By HanabiraPinkEvoy

16.4K 274 126


Chapter 1 : Part 2
Chapter 1 : Part 3
Chapter 1 : Part 4
Chapter 1 : Part 5
Chapter 1 : Part 6
Chapter 1 : Part 7
Chapter 2 : Part 1
Chapter 2 : Part 2
Chapter 2 : Part 3
Chapter 2 : Part 4
Chapter 2 : Part 5
Chapter 2 : Part 6
Chapter 2 : Part 7
Chapter 2 : Part 8
Chapter 2 : Part 9
Chapter 2 : Part 10
Chapter 2 : Part 11
Chapter 2 : Part 12
Chapter 2 : Part 13
Chapter 2 : Part 14
Chapter 3 : Part 1
Chapter 3 : FINALE
〜A/N 〜
~Second Book~

Chapter 1 : Part 1

1.5K 20 2
By HanabiraPinkEvoy

My life has been.... chaotic. My family broke out into another fit of drama, so I left the nest, ran straight to college, and got myself an apartment and a job. But lately I've been getting paid the bare minimum, nowhere near enough to afford an apartment on my own. That meant I had to find myself a roommate to afford one. Yet I made the greatest mistake one could make: I roomed with a friend. I had heard once that if you became roommates with a friend, you wouldn't stay friends for long. In my case, the friendship gets strained thinner and thinner as my 'friend' not only keeps making excuses on why they need me to cover their half of the rent, but they keep bringing home some dropout for late night 'study sessions'. Now, I'm working harder to lose money on the rent. I'm broke, and getting a second job, even if part-time, feels like it will kill me. At least, in the park by my work, I can get some alone time.

I've always had a sweet infatuation with this part of the park: it's in a secluded area, and away from obnoxious family members and college jerks. No one comes here apart from the groundskeepers. Even then, they only come by in the morning.

I close my eyes, and take in a deep breath of fresh air, huffing out the tension left in my lungs so I could calm down just enough to enjoy the peace and quiet of the park. It's one of the few moments of my week where I can take a break away from the monotony of everyday life.

Just then, I feel someone sit down beside. Startled, I turn and look towards the interloper.

"Whoa! Hey, take it easy, it's just me." the stranger says, trying to keep me from leaping too far off the park bench. "You sure are a jumpy one, aren't ya?" I get a creepy vibes off of this guy. I keep my eyes on him, and his unblinking eyes don't stray from mine. Not once. "So, are you waiting for a family member or a friend? It just seems kind of odd for you to be sitting out here, all alone like this, and so far away from the jogging track."

"No, I'm just getting some alone time to myself. Things have been pretty intense lately, and this is one of the only breaks I've gotten all week." I mumble. He shuffles closer to me. Still getting creepy vibes off of him, I cross an arm over my chest and move further to the edge of the bench. He picks up on my unease, and refrains from sliding any closer. He crosses his fingers between his legs and smiles warmly.

"L-look, I know this is sudden, very sudden, but if you're free tonight can I have the pleasure in taking you out to dinner?" What? I don't even know anything about him, and yet he's asking me to dinner?

"What? Why?" Why did he have such an interest in me?

"Well, I'm your boyfriend. Isn't that why you're here?"


My boyfriend? why would he be assuming we're in a relationship? The stranger sits, patiently waiting for my answer.

I have nothing better to do, and a little break from the monotony would do me some good. And this guy seems interesting enough to keep me distracted from everyday problems. "Sure, dinner sounds nice."

"Wait, really? That's great!" He beams, taking a hold of my hands in his own. "I'll meet you tonight at 7!" He turns to get up, but pauses when he realises he's forgetting something. "Oh, I forgot to plan where to meet up. Sorry, I know I may seem absentminded, but I'm just so excited! How about the old diner down town? It's quiet, so no one will disturb us."
"The diner down town? Which one?"

"Oh, you know. The one that you work at."

"Oh... ok."

"Great! See you tonight!" He lets go of my hands, gets up and walks off with a leap in each step, looking as if he'd just won the lottery. I can't help but run back over the scene in my mind, blushing at him saying "Can I have the pleasure?" What a shy, awkward guy.

The birds stop singing as I feel a pit grow in the pit of my stomach, a lump of saliva lodging itself in my throat.

How did he know where I work?



Aaaaand there! Our first chapter! This is going to be one of the few chapters that follow the original story. I am going to try and make the rest of the story different, so do try and bare with me lol.

Have a nice day! ^_^

[754 words]

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