Intertwined (Life takes you b...

By kelyoungwrld

134 5 2

Isabella, a popular girl was dragged back in time due to a failed science project by her friends. As though b... More

You I'll See/ The Beginning
If only I stayed home/ The Beginning
Hell No! / The Beginning
Prince Lee Ji-ho
Sungjoo Village
I'm No god!
You Are No Man.
What's Happening?
Stranger's with eyes.
Home, Sweet Home!
You Should Smile More.
The Words of my Father
The Prince's Queen
Two Hearts Finally Beating as One
The King's Verdict

Who are you?

9 0 0
By kelyoungwrld

"Prince Lee Ji-ho" the king called out to his son as he stepped into the throne room

"You will be going to Sungjoo village on an official royal business; Minister of affairs informed me about the representative of the Chinese vice emperor, he is said to lodge near the village, and by history you know how the chinese can be. You must set out   Sungjoo and meet him at once. Invite  him to royal palace".

"Why must I go? We do not need to relay all our problems to the chinese, why must we ask for their guidance when we have a king to tend to our matters, why must we....."

"Don't be foolish now child, it hasn't rained for two years, there is  famine in the land, an epidemic is spreading through out the lands. Our crops are dying and sure are the farm animals I'll miss work likelihood it's been cut out due to the drought. We need help where we can find it, the chinese have good herbs and we need it"

"But.." I tried to say.

"You live in a day"his Majesty spoke as he concluded his speech.

"May you live long your majesty" I said as I bowed in respect.


"I can't believe he's asking the chinese for help, am sure prime minister Kim is in on this. He's being controlled by them,the Kim Clan. You know, people see him as an impotent king?"

"Your highness, your father might seen like that, but am sure his after the well being of the nation" Poong Yeon said trying to defend the king.

"Fft, you're one to defend the King  after all that happened to your parents and what he did" I tried to remind  Poong Yeon of the unfortunate event that be fell his parents.

His mind couldn't help but wonder back to the past,as the cloud of the past flooded his mind << We haven't done anything wrong, we've been forcefully accused, we didn't conspire against the royal house or cause the death of the king>> as a sword slashed through his mother's back.

He remember clearly how she tried to protect him from such a foul scene, but failed with her life stripe out of her in a mere instant and how his father screamed out her name as she fell to the ground, soaked in her own blood.

He was about to speak out, when him too was cut down; remembering how his father's blood splashed on his face.

His younger brother's life was already striped from him in his quarters. He was to be killed too, to join his family, for his entire family was accused of treason against the king and against the great nation.

But he was save by the new crowned prince who was three years younger than him, and asked a favor of his father: for Yeon to be his personal guard from there on till his dying breath.

"You would be dead, if not for that request" I remained him.

"I know and I will be forever greatful to you, your highness" he said as he bowed greatfully

Sungjoo ehh, of all places; why be interested in such a small and an uninteresting village to lodge, hmm! The prince thought, wondering why the representative would make such a decision.

The journey to Sungjoo was a smooth one, we met up the representative, figured out why he chose the lodge: it was close to a gisaeng, and it's said to own the most beautiful girls outside the capital.

It was a day and half's journey. We tried to convince him to come back with us, but he insisted on staying, he that he hadn't be here on official business but for pleasure and Joseon had one of the most beautiful girls and it made him come back.

We were to head  back the next morning, but I was called privately by the representative to his lodge.

Before he spoke to me he looked right at Yeon,it felt as though he didn't want to speak such word in front of a guard.

"His my trusted ally, what ever you wish to say to me , you can say in front of him" I told him said eagerly.

It's true, I trusted Yeon with all my heart and I knew he would never betray me for anything, this faith I had in him, he gained when we where fourteen and in our younger age.

"Crown Prince, how's your fathers health" the representative asked intensely as he sipped his drink.

"His as health as horse, why do you ask after the king?" I asked him feeling unease with the sudden question.

"I wouldn't trust the War minister and his associates that much if I were your father" the representative suggested as he kept sipping on the drink before him.

"Why do you say so" I asked him, even more interested in what he had to say.

I couldn't help but want to ask, if he could he have seen something that made him distrust the minister.

he continued "He looks desperate for power, and willing to do anything to achieve it, such a man is not to be trusted" he said nonchalantly as he listened solely to the music.

"I see, I too have observed his behavior, and you are not far  from the truth " I told him as he offered me a drink.

He's not wrong, the prime minister has been my father's right hand man after the late king passed away.

Prime Minister Kim  has this dark energy revolving around him and in sense made him even harder to approach. We never got along and I'd always try to keep my distance from him at all cost.

"I know you're a wise prince and you wouldn't tolerate evil. I've observed you, and I would say in truth that you would make a great king some day. That's why I lodged here knowing fully well that  the king would send you, if you wish your father's well being, stay clear of the minister and his gifts" he concluded with a smile as he embrace the young dancers.

I couldn't help but feel he isn't telling my everything, what could he have seen or heard to cause such concern  towards the royal family, but yet am grateful, the lights point to my suspicious about the Prime minister and his evil act towards the crown.

We spent the remaining night eating and drinking while talking about other affairs, such as state and beautiful woman.

He did offer me a few but I stood my group on the law of chastity, though he saw my words as foolishness and made fun of it. Indeed, the gisaeng in Sungjoo were elegant and beautiful, most of the woman you wouldn't find the capital, as though they've been selected specially.

They night lasted long as we drank and ate to our hearts content.

We said our goodbyes and parted the next morning, going separate ways.

"Your highness?" Yeon called my attention  "What seems to be on your mind?" He asked with great interest.

"That was quite a fruitful event, wouldn't you say so" I asked he as we journeyed home "One that really enlighten me. You know what Yeon, its been awhile I took such a journey and the air smells better outside the palace" I said merged in thought.

I decided that we needed to take a break and admire the nature before us. It was better and peaceful than when I was locked up in the palace. I always wondered what it would be like if I were conceived in a normal house hold, would it have been great? Would I be happier?

I really wonder.

<<Swttt>> something flew right in front of my face with a great speed.

"Protect the Prince" Yeon yelled out a I was lost in thought and confused.

I looked around and found an arrow stuck to the tree I found peaceful. Are we under attack? Who would dare  attack me? "What was that"I asked  Yeon as I tried to take cover.

"We are under attack my lord"  he said as another arrow flew right past me. Hell no, I thought as I went behind Yeon.

"What is happening?" I spoke as the royal guards took their position trying to protect me.

I felt myself tremble a little out of fear, not that I was to afraid but this was the first time I'd ever experienced such invent in all my years as the Crown Prince of Joseon.

Arrows kept flying at us from every corner but we couldn't see were they came from, some of my guards were hit but we didn't stop.

I got back on my horse and so did Yeon as we rode off but  because of the commotion we went off course.

My horse was hit by an arrow and I fell to the ground, Yeon rushed over in order to protect me with the some of guards standing next to him, but the attacker's surfaced again showing their true motives.


What?  Were they here for me?, and why? Who would had sent them?  The scene before  my eyes was a chaotic one as I watched Yeon trying hard to protect me. I watched as three of my men were cut down by a sword which made me unable to move.

I couldn't move out of fear and that same sword struck my side, leaving an open wound as he attempted to finish his plans with me. I fell to the ground as I felt my blood drop to the floor as the pain became visible and my body heavy to move, and shaking. This is the fast time since my mother's death that I have to witness such fowl scene and this about of blood spilled.

As the attacker launched towards me in other to finish the job, I knew within me that I didn't stand a chance, he was going to execute his plan and take my life and I, too afraid to defend it.

Yeon was off fighting somewhere as I had noticed early they tried to separate us making it impossible for Yeon to fulfill his duty. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst, and Yeon fighting with all his might to be right by my side again but I was left open,   alone and defenseless. This was an easy kill.

I closed my eyes as I wanted for the worst to pass and maybe open my eyes to meet my mother as his blade got closer to my face "Your majesty!" I heard Yeon call out in a loud voice but something unpredictable and unexpected happened as a sword aimed towards my face ceased: a stranger with weird figures, swift's in and struck the man down.

He was as fast as a wild animal after his prey, and when it struck with out remorse or empathy. My save felt that way, he was swift, nor was he held back by anything, he was like a myth, a legend, or stories told from fairytales, he looked at me with a blood stained face and muttered something as he stepped closer to my attackers.

I could help but step back, was he human or a god? How could he defeat  ten men within seconds. I wonder, as he came closer I moved backwards In fear, the sun in the sky which hid it self quite well during the fight seem to mock us now as it shone brightly towards his direction illuminating his figures and his ocean pal green eyes that pierced right through my heart and made them wonder. Who is beautiful creature? And where does it come from? I wonder as I stared intensely.

"Cho Hee" a young girl called from out, as she ran to meet my saver. She whispered something to him.

I wanted to stop her from  taking my savior away but the pain at my side hurts a lot, I had no choice but ask.

"Who are you" all he did was smile and walked away into the forest.

So the prince almost had his life snatched away from him but he was saved by an unknown person.

I think our guy just got feels.

So that was it, a fight scene hope you guys loved the action, I wanted to make our girl feisty and irresistible, strong and capable of taking care of herself, the Independent type.

Please Vote, like and comment, don't forget to spread the word about my story. Love you guy

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