damage to a Ghoul. However, they are also vulnerable to Quinques and Q bullets, which can injure a Ghoul effectively due to the nature of such weapons as products of a harvested Kagune. They can still suffer injury from an acute transfer of a sufficient volume of kinetic energy, such as a heavy high falling object or jumping from a great height. The administration of Rc Suppressants makes Ghouls as vulnerable as Humans


Info: A kakugan denotes a ghoul's eye where the iris turns red, and the sclera black with red veins across the eye and into the skin around the eye. The ghoul can enter this state by their own will, but this state is also entered when the ghoul becomes excited, gets extremely hungry, or when they use their kagune. A kakugan is an influence of activated Rc cells.


Info: It's released below the shoulder blade. Due to high density of Rc cells, it is heavy and extremely robust, gives the greatest sturdiness and gives the best defence. They are usually shaped into armour or shields, but on offence they can be melee weapons such as drills, hammers, blades and swords.

Vehicles: Motorcycle

Info: This was given as a gift to Mai by her brother Takeo, it is her favourite mode of transport and usually rides around with it to enjoy the fresh air and just forget everything.


Info: This is Mai's custom skateboard she usually rides it to work or going anywhere from a short distance.

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