Violoncello (A Gay Cinderella...

By KhaiB92

51.6K 1.6K 376

A farmer. A prince. A masquerade ball. A ring. And a whole lot of magic. A rendition of the classic fairy t... More

The Kingdom
The Farmers
20 Years Later
A Chanced Encounter
The Announcement
The Night of
The Magic
The Next Day
The Search
The Aftermath
Love Lives Here

The Masquerade

3.4K 112 35
By KhaiB92

As much as Gabriel hated to admit that his mother was right, because she always was, the masquerade ball was a wonderful idea. It seemed that most people in attendance were losing their inhibitions due to no one being able to see their faces. That suited Gabriel just fine. It meant less people having to talk to him. He carefully chose his ensemble for the evening to not appear overtly royal as to keep all eyes off of him. The Bauta mask he wore did a fantastic job of covering his face. He blended in nicely with the rest of the crowd. Now he didn't have to worry about anyone's dishonest intentions.

He was actually surprised not many people bothered to speak with him alone. He mingled with the crowd with a glass of wine in his hand. He talked politics with the bureaucrats, wine season with the farmers, and the best vacation locations with the other nobles. As far as everyone was concerned, Gabriel was one of them. It felt... relieving to him. Although he didn't want to use the ball to possibly find a wife or... spouse, a piece of him hoped that maybe he could. There was no one here that seemed to strike his interest. No one that really stood out for him. He smiled at both of his parents who were sitting on their thrones in their own masks but wearing their crowns. He was beginning to think his mother knew what he was up to, added to the fact that he wasn't necessarily putting in any extra effort on his part.

He thought about grabbing another glass of wine and falling into the shadows before a silence filled the room. Gabriel was a bit confused as to why the music even stopped before following the silence and everyone's eyes. That led him to look at the top of the grand staircase that led down to the ballroom floor where everyone currently was. Once he saw what everyone else was seeing his heart palpitated in his chest. His palms immediately grew sweaty and suddenly his mouth couldn't produce saliva.

A man stood at the top of the staircase in the most glamourous apparel even Gabriel had ever seen. The white and gold sculpted around his body like a second skin and his bejeweled mask sparkled in the candlelight. As he walked down the staircase, his cape moved ethereally as it dragged on the stairs behind him. He was, without a doubt, the most captivating person Gabriel had laid eyes on. Even more than Cello, who he had met in the forest earlier that week. He had no idea who this man was, but he needed to get his attention before anyone else did. He made his way towards the man as everyone seemed to be glued to where they stood. That worked out perfectly for him as he drew closer to the man.

Gabriel paused when he saw another man speak with him. He was too late. He cursed himself silently before deciding to fall back and wait it out. A person who demanded that much attention by simply entering the room was bound to be popular with everyone tonight.


Cello didn't mean to have all eyes on him as soon as he made it to the castle. As he headed towards the ballroom even the King's Guard, known for their stoic disposition, glanced his way. He almost turned back to the carriage before Lucky gave him a shooing motion with his arms. It looks like he had to see this through. When he got to the top of the staircase even more eyes looked at him until every person in the room watched him. The King and Queen were also looking his way.

It was a good thing everyone was wearing masks otherwise he would have felt completely out of his element. The mask made him feel a bit invincible. He could be someone else tonight. He didn't have to be Cello, the poor orphan whose family treats him as a slave and manservant. He could be a noble who sailed from Nostradamus. He could have finished at university and came to vacation at the kingdom of Arcadia. He didn't have to be him.

As he carefully stepped down the stairs, he smiled at the friendly faces he passed. They all seemed to be carrying on back to their previous conversations which made him feel better. He was making his way towards the buffet table before he was stopped by a tall, thin man in burgundy. The deep black fleur-de-lis pattern accentuated his attire.

"Why, hello there," Adam spoke to Cello. "It seems you managed to gain the attention of every person in this room. Even mine." Cello said nothing and looked up at Adam. He had no clue what was happening, but it seemed that Adam didn't recognize him. He also seemed to be a bit drunk which gave him confidence to speak to Cello in this way.

"Um..." Cello began to say.

"Can I get you a drink?" Adam asked. "I'd love to get to know you better... as friends." Adam appeared as if he began to realize what he was saying. Cello could see him grow pale behind his mask.

"I appreciate it, but no thank you," Cello told him. "If you'll excuse me." Cello walked around Adam, his cape continuing to glide behind him. He wasn't hungry anymore. He couldn't believe what just transpired between him and his stepbrother. If this was a dream, Cello desperately wanted to wake up now. He got lost in the throng of people before finding a hallway hidden off to the back of the ballroom. He followed it and saw the ornate paintings that decorated its walls. He continued along its path before it led him to a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. Up he went taking in all of the beauty of the castle that befell him.

As he wandered up more staircases and winding hallways, he found a set of glass doors that led to a marble balcony covered in roses. He opened one of the doors and walked onto the balcony taking in the breathtaking view. He could see the entire village below. Across the west he could see the full moon's reflection on the ocean. Across the east he saw more of the beautiful countryside. He would have put a day bed here and slept right now if he could.

"I don't think you're supposed to be up here," a gentle voice said behind him. Cello quickly turned and saw a towering figure before him. He couldn't see his face because of the mask, but his dark hair was cut very short on his head. His olive skin almost glistened in the moonlight. He also wore an ivory doublet, but it was stitched in royal blue. His breeches were pitch black and contained more royal blue stitching. He began to walk towards Cello before passing him and leaning on the marbled railing of the balcony. "I hear this is the prince's favorite spot in the castle."

"Won't we get in trouble by being here?" Cello asked the man turning in his direction.

"I don't think so," the man said turning his head to look at Cello. Even though he was bent forward at the waist, he was still so much larger than Cello. "The prince is too busy schmoozing with the nobles to notice anyone here." The man laughed and Cello smiled.

"I can see why this is his favorite spot," Cello said looking down at the roses. "It's the most beautiful view I've ever seen." The man stood up straight and turned his body towards Cello.

"Before tonight, it was the most beautiful view I've ever seen," the man said looking fondly at Cello, "but now? It's the second most." Cello looked up into the man's masked face. From what he could tell his eyes looked... blue? He also sounded very familiar, but Cello couldn't place his voice. Wait... did he just call him beautiful?

"I'm sure there are a lot of beautiful women out there that changed that for you, right?" He asked the man, forcing a cough. The man looked down smiling and huffed.

"No, no woman," he simply answered. "Just you."

"Oh..." Cello could only say. What could he say? Another man called him beautiful in a very sincere way, in a way that was definitely flirting. He didn't know what to do with his hands, so he fidgeted with his father's ring. This was the second time a man called him beautiful this week.

"Do you find that disgusting?" The man asked, turning back towards the railing. "I suppose it could be abhorrent when you find out you would much rather enjoy the company of another man than any woman." Cello immediately looked up from his hands. Did he just? Was he serious? Had he found someone like him? Someone who possibly felt the things he felt? He was trying to process it all in his head before the man turned around and began heading back to the doors. He opened one of them and the music that Cello heard knocked him out of his multiplying thoughts.

"No," he finally said. The man instantly stopped and turned towards Cello. "No, I don't find it disgusting." Cello looked down at his hands again, fidgeting yet again. "I find it relieving actually. Knowing that there is someone else out there like me." Cello continued his fidgeting as the man stepped up to him and took Cello's hands in his own to calm him.

"You're married?" The man asked, disappointment sweeping across his face and in his voice. He tapped Cello's ring with his thumb. Cello only looked down at his hand and smiled fondly.

"It belonged to my father," he explained to the man. "He died when I was very young. It's one of the only possessions I have of his. I feel, I guess, closer to him when I wear it." Tension left the man's body as he gave an internal sigh of relief on hearing the explanation.

"And this?" The man asked, slightly removing Cello's ring and seeing the scar. "What happened here?"

"Oh," Cello laughed to himself. "During the winter one year, I came in from working in the cold. I placed my frozen hands a little too close to the fire and the ring got ridiculously hot. It ended up burning me. So now I have this scar." The man smiled and lifted the backs of Cello's hands to his lips hidden underneath his mask and kissed his hands. Cello felt electricity enter his entire body from the man's lips to his hands. He almost fainted.

"I never dreamed of meeting someone like you," the man said. "You're absolutely endearing and lovely. You just exude a warmth I have never felt from anyone. When I touch your hands, it feels like lightening surges in my veins." Cello just listened to the man speak. He felt the exact same things this man was feeling. He couldn't put it exactly into words, but the man was doing it for them both. It was weird. He barely knew this man but felt inexplicably drawn to him. As if it were fate.

Gabriel didn't know why he was saying what he was saying to this complete stranger, but his heart was speaking words that his brain couldn't stop. He tried looking for the man in the ballroom but gave up after he searched everywhere for him. Feeling defeated he wanted to find a bit of peace in the one place he could, his favorite balcony of the castle. It was hidden in a small alcove that many people passed over, that's why he loved it. It also presented the best view in all of the kingdom. He was astonished when he found the man he had been looking for right there. On his hidden balcony. As if it were fate.

"Somehow, I feel the exact same way," Cello began to tell the man, looking up into his eyes. "It's almost like we've met before. Maybe in a past life. My own life hasn't been the best but being here with you, right now, none of that matters. It's as if I could spend an eternity in this very spot. As long as I am here with you. You make me feel things I've never felt before. I feel confident, protected, worthy, and... maybe even... love."

Gabriel released the man's hands and reached up to take off his mask. He heard a slight gasp from his companion when he showed his face.

"I know, I know," he explained and laughed. "It's a masquerade ball and you're supposed to keep the masks on, but I wanted you to see me. The real me." The man placed his mask on the balcony railing.

Cello felt bad because he hadn't even thought of removing his mask. This man was the same one who he got terribly frightened of in the forest. When he found out he was nobility. He was Gabriel. He knew the voice sounded familiar. He hadn't gotten that man's face out of his head since he met him. Simply touching his hand that day was so exhilarating that it brought life and light back into Cello. He felt that he could push on just a little bit more. He felt that his life would get better. He had hope.

What would Gabriel think if Cello removed his mask and saw his face? When they met Cello was wearing filthy farming clothes, up to his neck in dirt, and was playing in the forest with his dog, now human. Would he change his mind once he saw who he really was? He did call him beautiful back then, but Cello wasn't so sure. He hated not knowing which outcome would play out in this situation.

"Would you like to dance?" Gabriel asked Cello, extending out a hand so he could take it. Even though they were far away from the ballroom, the music drifted up through the halls where they could hear it play softly. Cello placed a hand in Gabriel's and walked closer to where he stood. Cello's left hand sat comfortably in Gabriel's right hand. Gabriel's left hand slid down to Cello's waist as he drew their bodies even closer together. Cello's right hand found its way up to Gabriel's left shoulder.

Gabriel led them through an easy waltz, following along with the marvelous music that filled the air. Cello had never danced with anyone before but somehow knew the steps to a waltz. That was probably the magic's doing. Cello looked up into Gabriel's eyes that radiated with passion and, dare he say it, love.

Cello wanted to exude as much of that same energy in this dance as Gabriel did. Cello didn't want him to think that he didn't want this. He did. He wanted it more than anything. As Cello felt himself lifting higher and higher to the sounds of the music, he wanted nothing more than to be by this man's side forever. Gabriel stopped their dance and looked directly into Cello's soul with his eyes.

"May I kiss you?" he asked, seeking Cello's consent. Cello only nodded his head as Gabriel began to lean forward towards Cello's lips. Cello rose a bit on the tips of his toes to meet him halfway. Their lips connected in the most exquisite of ways that Cello had nothing to describe it with. His heart almost burst by the amount of joy and love he felt in that very moment. He could stay in Gabriel's embrace forever.

The clock tower reached midnight and the first chime rung.

Cello broke away from their kiss with a gasp before he began sprinting towards the balcony doors.

"Wait, where are you going?" Gabriel asked, confused. He gripped Cello's left hand. Why was his new love leaving?

"I'm so sorry," Cello cried, "I have to go!" His hand slipped from Gabriel's grasp as he rushed out the balcony doors towards the exit.

The second chime rung.

There were so many stairs. Why did Cello go up so many stairs? Who put all of these stairs in a castle?!

The third chime rung.

Cello could hear Gabriel calling for him to come back, but he couldn't look back. He had to keep running. He had to leave now.

The fourth chime rung.

He bolted past the ballroom as everyone looked on to see a majestic, sparkling light head towards the front of the castle.

The fifth chime rung.

The King's Guard received orders to keep the man in white and gold from leaving the castle.

The sixth chime rung.

Somehow, as Cello ran through the King's Guard, they became enchanted by the light he emitted, stopping in their tracks and allowing him to pass.

The seventh chime rung.

Lucky was bouncing up and down on the coachman's seat waving his hands at Cello. They needed to go right now.

The eighth chime rung.

Lucky managed to maneuver the horses strategically and dodge through the King's Guard who were now on horseback attempting to stop their carriage from leaving the castle grounds. Cello continued to radiate an immense golden light.

The ninth chime rung.

The King's Guard continued to chase them on horseback as Cello noticed the carriage begin to change while he was still inside of it. The horses moved faster through the streets of the village.

The tenth chime rung.

They were almost home and needed to cross the final bridge before making it to the forest.

The eleventh chime rung.

The carriage was getting awfully smaller as it began to bob and weave heavily on the dirt road, creaking loudly as if it would collapse within itself.

The twelfth chime rung.

Cello was shot out of the carriage, landing softly on the ground, as it morphed back into an ordinary pumpkin. Lucky landed on top of him and licked his face. He was a dog again. His four chickens clucked and began scratching at the dirt. The King's Guard quickly approached him on their horses.

"You there!" one of them shouted. The light surrounding Cello finally burst free and enveloped everything around him, including the King's Guards. The men on horses paused for a moment before looking at each other.

"What were we doing?" one of them asked. The other men couldn't think of why they were on horseback in the woods. They looked at Cello who held a chicken under each arm with two sitting at his feet. A dog was sniffing around one of their horse's hooves.

"Um... my lord," one of the guardsmen began, clearing his throat. "I am Captain Yu Ling of the King's Guard. May we ask why you are out in the woods... in your undergarments?" They all looked at Cello with the most confused looks on their faces.

"My chickens got out again," he answered calmly. They all looked at each other once more believing that his story made a lot of sense. It was midnight and the young man was probably sleeping before running after his chickens.

"Do you live nearby?" The captain asked. "We can give you a ride home before reporting back to the castle." Cello smiled warmly at the men.

"I would be forever grateful." He said as one of the guardsmen climbed off his horse to gather the other two chickens. Lucky managed to jump right onto Captain Yu Ling's lap as Cello got situated behind him. The captain scratched Lucky behind his ears as he cuddled more into his lap. They all rode in silence to Cello's home as he closed his eyes and beamed. This was the most magical night of his life.

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