He Wasn't A Jerk Before (He W...

By onedirectiion_

2.2M 46.6K 10.5K

[Finalist in Watty Awards 2013) He Wasn't a Jerk #2 ⁑⁑ Disclaimer: Probably a lot of grammar issues, along w... More

He Wasn't A Jerk Before (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Part One
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty Part Two
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty Part One

45.4K 2.1K 551
By onedirectiion_

Obviously .. this is a way overdue chapter, and I hope you all understand that I'm busy and my life doesn't revolve around updating. All rude comments on chapter nineteen about me not updating have been removed.

Chapter Twenty Part One

Louis didn't come back to his seat until we only had about twenty minutes before we had to land. I couldn't believe he spent almost six hours locked up inside that small bathroom - I mean, surely other people needed to use it.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen," An overhead voice came on, capturing our attention, "We will be landing at Midway airport in approximately twenty-two minutes. We ask that you stay seated for the remainder of the flight to ensure your safety. Thank you for flying with us." The voice cut off with a loud beep and I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes.

Louis nudged my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see his phone shove in my face, "Weren't we supposed to be going to New York?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah we are."

He checked the screen on his phone and cleared his throat, "Well Midway Airport isn't exactly in New York."

I took ahold of his phone and looked at the search results on google, "It's in Chicago?" I asked, my eyes widening. I had booked a flight for New York, not Chicago!

Louis took his phone back with a scoff, "Obviously you booked the wrong flight."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for bringing that up Louis." I blew put a big breath, ruffling the ends of my blonde hair - a habit I've gotten into when I felt nervous. I felt a hand graze against the skin on my bare knee and I shivered slightly, looking up at Louis.

"Babe, it's okay." Louis said softy, offering me a smile.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "I'm such an idiot. I can't even book a freaking flight without screwing up something."

Louis looked down at his phone and back up at me, "You're not an idiot. We'll figure something out." Louis said, offering me a small smile.

Once the flight landed, Louis and I scurried to grab our bags from the baggage claim and made our way to the help desks to see if there was a flight to New York anytime soon.

"We're looking for a flight to New York." Louis said, leaning his arm on the top of the desk, giving the woman a huge smile.

She laughed and typed in the location on her keyboard, her red painted nails clicked against the plastic loudly. "The next flight to New York is in three days due to the bad weather we should be experiencing over the weekend."

"Bad weather?" I questioned, "But it's the summer!"

The lady laughed, smoothing down the top of her hair, "We know that ma'am, but we cannot control the weather. We are supposed to be having some very powerful rain storms here - hence why most flights have been delayed a few days."

I groaned, clutching my suitcase handle tighter. "This is so not happening." I mumbled to myself, shaking my head slightly.

First, Louis follows me onto the plane. Then, we find out that the plane is actually heading to Chicago, not New York. Now, we can't catch a flight to New York for at least three days. Could this get any better?(Note the sarcasm).

"Damn." Louis whistled, as we headed out the exit doors of the airport.

The skies were turning an ugly black, looming over the airport. A crack of thunder made me slightly jump, and Louis' hand settled on the small of my back.

"Let's go catch a cab babe." Louis told me, flagging down an empty cab that was pulling up in front of the airport. We stuck our suitcases and bags in the trunk before climbing into the back of the seats.

"Where too?" The man behind the wheel asked, a heavy Hispanic accent coated his words.

Louis cleared his throat, "To the nearest hotel, please."

The driver gave us a stif nod before pulling away from the curb and onto the highway filled with multiple cars moving at a high speed. It took about fifteen minutes before we reached the hotel, which wasn't that far from the airport.

"This is the Hilton Garden Inn." The driver told us as he drove through the semi-empty parking lot of the hotel. "Just incase you need to know, it's about eleven miles from downtown Chicago."

Louis nodded, "Thanks mate." Louis handed the driver a credit card, since we didn't have any American money just yet. Louis said we would go later to exchange some in. We got out of the car, opened the trunk and took out of baggage before heading inside the automatic doors.

I sat down in the main lobby on one of the single seating chairs and looked up at Louis who was looking towards the check-in counter.

"Stay here," He said, "I'll get us a room."

"Make sure it has at least two beds." I called after him, trying not to remember what happened the last time that Louis and I were in the same bed together. I cringed at the memory of it, and made a face.

This was gonna be the worst three days of my life.


Louis slid the keycard into the door and pushed the door open with a lot of force. Not even letting the "ladies first rule" apply, he strolled right in the hotel room, letting out a gigantic sigh.

I pushed the door open - which was starting to close - and tugged my rolling suitcase with me behind me. The door slammed on it's own accord and I groaned, seeing Louis already sprawled across one of the queen sized beds, flipping through channels on the TV.

"You're such a waste of space." I said, kicking his legs up on the bed as I moved in the aisle between the beds. I took a seat on the edge of my bed and watched Louis surf through the channels.

"I'm the waste of space?" Louis clarified with a scoff, "Whatever you say babe."

"First off, I'm not your babe." I told him sternly. Babe was a term a boyfriend used for their girlfriend and we definitely weren't together. "And second of all I actually do things with my life. Therefore, I am not a waste of space."

"I do things with my life." Louis argued, "I'm in a band."

"That hardly counts."

"Yes it counts, babe." He said, putting emphasis on the word babe. I groaned, hoisting my suitcase on top of my bed and stood up.

"I'm going down to the lobby." I said, knowing that they had an area with couches, chairs, a fireplace and a flat screen TV.

He waved mockingly, staring at the TV. I rolled my eyes on my way out of the room, taking out my phone that was shut off for the flight and quickly powered it up. I started a new conversation with Ava and started to type rapidly as I made my way down the hallway to the elevators. Once in the elevators, I hit the send button;

-Stuck in Chicago. I booked the wrong flight!

The elevator hit the ground floor in a matter of seconds and I stepped out, letting some men in business suits clamber into the tight space. I walked to the seating area, taking a seat on one of the brown and orange colored plush chairs, grabbing the remote for the TV and turning it on.

My phone started to vibrate and I quickly unlocked it and checked my messages.

-Are u serious?

-I'm dead serious Avs.

-How long are u gonna be there for??

-Three days they said because of the intense weather they're expecting I can't get a flight to NY.

-That sucks.

-It does .. I'm staying at the Hilton Garden Inn and it's really nice though.

-Oooh! Sounds fun girl :)

-I guess lol

-I have to go, Lou's mom is freaking out because we still can't find him.

-Oh .. Well give her my best wishes!

-Will do!!!

For about the next half an hour, I watched the Fox News on channel twelve as they reported live from an on scene protest. A few guests arrived and left during the time that I was sat in the lobby. I flicked off the television with the remote in my hand and made my way back to the elevators and back upstairs.

"Louis," I said, opening the door.

"In the bathroom." He called back, and I shut the door behind me, locking it.

No more than a minute later he came out of the bathroom in a pair of coca-cola pajamas bottoms and a plain white tee. I gave him a quizzical look, which he smirked at.

"Nice pants." I commented sarcastically.

He did a half turn and batted his eyelashes, "They really enhance my bum huh?" He said, looking over his shoulder towards his butt.

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the double window, peering outside. The clear blue sky I was expecting to see was still covered in dark, almost black, looking clouds swirling the sky like a predator. I groaned, inspecting the first rain drop that splashed against our window.

"I guess we're stuck inside now." I muttered, closing the maroon colored curtains.

Louis chuckled, "There's many things we can do to pass the time."

I turned around and glared at him. "No. That is so out of the question." I said, before storming off into the connected small scaled living room.

"I was talking about playing scrabble!" Louis called.

I poked my head back into the bedroom and rolled my eyes, "We don't even have a scrabble game board with us, idiot."


I jumped, startled while I laid in bed that night due to another loud crack of thunder followed by a blazing strike of lightning.

I whimpered quietly, clutching the bed sheets closer to my body. I hated storms and everyone knew it. I don't know why I was afraid of them - I just was. I groaned, rolling over onto my right side so I was now facing Louis. My eyes widened once I saw his own blue ones staring right back at me.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked, trying to keep my voice leveled.

He laughed, propping himself up with his elbow, allowing him to sit up in bed. "I could say the same about you."

I pulled back the sheets to my bed and slipped on my converse, pulling down my pajama bottoms. "I'm going for a walk." I said, putting my phone in the pocket of my pants and heading towards the door. I faintly heard shuffling as I made my way towards the door, and when I placed my hand on the door handle I heard Louis yell my name.

"I'm coming with." Louis said, walking up to me so his pace now matched mine. I rolled my eyes, pulling out my phone and checking the time.

"It's 2:34am and your going to come on a walk with me?"

He laughed humorlessly, "Obviously."

We reached the lifts* and before I could hit the down button, Louis had beat me too it. He stepped back, smiling foolishly.


I stepped closer towards the elevator as we waited for a few sections before the doors slid open, revealing an empty lift. We walked in, and I quickly hit the ground floor button. Since we were on the eighth floor, it would take a minute or so to get down to the lobby. The doors slowly slide closed, and I leaned up against the back of the lift. A loud crack of thunder could be heard from inside the lift and before I knew it, the lights in the lift starting flickering. The sign flashed that we just passed the sixth floor and I groaned.

"Hurry up," I muttered, the lights up above still flickering. I felt the lift stop moving and I let out a breath of relief, waiting for the doors to open - but they never did.

"Uh, why does it say we're still on the fourth floor?" Louis asked, pointing up towards the sign that indeed read "4".

"I, I think we're stuck."

"Stuck? Shit." Louis said, looking for the call button that they placed for emergencies. Once he pressed it, the once flickering lights had stopped flickering and went out in an instant.

"Oh, this is great." I said, indicating to the complete darkness we were surrounded in. I slid down to the floor, leaning my back against the lift's walls. I heard Louis shuffle about across from me, but I didn't pay any attention to what he was saying.

"Victoria? Victoria. I'm talking to you."

"What?" I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I said, does your phone get any reception in here?" Louis repeated his question that I did not pay attention too.

"I don't know," I said, pulling out my phone, "Let me check."

I unlocked my phone, the screen illuminating a small section of the darkness and I check the signal I had on my phone.

"Yeah, only one bar though. That's hardly enough to call or text someone." I muttered, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"What now?"

I cracked my knuckles, "I guess we just wait."


"Favorite color?"

"Red. You know this Louis."

He sighed, "I know. I ran out of questions."

Currently, in the situation that we were in, we decided to play twenty questions to pass the time. And, obviously it wasn't working. On question number three, Louis started to repeat questions that I had asked him or that he asked for question number one/two. This was the fourth time he asked me what my favorite color is.

"I'm hungry." I stated, searching the two pockets of my sweatpants, silently praying that I had randomly stuffed some sort of edible substance at some point. When both of my hands came up empty(besides my phone being in one pocket) I gave up, and a wave of disappointment crashed over me like a tidal wave.

"What do you want to be when you get out of college?" Louis suddenly asked, dismissing my earlier statement of being hungry.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

He laughed slightly, "We're still playing twenty questions - aren't we?"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me through the darkness surrounding us, "Oh yeah. Right. Um, well I've always wanted to be a dancer - so probably a professional dancer or a choreographer." I responded to his question.

"Obviously I want to keep singing with my mates. Doing what I'm doing now." Louis said, even though I did not ask him what he wanted to do.

"Are you even going to go to college?" I questioned, forgetting about the whole twenty questions game.

Louis snorted, "Probably not. I can't afford it right now, even with the singing job I have. Plus, I doubt I'd be able to go to a college without getting mobbed Vic."

"Yeah. That's true."

I heard a faint crinkle of a wrapper after I finished talking. I sat up straighter, looking over to where I imagined Louis would be. "Is that food?" I asked, sounding like a maniac. What can I say? I'm hungry!

Louis chuckled, "Calm down, I was going to give it to you anyway. Here,"

I felt something soft land in my lap and I felt around to pick it up. It felt like a granola bar. I peeled back the wrapping and taking a bite out of it. Despite it being an oatmeal raisin granola bar, I still smiled at the taste of food and moaned. Louis let out a bark of laughter.

"What?" I asked, chewing the remaining granola I had in my mouth before swallowing. I checked my face for any crumbs, even thought it didn't matter since Louis couldn't see my face - or any part of me for that matter.

"You moaned like it was your first meal of the day." Louis noted, still on the brink of laughter.

I shrunk back into my position of leaning against the wall, "It kind of is."

"It is?"

"Yeah, I didn't eat anything on the flight or when we got here."

"That's not healthy." Louis pointed out. I picked up on his tone of caring, which made my heart do a flip-flop in my chest. I took a deep breath, trying to make it unnoticeable that I was affected my his affection towards me.

"I know." I muttered, closing my eyes. Closing my eyes was no different than when I had them open. I saw black either way.

For some reason, I felt like crying. I didn't feel like crying because of the situation we were in - no, it certainly wasn't that. I felt like crying because when Louis and I talked, it felt like the old times. The old times when Louis was my boyfriend, and we'd have these little silly, intimate talks. But, when we broke up, obviously I was depressed and heart broken.

I felt like crying, not only because of the memories, but because the feelings I had from those memories, all came rushing back at me - all at once. I did a deep intake of a breath and let it out quietly.

I still loved Louis Tomlinson.


Honestly, I feel like I have the best fans ever. It's amazing how many of you care for this story the way I do. I don't have any excuse for not updating, simply because I was not motivated to right and was basically stuck on an idea for this story. I don't have it all planned out, I write as I go and I don't have chapter's already pre-written.

I hope this month or so of me not updating does not decrease the amount of readers that are reading this story. I have an idea for this now, and chapters will be updated more frequently.

Not to sound like a bitch or anything, but some of you are really rude on demanding updates. It strikes me as rude when people leave comments like some that were on Chapter Nineteen(that have now been deleted). If you do not respect me, or my story, don't expect respect back.

British Vocab:

*Lift: To Americans and other countries, basically an elevator.

I love you all who support me and are still supporting me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. x

Video: If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickleback (I absolutely love this song).

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