CreepyPasta Oneshots (OC's)

By ashantaevili1

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Before anyone reads on, this book includes my CreepyPasta original characters! Which means that the following... More

Lil' Fairy (Silvinia)
Comfort (Anthony & Regan)
Stay (Emmallia)
Confessions (Hollabelle)
Patience and Cuddles (Ray and Jess)
Never Changes (Evereon)
All Mine (Blairatha)
My Little Bunny (Aqua x Kenneth)
Darling (Charchel)
Healing For The Better (Jeremy & Callie)
Living Out a Fantasy (Penley)
Master (Amelyatt)
I Love You (Clyde and Zoey)
You're All I Want (BrookHaidean)
Him (Marthony)
That's A Promise (Jarlett)
Temptation - Julian Harred x Junie Katz (SMUT)

Just Some Us Time (Max x Genie)

39 2 1
By ashantaevili1

(Okie dokie, so I'm well aware that it's been a while since I've written anything creepypasta OC related and the very last time I posted anything to this book was literally May of last year and I guess I wanna kick the start of the year off with this particular chapter. I'm also aware that it's been a while since I've actually been active on Wattpad but that's because life's catched up to me and I'm barely having any motivation to continue posting chapters, but I've been discussing storyline plots for one-shots with my girlfriend and she and I just sort of helped each other build the plot for this one and I've literally written nothing Matthew x Genevieve/Max x Genie related and I wanted to make up for that with this and to also let this make up for all the lost time I had to still write for this book.

 Also I almost somehow forgot to mention that this chapter will include smut, which means sexual content ahead. So if you're a sensitive or younger reader, please do not read this since I don't wanna get reported for this. But anyway, the characters in this belong to me and my girlfriend, D-DOLL-DEMON, who's also on Wattpad and if you haven't followed her yet, I seriously recommend doing so. But the characters are Max Clifton (my character) and Genevieve/Genie Marcus Diane. Once again, sexual content lies ahead, so if you're not into that type of thing, turn back while you still can. This is your last warning xD. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!)


"Alright, this is just bullshit. May I leave now?" Cassian asked, his face a mixture of annoyance and genuine fear as he stared Charlie dead in the eyes. However, the blonde viking knew that the only reason why Cassian appeared to be so nervous was because a man, none other than Max Clifton was standing not too far by. Charlie rolled his eyes and sighed. "Okay, alright. You may go now, Cassian." He murmured and the young Nazi wasted no time in getting the hell out of there, basically getting as much distance as he could between him and Max, Max's glowing pale-green eyes watching the preteen as he left. Charlie turned to the taller silent teenager. "Okay alright, if that's what you want, then I'm perfectly content with you and Genevieve leaving for a week. I mean.. I don't believe Cassian's too happy with you being here, Max, I-" Charlie's face fell for a brief moment as he nervously held his small child hands out in front of him. "N-No offense." A simple blink from Matthew was all he got in return. Charlie swallowed, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he tried looking for the right words, since obviously, he didn't wanna say anything that could trigger the aforementioned mute man. "W-Well, um.. What I was saying is that you and Genie could clearly use a break for a break and I wouldn't mind it at all. I mean, I've noticed that you and the poor dear have needed a break for a while now, and.. I respect that, Max. So go ahead, take her out and spend some time with her. I mean... I guess without you here, it would mean that's one less extra mouth I'd have to feed, including your little parasite friend." Charlie said, though that last part was muttered more than anything else. But.. all the same, nothing appeared to spite the long-haired man and he stood there, still as a statue and his face frozen with emotionlessness, as it normally always was. "But anyway, like I've said, go ahead and take the girl out and spend a good time with her. Do as much as you two can do together." Charlie said and a smile stretched across his freckled face as he watched Max slowly nod in reply. "You know, just take Genie out to one of those vacancy cabins for the week and do..whatever. 

But be sure to stay vigilant and everything, since these woods are unpredictable and people are known to roam around the further parts of the forest. But.. to be honest, I don't think you're the right person for me to be telling you this. As far as I'm sure, you and Genie will be just fine." Max nodded again, facial expression still unchanging and Charlie smiled all the same. The two were gonna be fine and as long as they promised to remain safe, then the viking was 110% sure that things were gonna be alright.

Time passed and soon enough, Max and Genie were already on their way to head out to one of the vacancy cabins that Max remembered Charlie telling him about. From what he was told, apparently the vacancy cabins were cabins that the Pastas were allowed to go to whenever they needed - desperately needed - a break and in that case, Max and Genie both needed one real bad. Things had been getting hard for the couple, Genie had been getting more and more picked on and Max just seemed to agitate more people by standing at their bedsides and watching them sleep. I mean, it was already a pretty creepy habit but more people like Enrique and Cassian for example, just seemed to loathe the sight of Max alone. It didn't help when Charlie had to get the young boy to actually read Max's thoughts and tell Charlie himself through mind-talk, when he especially really didn't want to. But regardless, the viking dad figured that the two could use a bit of a break, or more so, a vacation of some sort. So when Max and Genie finally arrived at the cabin, Genie timidly pecked Max's cold and clammy cheek with a sweet little kiss, automatically making the man's eyes grow wide and his cheeks come to life with color. "Yay, we're here finally." The brown-haired girl murmured in her usual quiet voice. It wasn't like she couldn't raise her voice that much anyways, considering the loose stitching done on her lips, but still, whenever Genie could, her voice was easy to decipher from just how gentle it usually was and needless to say, Max admired the sound of it. 

As always, a nod was the only response Genevieve got and the girl really couldn't care less about that. He was quiet and she was quiet, which was perfect for the two of them. After all, what more could she possibly want? Everything just seemed to be just so much better with Max. It just felt like...ever since the two met and started loving each other, the time they spent together was when Genie was always at her happiest. She wasn't sure what it was about the mute male that she loved and adored so much, but that only made her love him so much more. The fact that she couldn't quite put her finger on it and just pin down the reason she loved him so much, just made their love that more thrilling to her. And the fact that she and Max were actually going someplace else to spend some time together just made her so much happier. Genie opened the door and helped Max carry their stuff inside. As per usual, the wood looked worn-down and old and the whole place smelt like dust and mildew, though the smell definitely came more from the window cills and whatnot. "Huh, this doesn't look too bad, huh, Max?" Genie asked, smiling back at him as he trudged inside the cabin. Max blinked once more, then shared a smile back and nodded. 

Between the two of them, they both knew that Genie tended to talk a lot more and without restraint around Max and that was purely because she was comfortable around Max. Certain people struggled to see how she came around to see Max as a genuinely comforting person, but.. The girl in the bright sweater honestly didn't care what others thought about them as long as she had her boy, then that was all she could care about in the end. She came over and cuddled her lover close, blush lightly decorating her adorable scarred cheeks. "I love you, Max. I-I love that you were w-willing to do this for me.. I didn't think you would t-to be honest," Genie murmured, her cheek pressed against Matthew's stiff chest, her violet eye glancing up to meet his charmingly blank face as he towered over her. "I-I'm sorry if it sounded m-mean, but it's true, t-to say the least. I guess I just didn't think you'd care enough to take me somewhere w-where we can be us and n-not have anyone judge us, M-Maxie." She didn't get the chance to say more, since she was startled yet surprised to feel the cold thumb of her partner gently run itself across her face. His touch made her shiver, but... certainly not in a bad way. It was a foreign type, like the sensation of him touching her always sended chills running through her body. 

That was how Genie felt as Max's lips curved into a gentle grin. Max may not have been able to speak, but... his expression tended to say all the things he couldn't say out loud and Genie somehow always knew what was on his mind. And this time, his eyes practically said "It's alright, love. There's no need for any of that anymore, I'm here now." Genie lost herself in those eyes of his and she had to retract her gaze from his, in order to fully think again. She smiled. "Thanks Max, I-I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for you or where I-I'd even be if it weren't for you." Max's eyes widened for a split second or at least.. that's what Genie thought she saw and she honestly found herself not being too surprised at this. Max of course didn't wanna imagine his life without her. He wasn't the best at showing it, but.. that didn't mean anything. That didn't mean he didn't care about her, of course not, he just... really didn't like the idea of being on his own and well off without his girl. Despite not being too sure whether or not her sight was playing tricks on her, the brunette made sure to cling to him, as a way of comfort. "D-Don't worry, Maxie.. I'd never leave you, I promise..." She said as she blushed hard against his coat. "You're all I have and a-all I'd ever want... You're the only reason I-I'm still here and i-if anything, you're the one thing I look forward to, t-the most.." Max smiled a bit wider upon hearing this and the sweet silence that always remained between them was all they heard as he leaned over and gave her forehead a little kiss of his own. 

To say that Genie blushed would honestly be an understatement. The two unpacked the rest of their things together and got out the extra blankets and pillows that Genie suggested they'd bring along with them on this vacation trip. The two of them ate dinner, which was really just microwaved macaroni and cheese, but Genie played around with the fork and did trains to get Max to smile. After all that was the one thing she loved over everything else and it worked every single time, which made her more confident in the reality that she made him just as happy - the exact way he made her happy too. 

Before either of them knew it, it was already dark outside and to be honest, the things they did together always made the hours fly by faster. They were just so in love that they we're always content with just being around each other and no one else. But it was when Max suggested cuddles that Genie enjoyed it the most. Sure, she loved everything they did together, but cuddles would probably be marked off as her number one favorite. She seated herself in his lap, her body facing towards his and she snuggled against his chest all the same.

But Genie's eye widened significantly when she felt Max's large hands slowly starting a pattern on her body. They'd go up and down on her legs, her thighs especially and blush spread shamelessly through her face as confusion and arousal flooded her brain. "M-Max... Maxie, w-what... what are you doing?" She stammered, stumbling and tripping on all her syllables, which of course would've made it obvious that she was flustered by his rhythm of touch. God... what's going on? Why do I feel like this? Those questions in particular lingered at the back of her mind as Genie felt... an interesting feeling down there as she gained the courage to actually look Max square in the face. He only stared at her. Of course, he can't frickin' talk. Goddammit.

Max's eyes were pools of peridot, oceans that Genie always - always - lost herself in whenever she stared at them for long periods of time. The program they were watching was still playing as Genie gasped, feeling Max's left hand move from her thigh up to her head and gently pull her ponytail loose. He somehow got the hair-tie perfectly caught around his finger as her brown wavy hair fell from the lack of support the tie offered. Blush was now consuming the entirety of the teenage Diane's face, as it finally sunk in just how.. compromising their current position was. Her legs were parted, each limb laying at the boy's sides and her bottom seated perfectly on Max's groin and her hands - which she somehow failed to notice - were now at Max's chest, just below the spaces of his shoulders. 

His expression remained unchanging all the same as he inched a bit closer and nibbled on her ear. Genie honestly had no idea what led up to this happening but... she wasn't against any of it either. She gripped at the slightly worn fabric of Clifton's coat, grabbing at it in her little fists as Max's nibbles evolved into slightly deeper bites. It wasn't long for him to start advancing on her neck and the only times he stopped was when a certain sound from Genie sounded wrong and he retracted, obviously out of fear of hurting her. 

But like I mentioned before, the girl wasn't against this... strangely enough. The idea of adult things was never once a thought that even crossed her mind, making her less of a susceptible victim to liking the raunchier side of a relationship. If anything, she was scared of this, considering all the pain and gaslighting she's been through.. and when you're manipulated so badly by a person you once trusted, that shit really hurts.

Like really hurts and... Genie didn't wanna go through all of that again, not when she was already in so much pain. In her mind, what more could this cruel world want from someone as broken as her? But.. that was when she met Matthew Clifton, the one man she didn't even dream of falling for, but she did and that was probably the best part of all this. 

He barely uttered a word, barely did anything brash or even reacted to anything at all, not to mention he had a bad staring habit. But... he was the one she wanted and it excited her knowing she was the one he wanted too. "I-It's okay, I'm okay, Max... Y-You... You c-can k-keep.. um... g-going, if you want.." Max stared at her for a bit longer, as if trying to read her body language for any uncertainty. Upon seeing it lacked any, he went right back to leaving marks on her neck, making her moan and whimper in the process and pretty loudly too. It honestly... aroused the living hell out of him, hearing just how vocal she was being and he was getting hard from all this friction Genie was unintentionally giving him. He'd never felt like this before and... as much as it scared him, it made him feel the horniest he'd ever felt before in his life. Max wanted Genie and he wanted her now. Just.. the very idea of her whining and gasping for air as he served with any sort of pleasure he could, made his mind frenzy.

His emotionlessness gave way to the true craziness he felt while they were doing this and in a blink of an eye, Max got Genie off of him and got her underneath him. The only sound the two could hear now was the hard breathing Max was doing through his nose. He was horny now and for once, it was an emotion Genie could tell. 

An emotion she could see and it flustered her just thinking about it. Genie could do nothing but watch as the boy with long hair leaned back a bit to undo the large buttons to his coat, revealing his undershirt. Max got rid of the coat, dropping it beside the bed and onto the floor. Soon enough, the shirt joined the coat's spot on the ground too as Max's bare upper body was wholly revealed for Genie's pleasure.

The girl was whimpering now, helplessly squeezing her thighs together in a fruitless attempt to get herself to stop throbbing already. Max only smirked, his eyes glowing with mischief and Genie knew that if he could talk, he'd be saying some real dirty things by now, which would've drastically made her even wetter by the second. All he had to do was tug on the end of Genevieve's sweater to indicate that he wanted it off and she wasted no time in obliging and giving him what he wanted. Once her clothes (including her old bloodied dress underneath) Max grinned in approval, obviously pleased that she hadn't failed on catching on. Genie blushed as he made advances on her neck, sucking on any parts of skin he had access to. Of course, there was blood on her skin but that didn't appear to faze Max either, in fact his quiet moans grew into pleased whines as he licked the fluids off his lips. He took a few moments to decide whether or not he liked the metallic taste on his tongue and when he did, the smile that was already on his face grew wider. "M-Max.. Y-you know... I'm okay with you d-doing w-whatever... w-whatever you want.. I-I... I-" Genie felt ashamed that she couldn't finish what she wanted to say. I mean, the poor girl was already so shy right now, but.. She wanted to be able to at least have the courage to say what she wanted, without screwing it up. 

Her cheeks turned pinker, only this time, from shame. She glanced down somewhere random, since of course, she didn't wanna be staring directly at Max's skinny but somehow muscular body. Genie's lavender eyes gleamed with self-doubt as she held Max's upper arms. "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know.." Max's brows furrowed upward in a saddened expression, but.. he didn't hesitate to come closer and peck his girl's face with kisses. He made sure to press his lips against every one of the stitches as well as the girl let out a silent squeak, but never stopping him once. She loved the way he always made her feel better about herself. 

Guess it was just another enigma about the young man, just another mystery about him that'll soon have to be discovered. Once he was done though, Max's eyes met hers again and this time, his face read "Don't worry, my love. I get it. I know what you want and there's no need to beat yourself up over it." His stare was so piercing and penetrating that Genie had to bashfully look away and blush even harder. There were moments where she wondered how and why Matthew had come to love her so much. Let alone, find her loveable in the first place, considering how worthless she felt sometimes. But.. that was the last thing to come to her mind as Max's hands found themselves on her body again. She made another pathetic attempt at trying to stifle her moans as Max gently groped at her chest.

He tested this for a bit, moving and rubbing his hands against the surfaces of her breasts, trying to see what she liked the most. Of course, she wasn't gonna blatantly say it and she said so that she really didn't mind what he did anyway. But Max was just wanting to observe all the areas he could touch that would make her moan louder. After all, he wanted Genevieve to enjoy herself and that showed by the way he intently listened to all of her sounds. Genie's back arched as he rubbed a particular spot on her chest and he grinned. He'd found her sweet spot. She whimpered and moaned even more as he rubbed torturously slow circles on her nipples. However, it didn't take him long to realize that she moaned, but she never moaned words like his name for example. His eyes were the only things visible from Genie's rapidly blurred vision. She cried out as he settled further down and lapped at her chest. Now, this was when Genie's problem with staying quiet really screwed her over. Max even silently chuckled at her attempts of keeping her volume down and failing every time he'd strike a nerve with his tongue. 

This kept happening for a while longer and Genie couldn't exactly close her legs anymore. But that didn't stop her from squeezing Max's bony sides with them as she tried to stay on earth through all this pleasure. "M-Max... T-That... p-please..." Genie moaned, her tries at talking being nothing more than broken sentences. And throughout all this, Max continued to hear the word 'please' over and over again. Even though he wanted to vocally tease her, he was fine with just being begged as well. After it was that or nothing and he was desperate to hear it all. Genie whimpered as he continued particular spots of her chest and once he was satisfied with the work done there, his head resurfaced from her body and he went to kiss her again. 

Unlike all the other gentle embraces they've shared, this one was more passionate, more feverish and desperate. He pulled away for air and gave the poor girl beneath him some time to recover as well and once air was properly brought back into her lungs, Max grinned again. "M-Max..." Genie moaned, but was stopped when she felt a cold slim finger slowly slide into her. She gripped onto Max's bony shoulders, whimpering. It felt weird, but good at the same time and the man didn't do anything until she felt like she was ready for more. Max gave her a look and waited until Genie nodded, still breathing and panting as heavily as ever. "O-Okay... i-it's okay... y-you can.. You can m-move- ahh~!" Her lavender eye rolled into the back of her head as he grazed against every bundle of nerves, hovering over on top of her and watching every one of her expressions.

She bit into her stitched bottom lip, attempting to stop more of her moans from coming out and when she couldn't hold onto his shoulders anymore, she'd grip the sheets for some sort of support. All the while. Max remained silent. Well.. he would've been classified as that if it weren't for the heavy breathing he was doing through his nose. The one audible sound that came from him, was a deep low growl and that was moments before the long-haired hitchhiker had to grab onto the bed post. Genie felt so wet and she groaned every time his fingers would slide out of her, only to plunge right back into her heat. Her breathing became labored as she took her hands and clawed into his back. Max didn't protest nor did he groan in pain, but he only let out a few grunts as her nails dug themselves into his skin. 

Genie couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not, but Max wasn't doing anything to suggest that he didn't like it, so she quickly grew comfortable with the non-existent distance between their bodies. He was making sure to go at a tolerable pace, since he didn't wanna be too hard with his Genie. Despite how physically emaciated he was, his body carried a lot of strength and speed and he didn't wanna take her harder than she could handle. 

As horny as he was, he still wanted her to still be able to walk the day after. Without any vocal warning, Genie moaned loudly as she drenched his fingers and all along her inner thighs with her own come. Once Genie came back to, her blush deepened in color as she and Max watched as the man retracted his digits and just... stared at them, his eyes glowing against his pale skin. A pleased hum came from him once he tasted his fingers and two words formed from his throat. "Tastes good~"

Genie choked up on a moan and she hid her face upon hearing him talk. He never talked, and if anything the times where he would were completely unexpected and unpredictable. Nobody knew if he could talk and chose not to, or he legit couldn't but was talking out of the blue, without a proper explanation behind it. But the fact he was talking now made this situation dirtier than it needed to be and Genie felt like she was struggling to breathe. How was this man so goddamn... hot? Max didn't say more after that though and he kissed and licked all along the existing bites and red spots left on her skin. 

Genie was still struggling to recover from that interesting comment Max made, but she brought her hands up to his hair and gently tugged at the locks. This got another grunt out of him and he let out a silent pleasured chuckle at this. He kissed her again, sensually rubbing his tongue against hers and running it all along her lips. Genie whined once this passion ended as soon as Max pulled away. He pulled back from her perfectly naked body as he unbuckled his belt, undoing it through the loops at the rim of his dark pants. Soon enough, his lower half was exposed as well as he disposed of his black jeans and underwear. Genie's eye avoided looking past his v line to be honest and her face was only growing darker and darker with blush, from just how flustered she was right now. All the same, she was the only main target his eyes were attracted to as he stared at her.

His stare was piercing right through her and Genevieve Diane couldn't share the same power in her gaze. She was so shy, but so incredibly horny for this man. Of course, the girl with the dyed pink tips in her hair, could never tell him that without feeling like her legs were about to give way from where she was standing. It seemed like forever when Max's eyes looked down at her then himself before moving his lips around as if to say "Alright, you sure you wanna do this?" He genuinely appeared to be nervous. 

That was until Genie's thumb slowly ran against his cold face, making a thick line of red spread across his complexion. Seeing the life grow in his expression made Genie suddenly feel fluffy and romantic again. Her heart would've been soaring right now if it weren't for how indecent this whole thing was. She didn't think the two of them would get up to this and she was briefly thankful that no other person would be around for another few hundred miles. She wanted to make love with Max for as long as he wanted. 

After all, she didn't mind... though just as long as the two had a moment of some sort of aftercare at least. But still, she didn't mind.. "It's okay, M-Maxie... y-you can.. You can do it... p-put it in.." Her heart was thundering in her ears at this point as her own words melted through her. Max smiled warmly this time and very slowly, he nodded in reply. Genie was breathing raggedly through her nose and was trying her best to not whimper again. "O-Oh... mmmm~!" Genie moaned loudly, the sound pushing its way past her lips without much restraint at all. She tried her best to stay quiet, but like all her previous attempts, that proved to be pointless all the same. She felt herself throbbing and spasming around Max's length and she held onto him for support again. Not to mention, her spot in particular remained the most sensitive area on her entire body after Max fingered the hell out of her. It didn't help that her wetness also made it feel less weird now that she had gotten used to feeling so deep inside of her. Max did not move a muscle until he felt like Genie was ready to give him the thumbs up, basically awaiting the permission from her to come. 

Little whines and squeaks came from his throat however, due to how tight and wet she was. His knuckles cracked from how tightly he was gripping the sheets as he tried his best to not start thrusting already, he needed her say first. His hair hung in thick strands over his face as he waited, and from the angle beneath him, Genie did not know whether or not the dude could get any hotter. Seeing how desperate he was getting, Genie nodded quickly, locking her fingers between his pale blueish gray locks. "M-Move... p-please move..." The girl's grip on his hair grew harsher as Max slowly rocked his hips back and forth, moving it and out of her. Both of them struggled to keep their volume at a considerably quieter level, but of course, Genevieve appeared to struggle the most. She whined and whimpered, breathing and gasping with each and every thrust. "A-ahh! M-Max!!" She cried and the sound made Max even more erect by the second. They'd just started and Matthew wasn't sure if he'd be able to last any longer if Genie continued to whine and moan like this. The only thing that dragged him away from that though, was the searing pain of her nails digging into his back, all along his shoulder blades and down the space of his bony spine. It hurt, but it was that kind of pain that you weren't sure if it felt good or not. 

Every time he'd hit a particularly good spot in her, the undead female would go back to clawing at his skin. Red lines were drawn onto the canvas of his cold skin and Max whined, his mouth agape as he continued his thrusting. They'd started a pretty decent rhythm and the couple were already comfortable with it as is, and that's exactly what the young man wanted. He wanted to be comfortable along with the love of his life of course. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Ever. The guy had his eyes shut but they slid open when he caught the sentence that was forming in his girlfriend's throat. "H-Harder..." It was barely audible, since Genevieve was incredibly shy but it was there and Max was lucky enough to have heard it. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he slowly paced up the pace, in order to fulfill her wishes; the wishes which she was too bashful to say out loud. Despite how glorious this all felt, Max hadn't said one word after his filthy little comment on how Genie tasted. But the teenager beneath him was surprised to hear another word come from him. "F-Fuck...~" Max moaned quietly as he took his left hand from the bed and held onto the post for support, once again. His sounds were gradually picking up the harder and faster he went. 

But the male's moans were nowhere near as loud as Genie's. The poor little thing was whining and trying her best to grasp on what little she had to help stop from giving in so easily, like last time. Once she felt like Max's back wasn't enough to help support her, she stuck with gripping the sheets and arching her back. Max's lip was trapped between his teeth as he slowly traced his hand down to hold onto her thigh. That way it gave him more leverage to fuck her better. Deeper. Max came closer to her and gave her a kiss and his eyes widened by how well she responded to it as well. She kissed back passionately and she held onto him for as much as she possibly could. "Harder.. Please.. Please, Max~" She didn't have to say more as Max gave her just what she wanted. It continued like this for an hour straight before Max had to finish up on the sheets. He was worn out but this certainly wasn't the longest he could go for, but.. He was genuinely tired and he wanted to spoil Genie with some aftercare. 

Genie was fucked out, all red and even slightly drooling from how sinfully good that felt. She didn't say anything though and Max collapsed at her side, still whining and panting underneath his breath. Parts of hair were hotly matted to his forehead and his adam's apple rose up and down as he inhaled and exhaled. His eyes glimmered faintly as he and Genie came back to their surroundings. The program was over now, due to all the time that had passed by already. Genie was still very much recovering herself, but she rolled over and cuddled him. Despite all the bones she felt against her, she didn't mind it. Her face was hot against his, which somehow remained cooler than hers, but he also felt slightly warmer as if his body heat had risen a bit. A few moments of silence between them passed, before Genie whispered. "I... I love you, Max.." Max's eyes were the only thing that moved as he smiled that small smile of his and ran his fingers through her delicate locks of hair. 

Nothing came out of his mouth and Genie simply took the silence as his way of returning the act of affection. Neither of them would've thought that this would've been what they'd get up to, but Max was just glad that he and Genie could be somewhere where it could just be them. There'd be no one else around to bother them and.. now that he thought about it, he'd be considering moving into a separate cabin with just him and Genie living inside it. He smiled at the idea and turned to look down at the girl on his shoulder, only to find the female fast asleep.

 She'd somehow found rest on his bony shoulder and he smiled even more. "I love you too, Genie.." was the last thing he said before intertwining his fingers with hers. Then slowly, his eyes shut and he finally fell asleep. 

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