Good Times, Bad Times

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Susana Martínez had a normal childhood. Mostly. Her father would disappear on long "business trips". One day... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
01. Pilot
02. Wendigo
03. Dead in the Water
04. Phantom Traveler
05. Bloody Mary
06. Skin
07. Home
08. Asylum
09. Scarecrow
08. Faith
09. Nightmare
10. Shadow
11. Hell House
12. Something Wicked
13. Dead Man's Blood
14. Salvation
15. Devil's Trap
16. In My Time of Dying
17. Everybody Loves a Clown
18. Bloodlust
19. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
20. Simon Said
21. No Exit
22. The Usual Suspects
23. Crossroad Blues
24. Croatoan
25. Hunted
26. Playthings
27. Nightshifter
28. Houses of the Holy
29. Born Under a Bad Sign
30. Tall Tales
31. Hollywood Babylon
32. What Is and What Should Never Be
33. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part One)
34. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part Two)
35. The Magnificent Seven
36. Bad Day at Black Rock
38. Bedtime Stories
39. Red Sky at Morning
40. Fresh Blood
41. A Very Supernatural Christmas
42. Malleus Malleficarum

37. Sin City

41 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


A nun was putting Bibles or hymnals in the pews. Candles flickered and there was a sound like wings fluttering. She got nervous for a moment, then turned around and was startled to see someone appear behind her.

Father Gil handed her another book and said, "One more. That's all for tonight, sister. Come on. Let me walk you to your car."

"Father?" Andy called.

Father Gil looked up to where Andy was standing on the balcony. "Andy?""

"Father, God's not with us." She paused a beat. "Not anymore."

"Andy, of course He is. Why would you say that? What's wrong?"

Andy panted. "He can't help us. And if He can... He won't." He produced a gun, which he cocked and placed under his chin.

"Andy, wait!"

Andy shot himself. The nun screamed as Andy's body slumped forward over the balcony wall. Father Gil looked sickened.


Bobby and Joan were working on the Colt, while Dean melted metal into bullets. Bobby looked at a magnifying glass at the Colt, and looked at a diagram of parts.

Sam and Susana walked in and said, "Hey."

Dean looked up. "Hey, what's up?"

"Might've found some omens in Ohio," Sam informed. "Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop."

"Well, that's thrilling."

"Plus, some guy blows his head off in a church and another goes postal in a hobby shop before the cops take him out. Might be demonic omens."

"Or it could just be a suicide and a psycho scrapbooker."

"Yeah, but it's our best lead since Lincoln," Susana said with a shrug.

"Where in Ohio?"

"Elizabethville. It's a half-dead factory town in the rust belt."

"There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach."

Sam smiled. "Sorry, Hef. Maybe next time. How's it going, Bobby, Joan?"

"Slow," Bobby and Joan replied.

"Eh, I tell you, it's a little sad seeing the Colt like that," Dean stated.

"Well, the only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick," Bobby said.

"So what makes it tick?" Sam asked.

Bobby and Joan looked up – not amused.

Sam held his hands up in amusement while Susana chuckled.

Dean rose. "So, if we want to go check out these omens in Ohio..." he said, teasingly, straight-faced, " two think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?"

Sam chuckled and Susana continued smiling. Bobby and Joan stared at him incredulously before the former said, "Well, it won't kill demons by then," he paused a beat, "but I can promise you it'll kill you."

Dean smiled. "All right, come on, we're wasting the daylight."

"See you, Bobby, Joan," Sam said.

Sam, Susana and Dean started to leave.

"Hey!" Bobby called. "You boys and girl run into anything — anything — you call me or Joan."

They nodded and headed out.


The Impala drove into a town.


Sam and Dean were in suits and Susana was in a blouse and skirt.

"There's not much left for the insurance company," Father Gil said. "It was a suicide - I saw it myself."

"Well, this shouldn't take long, then," Dean told him.

Father Gil sighed. "That's where Andy did it. It's the first time I'd seen him in weeks. He used to come every Sunday."

"When did he stop?" Sam asked.

"Probably about... two months ago? Right around the time everything else started to change."

"Change how?"

"Oh, let's just say this used to be a town... you could be proud of. People... cared about each other. Andy sang in the choir, and then one day, he just... wasn't Andy anymore. It was like he was..."

"Possessed?" Susana finished.

"You could say that. Gambled away his money, cheated on his wife, destroyed his business. Yes, like a switch had flipped."

"Father, did you know the man who killed those folks in the hobby shop?"

"Sure, Tony Perkins."

"Tony Perkins," Sam repeated.

"Good man."

"Would you say that his personality suddenly changed one day, too?"

"I never thought about it that way, but... yes. about the same time as Andy — about two months ago."

"Well, thank you, Father," Dean said. "Appreciate your time."

Sam, Susana and Dean started to leave.

Sam said in an undertone to Dean and Kimi, mostly to his brother, "Two months ago, we open up the devil's gate, all of a sudden this town turns into Margaritaville? It's no coincidence."


Sam, Susana and Dean were entering their room, Dean chuckling at the mirrors on the ceiling, when the door across the hall opened.

"Richie," Dean called and the other guy looked up. "I don't believe it."

"Hey, Dean... Winchester, right?" Richie said. "Can't believe you're working with Susana Martínez."


A tall scantily dressed girl appeared from Richie's room. "This is my sister, uh, Cheryl."

"Hey," Cheryl greeted.

"Cheryl," Dean noted.

Richie handed Cheryl some money. "There." Cheryl left and he turned to Dean, Susana and Sam. "Well, you know... stepsister."

"Come on in. This is my brother, Sam. You clearly recognize Susie."

"Hey. How you doing?"

"Not too bad," Sam replied. "How do you two know each other?"

"You were in school," Dean told him.

"It was that succubus, in Canarsie right?" Richie said.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Oh, man. You should have seen the rack on this broad. Freakin' tragedy when I had to gank her."

"Whoa, whoa. Wait. Who killed her? If I remember, your ass was toast until I showed up."

"Oh, I forgot what a comedian this guy was."

"Richie, Richie, know what? I told you then and I'll tell you again — you're not cut out for this job. You're gonna get yourself killed."

Richie's phone rang. "Talk to me." He said to Dean, "FYI, Winchester — words hurt." He spoke to the caller. "Yeah?" He paused. "No, it's not a good time, babe. Later."

"So you find anything in this town, anyway?" Susana asked.

"Ah, no. I got nothing. Oh, wait a minute. You mean as in demons and whatnot?"


"No, I got nothing."

"Typical," Dean muttered. "What about your sister back there?"

"Oh, honestly? She definitely had the devil in her, but she wasn't no demon, you know what I'm saying?" He went off Dean's reaction. "Right. Seriously. Church guy, hobby-shop guy — they were lunch meat by the time I got there. Hey maybe they were possessed, but I can't prove it."

"Yeah, that's where we are, too. You know, let's just say that demons are possessing people in this town. You know, raising hell—" Sam was cut off.

"Yeah, but why would a demon blow his brains out?" Dean wondered.

"Well, for fun?" Richie replied. "You know he wrecks one body, moves to another. You know, like taking a stolen car for a joyride."

"Anybody else left in the town that fits the profile — you know, nice guy turned douche, still breathing?"

"There's Trotter."

"Who's that?" Sam questioned.

"Well, he used to be head of the Rotary Club. And then people say he turned bastard all of a sudden? Brought in the gambling, the hookers. ...Ah, he practically owns this whole town."

"Know where we could find him?"

"Oh, he'll be at his bar in a few hours."


Sam, Susana and Dean pulled up in the Impala. The town was buzzing, looking like Mardi Gras — people wandering around with cocktails, sexy girls, lots of action.

Dean looked around at the action. "I thought you two said this was some boarded-up factory town."

"It is," Sam said. "At least, it's supposed to be."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do some research." Dean looked excited to follow a bunch of attractive women. From a car, a woman in a miniskirt watched him, then gestured for him to come. Dean approached the car and looked at her, smiling; Sam and Susana came back to fetch Dean, the former brother smiling while the latter brother glared embarrassedly at the woman as Dean was pulled away.


Sam, Susana and Dean threaded their way through a crowded bar. People were drinking and dancing and seemed to be having a good time. Dean was at ease, moving through the crowd like he was trying to pick out the best action. Sam was getting bumped into and seems to feel a little awkward and overstimulated. Susana was getting jostled and touched, causing her to hug herself for protection. Dean turned back and took her hand, pulling her closer to him.

Richie brushed past a woman and approached Sam, Susana and Dean. He was wearing a somewhat shiny orange short-sleeved shirt halfway unbuttoned to reveal a white t-shirt underneath.

"Oh, Richie," Dean said. "Look at you."


Dean and Richie shook hands before the former stated, "Bringing satin back."

Susana shook her head. "Satin was never out."

Rixhie chuckled before saying, "Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk — Canal Street. You'd have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me — fuggedaboutit."

"How much is "forget about it"?" Sam asked.

"Ah, forget about it. That's Trotter over there. He sits there all night. Can't touch him."

"So, what do we do now?"

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna do a little investigating with that bartender," Dean said.

Susana nodded. "Whatever you feel necessary."

"Easy," Richie told him. Me and her, we got a little... somethin'-somethin' lined up for later."

"Yeah, right," Dean agreed. "Huh? What do you-"

"Stings, don't it? All right. I got to hit the head, release the hostages. Be back in a few. She's got-"

Sam laughed at Richie's general cheesiness while Susana chuckled softly.

"No way he gets a girl like that," Dean stated. "I mean, look at her. You could fit that ass on a nickel."

"You think so?" Father Gil asked.

"Oh." He laughed. "Sorry, Padre."

"Knew you boys and girl would find your way here. They all do."

"No offense, but what are you doing here, Father?" Sam questioned.

"Like it or not, you go where your flock is."

The bartender - Casey – poured him a drink as she said, "Plus, the clergy drinks for free."

"True, and a certain bartender owes me a confession."

"Not in this lifetime, Father."

"I better see your butt on Sunday." He looked at Dean as he left the seat. "Nickel or no nickel."

"What can I get you boys and girl?"

"What's your speciality?" Dean asked.

"I make a mean hurricane."

"I guess we'll see about that."

Sam said to Dean, laughing, "You drink hurricanes?"

"I do now."

Over near the pool table, a man — Reggie — enter.

Reggie said in a toneless, emotionless tone, "Hi, John."

"Reggie. Everything okay with you?" John asked.

"I don't know. I'm just not feeling myself today."

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

Sam and Susana spotted that Reggie had a gun. They said to Dean, hitting him and gesturing towards Reggie, "Hey."

Reggie raised his gun and shot John point-blank in the forehead. The crowd erupted in chaos. Trotter and his henchguy stood.

Reggie aimed the gun at his own head.

Dean tackled him to the ground. Sam surreptitiously splashed holy water on him.

Reggie seemed surprised and outraged by being splashed with water, but didn't sizzle. "What are you doing?!" He said to himself, "He slept with my wife. That bastard slept with my wife!"

"Somebody call 911!" Sam and Susana yelled, exchanging a look with Trotter.


Police cuffed Reggie and led him away.

"Too many cops here," Sam said. "I say we roll."

"Just be cool," Dean told him. "Poor jerk. Only thing possessing him was a sixer of Pabst."

"So, what's the deal, then?" Susana wondered. "People in this town getting possessed or not?"

"I don't know. Maybe it is just what it is — town full of scumbags."

"Yeah," Sam and Susana agreed. "Maybe."

"You boys and girl ready for your mug shots?" an officer asked and Sam, Susana and Dean looked nervous and the cop hastened to reassure them. "The photographer's gonna be here in a few, and... take your picture for the local paper."

Dean said in a relieved, faux enthusiastic tone, "Be an honor, Officer. What a thrill!"

"Yep, time to go," Sam stated as he rose.

Susana nodded. "Agreed."

"Wait a second," Dean said. "Wait a second."

"What?" Sam and Susana asked.

"Where's Richie?"


Casey and Richie arrived at a house.

"So, how's a bartender afford a place like this?" Richie questioned.

"My parents left it to me," Casey replied. "I don't come out here much — mostly when I want to be alone."


Casey led Richie into a rather gothic-looking basement.

"Wow," Richie commented. "This is, uh, ...charming?" He paused. "You sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in a bedroom or my motel room? I mean, not for nothing, but, you know, I got oils." He laughed.

"But I have toys," Casey said.

"Yeah, no. Toys trump oils." Casey lit candles. "You don't get, uh, scared down here all by yourself?"

"Of course not. Not when I've got a hunter to protect me."

She turned and smiled briefly before closing her eyes, opening them to reveal fully black, demonic eyes. Richie's smile faded. Casey blew out the candle she was holding and drew a blade as he pulled one from his boot. She stabbed him and quickly twisted his neck 180 degrees. His body dropped to the ground.


Dean sat at a table, a large burger in front of him. He hung up a cell phone and looked at it speculatively as if he was just trying to reach someone.

Sam said to the barman, "Thanks." He said to Dean and Susana as he returned to table with beers, "You do realize there's red meat within striking distance, right?"

"Dude. Susie's my girl. How many times I got to tell Richie, he's gonna get himself in trouble?" Dean stated.

"Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean, maybe he just bailed."

"He's a moron. I mean, he's a sweet moron, but he's not a coward. He wouldn't just bail. I got to go find him."

"All right. Meanwhile I think I'm gonna trail this Trotter guy."


"Yeah. I don't know. Something about the way he looked at me last night. Maybe there is something going on here."

Susana glanced at Dean. "Mind the company?"

Dean smiled. "From you? Never."


Bobby was shooting at a target with the restored Colt, making adjustments after he fired. Joan stood nearby. Suddenly, Ruby appeared in from of the target.

"Cute piece," Ruby commented.

"Who are you?" Bobby and Joan asked.

"It won't stop a demon, if that's what you think."

"How the hell would you know?" Bobby shot back.

"Oh, I don't know." She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were black, revealing she was a demon. "Call it an educated guess?"

"Well, ain't I lucky, then? Found a subject for a test fire."

"Luck had nothing to do with it. But, hey, by all means. Take your best shot." She posed in front of the target, arms outstretched. Bobby hesitated. She sighed in exasperation. "Are you gonna stand there like a pantywaist, or are you gonna shoot..."

Bobby shot her in the chest.

Ruby looked down at the wound in the center of her chest. "Ouch! That smarts a little."

"What do you want?" Bobby and Joan questioned.

"Peace on earth. A new shirt. Now... do you want me to help you out with that gun or not? Hmm?"


Sam was in a corridor outside Trotter's office, where Trotter was talking his henchdude. Sam's phone rang, startling him.

"Dean," Sam said in a hushed voice.

"Sammy," Dean called.

"Yeah. Hey. I can't talk right now."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh... meet me at the bar in 20 minutes, okay?" He hung up.


The henchguy came out of Trotter's office and looked around for a moment, but Sam was nowhere to be seen.


A woman's shiny nails trailed along the bar.

"I got to tell you — every woman in this place?" the woman said in a husky-voiced tone. "They want to eat you up."

"Well, hey," Dean replied. "Anybody could have tackled that guy... and wrestled the gun away... prevented mass murder."

"Here's what I'm gonna do." Dean smiled in anticipation. "Normally, I charge $400 a night." She whispered in Dean's ear, "Why don't we call it an even deuce and get the hell out of here?"

Dean said incredulously, "What do I look like?" He glanced at Susana and took her hand.

"What do I look like?" She walked away. "Cheapskate."

Casey laughed. "Did I just see you strike out with a prostitute? How's that work?"

"Well, I just told her I had a thing for the bartender," Dean lied. "It was pretty easy."

"Who says the bartender's available? Are you sure you have a thing for the bartender and not the girl beside you?"

"That's a good question. You got something going with some guy, you know, about yea tall, wears a sweatsuit...?"


"Naw. My mistake. What do you say you and me grab a drink after your shift? Maybe my girl can join."

"I say why wait... when we can go right now? Your girl can join if she wishes."

Dean smiled, winking at Susana to let her know he had a plan.

Dean, Susana and Casey were leaving together.


Trotter and his henchdude walked out of Trotter's office. Sam watched for a second from the hallway, then headed into the office. He started rifling through the desk, looking at calendar, keys... Suddenly the henchdude was there, taking a swing at Sam. Sam punched him hard, repeatedly, when he felt a gun to his neck.

Trotter held the gun and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I think maybe you know," Sam replied.

"Yeah? Well, I think I'm calling the cops!"

Sam, seeming surprised, said, "Cops?"

"Breaking and entering, assault — you're in a peck of trouble, my friend."

"Uh, wh-, uh... I think I could probably explain it—"

San suddenly twisted around, grabbed the gun from Trotter, and pointed it at both men. "All right, back up! Get back."

"Money's in the safe! Take it and go."

"I don't want your money. I just got to be sure."

Sam splashed both men with holy water. They flinched and sputtered from the sudden spritz of cold water, and looked outraged, but nothing else happened.

"What kind of psycho are you?" Trotter questioned.

Sam, embarrassed, replied, "Oh, god. Uh... I'm sorry." He shrugged. "Heh... I... think this was just a minor misunderstanding?" He continued to smile nervously. "Yeah, okay, ummm... How 'bout I just... I just leave, 'cause..." he removed bullets from his gun, "I'll take these." He sheepishly shrugged. He placed the gun down. "Okay, I'll, uh, I'll leave this for, uh... you, uh... Have a nice day?"

Sam turned and walked rapidly out of the office, grimacing in embarrassment, and left Trotter and his henchman staring in bewilderment.


The Impala was parked outside Casey's house.


"Looks like the maid's day off," Dean commented.

Casey seemed surprised at something.

Dean and Susana approached and asked, "Everything okay?"

Casey kissed Dean. "Make yourself comfortable."

Dean pulled back and said quietly to Susana, "You're my girl. I'm sorry about that."

Susana nodded. "It's okay. I know you're loyal to me."

Dean strolled around casually. "Oh, I forgot to mention... Richie was a friend of ours. When we realized we could track the GPS in his cellphone, we swung by earlier. Give him a proper burial. It's better than rotting in some skank's basement."

Casey launched herself at Dean but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

"Oops," Dean and Susana said as they knelt down, and peeled back the corner of the rug, which was covering a Devil's Trap they had drawn.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Isn't that a buzz kill?" Dean stated. "Sorry, sister, but you're going back to where you came from."

Casey laughed. "I don't think so."

Dean took out a book and began to read in Latin. "Spiritus immunde, undolara. Pasonitote..."

Casey closed her eyes as if meditating, and suddenly a breeze was blowing into Dean's face, and spun the chandelier above Casey. Susana looked around worriedly. Dean recollected himself, and began reading again.

"Spiritus immunde, undo—" Dean began.

The pages from Dean's book were pulled off by the mystical breeze. As he looked down at the book, all the pages flew off and the book as well. Casey opened her eyes and smiled. Underneath the book, now on the floor, a giant crack formed. Suddenly, the bricks around the door caved in. Susana nearly fell and Dean caught her.

Dean looked shocked and turned to look at Casey, who looked pleased.

"What are you laughing at, bitch?" Dean asked. "You're still trapped."

"So are you... bitch," Casey said.



Dean lit candles and examined the rockfall.

"Lose something?" Casey asked.

Dean laughed. "All you demons have such smart mouths."

"It's a gift."

"Yeah, well. Let's see if you're smiling when I send your ass back to Hell."

"Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead."

Dean begin authoritatively, "Spiritus immunde... un, guh..."

"Having a little trouble there, sport?"

Dean cleared throat and began again. "Spiritus immunde, undolare, Pasonitote." He took a breath, tried and failed to remember the next phrase. Susana, meanwhile, was trying to get out.

"Nice try, but I think... you just ordered a pizza. Guess you should have paid more attention in Latin class."

"Hey, I don't know what you're smiling about. You're not going anywhere."

"And, apparently, neither are you or your friend."

"Yeah, but she and I got somebody coming for me, and, uh... he did pay attention in class."

"Oh, right — Sam. Everyone says he's the brains of the outfit."

"Everyone?" Susana repeated as she moved rocks.

"Sure. The Winchester boys and Susana Martínez are famous. Some have heard of you as well. Not Lohan famous, but, you know..."

"Well, that's... flattering," Dean noted. "We'll be sure to let Sam know when he gets here."

"If he shows up first." She continued off Dean's look. "What, you thought I was flying solo? You shouldn't underestimate, Dean, it might be the death of you. You can give me hard eyes all you want, but the fact remains, we just have to wait and see who shows up first—" She waited. "The cavalry..." she smiled, "or the Indians."


The sex worker who tried to pick up Dean earlier sat at the bar, smiling at Sam.

"You look kind of tense," the prostitute said. Sam looked around to see if she was talking to him. "You know, I know a surefire way to relax."

"Maybe later," Sam replied, turning to the bartender. "Excuse me. Hi."

"What can I get for you?" the barman asked.

"Um, you remember the guy and girl I was with last night? We sat right here. Umm..."

"...The big hero who jumped on Reggie."

"Yeah, yeah. The — the big hero. Right. Um, have you seen him or the brunette girl around at all today?"

"Maybe. Depends."

"D-depends on what?"

The barman raised an eyebrow. Sam caught on and said, "Oh my—! Does everyone around here have their hand out?" He sighed, pulled out some money and handed it to the barman.

"They left with Casey about an hour ago."

"Any idea where they went?"

"Her place... for Bible study."

"All right, you got an address?"

"What's wrong with you? You think I'm gonna give you a co-worker's address, just so you can go over there and get your freaky peeping-tom rocks off?" Without pausing, Sam handed more money over and without pausing the barman continued. "Corner of Piermont and Clinton. Have fun."

Sam sighed. The prostitute licked a cherry lasciviously. Sam walked around her, avoiding her gaze.


Dean and Susana were moving a wine cask over to an opening that daylight was streaming in through. He held out his cell phone to try to get a signal.

"Why don't you relax?" Casey said.

"Why don't you kiss my ass?" Dean retorted.

"Why, Dean, you're a poet. I had no idea. Look, we won't have any effect on the outcome of this. We might as well be civil."

"Civil, huh?" Susana retorted. "Killing Richie — that was, that was civil? The man was harmless."

"That knife he pulled on me? Didn't look so harmless."

"Ah, a knife wouldn't hurt you," Dean told her.

"No, but it would damage this body. And Casey has such a fine body, I wouldn't want to see it ripped."

Dean laughed. "A demon with a heart. Wow. Well, you know, there's a bunch of dead people in town that might disagree with you."

"Hey, I didn't pull any triggers."

"Yeah? You did something."

"You want to know what I did — what I really did? I had lunch."

"Lunch?" Dean and Susana repeated.

"Me and Trotter. He had a cheeseburger, I had a salad, and I just pointed out the money that could be made with a few businesses that cater to harmless vice. So Trotter built it, and, man, did they come. Supposedly God-fearing folk, waist-deep in booze, sex, gambling. I barely lifted a finger."

"That's it?"

"You don't get it. All you got to do is nudge humans in the right direction. Some whiskey here, a hooker there, and they'll walk right into hell with big, fat smiles on their faces. Your kind is corrupt, Dean, Susana. Weak. Our will's stronger. That's why we'll win."

"And that's how it ends?" Dean questioned.

"No. That's how it begins."



There was knocking on a door. The door swung open and Sam looked at it, but decided to go through it anyway.

"Dean? Susana?" Sam called as he checked out the place. He stepped on little pink piggy slippers that made a disturbing sound. He looked at a picture of Casey with a guy, and a cross necklace hung on top of it. He saw behind it a yellow powder and sniffed it.

"Sulfur," Sam noted.


"So, demons take over," Dean said. "I thought the meek shall inherit the earth."

"Oh, according to your Bible," Casey replied, going off their looks. "It's only a book, Dean, Susana."

"Not everyone would agree," Susana argued.

"Because it's God's book?" She paused. "Do you believe in God, Dean, Susana? I'd be surprised if you two did."

Susana nodded. "I do."

"I don't know," Dean said, glancing at Susana. "I'd like to."

"Well, I don't see how you and your God, have done such a bang-up job," Casey replied. "War, genocide — it's only getting worse. I mean, this past century, you people racked up a body count that amazed even us. It's our turn now, and we're gonna do it right this time."

Dean and Susana heard a noise. They looked up towards a grate.

"Don't be hopeful, Dean, Susana," Casey told them. "You two aren't delivered. It's only the wind."


Sam spoke into his phone. "Bobby, It's Sam. We got a big problem. I found some sulfur, and now I can't find Dean or Susana. Call me as soon as you get this." He said to the barman, "Hey, excuse me. Um, they weren't there."

"I guess you got to catch your jollies another night," the barman replied. "Here. Why don't you have a drink... and relax?"

"Yeah, I don't want to relax! What is it with the people in this town?"

"Suit yourself — princess." The barman took the shot he had poured for Sam.

Sam saw Father Gil sitting at a booth in the bar and approached him. "Father."

"Yes?" Father Gil asked.

"Um... can I, can I talk to you for a sec?"


"You know, you're piling it pretty high there, sweetheart," Dean said. "I'm not sure I'm buying. And I'm not sure Susie is either."

"Why would I lie?" Casey replied.

"Demons lie."

"Some do. Some are true believers."

"Believers in what?"

"What, you think humans have an exclusive on a higher power?"

Dean was surprised. "You have a god?"

"Sure. His name's Lucifer."

"You mean the Devil?" He glanced at Susana.

"Your word, not ours. Lucifer actually means "light bringer." Look it up. Once he was the most beautiful of all God's angels, But God demanded that he bow down before Man, and when he refused, God banished him. Tell me, Dean, Susana. How do you two like bowing before lesser creatures?"

"Lucifer's really real?"

"Well, no one's actually seen him, but they say that he made us into what we are, and they say that he'll return."

"Oh, yeah? And, uh, you believe that?"

"I've got faith."

"Mmm," Dean and Susana hummed.

"So, you see? Is my kind really all that different than yours?"

"Well, except that, uh, demons are evil," Susana stated bluntly.

"...and humans are such a lovable bunch." She paused a beat. "Dick Cheney."

"He one of yours?" Dean questioned.

"Not yet. Let's just say he's got a parking spot reserved for him downstairs."

Dean laughed. "Hey, speaking of downstairs... what's it like down there?"

"What, Hell?"


"That's right. You booked a one-way ticket with that deal." Dean laughed and Susana glanced at him worriedly. "You're not gonna like it, Dean. And, um, judging from the trouble you've caused, I don't think you'll be getting the presidential suite. No, it's a pit of despair. Why do you think we want to come here?"

Dean looked somber. Susana moved closer to him and he pulled her into his arms, seeking comfort from her.


"So, the, the bartender the other night, Casey," Sam said. "You know her pretty well?"

Father Gil nodded. "Since she was in pigtails."

"Well, um, she, my friend and my brother, they, uh..." he paused, thinking how to say his next words, "they... left tonight. Together."

"Ah. Well... not that I approve, but they are consenting adults."


"I, I'm sorry. You said "brother" and "friend." I thought the three of you were insurance investigators?"

"Right, right. Well, well we are. Um, it's like, it's like a family business, you know? Our family friend joined us."


"Anyways, um, so, so, I went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. I, I, I just have this feeling that they... that they might be in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Just... trouble. Look, please, Father, I, I need your help. Is there anything you could tell me about Casey — anyplace she'd go, maybe...?"

"Yes, there is a place. Let me get my jacket."

"No, wait, wait, wait, Father. I can do this by myself."

"Son, if Casey's really in trouble, then there's nothing to talk about." He stood and put on his coat. He had demon-black eyes. "Shall we go?"


"Kind of funny, don't you think?" Casey said. "You two and me sitting here like a few regular folk."

"Yeah, it's hilarious, you know, in that... apocalyptic sort of way," Dean agreed.

"You're all right, Dean. So are you, Susana." Dean and Susana scoffed. "The others don't describe you two that way. But, you know, you're — you're both likable."

"A demon likes me and my girlfriend. Sorry, I don't know how to respond to that."

"You could say thanks." She paused. "That deal you made to save Sam — a lot of others would mock you for it, think it was weak or stupid. I don't."

"It's been kind of liberating, actually. Y'know, what's the point in worrying about a future, when you don't have one?"

"Still, a year left. You're not scared?"


"Not even a little?"

Dean, with the briefest of hesitations, said, "Of course not."

Susana glanced at Dean, but said nothing.


"So, insurance investigating. You enjoy the work?" Father Gil asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied. "Yeah, yeah, I... like being able to help people."

"Ever think about doing anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Mmm, anything. You seem like a pretty smart kid. Somehow I see you out in front of the pack." He paused. "You could do some great things."

"I don't know. I like doing what I'm doing, I guess."

"Well, it's your life. Do, um... Dean and Susana?

"Yeah, Dean and Susana."

"Do they find trouble often?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Dean finds his fair share. Susana seems pretty responsible."

"Well, it's a good thing they have you — his brother and her friend's keeper."


Casey was stretching languorously on the floor and sighed before saying, "Why, Dean, if I didn't know better, I'd say that was lust in your eyes. Well, it would be one way to spend the time... but I don't think you'd respect me in the morning. And it doesn't seem like Susana wouldn't like it much."

Dean replied quickly, "That's okay. I mean, hey, I barely respect you now. Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"I'm an open book."

"So, the gate opened. The demon army was let out. What now, huh? We're not seeing a big, honking plan here."

"Honestly, there was a plan. Azazel was a tyrant, but... he held us all together."

"Azazel?" Dean and Susana repeated.

"What, you think his friends just called him "yellow eyes"? He had a name. After you did him in, it all fell apart."

Dean smiled. "Sorry about that. So, what? No chain of command?"

"There was. It was Sam. Sam was supposed to be the grand pooh-bah and lead the big army, Susana his second in command, but... they haven't exactly stepped up to the plate, have they?"

"Thank God for that," Dean and Susana said.

"Again with God. You two think this is a good thing? Now you've got chaos, a war without a front, hundreds of demons all jockeying for power, all fighting for the crown. Most of them gunning for your brother/friend and girlfriend. For the record, I was ready to follow Sam and Susana."


Father Gil's station wagon pulled up in front of Casey's home. He and Sam got out of the car and started walking towards the home.

"Dean?! Susie?!" Sam called.


Dean and Susana heard their brother/friend and looked up.

"Looks like you two win," Casey said.

Pounding on door was heard.


"Dean! Susie!" Sam pounded on the door and said to Father Gil, "Check that way." Sam walked off in the other direction around the house.

"Sam!" Dean and Susana called.

"Dean? Susie?"

"Sammy, down here!" Dean yelled. "The basement caved in!"

Sam leaned over a grate. "Dean. Susie. Hey, hold on, okay? We're coming."

"Who's we?" Dean and Susana asked.

"I'm here with the Father."

Dean and Susana glanced back to Casey, whose lips parted with excitement. They turned back to him and Dean said, "Sammy, be careful."

Sam turned to see Father Gil going black-eyed.

A shot was fired just past Father Gil's head, destroying a small statute. Father Gil whipped around to see Bobby and Joan, then used his powers to fling them aside. He threw Sam into the windscreen of the Impala.

Father Gil left and blew off the door of Casey's home, entering it.

Sam, groaning, rolled off the hood of the car and rushed to where Bobby and Joan laid on the ground.

"Bobby, Joan, you all right?" Sam asked.

Bobby and Joan nodded. "Yeah."

"How did you know where we—"

Bobby handed Sam the rebuilt Colt. "Go!"

Ruby suddenly appeared. "You heard the man. Go."


Loud forceful bangs shoved the stones aside. Dean and Susana looked nervously towards Casey who seemed anticipatory. Dean moved his body in front of Susana to shield her.

Father Gil smashed in through the cave-in. Dean and Susana rushed him. Father Gil pointed a finger and Dean and Susana went flying backwards.

Casey looked at Father Gil who approached her.

"Stop!" Casey yelled, pointing to the Devil's Trap. Father Gil knelt and slammed his fist down, cracking the floor and broke the Devil's Trap. They stepped out of the circle and embraced and kissed passionately.

Dean struggled to his feet, pulled Kimi up, and gestured to the two of them, looking revolted. "You two?"

"For centuries," Father Gil said. "We've been to hell and back, literally."

"Leave him be," Casey told him. "Leave them both be."

Father Gil grabbed Dean and Susana by the throats and lifted them up.

"Don't kill them," Casey said. "Let's just go. Please."

Sam appeared and shot Father Gil with the Colt. Lightning emitted from and circled Father Gil who twitched and died. He pointed it at Casey.

"Sam, wait!" Dean and Susana cried.

Sam shot her and the bodies of Casey and Father Gil, no longer possessed, laid dead on the Devil's Trap.

Dean and Susana stared at Sam as he slowly lowered the Colt, and the bodies bled out.


Not much had changed since the demons were killed.

Bobby, Susana, Joan and Dean were walking outside on a busy sidewalk.

"Well, what do you think, Bobby, Joan?" Dean asked. "About what we did here, you think it made a difference?"

"Two less demons to worry about," Bobby said. "That's not nothing."

Susana glanced at him. "Yeah, but Trotter's still alive."

"Humans ain't our job."

"Yeah, but you think anything's really gonna change?" Dean questioned. "I mean maybe these people do just want to really destroy themselves. Maybe it is... a losing battle."

"Is that you or the demon girl talking?"

"Ohhhh, it's me. Demon is dead, and so is that hot girl it was possessing." He noticed Susana's raised brow. "Shouldn't have said that. You're much hotter, more beautiful."

"Dean, you don't have to reassure me," Susama said.

Joan sighed. "Well, had to be done. Sam was saving your lives."

She turned to her mother. "Yeah, but what Sam did, you didn't see it, Mom, Bobby. It was cold."

Dean stopped and turned for a face-to-face with Bobby and Joan. "Bobby. Joan."

"Yeah?" Bobby and Joan asked.

"Back in Wyoming, uh, there was this moment. Yellow Eyes said something to me."

"What'd he say?"

"That maybe when... Sam came back from," he shrugged, "well wherever, ...that maybe he came back different."

"Different how?"

"I don't know. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. You think... think something's wrong with my brother?"

Bobby paused briefly. "No. Demons lie. I'm sure Sam's okay."

"Yeah. Yeah, me too."

Susana nodded slowly and took Dean's hand. "Yeah, he's okay. At least I think. Maybe. I hope."



"Not helping."



Sam was packing up his stuff.

"Leaving so soon?" Ruby asked. "We haven't even had a chance to celebrate."

"Yeah, well you can celebrate without me," Sam told her.

"You're not gonna get all pouty on me now, are you? Come on! You killed two demons today."

"Yeah, well, maybe you don't care, but I killed two humans, too."

"Sam, you know what happens when demons piggyback humans. They leave them rode hard and put up wet. Chances are those two would have died a slow, sticky death. You probably did them a favor."

"Did them a favor? You're a cold bitch, you know that?"

"Yeah, and this cold bitch has saved your ass a couple of times now. Some respect might be nice. Especially if you want me to help you out with Dean and his little problem."

"You know what? You keep dangling that, but last I checked, Dean's still going to Hell."

"Everything in its own time, Sam. But there's a quid pro quo here. We're in a war."

"Right. But for some reason, you're fighting on our team. Now, tell me, why is that again?"

"Go screw yourself, that's why."

"Oh I see."

"I don't have to justify my actions to you, Sam. If you don't want my help, fine. Then give me the gun and I'll pass it on to someone who will use it."

Sam pointed the Colt at Ruby. "Maybe I'll just use it on you."

Ruby shrugged. "Go ahead, if that makes you happy. It's not gonna do much for Dean, though. So, what's it gonna be, hmm?" Sam lowered the Colt. "Ah hah. That's my boy. This won't be easy, Sam. You're gonna have to do things that go against that gentle nature of yours. There'll be collateral damage... But, it has to be done."

"Well, I don't have to like it."

"No. You wouldn't be Sam if you did. On the bright side, I'll be there with you." Sam swallowed nervously, looking unhappy. "That little fallen angel on your shoulder."

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