TDROTI Dawn X Male Reader

By RealMemey

23.9K 339 323

(This is entirely separate from the Gwen Story) [You will be replacing Staci in this story, not like anyone l... More

Aura Chart
[Chapter 1] New Beginnings
[Chapter 2] Truth Or Dunk!
[Chapter 3] Been Ice Knowing Ya!
[Chapter 4] Arachna-No Way!
[Chapter 6] Primal Makeover

[Chapter 5] Who Can You Trust?

2.8K 50 49
By RealMemey

[It's early in the morning and everyone's still asleep, Scott talking in his sleep.]

Scott: "Landshark. Get away!"

[Suddenly a loud military esk alarm goes off, startling Scott and everyone out of their sleep, Scott falls out of his bunk as Sam's jumping around covering his ears.]

Sam: "My ears!"

Lightning: "I'm up coach, Lightning's up!"

(Y/N): "What's happening!?"

Lightning: "Outta my way!"

[Lightning comes running past, knocking the three of you to the floor. Brick finishes tying his shoe and stops his alarm, which turns out to be the source of the noise as he stands up and stretches.]

Brick: "Rise and shine soldiers!"

[He runs past the four of you, still a pile on the ground.]

Sam: "So, how about that new guy?"

*Confessional Booth*

Sam: "Man, my ears haven't rung like that since I played Guitar Band 9 on maximum rockness."


Lightning: "There I was on the one-yard line ready to score a touchdown to win the Superbowl! When the new guys alarm clock went off! If he wakes me up one more time like that he's gonna get struck by Lightning!"


Scott: "Show you what I'm gonna do to Brick!"

[He punches Bricks alarm clock a couple times and throws it in the toilet. The alarm goes off again as Scott peers into the bowl to see what's going on.]

Scott: "What the-"

[As he does, a large geyser of toilet water comes out and sprays him in the face.]


(Y/N): "Brick may be a, character. But I need him to trust Dawn and I before Scott gets to him and turns him against us! The more people to help get Scott out sooner, the better! Also why is there water everywhere in here?"


[Brick walks over to Dawn who's collecting wood and salutes her.]

Brick: "Good morning, fellow teammate need assistance chopping wood?"

[He reaches down and picks up a piece as Dawn speaks up.]

Dawn: "You don't have to help just because you were teased a lot as a child."

Brick: "Wha-Who told you that!?"

Dawn: "It's right there in your aura! Between your bladder control issues and your need to be dominated."

[Brick raises an eyebrow to her as she walks off.]

Brick: "I don't need to be dominated. I'm large and in charge!"

[A whistle is blown as he flinches.]

Jo: "Ten-hut!"

Brick: "Sir yes sir!"

[He goes to salute but accidentally strikes himself with the wood as he falls to the ground, Jo looming over him.]

Jo: "Playing patty-cakes with the new playmates, huh? Well, enjoy the honeymoon GI Joke. Cuz today were bringing the pain!"

Brick: "Negative that! Your platoon has zero morale. That's what happens when you lose your best soldier!"

Jo: "Listen brick for brains. We don't need you. I'm a champion sprinter, shot-putter and squat-thruster! And I'm whipping the rest of these limp noodles into shape!"

[She walks off with a confident look as Brick glares at her angrily.]

Brick: "My team will conquer! You'll see!"

Jo: "What ever you say GI joke!"

*Scene Change*

[Back inside your guy's cabin, Lightning and Sam are sitting on the bunkbed as Lightnings stomach rumbles.]

Lightning: "Time to refuel!"

[He opens the lid and screams, his scream shaking the whole cabin.]

Sam: 'Dude sounds like a shaman warlock cast a screaming spell on you."

Lightning: "Lightning was robbed!"

Sam: "What'd they take your weapons or your armor?"

Lightning: "My protein powder!"

[He tips the container as the scooper falls out.]

Sam: "Oh... yeah, that is... totally worth freaking out over... probably."

Lightning: "Scoopy, I will find the monster who did this. Lightning swears it!"

[Scott walks over to the two of them.]

Scott: "New guy shows up, Protein goes AWOL. Do the math."

*Scene Change*

[You're meeting up with Dawn to tell her your plan when you run into Brick.]

Brick: "Ah, (Y/N)! Sorry about waking you up this morning. But a good solder needs to wake up bright and early if they want to do their best!"

(Y/N): "I- see. But since you're here I want to talk to you, Dawn and I-"

Brick: "D-Dawn? I-I gotta go!"

[Brick hurries off as you try and talk to him.]

(Y/N): "Brick! Wait!"

[It's already too late as he's long gone, you look at him, confused.]

(Y/N): "O- kay..?"

*Scene Change*

[You're all gathered in the main lodge as Chef puts some meat on Lightning's plate.]

Lightning: "There's protein in this right?"

[Chef growls at him as Dawn comes up behind him.]

Dawn: "Your Chi is looking shrunken."

Lightning: "Chi? Which muscle is Chi? Whatever, doesn't matter. Lightning does not do shrinkage! Gimmie that!"

[He snatches her tray away as she glares at him, she sits down at a table and sighs, putting her head in her arms.]

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Dawn: "Nothing. I'm just tired of people not taking me seriously.."

(Y/N): "Well, I do.."

Dawn: "Yes, one out of many.."

[You feel bad for her and pull her into a hug, she's taken aback but melts into it.]

(Y/N): "Still, just because there's only one doesn't make it any less meaningful! Heck you even taught me that!"

[She looks up at you and smiles, you both get lost in each other's eyes for a while when suddenly Chris comes over the loud speakers.]

Chris: "Attention campers! Breakfast is cutting into precious time that you could spend getting injured. Grab your swimsuits and meet me at the dock. Pronto!"

[You all groan in annoyance as you let go of Dawn, her face beet red but she covers it.]

Chris: "You have ten seconds to exit the mess hall before I release: The Raccoon!"

Anne: "The raccoon?"

[You all laugh as a giant wooden crate is lowered down, a giant raccoon punches open the crate and growls, everyone screaming and running as you pick up Dawn and run off. Lightning comes out of the kitchen with a cart full of food.]

Lightning: "Hey where y'all going? Ah well. More for Lightning!"

[He starts to gorge on the food as the raccoon comes up to him.]

*Scene Change*

[Outside, everyone else is standing by Chris as Jo speaks up.]

Jo: "What's the matter with you! That thing could have killed us!"

Chris: "Nah, only if you got between him and food! Hmm, Team Rat, still looks like you're missing a player!"

[A growl can be heard as Lightning is thrown out of the window and lands by your team.]

Chris: "Nevermind!"

*Scene Change*

[You decided to wait until the other guys changed to get changed, you walk into the cabin and reach down to pick up your bag, when suddenly you fall through a plank, revealing the bottom of the cabin.]

(Y/N): "What the..?"

[You look up and see the plank has reset itself, you look around in the cramped crawlspace esk area. You pull out a flashlight from your bag and turn it on, you shine it around and it lands on something, you crawl over and see it to reveal-]








[Another Chris statue.]

[You inspect the front and see a small plaque with some stuff written on it.]

"Mclain Seal Of Approval."

[You instantly realize it's the real one, you reach into the bag and swap out the real one with the fake one and climb back into the cabin to get changed. You realize you have to tell Dawn about this immediately.]

*Scene Change*

[You're all gathered at the dock in your swimsuits, you can't help but stare at Dawns one-piece due to how adorable it looks on her. Chris speaks up, snapping you out of your trance.]

Chris: "All right here to help us get today's competition underway. Say hello to one of our classic competitors: Bridgette!"

[Dakota and Bridgette pull up in a canoe, Bridgette not looking to happy to be back.]

Bridgette: "Let's get this over with. Remember my contract said demonstration only!"

Chris: "Relax. No demo needed. Just Chum the water with our intern Dakota and try not to get eaten."

[You lean into Dawns ear.]

(Y/N): "Psst, Dawn."

[She turns to you.]

Dawn: "Yeah?"

(Y/N): "I found the-"

[Before you can finish, your sentence, a shark comes up and bites Dakota and Bridgette's canoe. Startling all of you, and especially Scott for some reason.]

Bridgette: "So not cool!"

Chris: "Challenge part one, each team must get a pair of water skis in an underwater mission, or drown trying. One victim- I mean, camper will snag the skis in an old-school diving suit and float them to the surface while the rest of their team pumps them oxygen. First team to surface their skis wins and gets an advantage in part two.

*Scene Change*

Jo: "Listen up maggots. I'm diving!"

Anne: "Hey, what are you saying? None of us can do it?"

[She puts the diving suit on Mike as he falls over.]

Mike: "Jo makes a solid point.."

Jo: "Listen to chicken legs, get busy pumping air and don't make me use my whistle!"

[She goes to grab her whistle, but it's not there.]

Jo: "All right, who took my whistle!?"

[Over with your team, Brick has decided to be leader and is telling your team what to do.]

Brick: "Men and- Dawn.. I suggest we draw straws to see who dives!"

[Scott puts the suit on Brick, but facing the other way around so he can't see.]

Scott: "Forget the straws doofus. Time to prove your loyalty to your new platoon!"

Brick: "Sir yes sir!"

[He goes to salute but ends up banging his hand off the helmet.]

*Confessional Booth*

Scott: "Sir?"

[He laughs as he sharpens a stick with the fang.]

Scott: "What a doofus!"


[Jo and Brick are suited up and ready to dive.]

Chris: "Ready?"

[Jo and Brick give a mean face to each other.]

Chris: "Go!"

[They both jump in and spot the skis. They try and run but it's about as fast as walking on land. Brick is suddenly jerked back as he turns and sees Fang holding onto his oxygen tube as he smiles and waves.]

*Scene Change*

[Sam's having a hard time pumping the oxygen as Lightning and Scott look at him.]

Scott: "Tired already soft serve?"

Lightning: "One side!"

[He runs over and shoves Sam into the water as he grabs a hold of the pump.]

Lightning: "This is how you pump air!"

[He pumps the oxygen so quickly a large bubble goes through the tube. The bubble goes all the way down, right as Fang is about to attack Brick, his suit inflates and knocks Fang away.]

*Scene Change*

[Mike is pumping oxygen, but Zoey's standing on the hose so no air is going through, but she doesn't notice.]

Mike: "I swear I don't know how I ended up kissing Anne Maria. Sometimes I get so deep into character that I don't know what I'm doing."

Zoey: "So you're like a method actor?"

Mike: "Exactly! Look Zoey, you're like the most amazing girl I've ever met!"

Zoey: "The most amazing?"

Mike: "Yeah, and if you don't like my um, funny characters, then I'll totally retire them."

Zoey: "I don't want you to give up acting but maybe just... tone it down?"

Mike: "Consider it toned.."

*Scene Change*

[Over with you and Dawn, you pulled her off to the side to tell her about the find.]

(Y/N): "Okay, what I was going to say was, I found the real Chris statue!"

Dawn: "What!?"

(Y/N): "Yeah! I found it under the guys part of the cabin, in the crawlspace."

Dawn: "I wonder who put it there?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, but I put it in my bag incase we need it for later-!"

Scott: "Hey! What are you two freaks doing over there?"

[You turn and grab her shoulders.]

(Y/N): "Don't tell anyone what I told you."

Dawn: "Understood."

[You both walk back over to your team as Scott eyes you suspiciously.]

*Scene Change*

[Down with Jo, she's about to reach the skis, but she realizes no oxygen is going through the tube, so she grabs the tube and tugs on it, Anne Maria walks over and notices Zoey standing on the hose.]

Anne: "Hey, got off the air hose bozo!"

[She shoves Zoey out of the way as a huge bubble of air goes down the hose replenishing Jo's air. Zoey swats Anne Maria as Mike stands back.]

Zoey: "Don't push!" [She looks at her hand which now has Anne Maria's spray on tan on it.] "Yeesh. Are you wearing orange paint?"

Anne: "Oh no, no. Nobody disrespects the tan!"

[Anne Maria shoves Zoey, she stumbles back and accidentally grabs onto Mikes shirt, ripping it off, and turning him into Vito.]

Vito: "Ladies why fight? There's enough candy for everyone. Candy bein me!"

[He says as he flexes his pecks. Anne Maria runs over and straddles him.]

Anne: "Yeah, Vito. Give me some sugar!"

[Zoey looks down, defeated.]

Zoey: "I get the message.."

*Confessional Booth*

Zoey: "FYI Mike, that is not toning it down!"


Anne: "Princess goody-goody better step off. Vito and I are made for each other!"


[Dawn's collecting seashells and putting it into a trash bag as she looks up at you, she smiles and resumes doing her thing.]

Scott: "This is taking forever! I gotta whittle something. Wait-where's my lucky shark tooth?"

(Y/N): "Didn't you have it just a while ag-"

[Scott slaps his hand over your mouth.]

Scott: "Brick, musta stole it. Like he stole Jockos protein and man ladies whistle!"

[Anne Maria walks over as Scott takes his hand off you.]

Anne: "Brick couldn't steal a TV in a riot!"

Scott: "Think about it. That doof's been on both teams. He knows everybody's best stuff and he's taking it to mess with us!"

Anne: "As if. There's no proof that-"

[She checks her pouffe but finds nothing.]

Anne: "Hey, where's my hairbrush? Oh that is it! Brick's getting a beatdown!"

[Fang is using Bricks hose like a paddle ball when suddenly Brick comes loose and flies about like a balloon with its air let out, he knocks into Jo as his skis come loose and float to the top.]

Chris: "The rats win the first challenge-!"

[Brick flies out of the water and off into the sun as he wails.]

*Scene Change*

[Zoey's drawing a broken heart in the sand when Dawn appears next to her.]

Dawn: "Don't worry Zoey. You won't be lonely forever!"

Zoey: "Oh, hey Dawn, well, tell that to Anne Maria and Mike, or should I call him Vito?"

Dawn: "Trust me. Mike likes you a lot!"

Zoey: "How can you be so sure?"

Dawn: "It's all over his aura, the Mike parts of it anyway."

Zoey: "Wait, what do you mean the Mike parts?"

Dawn: "You'll come to learn eventually, not all people are as they seem, like (Y/N) for example!"

Zoey: "Yeah, you have a point. How are you and (Y/N) doing anyways?"

Dawn: "O-oh, u-uhm.. we're just, fine.."

Zoey: "What, you haven't confessed to him yet?"

[Dawn sighs.]

Dawn: "No.."

Zoey: "Why not! You two were made for each other!"

Dawn: "I've never been in a relationship before. I'm worried I'll mess it up!"

Zoey: "I'm sure nothing would go wrong Dawn. Just tell him before it's too late, or else you'll never get the chance at all."

[Dawn thinks about it for a second and nods.]

Dawn: "You're right, I must confess to him tonight!"

Zoey: "Atta girl! Now can you tell me more about what you meant with 'The Mike Part?'"

[She turns and see's Dawn's disappeared.]

Zoey: "Dawn? Was it something I said?"

*Confessional Booth*

Zoey: "I don't like to speak badly about anyone, but Dawn totally creeps me out! Reading auras, talking to animals. I'm not saying she's a witch, but she might be a wizard!"


Chris: "The Rats are the first to grab water skis! Their reward: A Mclean brand speedboat to use in part two of the challenge."

[An intern pulls up in a pretty nifty looking speedboat.]

Sam: "Sweet!"

Lightning: "Sha-bam!"

Chris: "And for the Maggots. A totally leaky dinghy!"

[The entire Maggot team groans as another intern pulls up on the dinghy.]

Scott: "Hehe, suckers."

[Brick walks up, disheveled.]

Brick: "Rat company! You must have forgotten me.."

[Scott turns to him and smerks.]

Scott: "Well howdy stealer!"

[Brick smiles and salutes, much to Scotts surprise.]

Brick: "Yes sir. We are stealing victory from those maggots!"

Chris: "Part two of the challenge: A death-defying water ski race! The goal: be the first to ring four bells on these four totally harmless buoys."

[Dakota and Bridgette accidentally hit a naval mine and goes flying. Dakota flying straight into a buoy.]

Dakota: "Rude!"

[Chris just chuckles at her pain.]

Chris: "Make that three bells!"

[Bridgette crashes back down in front of Chris as he looks down at her.]

Chris: "See you totally got to demo the challenge!"

*Scene Change*

[You're all gathered by your respective boats as Chris commentates.]

Chris: "Before the break the rats got dibs on a sweet speedboat, which they'll need!"

[You and Dawn fistbump.]

Chris: "Meanwhile, the maggots are stuck dodging water mines in a leaky dinghy that couldn't float in a kiddie pool!"

Lightning: "Sha-burn!"

Chris: "Didn't need the extra commentary Lightning. Anyways, choose three campers to water-ski, one to drive and one to operate your gull cannon."

Dawn: "Gull cannon!?"

[You turn and see Dawn's terrified of the idea as Chris chuckles.]

Chris: "Yeah, you heard me."

[He presses a button as two machine-guns with seagulls inside come up.]

Sam: "First person shooter! Cool."

Chris: "Each team gets three chances to shoot the bells or the other team. Especially the other team!"

[You get a closer look of the seagulls and notice they have rattle snake tails to them.]

(Y/N): "These aren't normal seagulls.."

Chris: "Oh, that's not a seagull. These babies are half seagull, half rattlesnake. All with paralyzing venom!"

[You tap on the glass and the seagull shrieks at you, causing you to stumble backwards as Dawn catches you.]

Chris: Whichever team rings the most bells, wins!"

Zoey: "Oh, I'll drive, if that's okay with everybody!"

Jo: "Whatever, I'm gunning."

Vito: "I'm tannin!"

Anne: "And I'm watchin Vito!"

[Zoey just growls and stomps over to the dinghy where Jo's waiting.]

Jo: "I see your anger and I like it. Now use it to drive us all the way to victory."

[Lightning jumps into the drivers seat as Scott takes the cannon.]

Lightning: "I'm drivin! Shaboom!"

Scott: "Shotgun! Been shooting kitchen rats with my pappy since I was six."

Brick: "Guess we're skiing?"

Sam: "Uh, I'm more of a floater than a skier."

[Chris blows an airhorn as Lightning takes off, since Brick's holding the skis he gets taken with the boat, dragging the three of you with him. The Maggots try and go as well, but the skiers just end up falling into the water due to how slow they're going.]

Lightning: "Shazoom baby, we got this in the bag! Those maggots will never catch up!"

[Scott nervously chuckles.]

Scott: "Yeah, great.."

[The Maggots aren't too far behind now as Jo takes aim at your teams boat.]

Jo: "Let's see if we can slow down those rats. Eat gull losers!"

Zoey: "Wait, we only have three gulls! We need to save them for the bells."

Jo: "Of course, but we only need to hit two outta three to win."

[She fires a seagull at you and Dawn, she's sitting on your shoulders as Sam holds on to Brick for dear life. The seagull ends up hitting Lightning straight in the back.]

Lightning: "Ah! Lightning's Ah! Lightnings been struck! Lightning's... been..."

[He falls over at the wheel as Scott does nothing to help.]

Scott: "Sweet. Oh no! Whoa Lightning look out for the reeds!"

[The boat goes through a patch of reeds at the Maggots speed by.]

Jo: "Aw rats. Hahaha."

[Jo goes to take aim at the bell, but a seagull flies past her and hits the bell before she can fire, making the mine explode.]

Zoey: "Great shot Jo!"

Jo: "That wasn't me.."

[Your team drives past as you all cheer for Scott.]

Scott: "Yeah, woo. Stupid gun. That shot should have been way off!"

Anne: "Oh my gosh, we're losing! What can we do?"

[Jo smerks and looks back at Vito.]

Jo: "What we need is an Olympian!"

[Vito gasps as he turns into Svetlana.]

Svetlana: "It's time for Svetlana to get gym-nasty!"

[Lightning's still paralyzed as Scott just chuckles.]

Scott: "Drag man, guess you better pull over. Look out!"

[Up ahead he sees Dakota trying to fend off Fang, but with no luck. Your team drives by as Dakota accidentally gets the bucket caught on Lightning's head.]

Dakota: "Hey, my bucket!"

[Lightning eats the insides of the bucket and starts to go limp.]

Lightning: "Proteeiinn.."

[He passes out and lands on the throttle, making your team slow down and making the four of you crash into the back of the boat and fall into the water as the Maggots drive by.]

Svetlana: "Svetlana will now perform the triple pike dismount!"

[Svetlana jumps into the air and lands on the bell. The Maggots come around and collect her right as the mine goes off.]

Sam: "Woahh.."

Brick: "The Maggots are ahead!"

(Y/N): "And we lost our skis!" [You say looking at Scott angrily.]

Scott: "Blame him, he stopped for chum!"

[He points at Lightning who's out like a light.]

Dawn: "Everyone calm down. I have a plan. Sam you drive."

Sam: "Woohoo! Just like playing speedboat runner on my SWii!"

Dawn: "(Y/N), Brick, we'll have to ski with Lightning, I'll get on (Y/N)'s shoulders like before so we'll all fit."

(Y/N): "S-sounds good to me-!" [You blush at the thought.]

Brick: "Yes mam!" [He says while saluting.]

[Dawn turns to Scott, mad.]

Dawn: "Scott don't you dare fire any more of those defenseless gulls!"

Scott: "Promise!"

[Right as he says that he fires another gull as Dawn angrily pouts at him.]

Scott: "Starting now!"

*Scene Change*

[Your team is back in the race, Sam's at the wheel while Scott's still on the cannon, in the back, you're using Lightning as a ski while Dawn sits on your shoulders, Brick taking the handle as you hold onto him.]

Sam: "Aww yea! Way to go Dawn!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, great idea Dawn!"

[She blushes at your compliment as she holds on.]

Dawn: "T-thank you."

*Scene Change*

[Zoey turns and sees your team catching up.]

Zoey: "Look! The Rats are back in the race!"

Jo: "Not for long!"

[Jo goes to fire the cannon, but nothing comes out.]

Jo: "What? This stupid things jammed!"

[Jo hits the cannon, but it blows up in her face.]

Zoey: "Oh my gosh, are you okay!?"

[Jo coughs out a feather as she points ahead.]

Jo: "Look out!"

[The Maggots go over as slanted rock and go flying in the air. They crash into a rock as your team drives past, leaving them in the dust.]

Dawn: "Those poor naked gulls! This is worse than that class field trip to the chicken nugget factory!!"

Brick: "Scott, Sam! There's the last mine!"

Sam: "Sweet! Get ready to level up."

*Confessional Booth*

[Scotts seen whittling a stick.]

Scott: "No way we can win! Winning'll ruin my plan. So I gots to be smart. Smart like- Ow!"

[Scott accidentally pokes himself in the eye with the fang.]


Brick: "Scott! Prepare to fire!"

Scott: "I can't! Dawn won't let me!"

Dawn: "Then find another way!"

(Y/N): "Hon, I know you're worried about the gulls- but we need to win this!"

Dawn: "H-H-Hon!!??" [She catches what you said and flares up, excited, shocked and embarrassed all at the same time. You instantly realize your mistake and go as red as a tomato.]

(Y/N): "N-n-no, w-wait-!"

Brick: "Scott! Fire already!!"

Scott: "Well, if you insist!"

[Scott mischievously starts to wind up the cannon while aiming it at Sam. He fires it it him as Sam instantly stands up, out of it.]

Scott: "One double decaf halfe caft-cavin-"

[Sam falls over on the ground as Scott feigns surprise.]

Scott: "Oh my gosh! Sam's unconscious somehow!"

(Y/N): "I clearly saw you-!"

Brick: "Scott! Grab the wheel!"

[You all drive past the last mine as Scott just stands there doing nothing.]

Scott: "I can't I'm the gunner!"

Jo: "Nice driving Red!"

Zoey: "I'm so sorry guys, but look! The last bell is just over there."

Jo: "Svetlana! Do your thing!"

Svetlana: "Svetlana's on break right now, so-!'

Jo: "No breaks on my team! Now go get it!"

[Jo picks up Svetlana and throws her at the mine, your team hits a slanted rock. You all go flying in the air, you, Dawn and Brick landing in the water, while Svetlana and Lightning collide mid air, falling straight onto the mine. But nothing happens.]

[Chris can be seen from the dock watching through a pair of binoculars.]

Chris: "No explosion? Not cool!" [He says visibly annoyed.]

[Suddenly a large boom can be heard as Chris turns to see a gigantic explosion from the water.]

Chris: "Sha-boom!"


[The Maggots see Mike off in the ambulance while your team groans in defeat.]

Sam: "Man, how did that last gull get me?"

Scott: "Jo had a lucky shot I guess."

[Both you and Dawn turn to Scott, pissed.]

(Y/N): "Jo!?"

Dawn: "Or the guy who shot kitchen rats with his pappy!?"

Sam: "Heh, you two can even finish each others sentences!"

*Confessional Booth*

Dawn: "Jo's gun was jammed. The gull that hit Sam could only have come from our boat! I swear by the great Earth Mother. (Y/N) and I will expose Scott- for the traitor he is!"


[Dawn storms out of the confessional booth as Scott peers around the corner.]

Scott: "Or will you?"

*Confessional Booth*

Scott: "Maybe if I can get both of those idiots eliminated at the same time, I'd have a better shot at winning! I'd just have to get one of them injured to the point where they'd have to go home, and just get the other voted off! There's no way this can possibly go wrong!"


[The rest of the guys but you and Brick are in the cabin deciding on who to vote off.]

Scott: "I say we vote Dawn, she wouldn't let me fire gulls at the Maggots!"

Sam: "I don't know Brick's the one stealing from everyone."

Lightning: "Thief!"

[Dawn, you, and Brick walk in.]

Dawn: "What's everyone talking about?"

Sam: "Nothing!"

Scott: "Nothing... here (Y/N) catch, your girlfriend left this on the boat!"

[Scott full on hurls the bag that was next to him at you, striking you in the head and knocking both you and the contents of the bag out.]

Dawn: "(Y/N)!!"

Scott: "Oops.."

[She bends down to check on you but Sam notices the contents of the bag.]

Sam: "Jo's whistle! Scott's shark tooth!"

Lightning: "My protein!"

[He tries to reach for it but falls off the bed.]

Lightning: "I've missed you!"

Dawn: "W-we should really worry about getting (Y/N) to a doctor-!"

Sam: "Dawn-? You're a thief!?"

Dawn: "W-what!? No!"

Scott: "Brick, go get Chef and have him take care of (Y/N), I'll take care of Dawn.."

Brick: "On it!"

[Brick rushes off to go get Chef as Scott pushes Dawn outside.]

Scott: "Everyone! We have found the thief of the island!"

[The Maggots walk out and see Dawn holding the trash bag.]

Dawn: "Friends, you must listen to me. I was framed!!"

Anne: "Forget that! You're getting a beat down you natures freak!"

[Jo blows her whistle and holds Anne Maria back.]

Jo: "Back off helmet hair. This one's mine!"

[Jo steps toward Dawn as she recoils in fear, Scott then speaks up.]

Scott: "Ladies, ladies. This is a Rat problem and we'll deal with this rat tonight!"

[Everyone angrily walks away, but Scott stays behind.]

Scott: "Looks like you and your dumb boyfriends plan has failed! But don't worry, you both should be going home together tonight! See you at elimination!"

[Scott finally walks away, leaving Dawn all alone. She starts to break down, the stress of the situation finally getting to her. Your condition being unknown, her possibly being eliminated for something she didn't do, and to top it all off, all on the same night she was about to confess her feelings to you...]

[She sits on the steps of the cabin and cries into her sweater a bit. Suddenly she hears footsteps and looks up to see Brick.]

Brick: "Hey.."

[Dawn just puts her head back down, sniffling. Brick walks over and takes a seat next to her.]

Brick: "Look.. I have a feeling that you didn't steal. It's just not like you. Even if we've known each other for a little bit."

[Dawn looks at Brick, her eyes glossy and puffy.]

Brick: "Aww.. don't cry cadet.."

Dawn: "I-I swear it wasn't me-!"

Brick: "Sorry cadet, but I'm not sure how much I can trust you. It's in my gut that I know you didn't, but my mind is telling me other wise."

Dawn: "S-so why are you here..?"

Brick: "I can't just leave someone crying alone! Against my code!"

[Dawn sheepishly smiles at him as she looks at him from her sleeves.]

Dawn: "T-thank you.."

Brick: "Not a problem! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go do my nightly exercise before the elimination ceremony!"

[Brick jogs off as Dawn's now left alone.]

Dawn: "Elimination ceremony.."

[Suddenly her face lights up.]

Dawn: "D-didn't (Y/N) say he found the real one!?"

[She looks around before sneaking into the guys side of the cabin.]

Dawn: "I think he said it was in his bag."

[She goes rummaging around the room, carefully searching through every nook and cranny but nothing. She sighs and sits down in defeat, suddenly she falls through the floor board into the crawlspace, a crawlspace you mentioned before. She looks around and spots a bag in the far corner, she crawls toward it and looks at the name tag attached to it.]

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

[She smiles and zips open the bag, right on top she spots the invincibility statue.... the real, invincibility statue. All told by the McLain seal of approval and neat handy work. She smiles warmly as she takes out the statue and zips the bag back up, suddenly she hears the door open as she covers her mouth to conceal her breathing.]

*Scene Change*

[The person who walked in was Scott. He's got an evil grin on his face as he walks over to his bed, not knowing Dawn was right under him, and unknowingly takes out the fake invincibility statue.]

Scott: "Finally! (Y/N) and his dumb girlfriend are out of my hair for good!"

[He laughs maniacally as he leaves the cabin.]

*Scene Change*

[Dawn uncovers her mouth and breaths a sigh of relief, though blushing at how she's seen as your girlfriend. She comes back out of the crawlspace with the statue. She conceals it in her sweater and leaves the cabin, unnoticed.]


[It's now the oh so dreaded elimination ceremony. Sam, Lightning, and Scott are angrily staring at Dawn, Brick looks conflicted, and you're not present due to injury.]

Chris: "After an episode bursting with betrayal. It's the Rats who have backstabbed the best! Also, (Y/N) will not be attending tonight's elimination, I'm deciding to be nice and let this slide just this once! Mainly because sending someone home on injury is boring. Hehe, so- anyone other than (Y/N) is fair game!"

[Scott scoffs as Dawn looks at him confidently.]

Chris: "Following campers are momentarily safe."

*Confessional Booth*

Brick: "Geez.. I don't know who to vote! I barely know anyone on this team.. Lightning got us far behind in todays challenge but quite literally kicked the bucket toward the end, Scott seems to be a little unreliable, like not taking the wheel. Dawn, she seems nice, but I know that looks can be deceiving.. I just don't know if she could actually steal, sure she weirds me out, but stealing?"

[Brick ponders for a moment but then gets a confident look on his face.]

Brick: "Okay, I chose to eliminate-!"

[Before he says his vote, the camera cuts to static.]


Chris: "Brick."

Chris: "Sam."

Chris: "And the artist formerly known as bucket head!"

Lightning: "Sha-bam!"

[Chris's eye twitches a bit when Lightning says that. Chef pulls out the toxic marshmallow.]

Chris: "And the toxic marshmallow of loserdom goes to..."

[Chris pauses as Dawn and Scott angrily glare at each other.]

Chris: "Dawn!"

Dawn: "What!? Wait-!"

[Chef throws the marshmallow at her but she ducks.]

Dawn: "You can't eliminate me!"

Chris: "Oh yeah? Why not?"

Dawn: "F-for I have found the Mclean invincibility statue!"

[She reaches into her sweater and takes out the statue as everyone gasps, Scott just scoffs.]

Chris: "Where's the Mclean Seal of Approval?"

Scott: "Sorry fairy princess, looks like you dug up one of my knock-off-"

Dawn: "It's right here! Look!"

[Dawn takes the statue over to Chris as he inspects it, lo and behold, it has it.]

Chris: "I'll be darned! It's real!"

Scott: "WHAT!!!???"

[His yell shakes the whole island.]

Chris: "Right there man, the seal of approval!"

Scott: "Then-!"

[He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the other statue, he inspects it closer only to see its one of his knockoffs, his angry look drops as he's absolutely terrified. He looks up at Dawn who only smiles victoriously.]

Scott: "H-h-how... how did you get that!!?"

Dawn: "I didn't get it, (Y/N) did!"

[The other guys stare at Scott in confusion.]

Scott: "N-no! How did he find it!!?"

Dawn: "You really stink at hiding stuff, he found it under the floor board so he hid it in his bag! He then told me and well, here we are!"

[Scotts jaw has practically hit the floor at this point as Chris speaks up.]

Chris: "Since Dawn is now safe from elimination! It now comes down to the next person with the most votes! And we actually have a tie!"

[Everyone gasps, wondering who it is.]

Chris: "The two people are...."

Chris: "Scott, and..."








Chris: "Lightning!"

Lightning: "Sha-what!?"

Scott: "Oh no..."

Chris: "I choose who goes home in a tie! And the person I choose is-!"










Chris: "Lightning! You're going home!"

Lightning: "Sha-whyyyy!!!??"

Chris: "Ugh!! Because of that Sha- crap! How about you Sha-t up!! Chef!"

Lightning: "No, Lightning will not go out! Lightning will stay till the very end of the game!"

[While he's ranting, Chef picks him up and puts him in the catapult.]

Chris: "Any last words Lightning?"

Lightning: "This game is so rigged-!"

[Chef pulls the lever as Lightning is sent flying off into distance.]


[Dawn turns to Scott, pissed.]

Dawn: "You've made two very powerful enemies Scott..."

[Scott just stands there at a loss for words as Dawn walks away.]

*Scene Change*

[Dawn walks into the medical tent and sees you in the bed, still out. She walks over and takes your hand, luckily you still have a pulse.]

Chef: "Luckily he was only knocked out, nothing too serious."

Dawn: "Okay.. thank you.."

[Chef nods and walks out, leaving the two alone. Dawn stares at you, eyes welling up.]

Dawn: "Thank you (Y/N).. without you I wouldn't be here right now.. y-you saved me.."

[She caresses your cheek, its smooth.]

Dawn: "I... I Love You.."

[She looks around and kisses you on the lips. She lets go of your hand and walks away, she opens the tent, but hears something behind her.]

(Y/N): "I love you too."

[Dawn whips around and sees you sitting up. A smile on your face.]

(Y/N): "W-wow.. I- didn't know you felt that way about me.." [You say while blushing and scratching the back of your head.]

[Her face flares up in embarrassment.]

Dawn: "W-were you awake the whole time..?"

(Y/N): "Yup! I actually woke up just as you came in, but I didn't want to startle you. Your lips are really soft by the way!"

[She pulls her sweater over her face as she hides her embarrassment. You chuckle and get out of bed.]

(Y/N): "No need to be embarrassed hon!"

[You gently pull the sweater back down, she looks away with a shy smile.]

(Y/N): "Gosh you're adorable.."

[She squeaks as you pull her into a hug, you let go after a little bit.]

(Y/N): "I assume the elimination ceremony is over?"

Dawn: "Yeah, it's all over. I used the invincibility statue you told me about and it saved me! Lightning was voted out due to a tie though... so Scott's still here, but I doubt he'd be bothering us for a while!"

(Y/N): "Jeez.. well, at least you're still here!"

Dawn: "Yeah.. even though everyone still thinks I'm a thief..."

[You ruffle her hair.]

(Y/N): "Don't worry, I'll protect ya! I'm sure I'll be able to talk some sense into everyone."

[Dawn smiles at you and pecks you on the lips.]

Dawn: "Thank you.."

(Y/N): "No problem!"

[Dawn yawns and stretches as you pick her up.]

(Y/N): "Someone's had a long day huh?~"

[She smiles as she blushes again.]

Dawn: "Y-yeah.."

[You smile and walk out of the medical tent.]

(Y/N): "I'll carry you back to your bed. Don't want my darling to be found in the morning passed out on the ground!"

Dawn: "D-darling!?"

{Y/N): "Y-yeah? If you don't want me to call you that it's fine-!"

Dawn: "No no, it's just- since when did you become so brave?"

[You nervously chuckle.]

(Y/N): "Why do you think silly?~ It's because you've helped me break out of my shell.."

[Dawn smiles as she tiredly cradles you.]

Dawn: "I'm glad.."

[You open the door and walk in with her, you pull out the covers and lay her in bed. You tuck her back in and kiss her on the forehead.]

(Y/N): "Good night Dawn, I love you.."

Dawn: "I love you too, my sweet apple..~"

[You both blow each other a kiss as you close the door. You walk back into the guys side and walk in and silently close the door.]

[To Be Continued...]

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