Phobia (h.h.j x l.m.h)

By zonedout01

8.3K 419 140

Prince Minho has a perfect life, I mean he's a prince! At least that's what the camera sees.. More



394 22 9
By zonedout01

"Remember when we get back him we're leaving okay?" Minho whined and leaned his head on Chan's shoulder, sitting on a bench in a nearby park. "I don't wanna leave anymore!" The older frowned. "Why?"

Minho's eyes looked up at Chan's face. "Can I tell you a secret?" Chan nodded and kept his mouth shut, waiting for the younger to speak. "I think I like someone." Chan felt his body stiffen, his heart dropped to his stomach. "Channie? What's wrong?" Minho lifted his head to look at a teary eyed Chan.

"N-nothing Minho.. just stay if you want I don't care." Chan stood up and wiped his eyes, Minho frowned and stood up as well. "Hyung what are you talking about-"

"I LIKE YOU OKAY!? God I'm fucking in love with you and I have been for years!! I don't even want you to go on this trip anymore if you're just gonna complain about how you like hyunjin! Why on earth would you like that bastard!! He's a fucking dick and doesn't even deserve you!" Chan yelled at the top of his lungs as tears ran down his face, Minho had a frightened look on his face as he started crying as well.

"C-Channie.. don't do this to me Channie I-I need you." Minho begged as he went to hold Chan's hands, the older pushed him away and wiped his eyes once more. "I need time away from you Minho, I'm sorry but I can't see you right now." He said before walking towards his car, speeding away.

Minho was left shocked, his best friend for 10 years.. just left him. His chest tightened as he realized he was alone, violent sobs escaped Minho's mouth as he sat back down on the bench. He let out small screams as he hit his legs and pulled at his hair. 'Why? Why would he do this to me?'

Minho soon got tired, passing out on the bench with tear stained cheeks.

Minho woke up in an unfamiliar bed, sitting up abruptly with a stuttered breath. "W-where am I?"

"Oh- mr. Prince is awake." Minho looked up to see hyunjin by the door, a cigarette in his hand as he leaned against the frame. "W-what am I doing h-here? Where's C-Channie?"

Hyunjin frowned. "My mom found you dead on a bench, and why would I know where your Channie is." Minho covered his face with his hands as he sobbed loudly, making hyunjin jump as he didn't expect that. "I-I want channie!! I miss h-him a-and he doesn't want to see m-me!"

Hyunjin groaned and put his cigarette in a little thing that blows it out(idk what it's called), walking inside the room. "God you cry a lot, why doesn't Chan want to see you?" Minho wiped his eyes and looked up at hyunjin, the older finding Minho's teared  face kind of cute.

"H-he said that he likes me and is in love with me b-but I don't feel the same way.. w-we we're supposed to go to F-Florida together b-but now he left me!" Hyunjin sighed and smiled a bit. "Dude I told you that people get the wrong idea if you kiss your best friend, also it was so fucking obvious that he liked you I don't know how you didn't know."

Minho pulled at his hair as he brought his knees to his chest, low key scaring hyunjin as he's never experienced someone like Minho. "I-I can't do this.. I-I can't live without him h-hyung." Hyunjin pulled the younger up and slammed him against a wall, holding onto the collar of his shirt. "You need to seriously calm down dude, it's getting fucking annoying."

Minho cried louder, turning his face to the side so he wouldn't look hyunjin in the eye. "S-stop! D-dada n-no.. please d-don't hit m-me!" Hyunjin's eyes widened, he let go of the younger's shirt and watched as he fell to the ground. Minho sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I-I didn't mean to say that.. sorry."

Hyunjin sighed and sat next to Minho. "It's fine.. do you want to talk about it?" Minho shook his head, dropping it on Hyunjin's shoulder. "No, I'm going back to bed." Hyunjin scoffed. "I have a bed right there-" "stop talking hyungie." Minho grabbed Hyunjin's hand, intertwining it.

Hyunjin tried to pull away, confused what was going on. "I miss channie, I miss being Channie's baby.. I miss being kissed and cuddled, 10 years of friendship, just for him to drop me like I'm nothing.. do you think that's fair to me?" Hyunjin looked down at Minho. "Well that's not fair to anyone." Minho nodded and yawned. "Exactly."

"So did you ever have feelings for chan-" he stopped talking as he heard the younger's soft snores, he let out a small laugh and looked down at their hands. The older smiled softly and caressed the back of Minho's hand, his hands were tiny compared to Hyunjin's, they were even smaller than Felice's-

'Oh shit. My girlfriend.' Hyunjin untangled their hands, still letting Minho rest his head on his shoulder and hearing his mom enter the house.

"Oh there you are, how is he?" Hyunjin looked up at his mom. "He like went a little ballistic and tired himself out, you have a lot to put up with mama I'm sorry for you." Mrs. Hwang rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone from her bag. "Cut him some slack Jinnie, he was literally found on a bench passed out who knows what he's been through.. lay him on your bed and come help make dinner."

Hyunjin nodded and watched his mom leave the room, he turned to Minho and sighed. He braced himself as one arm went under his legs, the other holding onto his waist. Hyunjin's eyes widened as he picked the younger up with ease. "Geez you're lighter than I thought." He mumbled before laying him down gently on his bed, draping his blanket on Minho and walking out of the room.

Minho woke up in the same bed as before, not as scared as he first was. He stood up and walked out of the room as he heard chatter. "Oh Minho! You're awake." Minho looked up and smiled slightly at Mrs. Hwang. "Hi.. um I can go back to Hyunjin hyung's room, I just wanted to see what was going on."

Mr. Hwang gasped and shook his head. "I did not make all this food just for us, join us son." Minho smiled awkwardly and sat down next to hyunjin, the girl next to hyunjin cleared her throat. "I'm Jeanette, but you can call me Jennie. I'm sure you already know our Jinnie pretty well!" She ruffled the younger's hair, who tried to pull her hand away. "Noona stop it."

"Minho why aren't you getting more food." Mrs. Hwang asked as she looked at the almost empty plate. "Come on son! Growing boys need much more food than that." Mr. Hwang edged on, Minho swallowed hard and looked down. "I-I'm sorry.. I won't eat this much I-I can't get any more."

The family shared a weird look, Mrs. Hwang speaking up first. "Why darling? Please don't feel bad, you can eat as much as you want." Minho scrunched up his pants, digging his nails into his skin. "I-I'm trying to get over an eating disorder.. I-I'm sorry." Hyunjin looked down and tapped the younger's arm. "Stop doing that." He muttered, Minho immediately letting go of his pants.

"Honey why haven't you told me about this? Your parents never informed me." Minho let out a small laugh, wiping a stray tear that left his eye. "Because they were the ones starving me, and making me throw the food up.. I-I'm really sorry mr. and mrs. Hwang I'll try my best to eat as much as I can." Mrs. Hwang stood up and walked towards the younger, holding his hand tightly. "I'm so sorry honey, I don't want to make you uncomfortable so please do what you need."

"Is there any food that you'll guarantee to eat?" Minho looked up at mr. Hwang with a smile. "My- um friend would get me these gummies ever since we met and I've eaten them forever oh! And pudding, I love pudding!!" He smiled widely, causing his eyes to squint in happiness. "Mama don't we have some pudding in the fridge?" Minhos eyes followed Mrs. Hwang's as she walked towards the fridge to look for pudding, sighing as she didn't find any.

"I think your father ate the last one, Minho I'll be sure to get some pudding and gummies for you tomorrow." Minho nodded his head excitedly. "Thank you so much Mrs. Hwang!!"

"I'm going out." Minho sat up as he saw Hyunjin by the door an hour later. "Where? Why?" The older scoffed. "I'm just going out man, calm down." He said before leaving, Minho looked down and fiddled with Hyunjin's covers. He laid down and sniffed Hyunjin's pillow, his scent was comforting to Minho. Even though he barely knows him, and he doesn't seem to like him very much, he finds comfort in him.

10 minutes later minho darts up as the garage closed, hearing hyunjin in the kitchen. He stood up and walked over there, gasping as he saw what was in Hyunjin's hands. "Oh I was about to bring this to you, I didn't want you to go to bed hungry." Minho's eyes were focused on the pudding cup in the older's hand, he took it and quickly wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's torso.

"Thank you hyungie, thank you so much." Hyunjin smiled awkwardly and slightly ruffled the younger's hair. "It's no big deal dude, me and Jennie are gonna watch regular show if you wanna watch it with us." Minho pulled away and smiled widely. "Okay hyung!" He plopped himself on the couch, eating a little bite of his pudding.

Hyunjin sat down next to Minho, turning the tv on. "So how long have you had an eating disorder?" He whispered so Jennie couldn't hear their conversation. "Forever, it wasn't until chan hyung met me and told me that normal people don't throw up after every meal and stop eating at 12 pm."

Hyunjin hummed and draped an arm over the younger's shoulders, not finding it weird since he does that to his friends all the time. "Did Chan try to help you?" Minho nodded and rested his head on the older's shoulder. "Yeah, my parents liked him so they would let him stay over all the time and he would try to get me to eat but I would refuse since they have cameras in my room. I guess they knew that I couldn't like without him.."

Hyunjin turned to look at Minho. "Well you're living right now and you're without him." Minho smiled and scooted closer, turning his body to completely rest on hyunjin. "That's true." Hyunjin looked down and noticed Minho's loose grip on the pudding cup, only one bite missing from it. "You still eating this?"

Minho shook his head and held the cup up to the older. "You can save it hyungie." Hyunjin nodded softly and placed it on the table next to him. "Do you want anything else to eat or drink?" Minho let out a small giggle and covered Hyunjin's mouth with his tiny hand. "Stop talking Jinnie!" The older smiled and removed his hand, trying to watch the tv but catching his sister's face first.

"What??" Jennie squinted her eyes with a smile. "Nothing.." he rolled his eyes and turned to minho, who fell asleep once again. "I'm gonna bring him to my room, I'll be back." He said as he swiftly picked minho up and walking to his room.

Jennie watched the situation with a sly smile. "I've got my eye on you Jinnie."

You guys omg it's my birthday

Anyways this was rushed cuz I'm in a hurry

Chan will be on a small hiatus

In this book not in real life don't die, it's only cuz I want to get caught up with the other characters and build stuff with hyunjin and Minho :)

K bye guys <3

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