Violoncello (A Gay Cinderella...

By KhaiB92

51.6K 1.6K 376

A farmer. A prince. A masquerade ball. A ring. And a whole lot of magic. A rendition of the classic fairy t... More

The Kingdom
20 Years Later
A Chanced Encounter
The Announcement
The Night of
The Magic
The Masquerade
The Next Day
The Search
The Aftermath
Love Lives Here

The Farmers

4.2K 122 21
By KhaiB92

On the outskirts of Arcadia were a couple of farmers who lived comfortably and enjoyed the pleasures of youth. They were newly married and inherited their own land and home by the wife's grandfather. They made do with what they had. It was tough at first, but soon their farm was one of the most productive in the entire country. Most of their fruits and vegetables were sold off to neighboring towns and they made a small fortune from their hard work.

As they began to get older, they realized that they wanted to share this bounty with their own progeny. Shortly after the wife gave birth to their first child, the husband began to get very sick. At first, he would feel a bit faint and feverish. Then he'd get so weak that he couldn't get out of bed. The wife worried after her husband while simultaneously caring for their newborn son. She beseeched multiple doctors across the continent for help, but they all gave her the same news. Her husband would die soon. Absolutely devastated, she spent most of her time with him in their room while letting him get close to his son as much as he could.

One day, the husband looked much healthier than normal. He was able to get out of bed, walk around, and come downstairs for breakfast. Feeling absolutely elated, she rushed into town to buy the best meat she could find and an expensive bottle of wine. This was worth celebrating. Her husband was getting better!

When she got home and called for him, she did not receive an answer. She hurried up the flight of stairs to their master bedroom. Her baby was sleeping soundly in his father's arms while her husband was motionless in their bed.


Years later, the now widow was approached by a very charming man. He seemed almost enthusiastic to get to know her and officially court her. He seemed to be an absolute dream. Not only would he be the perfect father figure for her son, but he had two boys of his own that would make great companions for him too. The man devoted as much time, effort, and patience as he needed to win the widow's heart. He promised them a grandiose life filled with laughter and fun. He'd be more than happy to continue her late husband's work in their fields. His sons were coming up in age and they'd make great additions to keeping the house and land together.

It all seemed too good to be true that the widow couldn't pass up such a wonderful opportunity for both herself and her son. She decided now would be the best time to move on with her life before it was too late.

She found her son at her late husband's tombstone. He was laid to rest on the highest hill that they owned, beneath a beautiful oak tree. The hill jutted out of the ground enough that they could see the entire village of Arcadia and the magnificent castle from that very spot. She and her son's father spent so much time under that beautiful tree. It was the best spot on all of their land.

"I have a surprise for you," she told the boy. He turned to her and began to see a twinkle in his mother's eyes. Even at the young age of ten he knew what his mother went through. He could read her like a book. She never had to hide anything from him. He knew that she was lonely. She had always told him that she'd never love a man the way that she loved his father, but he also understood that people needed companionship. He himself grew a little lonely at times, but the animals that occupied their farmlands and the neighboring woods kept him plenty of company.

He knew what she was going to tell him, even before she spoke. He was bright like that. "You're going to be a little brother!" She beamed at him. She smiled like she had never smiled before. As much as he would miss it being the two of them, he braced for what was to come of his new life. As a little brother.

She hugged him as he felt his shoulder stain with her tears. "I can finally be happier again." She let him go as she turned to face the bottom of the hill. Her son looked as a very intimidating man made his way up to them both. He was followed by two young boys who were a bit older than he was. One was thin as a post while the other was very portly. The boy gave them all smiles as he watched them draw closer.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Violoncello." The man stretched out his hand to shake the boy's hand. "I've heard so much about you."

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