Violoncello (A Gay Cinderella...

By KhaiB92

51.6K 1.6K 376

A farmer. A prince. A masquerade ball. A ring. And a whole lot of magic. A rendition of the classic fairy t... More

The Kingdom
The Farmers
20 Years Later
A Chanced Encounter
The Announcement
The Night of
The Magic
The Masquerade
The Next Day
The Search
Love Lives Here

The Aftermath

3K 105 21
By KhaiB92

A single guard rushed ahead of the escort to deliver the news to the Royal Family that the Prince's future betrothed has been found. Gabriel stood at the entrance of the castle jumping on his feet, waiting impatiently. The King and Queen smiled at their son's antics as even they began to get excited to meet this mystery man. He would be their new son by marriage soon. The entourage came into view as the Prince ran down to the base of the grand stairs leading to the pathway where the carriages would come and stop. The King and Queen walked hand in hand down the stairs following their son.

The horses and carriages came to a stop as the King's Guard dismounted and formed two lines facing each other. The lines of men reached from the carriage where the mystery man sat to the Royal Family who stood waiting for anyone to come off the carriage. The Royal Aide exited first followed by an older gentleman and a plump man who stood off to the side together.

"Introducing, his future highness, Lord Adam Eugene Clairmont," The Royal Aide announced. Adam carefully exited the carriage, covering his eyes as the sun shined down on him. He saw the Royal Family walking towards him and became extremely anxious. The King and Queen had warm smiles on their faces while the Prince looked confused.

"It's such a wonderful pleasure to meet you, Adam," the Queen spoke.

"It is," the King added. "We look forward to getting to know you and your family as we welcome you into our home." Prince Gabriel still said nothing. He only stared at Adam which made him even more anxious. Gabriel took Adam's left hand and specifically looked at his third finger where the ring sat.

"Son," his mother spoke. "Aren't you going to greet your betrothed?" She was a bit taken aback by her son's behavior. He still couldn't sleep or eat while the search for his love went on. Now that he was standing right in front of him, he looked distant, even cold.

"Who are you?" The Prince finally asked, enunciating every word and dropping Adam's hand.

"My... my name is Adam, sire," Adam was beginning to sweat profusely and his hands began to shake.

"You're scaring the boy," King Yusef told Gabriel. He wasn't sure what had gotten into his son, but he was beginning to get angry about it. They spent a plethora of resources combing the land to find the man he wanted. Now that he was right here, he treated him like a complete stranger.

"Good," the Prince said. "Then it'll make it easy for him to tell me what I want to know." Draven and Lord Clairmont looked at each other. This wasn't exactly how they thought this would play out.

"What... would you like to know?" Adam asked.

"You are not him," Gabriel said, inches from Adam's face. "But I can see it in your eyes. You know where he is."

"Your majesty, you must be mistaken," Lord Clairmont spoke now. "The ring fits his finger, so it has to be him." Gabriel turned his head to face Lord Clairmont. He didn't move his body an inch.

"I am not mistaken," Gabriel seethed. "And it does not have to be him. This man is not the man I am looking for."

"Gabriel," his father began walking up to his son. He placed a firm hand on his right shoulder. "You have not had rest or food since the ball. You could very easily be remembering things wrong. This man is here. His finger fit the ring. It has to be him."

"Your father is right, lad," Lord Clairmont added, stepping to the other side of Gabriel and placing a hand on his left shoulder. "Adam will be your new husband." In the blink of an eye, Gabriel drew his right arm back and in full force drove his fist into Lord Clairmont's face. The man was caught off guard and spun twice in the air before hitting the ground. Everyone watched in stunned silence at what just transpired.

"I am your Prince," Gabriel simply said while adjusting his clothing. "And you will do well to address me as such."

"What has gotten into you?!" The Queen asked, disbelieving that her son would physically attack someone unprovoked.

"That is enough, son," King Yusef was done with his son's conduct. "Captain Yu Ling, please take my son back into the castle." The guard captain who was glued still from what he witnessed finally managed to move towards the Prince and calmly led him back to the castle. Draven knelt beside his father, checking for any damage. He managed to get him on his feet as his father held his face, groaning in pain. The King walked up to Lord Clairmont and began apologizing on the behalf of his son.

"Wait." Adam spoke, gathering everyone's attention. Captain Yu Ling and Prince Gabriel turned back around to face him.

"Adam," Lord Clairmont attempted to speak, gritting his teeth. "Don't."

"I do know where he is," Adam said looking directly at the Prince. "I can take you to him."

"He's lying!" Lord Clairmont yelled to King Yusef hysterically. He gripped the King's left arm. "You can't believe a word he says!" King Yusef drew his right arm back before plunging his fist into Lord Clairmont's face. In the exact same spot his son hit earlier. Lord Clairmont fell unconscious on the ground.

"You really should learn your place," the King said, adjusting his crown that tilted a little. "Captain Yu Ling, I want these men in chains for obstructing a royal investigation."

"At once, sire," Captain Yu Ling answered as he began ordering his guards to arrest the Clairmont men. Gabriel stepped to Adam as metal cuffs were placed on his wrists.

"Take me to him." He said as Adam looked into his eyes and nodded.

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