Aot girls X FEMALE reader


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you and aot girls, nothing more to say๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคซ Y/N IS A FEMALE READER!!๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ Altro

Mikasa Is Babyโค
Sasha is babyโค
Sasha is daddyโค
pieck is babyโค
Sasha is daddyโค
mikasa is babyโค
sasha is babyโค
-not an update sorry-
Nobara kugisaki ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Sasha is babyโค
Mikasa is babyโค
Mikasa is daddyโค,Sasha is daddyโค
hanji/hange is babyโค
sasha is babyโค
about the votes

Mikasa is baby

1K 19 48

Eren's Pov

I hate going home, I hate going home so I go home late purposely, I stay at my co workers house, well she's more like a mistress and she makes me feel so good and fulfills all the lust have built up inside

My wife Mikasa hasn't been able to do anything with or even spend time with me ever since she got a promotion she's been working non stop, I hate it so much, she's always tired and never wants to do anything sexual with me anymore, and it pisses me off

And yesterday we got into a Heated argument because when I came home she was on the phone instead of fucking cooking, and it pissed me off, instead of talking 24/7 the house needs to be clean. And then the kids hate me cause they think I so called treat their mother with "disrespect" the bitch does nothing but disrespect me, but it'll all be okay soon when I kick this bitch to the curb and I can be with my mistress

I get out of my car and slowly walk to the front door and open it and as soon as I did I heard Mikasa laughing and giggling with someone else, I thought she was on the phone until I heard the voice

To make sure I wasn't bugging out I peeked into the kitchen and I was fucking correct it was my step sister
"y/n", I've always hated her she always wants to be so fucking supportive for absolutely no fucking reason as if I can't handle my own fucking family

She swears she's much better than me cuz her dad onyankopon runs a billion dollar company and because she decided to start her own company then just inheriting his money she's so much more "smarter and mature" and she's a military Sargent

Onyankopon met our mother when she was 17 and he was 18 but he had already been a millonare beacuse his business blew up when he was 16 but he was to young to run it so his dad help his place until he was old enough.

The kids like her more and so does the rest of Mikasas family and I can't fucking stand it, a bitch as pathetic as Mikasa shouldn't have the right to be happy and I wanna keep it that way

Before I stepped all the way in to view I wanted to listen to their conversation

"So how's the kids, how's the Junior highschool been for them" she asked

"Its been good for the both of them actually, ever since you helped them study, they've been acing all their classes and both of them became honor roll students" she said

So fucking what I could've done the same exact thing, she's pissing me the fuck off right now like they go to school for a fucking reason they can teach them damn selves fucking idiots, I wish she would've had that God damn abortion

"Damn I'm proud of those two, but anyways what about you how you been, I know times have been hard for you mentally" she said sounding all concerned and shit

"Well, it hasn't been great eren has been giving me a tough time, sometimes I wonder if he still loves me, it's hard to love someone who doesn't reciprocate the feelings back you know" she said trying to sound like a FUCKING VICTOM


I couldn't stand to hear this bullshit anymore, it made my hatred for her and this stupid ass family go even higher, i will beat the shit out of her and she's to fucking stupid to say a damn thing about it


"Yo first off why the fuck are you just standing there listening to our conversation you weirdo and 2 why the fuck are you yelling, notice how everyone else is calm, you the only one that gotta make a scene out of stupid shit and 3 what's wrong with you man, this is how you talk to your lady, eren don't piss me off bro" y/n said interrupting me

"Y/n I don't know who you thought was talking to you but I sure as hell wasn't and neither was anybody else" I said

"Eren, your a loser with no fucking where to go, your living under a roof thats not yours, laying in a bed thats not yours, eating food that you ain't buy, Mikasa and Me payed for all this shit, yeah u didn't know you tried to give her your card to pay for the food today and the shit said " unsufficient funds", broke ass bitch, don't ever try and talk to me when you can't even pay for a place where YOU are supposed to living" Y/n said making me just blantly stare at Mikasa

"Is this true Mikasa" I asked

She looked at y/n and nodded "yes"

"So you knew all this time an-" once again I was cut off by Y/n

"Yes she did and what the fuck was you gonna do about it huh,... exactly absolutely fucking nothing, cause you don't have shit" she said

"I'm gonna leave and if I get a call or text from Mikasa saying that you raised your voice or you tried to threaten her with one of your empty pathetic threats again I will come back here and beat some sense Into you" she said, she hugged Mikasa and left without a word to me

Mikasa didnt say anything to me and just went upstairs, I stood there angry out of my fucking mind

Mikasas pov

It took me everything in my power to not smile when y/n stood up for me, he's never made a scene in front of people we actually know so for y/n to be the first I feel like she really has my back

Dealing with eren has really taken a toll on my mental health he mistreats with every chance he gets, and I'm not naive has he thinks I am I know he's cheating on me and I know it's most likely with someone at his job

For that reason I've been getting it all done and ready I'm gonna Have Sasha and Y/n come over to give him divorce papers.

I get my stuff ready for the shower get in and fall into a deep thinking state about y/n

She takes such good care of herself, financially she runs her own company, mentally she's always positive and even speaks to therapists to keep it that way physically she's in great shape, and I love how she is with the kids, she helps them study for hours and hours

She treats us like we are her family, and kids call her mom and have told me on many occasions they want her to be their new parent and I cry almost every time I hear it because they don't even love their own dad because how he acts

She takes them off my hands whenever I need sometimes I don't even have to ask and they always come back with bags and bags and bags of new clothes
And sneakers and and she always gives me some expensive ass gift and etc, she spends more on us then herself and everytime I ask why she says, "because I love you guys and I have nothing I wanna get myself
anymore so might as spend it on you and the kids",

I love her so much I've wanted her since high-school, college even now, I had a crush on y/n but at the same time I liked eren and I knew him longer, I met y/n in high-school and met eren in elementary
Yes their sibling but y/n went to a more privileged and high class elementary she was going to the same for all her school but she wanted to look out for her baby brother that was a jerk to everyone when she wasn't around

So I thought dating him was the right choice but It wasn't, early on he started beating me down mentally, and just constantly embarrassing me and making me look like an idiot and I was even the more stupid one for not doing anything about it

And when I tried to leave him he always turned the tables and made it seem like I was bad guy and he would hurt himself and couldn't live without me and he would hurt himself, and yes I know he was being Munipulative but somehow I felt it was true and never left

I washed up and finally got out of the shower, I put my clothes on and laid in bed and just began to think about why Y/n is the best person ever and why my family still loves her

My family doesn't like eren they like Y/n more anyways because they can see how drained I've been emotionally since being with him and he doesn't even speak to them when they come around
And when I'm around Y/n they see that the smiles are genuine and actually mean something, and how good she is at communicating with me and my family, she makes them laugh and they always have a good time around her

She's the one who set up my bag for the hospital when I was Gonna give birth in a few days, she's the one who was their when my water broke shes the one who drove me to the hospital and carried me in, she called all our family and friends and everyone showed up...but eren, Y/n even helped the doctors deliver the kids

The realization hit me... that Y/n is the love of my life, she's helped since she's known me if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have Even graduated college she stayed up with for 3 days straight helping me study for our final exam that I waited last minute to study for, She's always had my back and not once did she ever change on me, I love her and I know I do

I went to sleep with Y/n on my mind all night long, I know it was wrong but it felt right, I actually slept peacefully thinking of her

The next morning

I woke up feeling anxious I know today Sasha and Y/n are coming over to give Eren the papers but they have to leave right after, so I hurry up and get ready for the day ahead of me, I went downstairs and cooked breakfast for me and eren and the whole time eren was doing nothing but giving me a filthy disgusted look and he even mumble

"And the stupid bitch still cooks breakfast" I just took a deep breath and let it go and walked away, it's all gonna be fine in the end it'll all be okay

Several hours have gone by and Sasha showed up and handed him the papers without even a word, she gave it to him, proceeded to give him an ear to ear smile, displaying all of her pearly whites, turned her back and kindly walked away
Eren stood there for about 5 minutes even after Sasha and Y/n pulled off, I know y/n wouldn't let Sasha come by herself so she was most definitely in the car

But even after they left he just stood there and then he closed the door and slowly turned around and looked at me
And just started after another round of uncomfortable staring he finally spoke

"So this is what your doing, your gonna divorce me, bitch you would be nothing without me, ik what this is about you wanna be with my sister, your such a whore u wanna be with y/n why, for what reason, I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS"
Eren yelled In my face and before I could even comprehend what was happening I was on the floor with a harsh sting on the side of my face and my eyes tearing up


I wasn't scared of eren but the whole situation had me completely shocked nd caught off guard by everything I could only stare in awe at him as he continued to shout I stopped hearing his voice and everything went completely silent, I felt like I couldn't breathe and the room felt really hot

I felt like I was about to pass out when the front door opened and the sound of Y/n could be heard

"Mikasa I gotta sho-" her sentence was cut off when looked up from her phone saw me on the floor holding my face tears rolling down my face and eren standing over me with his face as red as an tomato

She started laughing to herself and put her phone in her pocket and when eren saw that his demeanor changed, he cleared his throat and straighten himself up, Y/n stopped laughing and pulled her gun out and dropped it on our table by the front door and took off her sweater and watch but left the 3 thick rings on each hand

And without a word she tackled eren to the ground and started using her forearm to repeatedly hit eren in his face until he began to bleed violently

When I guess she felt like he had enough of the forearm hits she switched to her fists continuously just punching his face in she hit him a total of 20 times before she stopped and grabbed him by his shirt

She shoved him back to the ground and got up off the floor herself

Watching the blood drip off her knuckles and the veins in her arm become more visible and her arched eyebrows, she looks so good when she's like this, I was snapped out of my thoughts when she spoke to me

"Mikasa help me pack his shit, this dick head is gonna need another place to stay" she said making eye contact with me, I finally got the strength to fix myself I stood up and went into the bedroom and started grabbing bags and erens clothes

I heard more shuffling, then Y/n walked in, she did say anything she just began helping you pack whatever he had, she just grabbed a bunch of his shit threw Ina suitcase and walked back out to him, when I left out behind her he was sitting up on the couch with 2 pieces of tissue in his nose to stop the bleeding although it just looked broken, and it probably was

She grabbed his car keys and threw eren over her shoulder and I took the suitcase and followed them, when we got into the garage she opened his car door and threw him in the drivers seat and then slapped him to wake him back up, he could barley open his eyes and his words were slurred and incoherent and just flat out inaudible

"Drive and don't come back until told, if you come back and she tells me you came back it's gonna be worse than this" she said and waited for him to pull off and drive to wherever he went

She walked me back into the house and sat me down on the couch and went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack put it on my face, she held it there for me while making some phone calls to friends and family telling them what just happened in the previous minutes

She waited about 10 minutes before takin the pack off my face and when she did she took a warm rag and gently rubbed the side of my face with it to get rid of the numbness from the ice pack, throughout this entire process we didn't say a word to each, I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say, she was just taking caring of me and I didn't want it to stop, she was focused and firm yet so soft and gentle at the same time, I was in love with her and I knew I was

She placed the rag down and said "I'm gonna spend the night here with you, I'll sleep in the guest bedroom, I want you to go to your room and keep your room door locked for the rest of the night" she said in a strong and firm tone

From everything that was happening I haven't even realized that the sun is was going down, I shook my head "yes" went to my room and got myself ready for my shower that was very much needed at this point in the day, I got into the shower and once again my mind automatically started to think about Y/n, the way she didn't even hesitate, she didn't talk she just did what she had to do in order to protect me and be there for me, she's all I've ever wanted, she beat up her own brother and sent him off to god knows where for me, she made me feel safe like nothing could hurt me while she was around

I snapped myself out of it and showered, when I was finished I was about to lay in bed when a knock came to my room door

"Mikasa it's me open the door I got something for you" Y/n said, When I opened the door she gave me a whole bunch of snacks and food and said "I ordered us some food, can I come in and eat it with you" I let her come in and we sat on the bed and just talked for the entire night, the entire time she was asking me "how was I", "how's your mental" and every last one of her responses were thoughtful and helpful, after we finished eating she told me "goodnight" and kissed me on my cheek

Once she left I allowed myself to giggle low so she didn't hear me and just allowed my excitement to just release but after some time for some reason no matter what I did I couldn't sleep, everytime I closed my eyes I'd just kept seeing eren hitting me over and over again and I started feeling that overwhelming feeling again and before it got to bad I rushed out of my room and ran into Y/n she was asleep and I did not hesitate to get into her bed and hold her because I was a little shocked up though I had a slight shake and she didn't let the go unnoticed

She kept pretending she was asleep and fully wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close and mumbled "couldn't sleep" I said "no" she just smiled and pulled me In even tighter
And before I knew it I was waking up the next morning to the sound of banging on the front door, I was about to get up when Y/n grabbed and layed me back down and said "one you don't ever answer that door especially not after what just happened so unless you expecting them to and 2  just ask me to get it you know I gotchu *
She said and got up, she walked in front of the door and put her hand on her gun and was about to slowly opened the door when 2 bullets came flying through the front door with a Loud "bang" noise

It was eren I know it was, I quickly called 911 and rushed to Y/n side, she had a bullet in her stomach, she was turning white and sweating a lot
I quickly explained to the operator what happened and In less than 5 minutes later they was caring Y/n on a stretcher and I was riding in the back of the ambulance with her

I hope she doesn't die because of me....
Not Y/n I need her

Ya want a pt2😛, lmk.....

(Read my newest update and it explains why I've been gone, I'm back and I love you guysss❤️)

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