criminal minds: one shots 2

By josilikestowrite

9.4K 210 10

one shots about your favorite profilers!! just random stories, which will also talk about mental health probl... More

good to be back
stand up - the team
hard - the team
you're back - emily prentiss
it's not fair - aaron hotchner
oh no - the team
regret - aaron hotchner

what? - emily prentiss

1.2K 29 0
By josilikestowrite

tw: fake death
summary: After Emily's death you needed to get away. What happens when you visit the BAU and find someone unexpected?


Emily was your world. She was everything to you. You met when she joined the team, being a strong agent and woman she made you feel comfortable. It didn't take long for you to warm up to her.

You two became close very quick. The two of you understood eachother like no other. Her trusting you with her family issues and you trusting her with your deepest fears.

Quickly the air between the two of you became something more sexual. You couldn't deny she was a pretty woman and with some courage you asked her out. Suprisingly she said yes and after that evrything just kind of went it's way.

It felt to good to be true. Everything was somewhat stable in your life. You and Emily were together for almost two years. Your job was going good. The team and you became a family. You were finally happy and home.

And then Ian Doyle came.

Taking everything away from you in an instant. This man ruined your life. But you had hope. Hope that Emily would com home safe. That you would catch him and get Emily.

But this hope went away when you were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for updates on Emily. God you were so scared. This feeling of complete hopelessness is something you never felt and it's scaring the shit out of you, because what will you do if Emily dies? What will happen? No, you couldn't think like that, so you made your mind go blank, thinking of nothing.

And then came JJ.

Bringing you these terrible news. "She never made it of the table."

And in that moment you felt yourself go numb. You felt how your heart broke into million pieces. How your mind was not fast enough to understand everything. You felt your world shattering. And you felt the stares. Looking at you with that pitful look, waiting for you to break down. But you didn't. You just took your jacket and went out of the door.

You needed to get away.

And the team was suprised, when Erin Strauss told them that you were going on an undercover case for god knows how long, but they understood. They knew you could not do this with them. They understood.

But the one person who didn't understand was Emily Prentiss. Standing there in the conference room after Hotch told them she was alive. Derek being angry, Penelope crying and Spencer hiding his pain.

"Where is Y/N?" Emily asked with a hopeful look. They looked at eachother, not knowing how to tell her. Hotch broke the silence, "After your 'death',  Y/N couldn't really handle it. We don't know. The day after she found out, Strauss told us Y/N is going undercover."

"Oh, okay. And when will she come back?" she asked with a forced smile, not knowing what will come next. "We don't know that." JJ responded, looking at her sorrowful. After a confused look from Prentiss she elaborated, "This undercover case has an undefined time span. She could be back tomorrow, or she could be back in a month, or in a year."

Emily opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again. She swallowed hard and shook the terror in herself of, "Okay, well we need to catch Doyle now. Don't we? So, let's get started." she said, ignoring the tears gathering in her eyes and the pain in her heart.

You are back. After 2 years undercover it was time for you to come back. You changed. Yes, your hair looks different and you changed your clothing style, but you as a person also changed. You accepted Emilys death, you came clean with it. You miss her so much and will never love anyone as much as her, but it's time to move forward.

Her death changed you. You don't see the world as it was. You see the reality of it all and want to bring justice to everyone. Yes, some may say you became a bit more ruthless, but it made you a good agent and it helped keeping you alive on the undercover case.

But that's the past now. You want to visit the people you abandoned two years ago. You know it wasn't fair leaving them behind. But you were just so hurt, you couldn't face them. And you know they then lost two people, but it was too painful for you to face them and you pray to god they will forgive you.

So with a deep breath you make your way to the sixth floor. When the door opens you don't see anyone at their desks, but you hear voices coming from the conference room. When you walk past the desks you see a new one with a bit less decorations than the others. There must be a new agent, you think to yourself. 

From the smell coming from the conference room it seemed like they were having lunch together, so with a smile on your lips you open the door.

When the team hears the door open, they do not expect you standing there. They look at you with their mouths open. "Hi." you smile warmly at them, seeing one chair is free with food infront on the table, that must be the new agent.

Garcia is the first one to break the silence, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" she says, standing up and rushing to you, giving you a big, tight hug. God, you missed these.

Next is Derek, "Y/N, good to see you alive." he says smiling at you and giving you a hug. "It's good to be back." you say in a soft tone.

JJ is next and gives you a motherly hug and you can see the tears in her eyes. You missed her so much. Spencer is next, giving you a hug so tight you can barely breathe. "I missed you so much." he says in your ear. You caress his back and tell him you missed him too.

Rossi gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheeck, smiling at you and telling you about this new italian magazine. You just laugh at him, you are so grateful to be back.

Lastly is Hotch who pats your shoulder and gives you a smile that says more than anything. You give him a nod and a smile in return.

But there is something else, you feel it. You just don't know what it is. You just let it pass and blame your happiness on it. You clap in your hands, look at them and give them a smile, "So, what have I missed? Who is this new agent? I want to meet them, I saw their desk and I'm so curious. Are they good? How long have they be-" but a gasp interrupts you and you furrow eyebrows. The team is looking uncomfortable and you turn around.

The gasp that leaves your mouth is louder than anything right now. Standing in the door is the person you thought died. The person you loved. The person you griefed.

Emily Prentiss.

She is standing there in a gray top and black jeans, her hair is longer now and she looks like she sleeps terrible. You can see how her hands are shaking, the little quiver in her lip, her glossy eyes.

You don't know if you are seeing a ghost. You don't know if this is real, but even if you are dreaming you make your way forward and take small steps towards her. Careful steps, not trusting your own mind.

But when you stand infront of her and can see her glossy eyes that hold so much emotion, her rosy cheeks and her perfect lips that look softer than anything, you can't help but touch her face. And when you can feel her skin and you realise that she is real, you break down and throw your arms around her.

She stumbles a little, but puts her arms around you. She puts her head in the crook of your neck, taking in your parfume, how she missed that smell.

You're crying and sobbing into Emilys shirt, but you don't care. You don't care at all, because she is back and she is in your arms. And she is alive. Emily is alive and you are here. You have hope for the both of you.

You can already feel how her presence is picking up the broken pieces and glueing them together.

Your love for her never ended.

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