La Niñera

By BiancaGradaille

499 19 1

What if a strange woman from the outside world accidentally found her way to the Encantó along with her daugh... More

Episode 1 part 1
Episode 1 Part 2
Episode 1 part 3
Episode 1 Part 4
Sofía the Madrigal
Chapter 2: New normal
Part 2: Wedding Crashers
Chapter 3: The husband, the wife and her madre
Episode 4: The nuchslep
Fran's first fast
Birthdays and Guests
Costume party

Epi: 1 Part 5

26 2 0
By BiancaGradaille

Bruno and Fran are pushed out of his room by the sand (Casita) causing the door to open and the two Adults are in the hallway unaware of the interrogation they just interrupted.

"Okay, now I'm pissed!" Fran shouts then helps Bruno up. "Seriously! What is up with your house?" She asked him but before he could answer he sees they were not alone.

"Oh hey everybody's up," Fran stated and sees her daughter and Alma looking at her. "You know I would love to stay and chat but we really should be going." she tries to usher Sofie to the nursery "So we'll-"

"Not so fast!" Alma stopped them and they hesitatanly turned to face her.

"When I first meet you I thought you were just some weird outsider too ignorant to hurt anyone, especially with the way you dress," She stated then point to the door. "However in just a few days you've disrupted my home, undermine my orders, and... and..." (flustered) "Why were you in his room, and why was he"(points to Bruno who looks away) "with you? Why did-" (she points to Sofía but Fran shields her from the matriarch's rant) "Who are you?! And why are you here?!"

"I... I..." Fran didn't know what to say or where to start for the first time in her life she was speechless.

"Mamá I-" Bruno tried to explain but was cut off.

"Sofia is Tío Bruno's daughter!" Dolores shouted, shaking from the tension. But she continued, "She's a Madrigal! She was born before Mirabel. Fran is our tía and she's also the person that Señora-I forget her name- said was coming!" the thirteen-year-old covered her ears and curled on the floor exhausted from keeping and blurting all the secrets out. "Bruno was also with her," she added then passed out. Felix and Pepa rush to check on her.

For a moment everyone was stunned. From Dolores speaking out and from what they heard about Bruno and Fran. Of course, Dolores had left out some details causing all kinds of scenarios to rush into the adult's curious minds. Then out of nowhere, a green tablet slid in front of Abuela who picked it up. The image showed a little girl holding a baby. Alma turned to Bruno. "Is this the vision you had... that night?" He knows what night she is referring to and when he sees the image he quickly noticed it was Sofie so without further delay he simply said, "Yes..."
Alma looked back at the image and Bruno then Sofia and Fran.

"I need to talk with you two alone," they were about to follow her when... (loud stomach grumble)

"Um, can we get a light nosh first since none of us has had breakfast?"

"Fine. You may get your children settled but I expect you two to grab something quick and meet me in the library," she left them alone.

"So, who's hungry?" Fran asked and everyone had their hands up.

After a few minutes of awkward silence. Fran got Manny settled in a high chair while he ate and Sofia was sitting between Mirabel and Camilo eating some bread. Fran noticed as the adults set up they were looking at her differently. She understands that they have questions but she doesn't know what to say she was flying blind here. "So we're just going to take these..." (grabbed a plate of arepas 🫓) "and head up to your mother hopefully we can get all this straightened out," Fran said with a smile though she couldn't hide how awkward she felt about everything.

As soon as they got farther from the table and on their way to Alma they started forming a plan.

"Your mother thinks the vision you had of my kids is the one..."
"Okay so maybe- oh I don't know! What's going to happen to them?"

"I don't know, I had that vision when I was ten I thought it was just one of my random visions."

They reached the door nervous about what was going to happen. Will Alma accept Sofia? Will Alma blame Sofie? All these questions are making them more nervous.

"No matter what we need to be strong for our daughter," Fran said back straight face full of determination. They entered the living room where Alma was seated on the couch with two chairs across from her coffee table.

Alma: "So how long-"

Fran:(panics) "OH PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON MY BABY SHE DIDN'T KNOW! SHE DIDN'T KNOW!" She wailed while being on her knees pleading to the matriarch. "We mean no harm I just came here cause of my job! Oh PLEASE DONT CURSE US!"

Alma: (confused and startled) "What are you talking about?"

Fran: (stopped whining) "Aren't you going to curse my family?"

Alma: "No, I wanted to ask how long has Bruno been with you." (To Bruno) "What have you been telling her?" (Bruno shrugs nothing)

Bruno: "Not much. But I never said you could curse people."

"Oh?" Fran stated, she recovered from the floor and sat in the chairs across from Alma "Never mind, continue..."

"Yes, as I was asking how long have you been together?"

"As in dating?" Fran inquired before answering.

"As in how long have you been married?" She asked with a patient yet strained smile.

"Oh," (realized) "OH!" Fran turns to Bruno who is equally as shocked. His mother assumes they're married. And that he's been with Fran and Sofia this whole time.

"Well, uh..." Bruno tries to explain but he's so nervous about telling her the truth that he can't come up with anything either.

"First let's start at the beginning! We meet years ago. I first came to Columbia with a humanitarian group. I got lost and that's when we meet. The next day I reunited with my group and went back home."

"So Sofia is..."

"She's his. I found out I was pregnant a month after returning home."

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience you might have..."

"Oh don't worry about it! I had a good support group. Sure my family was miffed but they still helped out."

"Okay. So Bruñito how did you find them?"

"She found me..."

"Yeah, I was on a business trip in a small town my boss was helping incorporate some tech and then I meet Hernando again in a bar,"

"Hernando?" Alma pointed out. "That was the name I gave her the first time we meet," Bruno said blushing.

"Anyway I saw him and then decided to confront him I learned his real name and I told him he had a daughter..."


"Yeah, I figured he at least deserved to know the pain I had to go through plus I was a bit drunk."

"I see,"

"Anyway long story short he tells me about this vision he had that made him leave his home. Who would've thought that the father of my child was a psychic and that he had a vision of her holding my other kid!"

"So the toddler is..." Alma asked.

"Adopted," Fran stated. Alma nods trying to process everything she's heard so far.

"Let me see if I understand, about two years before Camilo and Mirabel were born. You consummated with an outsider. Then after Mirabel's ceremony when I asked for a vision you discovered you had a daughter out of wedlock!" her tone raised a bit more causing him to cringe. Yeah, he did not miss the lectures. "So you choose to leave home to go find her and then you did. Is that correct?"

"Yes..." he answered half-heartedly. Hoping it'll end at that.

"And you didn't have the decency to at least tell us. Tell me that you were alright!" Alma stood up. "And why didn't you tell me when you first got here?!" She glares at Fran.

"I didn't know that..." she paused. "he would chicken out like that! So I had to improvise and all of a sudden I went from sales rep to nanny."

"That's right Dolores also said you were the outsider that was trying to get my permission to sell something!"

"Yup and since we were coming here I figured it'd be a nice way for Sofie to meet the rest of her family but someone decided to hide from his mommy!"

"You said you understood why I was scared!"

"I do. But you still could have warned me about a few things!"

"I take it you haven't been informed of the family's gifts."

"Just vague ideas. But from what I recently learned Pepa can control lighting or something."

"Weather. Though I am curious Bruno why only tell her your powers and not your families or about Casita?"

"Mamá I can't lie to you... I was drunk when we reunited. I had no filter but she wasn't freaked out about it."

"I was skeptical, but then I remembered that there are supers that are clairvoyant..."

"Supers?" Alma asked confused by the word. "That's right your cut off from the world. Supers are people that have special powers. Some are born with their powers but some people can get them by accident depending on the circumstances. Is that fake fruit?" Fran point to a bowl.

"No," Alma said. "Getting back to Sofia, does she have any..."

"Powers? Not that we know so far. Course, that's expected my friend Edna explained..."

"Please let's stay on topic. Bruno, Sofia was given a door and she opened it but it's not like the others."

"Oh, um I'm not sure what I can tell you. We're just as confused as you are believe me..."

"Plus we haven't even seen the door yet."

Alma stands up and walks, "Follow me" The duo walked behind her, and when they reached the door in question.

"Welcome home," Fran reads "Oh that's cute and it's in such a pretty font. I wonder how?- Oh right magic. never mind."

Alma is silently getting annoyed at this woman. Bruno looks at the door not once getting a feeling or remembering a vision of it. So he opens the door and finds a simple room.

The three adults look around and see a bedroom with two writing desks. Two beds. An activity table and dressers. All the basics of an upper-middle-class bedroom. After a moment of silence, someone speaks up.

"Is this where I'm going to be staying in?" Asked a sweet voice. The adults turned around and found Mirabel.

"Mirabel not now. Go back to the table," Alma strictly ordered causing Mira to pout sadly.

"Don't talk to her like that! She's just curious. Seriously who raised you Sargent hard case?" Fran said going to hug her... niece?
"Sweetie," (hugging her) "why are you butting into our business?" Fran asked sweetly while hugging her. "Sofía said that since you're leaving, I can have this room."

"How did this come up?"

"Lolo came to Sofía and whispered in her ear then Sofia said I can have this room since I didn't get one."

Fran was touched by her daughter's act and gushed, "Oh! that's so-"

"Rude," said Alma "huh?" Fran asked wondering why she said that. Mirabel kept her face hidden in Fran's embrace.

"Mirabel this room is for Sofía she opened it so it's hers," "But-" "No more of this. Now please-"

"Yesh! Ease up would ya! she's just asking. Why do you have to be so anal about it?" Fran said to her.
"Excuse me!"

"Look I don't know what's going on in that head of yours but Mira is bringing in some good points! Are we going or staying? I'm fine staying since Sofie deserves the chance to get to know this side of her family!" She paused checking Mirabel's face and continued, "Besides this room has two beds," Fran pointed out. "That's never happened before," said, Bruno.

"Exactly, Mirabel can move in here and Bunk with Sofie till we settle things," Fran said causing Mirabel's eyes to sparkle in glee. "Really?!"

Alma: "I don't-"

"Sure honey, we'll talk with your parents and get their opinion."

"Excuse me?!"

"It's fine with us! We can do it today" said Agustín who appeared, "Dolores has been keeping us updated." with Julieta behind him nodding. The rest of the Madrigals are outside looking in.

"Wonderful!" (approaches Sofia) "Oh Sofie sweetie, I know that things are a little confusing right now."

"It's okay mama! Dolores has been keeping me in the loop," she said.

"Really?" Fran looks at the preteen.
"Yeah, and I'm fine with it and I like Mirabel I don't mind sharing with her."

"Oh," Fran said sensing she knows everything but won't spill yet, "Manny will still be staying with you guys though? Right?" Sofia asked her mother.

"Yes, it'll just be the two of you," She said to both girls. "Now we need to measure the room to see what furniture will fit."

"Oh don't worry I only have my clothes in the dresser and some toys I need to move."

"Even better now we can set up!"

"¡DISCULPÉ!" Alma shouted causing everyone to turn and look at her. "Have we all forgotten something?"

"Oh right. So can we stay?" Fran asked.

"Not that I mean yes you are but-"

"Great!" Fran looks at her watch, "Oh look at the time! you all need to be in town. C'mon kids, I'll help you get ready. Cam, stop picking your nose or you'll bleed!" Fran said as everyone hurried out of the room to start the day. Julieta to her stand. Pepa to the field. Luisa and Agustín for her chores. Felix cleaned the house with Dolores. Leaving Alma and Bruno alone in front of Sofía's door.

"So that was..."

"Bruno did you foresee anything that might affect the magic..."

"...No mama neither Sofía nor Fran have anything to do with that Night. I tried seeing more but nothing."

"But your daughter... she has a door but her gift is unknown!"

"Well, now Mirabel's not the only one. But hey at least we know she wasn't the first."

"...She wasn't the first," Alma stated in deep thought.

"Uh, mama?"

"I need to be alone for a second excuse me."

"What did I just cause?"

"Tío Bruno! We need help moving the girl's stuff!" Yelled Camilo standing at the nursery door.

"Coming!" Bruno walked to the nursery and saw Fran with Manny on her back, helping Sofie, and Mirabel pack all their stuff.

"There you are. Come on these things aren't going to move-" Fran said and the tiles moved again taking the girls' stuff out of the nursery.

"Gracias Casita," said Mirabel as she follows her stuff to the room with Sofie. Both girls giggle in excitement. While Fran just stares in shock pointing and squeaking at what she just saw. "Is she broken?" Asked Camilo. "Cam, why aren't you with the girls?"

"They don't need me besides I have my room just for me..." he stated but Fran can sense something else and kneel beside the boy.

"Well if you ever feel lonely you can always come to me and now that Bruno's here you'll have someone new to talk to! and maybe you can share a room with Manny when he gets older!"

"No thanks! but I'm fine sleeping with you."

"I never said that."

"I'm not hearing a no."

"Go play with your cousins," Fran said guiding him out the door. Leaving her and Bruno alone. "So... looks like I'm staying here."

"Yeah looks like."

"Okay let's get our stories straight. You've been staying with us all this time, our daughter met you much earlier and now I need to figure out how to explain this situation. Oh, and Bruno you are staying in here."

"What? but-"

"Bruno I know that you are comfortable with the wall rats and it's very sweet how they love you. Nonetheless, it's not sanitary, and that mattress had no support at all!"

"It did before," Bruno said causing her to wide-eye him. "Sorry."

"Anyway, this is your home you should have a real bed in a real room."

"I have my old room..."

"It's a desert with a tower that screams 'let down your long hair'! Besides these beds are on the same level as you."

"Are you okay with this?"

"As you can tell I've been okay with a lot of things, but if you hurt my babies I'll kill you and make it look like an accident," she said calmly and with a sweet face "Comprende?"
"Good," she kissed his cheek and went to check on the kids.

"This is going to be a long visit."

~The end~

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